Методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме "The Internal Combustion Engine" для специальности 23.02.04 (СПО)

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  • 17.11.2024
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The Internal Combustion Engine

    The type of engine used to power the tractor is an internal combustion engine.

 The engine is the heart of the tractor; it is here that the fuel, the chemical potential energy, is converted into the mechanical energy, which causes the wheels to turn. The conversion of potential energy into mechanical energy takes place in the cylinder.

     How can liquid fuel be changed into rotational mechanical energy?

This is achieved by accurately mixing the fuel with air and then burning it in controlled conditions. When this mixture burns, it expands and pressure builds up, forcing the piston to move down the cylinder. It is a linear motion. This linear motion is converted into rotary motion by a connecting rod and crank arrangement joined to the piston. To be able to use this energy effectively, the burning and combustion process and the force of expansion have to be controlled.


 To do this, the engine must have:

1.a tube or cylinder closed at one end, in which the mixture of fuel and air can be        compressed and burnt.

2.a piston, which slides freely and yet fits closely in the cylinder, so that the expanding gases force it down the cylinder, and do not escape past it.

3.two passages or ports in the cylinder. One for the mixture of fuel and air to enter the cylinder, the inlet port, and the other to allow the used gases to escape, the exhaust port.

4.two valves, the inlet valve to control the movement of mixture to the cylinder, and the exhaust valve to control the escape of the used gases.

      The cylinder block is generally made of cast iron, because it is cheap and easy     to manufacture. Below the cylinder block there is the crankcase. To the bottom of the crankcase is bolted the sump, which forms a reservoir for the engine oil. The cylinders are sealed at the top and by fitting the cylinder head to the cylinder block. In order to make a gas- and water-tight seal, between the two, a gasket (copper-asbestos) is used.

      Most cylinder heads for tractor engines are made of cast iron. In the cylinder head, directly above each cylinder, there is a depression where the actual combustion of the fuel-air mixture takes place. This is a combustion chamber.

     The piston, usually made of alluminium for its lightness and good wearing properties is attached to the connecting rod by a pin. To obtain a perfect seal between the piston and the cylinder wall, and so prevent gases “blowing by” to the crankcase and oil leaking up into the cylinder head, cast iron spring rings are fitted to the piston. These are piston rings.



internal combustion engine – двигатель внутреннего сгорания

fuel – топливо

cylinder – цилиндр

to expand – расширять(ся); увеличивать(ся) в объеме; растягивать(ся)

piston – поршень

linear motion – линейный ход (движение)

connecting rod – шатун

crank – кривошип; колено; коленчатый вал

tube – труба, трубка

to slide – скользить; вдвигать, всовывать

port – отверстие; проход

inlet – впускной

exhaust  – выпускной

valve – клапан

escape – зд. утечка, выпуск (газа)

cylinder block – блок цилиндров

cast iron – чугун

crankcase – картер двигателя

sump – грязевик, грязеотстойник; маслосборник

to seal – герметически закрывать, изолировать

gasket – прокладка, сальник

cylinder heads – головка блока цилиндров

depression – зд. впадина, углубление

combustion chamber – камера сгорания

pin – палец, штифт, болт

piston rings – поршневые кольца


Answer the following questions:


1. In what part of engine is the potential energy converted into mechanical energy?

2. Name the principal engine parts.

3. How can liquid fuel be changed into rotational mechanical energy?

4. What is the cylinder block made of?

5. What is the gasket made of?

6. Where does the actual combustion of the fuel-air mixture take place?

7. What is the piston made of?

8. What is a combustion chamber?


Complete the following sentences:


1. The heart of the tractor is ….

2. When this mixture burns, ….

3. This linear motion is converted into rotary motion ….

4. To the bottom of the crankcase is bolted ….

5. Most cylinder heads for tractor engines are ….


Find 5 sentences in the text used in the Present Simple Passive.