I. Организационный момент – 1 min.
T: Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you! How are you?
Ss: Good morning, teacher! Nice to see you too! We are fine.
II. Сообщение цели урока – 5 min.
T: Let’s start the lesson with listening to your classmate. Imagine he is a famous person. Guess who he is and answer his questions.
S: Good Morning, dear friends! I was born in March 9, 1934 in the Smolensk region. Once I was invited to have lunch with the Queen Elizabeth II and many other very important people. I was served tea with lemon. After I had my tea, I took the lemon out and ate it. It was quite shocking to everyone. Who am I?
Ss: Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space.
S: I came here in June 1961—just two months after making my space orbit—to lay the inaugural stone of the museum. What city did I visit?
Ss: Kaluga.
T: Yuri Gagarin laid the foundation stone of the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics. What do you think we are discussing and talking about?
Ss: Kaluga is the "cradle of cosmonautics" and "gates into space", 650th anniversary of Kaluga.
T: That’s right.
III. Работа с текстом - Reading. – 6 min.
T: I offer you to read the texts about several sights in Kaluga. Match the headings and the texts.
1. 600th Anniversary of Kaluga Monument
2. State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics
3. Tsiolkovsky Memorial House
4. Tsiolkovsky Park
5. Monument to Gagarin
6. Kaluga State University named after Tsiolkovsky
7. Monument to Tsiolkovsky
A. It was opened in 1936. Although it was damaged during the Nazi occupation, the interior of the building has been restored to how it looked when Tsiolkovsky lived there and displays his actual belongings and information on his life and work.
B. It was developed in the 18th century. It was a favourite place for Tsiolkovsky to walk around and in 1935 upon the death of the great scientist it was unanimously decided to bury him there and to rename it in his honour. A 12.5 metre obelisk was later erected over the grave.
C. The first museum in the world dedicated to the history of space exploration – and the largest one in Russia to this day – opened its doors in Kaluga in 1967. It is an architectural monument and somewhat resembles a spaceship, boasts unique items connected with the development of cosmonautics.
D. One must-see site is the statue commemorating Kaluga’s birthday on the banks of the River Oka at the bottom of Gagarin Street. Featuring Gagarin’s head in flames dangling from a mast overlooking earth below, it also memorializes Tsiolkovsky nearby.
E. The opening of the monument in the Peace Square took place on June 1, 1958. The prophetic words of the scientist were carved on the edge of his pedestal: "Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but in the pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer the entire near-solar space."
F. The monument is one of the modern ones in Kaluga, located near the State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics. Its author is Alexey Leonov, he portrayed a simple guy with arms outstretched to heaven (the height of the figure is 2.5 meters). The monument has "doppelgangers": one of them is installed in the ethnographic park "Ethnomir", the other is in Houston (Texas, USA) near the NASA headquarters.
T: It`s time to check your answers. Look at the board.
Text A - 3
Text B - 4
Text C - 2
Text D - 1
Text E - 7
Text F - 5
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
3 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
7 |
5 |
IV. Релаксация - Relax – 1 min.
T: Now let`s have a rest a little and relax. Watch the video, fly in space and think who you`d like to invite to Kaluga.
V. Работа в парах - Pair work – 15 min.
T: Choose a partner for your pair work. Take a card where you can read the name of the attraction. (динамическая пауза)
One of you is a Kaluga resident, another is a tourist you invited to visit the city. The tourist has to ask 3 or 4 questions about the place of interest, the resident has to answer his/her questions according to the text, his/her own experience or using the Internet. Remember the word order in interrogative sentences. (на доске - таблица «Вопросительные предложения»)
Let`s listen to the dialogues.
VI. Рефлексия: Ребята по кругу высказываются одним предложением, выбирая начало фразы из рефлексивного экрана на доске:
I have known (about)…
… was interesting to me
… was difficult for me
I have understood that …
…surprised me
I would like to ….
I can …
VII. Итоги уроки. Дифференцированное домашнее задание.
1. Write an email message to your English-speaking pen-friend Tom and invite him to visit Kaluga (100-120 words).
2. Create a poster about some new attraction you`d like to see in Kaluga (give details and reasons).
T: Children, you have worked very well. Thank you for the lesson, have a good day!
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