Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 6 классе на тему: «Films»
Оценка 4.6

Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 6 классе на тему: «Films»

Оценка 4.6
Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 6 классе на тему: «Films»

Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 6 классе на тему: «Films»

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цели урока: совершенствование языковой и коммуникативной компетенций учащихся  в рамках заданной темы

Задачи урока:

Ø обучающие:

ü  развитие умений восприятия и понимания речи на слух и чтения;

ü учить учащихся пользоваться английским языком во всех видах речевой деятельности в рамках коммуникативной ситуации урока;

ü расширение кругозора учащихся;

ü способствовать формированию умения извлекать необходимую информацию из текста

Ø развивающие:

ü развитие памяти и внимания;

ü создать условия для развития речи, для совершенствования слуховыхнавыков; развития памяти, внимания, логического мышления;

ü развитие способности к логическому изложению содержания высказывания;

ü способствовать  развитию познавательного интереса к изучаемому предмету;

ü создать условия для активного взаимодействия;

Ø воспитательные:

ü воспитание познавательного интереса к предмету;

ü способствовать  повышению культуры речи и культуры общения на английском языке;

ü способствовать  воспитанию внимательного отношения друг к другу, умения слушать и слышать собеседника.


Оборудование:ноутбук, раздаточный материал, мультимедийная презентация в PowerPoint.

ТСО:ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор, экран, колонка















Ход урока

1.     Организационный момент(2мин)

Good morning! I am happy to see you. How are you today? What date is it today? What’s the weather like today? Do you like it?


(Учащимся предлагается несколько форм геометрических фигур на которых с обратной стороны написаны пожелания детям на предстоящий урок )

- But first of all look at the blackboard here we have some figures, look them through and choose one which is the best for you. 




Thank you a lot!

2.     Сообщение темы и задач урока(4 мин)

Look at the screen. Let’s watch some video and guess what we are going to talk about today. Also I want you to give me information about the video and its authors.

1.What film have you just watched?

2.Who made this film?

3.When was it made?

4.Did the Lumiere brothers invent the first film projector in 1895 or in 1897?

Cinema was invented by two brothers Lumier. They made the first film Arrival of a train in 1896, which lasted only one minute. Since then cinema has become one of the most popular arts in the world.

Today we are going to:

1. To learn new words and types of films

2. To speak and discuss using new words and statements on the theme

3.     To be self-organized and to be ready to work in pairs

3.     Фонетическаязарядка(2мин)

At first let’s practice our pronunciation, let’s train the tongue-twister

A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose.

         Well done! Now your pronunciation is almost perfect!

4. Речеваязарядка(1мин)

What happened to the dog in the poem? Do you have a dog?

5.Лексика. (2мин)

Take your sheets of paper and Repeat these words after me, please

1.     western - вестерн

2.      horror film – фильмужасов

3.      love story – фильмолюбви

4.      historical film – историческийфильм

5.      fantasy film - фантастика

6.      thriller - триллер

7.      documentary film – документальныйфильм

8.      comedy - комедия

9.      action film - боевик

10.  cartoon - мультфильм

11. sciencefiction – научно-фантастический фильм

12. feature film – художественный фильм

13. musical – мюзикл

14. drama – драма

15. melodrama - мелодрама

16. blockbuster – супербоевик, блокбастер.

Let’s read these words once more time without translation.

6. Активизациялексики.(4мин)











Now look at the screen! Take your sheets of paper and match the words on the sheets of paper with their definitions here. So, listentome.

Далее идут слайды с предложениями – определениями. Я читаю, дети отвечают.

1.     What is the genre of this film?













a film with lots of music and dance.

a film in which unnatural and frightening things happen, such as dead people coming to life, people turning into animals, etc.

an action – film about cowboys, horses and gunfights.

a film about space travel or life in an imaginary future.

a film made by funny pictures.

an action film full of violence and crime.


Thanks a lot for your job.

7.     Говорение.(5 мин)

Answer my questions, children!

Опрос. Жанрыфильмов. Предпочтения.

What do you think about films of different genres? Use adjective modifiers to describe your feelings (extremely, boring, pretty, funny, violent, moving, superb)

P1: Westerns are pretty good.

P2: Horror films are extremely horrible.

P3: Melodramas are really boring.

T: What is your favourite genre and why?

P1: My favourite genre is an action film, because it is exciting and full of special effects.

P2: I prefer melodramas as I’m a romantic person and I like romantic stories.

P3: I’m fond of thrillers, because I’m interested in supernatural things.

Thanks for your answers!!!

Задание : Игра “ guess the genre of the film”

(Демонстрируются афиши, учащимся нужно определить жанр фильма)

1.     Titanic

2.     “WarAndPeace”

3.     HarryPotter

4.     Wildwest

8.     Физкультминутка.(2 мин)

Now I think you are tired. Stand up, please!

A relaxation break.

Imagine you are sculptors. Try to make up some figures. Show them on with helping your hands.

in shape/ shaped like– вформе

Show me

1.Something is shaped like a ball.
2. Something is shaped like a star.
3. Something is shaped like a heart.
4. Something is regular in shape.
5. Something is irregular in shape.

6. Something is shaped like a square.

7. Something is shaped like a triangle.

You are good sculptors.
Well done. Thank you.

9.     Чтение.(6 мин)

Read the text and answer the questions:

Everyone loves a good blockbuster film. They are exciting to watch and often use incredible special effects. Many of the greatest box office hits (кассовыехиты) of all time were made in the 1990s. They include Toy Story 2 (1999), Titanic (1997), and Jurassic Park (1993), to name a few. These films had huge budgets and took time to make. However, they also made a lot of money both for the studio and for the actors who starred in them. Russell Crowe was paid $15 million for his role in the 2000 blockbuster, Gladiator. After he won the Best Actor Oskar, he was able to demand as much as $20 million per film.

1.     When were many of the greatest box hits made? 


2.     What box hits do they include?


3.     What film was a blockbuster in 2000?


4.     Who played the main role in this film?


5.     What prize did Russell Crowe win?


10. Письмо. (4 мин)

Complete the following sentences with the correct word.


blockbusterbudget   director  producer



1.     The ________________ finds the money to pay for the film to be made.

2.     The________________ tells the actors and actresses what to do.

3.     A _________________ film is a successful film that costs a lot of money to make.

4.     The _______________ for a film is the amount(количество) of money spent making film.

11. Работа с аудиозаписью(5мин)

Listen to the dialog between two persons. And fill in the gaps.

-Ann what do you want to do tonight?

-I’d like to go see a movie

-I heard Titanic is playing at the movie theater

- Oh, I’ve herd that’s a good movie. What time does it start?

-6:30PM. It’s a long movie. I think it lasts for about 3 hours.

-Will you come and pick me up?

-What time?

-I think we should get there early because they might be sold out.Is 5:00 PM ok?

- Yes, that’ll be fine. I’ll meet you at your house at 5:00 PM.

- Do you want to get something to eat before the movie?

- I’m not sure there will be enough time for that. We can have popcorn and hot dogs at the theater if you want.

-I don’t like the popcorn they have there. I think they put too much salt on it.

-OK, then I’ll pick you up a little earlier and we can go to the Thai restaurant next to the theater, is that OK?

-Yes, I like that place.


12. Викторинапознаниюкино.(4 мин)

Today we’ll do the quiz about famous American actors and producers.


Who created the X-Files?Chris Carter

Which actor played Indiana Jones?Harrison Ford

Where is Hollywood situated?Los Angeles, California

Who created Micky Mouse?Walt Disney

Who directed the film Phycho?Alfred Hitchcock

Who works for the British government and has the number 007?James Bond

How old is Leonardo DiCaprio?37

Which film company has a mountain as its logo?Paramount

What is Spilberg’s first name?Steven

Which actress didn’t win an Oscar for Best Actress in the film Titanic?

Kate Winslet

In what film did Julia Roberts fall in love with Hugh Grant?Nitting Hill

Who directed the Star Wars?George Lucas

Who said(and in which film):I’ll be back?ArnoldShwarzenegger in Terminator

What was the title of the Oscar – winning film about the great white shark?Jaws

Who played the leading roles in the Bodyguard?

Kevin Costner and Whitney Huston

What was Marilyn Monroe’s real name?Norma Jean Baker

Which country is Jean Paul Belmondo?France


13. Рефлексия, выставлениеотметок (3 мин)

And now tell me, please, do you think you’ve worked well in the lesson?

What have you learnt today?

What do you know better now?

I think you’ve worked well today; your marks for today are ….       

Оценка и самооценка


Remember new words

Very well


Not very well









My Classmate





14.    Объяснениедомашнегозадания (1 мин)

Your home task for tomorrow is:

* to revise the active words

* to write about your favourite film




















Приложение 1

Card 1


What is the genre of this film?













a film with lots of music and dance.

a film in which unnatural and frightening things happen, such as dead people coming to life, people turning into animals, etc.

an action – film about cowboys, horses and gunfights.

a film about space travel or life in an imaginary future.

a film made by funny pictures.

an action film full of violence and crime.































Приложение 2

Card 2


What do you think about films of different genres? Use adjective modifiers to describe your feelings (extremely, boring, pretty, funny, violent, moving, superb)

P1: Westerns are pretty good.

P2: Horror films are extremely horrible.

P3: Melodramas are really boring.

T: What is your favourite genre and why?

P1: My favourite genre is action film, because it is exciting and full of special effects.

P2: I prefer melodramas as I’m a romantic person and I like romantic stories.

P3: I’m fond of thrillers, because I’m interested in supernatural things.



















Приложение 3


Card 3

Read the text and answer the questions:

Everyone loves a good blockbuster film. They are exciting to watch and often use incredible special effects. Many of the greatest box office hits (кассовыехиты) of all time were made in the 1990s. They include Toy Story 2 (1999), Titanic (1997), and Jurassic Park (1993), to name a few. These films had huge budgets and took time to make. However, they also made a lot of money both for the studio and for the actors who starred in them. Russell Crowe was paid $15 million for his role in the 2000 blockbuster, Gladiator. After he won the Best Actor Oskar, he was able to demand as much as $20 million per film.

1.      When were many of the greatest box hits made? 


2.     What box hits do they include?


3.     What film was a blockbuster in 2000?


4.     Who played the main role in this film?


5.     What prize did Russell Crowe win?
















Приложение 4



Card 4


Complete the following sentences with the correct word.


blockbusterbudget   director  producer



1.     The ________________ finds the money to pay for the film to be made.

2.     The________________ tells the actors and actresses what to do.

3.     A _________________ film is a successful film that costs a lot of money to make.

4.     The _______________ for a film is the amount(количество) of money spent making film.


























Приложение 5


Card 5


Listen to the dialog between two persons. Fill in the gaps.


-Ann what do you want to do tonight?

-I’d like to go see a _________

-I heard Titanic is playing at the _____________

- Oh, I’ve herd that’s a good movie. What time does it start?

-6:30PM. It’s a long movie. I think it lasts for about 3 hours.

-Will you come and ____________?

-What time?

-I think we should get there early because they might be sold out.Is 5:00 PM ok?

- Yes, that’ll be fine. I’ll meet you at your house at 5:00 PM.

- Do you want to get something to eat before the movie?

- I’m not sure there will be enough time for that. We can have _________ and hot dogs at the theater if you want.

-I don’t like the popcorn they have there. I think they put too much salt on it.

-OK, then I’ll pick you up a little earlier and we can go to the Thai restaurant next to the theater, is that OK?

-Yes, I like that place.



















Приложение 6

Card 6

Оценка и самооценка


Remember new words

Very well


Not very well









My Classmate






















Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 6 классе на тему: «

Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 6 классе на тему: «

Ход урока 1. Организационный момент( 2 мин)

Ход урока 1. Организационный момент( 2 мин)

Let’s read these words once more time without translation

Let’s read these words once more time without translation

WarAndPeace” 2. HarryPotter 3

WarAndPeace” 2. HarryPotter 3

The _______________ for a film is the amount( количество ) of money spent making film

The _______________ for a film is the amount( количество ) of money spent making film

What have you learnt today? What do you know better now?

What have you learnt today? What do you know better now?

Приложение 1 Card 1 What is the genre of this film?

Приложение 1 Card 1 What is the genre of this film?

Приложение 2 Card 2 What do you think about films of different genres?

Приложение 2 Card 2 What do you think about films of different genres?

Приложение 3 Card 3 Read the text and answer the questions:

Приложение 3 Card 3 Read the text and answer the questions:

Приложение 4 Card 4

Приложение 4 Card 4

Приложение 5 Card 5 Listen to the dialog between two persons

Приложение 5 Card 5 Listen to the dialog between two persons

Приложение 6 Card 6 Оценка и самооценка

Приложение 6 Card 6 Оценка и самооценка
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