Методические рекомендации к теме "Времена Года"
Оценка 4.8

Методические рекомендации к теме "Времена Года"

Оценка 4.8
Методические рекомендации к теме "Времена Года"

ГБПОУ «Педагогический колледж № 4 Санкт – Петербурга»












                    Методические рекомендации к теме “Seasons










                                                                Выполнил: Сенкевич Г.В.

                                                                преподаватель английского языка



















Пояснительная записка.


За последние годы учителя иностранных языков получили значительную самостоятельность в выборе средств обучения, творческом осмыслении содержания и путей реализации программных требований. Анализируя проблемы, возникающие сегодня перед преподавателями ИЯ в колледже, мы предлагаем рассмотреть практический опыт обучения устной речи студентов в рамках функционирования коммуникативной модели обучения английскому языку.

Традиционно обучение ИЯ было ориентировано на чтение, понимание и перевод текстов, главное внимание концентрировалось на грамматической структуре языка. Grammar Translational Method рассматривал процесс совершенствования ИЯ как движение от одной грамматической схемы к другой. (Г.Глезер, Э.Пецольд, Г.Оллендорф). Преподаватель сначала думает, какие грамматические схемы он хочет осветить. Затем эти схемы обрастали текстами.

Сейчас необходимо думать о перемещении акцента в обучении ИЯ на развитие навыков речевого общения, ибо цель обучения ИЯ – свободное ориентирование в иноязычной среде, и умение адекватно реагировать в различных ситуациях  общения.

Попытки приблизить процесс обучения к коммуникации были приняты в 60-е годы в нашей стране О.Д.Митрофановой, А.И.Щукиным, Э.Ю. Сосенко и др. И.А.Зимняя, Г.А.Китайгродский, У.Литлвуд, С.Савиньон писали  о необходимости изучения ИЯ в условиях иноязычного общения в классе. Основы коммуникативного метода обучения ИЯ заложены в исследованиях Дж. Дьюи.

Его появление было связано с возросшим в последние годы изучением ИЯ, позволяющим осуществлять межкультурную коммуникацию. При его разработке были творчески использованы наиболее эффективные и целесообразные элементы других методов обучения.

Используя методологическую базу коммуникативного метода, нами разработана следующая схема обучения устной речи на английском языке:

-   определение коммуникативных признаков устной речи и средств выражения этих признаков;

-   отбор моделей для активной и пассивной тренировки;

-   анализ различных коммуникативно-ориентированных видов текстов;

-   разборка эффективной системы упражнений для тренировки;

-   создание базы предварительных знаний для выработки речевых умений и навыков;

-   устная коммуникация от монолога к диалогу.

Обучение предполагает широкое использование современных дидактических принципов наглядности, суггестивности, а также аудио – мультимедиа.

Говоря о системе упражнений, предваряющих устное общение, преподавателю необходимо помнить об их общем построении и дозировке трудностей.

 Основой для обучения в условиях неязыковой среды будет служить текст на ИЯ. Преподаватель должен отобрать те виды текстов, которые помогут студентам реализовать коммуникативные возможности говорения. Тексты можно различать:

-   по средству передачи: устные и письменные;

-   по характеру изложения: описание, сообщение, рассказ, рассуждение;

-   по степени специализированности отношения к адресату: исследовательские, обучающие.

Как показывает опыт, следует начинать с простых описаний и характеристик. У студентов необходимо выработать алгоритм его деятельности в режиме коммуникативной пары «преподаватель-(аудио-мультимедиа) студент», «студент – студент». Необходимо также отбирать профессионально релевантный материал, учитывать опыт студентов и цель коммуникации.

Грамматической базой устного акта коммуникации, как показывает опыт, должно служить просто предложение и наиболее распространенные типы сложноподчиненных. Ряд изучаемых структур может носить характер клише и фразеологизмов.

Поставленные цели можно добиться на основе использования коммуникативно-ориентированных учебников.












































                                 МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ  РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ

                                                  к ТЕМЕ «SEASONS».


                          Для студентов 2 курса


























Vocabulary. Conversation.

a) General

What kind (sort) of weather is it?                                           Какая погода?

(What is the weather like?

How’s the weather?)


The weather may be:                                                Погода бывает:

Fine, jolly, marvelous                                              Хорошая, чудесная, замечательная

Lovely or glorious, bright                                        Восхитительная, ясная

Open, soft or mild, sunny                                        Мягкая, солнечная

Bad, awful                                                               Плохая, ужасная

Filthy, nasty, wretched or beastly                            Отвратительная, мерзкая

Dismal, muggy                                                         Гнетущая, влажная и душная

Dreary, dull, misty or foggy                                    Мрачная, пасмурная, туманная

Damp, raw or moist, catch-cold, chilly                    Туманная, сырая, гриппозная, прохладная

Dry, sultry-hot and close                                          Сухая, знойная и душная

Frosty, stormy                                                          Морозная, бурная

Windy, variable                                                        Ветреная, изменчивая

Broken or unsettled                                                 Неустойчивая

Disappointing or contrary                                        Неблагоприятная



It looks as if we are going to have snow.                Похоже, что будет снег.

We are in for:                                                           Наступает (будет):

a spell of good weather                                            период хорошей погоды

(some rain, a storm, a frost).                                    (дождь, буря, мороз)

What a lovely change from the weather                  Какая приятная перемена в погоде.

we’ve been having lately.                                       

The  weather is improving.                                      Погода налаживается.

This is welcome change.                                          Это приятная перемена.

I hope it’ll keep fine.                                               Надеюсь, хорошая погода продержится.

I’m so glad it turned cut so fine.                              Я рад, что погода стала хорошей.

I’d be sorry should it turn out to be wet                  Я бы не хотел, чтобы был дождь.

There was no break in the weather.                         В погоде не было перемен.

Yesterday the weather was so changeable               Вчера погода была такая изменчивая, что

(variable) that we never knew                                 нельзя было предсказать, что может быть

what to expect.                                                         в ближайшее время.

A change in the weather was indicated                   Сильный ветер возместил перемену погоды.

by strong wind.


A winder forecast:                                                   Прогноз погоды зимой:

Cloudy, with rainy periods in the South;                 Облачно, с периодическими дождями на юге;

showers of sleet, hail and snow                               Дождь со снегом, град и снег в восточной части.

in the Eastern part.

Further outlook:                                                       Прогноз на будущее:

Unsettled in the Western part of the country.          Неустойчивая погода в восточной части.

In the East-severe frost.                                           На востоке – сильные морозы.

The heat may affect her head.                                 Жара может отразиться на ее сердце

Are you subject to the weather influence?               На тебя влияет погода (о состоянии здоровья)





b) Warm weather                                                   Теплая погода          

What a lovely weather!                                            Что за чудесная погода!

The weather is beautiful today.                               Сегодня погода хорошая.

After the thunderstorm the air                                  После грозы воздух удивительно свеж.

is remarkably fresh.

What an astonishingly beautiful morning!               Какое удивительно прекрасное утро!

It is exquisite July morning.                                     Это исключительно июльское утро.

It is nice and warm today.                                       Сегодня довольно тепло.

It’s unbearably hot today.                                        Сегодня невыносимо жарко.

How sultry the weather has become.                       Какой душной стала погода.

The heat is so oppressive.                                        Зной действует так угнетающе.

How stifling the air is! (It’s suffocating)                 Какая духота!

I’m simply melting.                                                 Я просто таю от жары.

I feel oppressed with the heat.                                 Меня угнетает жара.

I’m roasted alive.                                                     Я жарюсь заживо.

The heat is abating.                                                  Жара спадает.



c) Cold weather                                                      Холодная погода

Is it cold today?                                                       Сегодня холодно.

It freezes. (It’s freezing)                                          Морозит.

It’s perishing cold. (it’s precious cold.)                   Ужасно холодно.

 It’s below freezing point.                                        Температура ниже нуля.

It’s a sharp frost, isn’t it?                                         Сильный мороз, не правда ли?

It was a raining frost.                                               Был трескучий мороз.

The frost breaks.                                                      Мороз прекращается.

The air was frosty.                                                   Воздух был морозный.

My hands are numb with the cold.                          У меня онемели руки от холода.

The cold makes my hands cold and stuff.               У меня онемели руки от холода.

I’m unable to hold anything in my hands,               Я ничего не могу держать в руках -

so stiff they are.                                                       так они окоченели.

Put your muffles on.                                                Надень варежки.

I feel chilly (cold).                                                   Мне холодно.

The cold searched my marrow.                                Я продрогла до мозга костей.

(I’m chilled to the marrow.)

We didnt feel the cold,                                           Мы не чувствовали холода,

though it froze keenly.                                             хотя был сильный мороз.

There’s been a drop in the temperature.                  Температура упала.

It’s uncommonly cold after the rain, isn’t it?          Необыкновенно холодно после дождя,

                                                                                 не правда ли?

It froze hard yesterday.                                            Вчера сильно морозило.

We are in for a cold winter.                                     Нам предстоит холодная зима.

We might have another spell of cold yet.                Возможно, будет еще один период холодной


The air was stingingly cold,                                    Воздух был очень холодный, хотя

but not at freezing point.                                          температура была выше нуля.

There’s nip in the air.                                               Воздух щиплет.

(The air has a sting in it.)

We had a cold snap yesterday.                                Вчера у нас было холодновато.





d) The sky                                                               Небо

The sky has clouded                                                Небо покрылось тучами.

The sky was suddenly overcast with                       Внезапно небо покрылось низкими,

low, black clouds.                                                    черными тучами.

The clouds are disappearing                                    Тучи расходятся, и опять появляется солнце.

and the sun is appearing again.

The sky veiled itself since the morning.                  Небо заволокло тучами с утра.

The sky was covered with dense clouds.                 Небо было покрыто густыми облаками.

Heavy grey clouds covered the sky.                        Огромные темные тучи покрывали небо

The clouds are getting more numerous.                   Тучи скапливаются.

The sky was overcast and the clouds hung low.      Небо было покрыто низкими тучами.

The clouds have gone.                                             Облака рассеялись.

The stars are coming.                                               Проявляются звезды.


e) Wind                                                                    Ветер

The wind is (blowing) from                                     Ветер дует с

the North, the South, the West, the East                  севера, юга, запада, востока.

Oh, what a wind!                                                     О, какой ветер!

 The wind is getting stronger.                                  Ветер крепчает.

Do you hear the wind howls?                                  Вы слышите, как веет ветер?

A cold wind blew full in the face                            Холодный ветер дул прямо в лицо.

(directly in our teeth)

A cold biting wind almost swept off my feet.         Холодный резкий ветер едва не сбил меня с ног.

There isn’t a breath of air.                                        Нет ни дуновения ветерка.

A soft wind scarcely stirred the leaves.                   Слабый ветер едва шевелил листья.

The wind has abated.                                               Ветер стих.

A puff (breath) of wind                                           Дуновение ветерка

A breeze (a slight Moderate wind)                          Бриз, легкий ветерок

A gale (a strong wind)                                             Сильный ветер

A gust of wind (a sudden violent rush of wind)      Порыв ветра

A hurricane (a very strong wind)                            Ураган, буря

A blizzard (a blinding snowstorm)                          Снежная буря, буран

A squall                                                                    Шквал, шторм

(a sudden violent storm of wind and rain)


f) Thunder. Lightning                                            Гром, молния

It thunders.                                                               Гремит гром.

It lightens.                                                                Сверкает молния.

There’s a thunderstorm hanging about.                   Надвигается гроза.

It sounds like thunder.                                             Похоже на гром.

That’s thunder-cloud over there.                             Вон там грозовая туча.

It’s coming over quite dark.                                    Делается совсем темно.

A flash of lightning lit the sky.                                Небо озарила вспышка молнии.

Peals of thunder were heard.                                   Слышны были раскаты грома.

How long and frightening the thunder is.                Как ужасно гремит гром.

Dazzling flashes of lightning were followed          За ослепляющими вспышками молнии

by a clap of thunder.                                                последовал удар грома.

It is really the lightning that is dangerous.              В действительности опасной является молния.

The fury of the storm was gradually dying down.  Яркость бури постепенно утихала.

The storm has gone down a great deal.                   Буря значительно утихла.

The storm has spent itself.                                       Буря улеглась.



g) Rain                                                                     Дождь  

Is it raining?                                                          Идет дождь?

It wouldnt hurt to take an umbrella                     Не будет лишним взять с собой зонт (плащ).

(a waterproof)

It looks (feels) like rain.                                        Похоже, что будет дождь.

I fear it’ll rain.                                                       Боюсь, не было дождя.

These clouds omen (promise) rain.                       Эти тучи предвещают дождь.

Will that cloud release its rain?                            Будет дождь из этой тучи?

The rain has set in.                                                Пошел обложной дождь.

It’s keeps on raining.                                             Дождь все продолжается.

It’s raining cats and dogs.                                     Льет как из ведра.

(coming down in sheets, raining pitchforks)

It’s a pelting rain.                                                  Идет проливной дождь.

It’s beastly wet.                                                    Ужасно сыро (мокро).

It rained now and then.                                         Временами шел дождь.

It drizzled a little and then ceased.                       Дождь покапал и прошел.

A drizzling piercing rain continued all day.         Целый день шел пронизывающий

                                                                              мелкий дождь

The rain was accompanied by a strong wind.      Дождь сопровождался сильным ветром.

Will it clear up do you think?                               Как вы думаете, прояснится?

It’s leaving off.                                                     Дождь перестает.

The rain has laid down the dust a little.                Дождь слегка прибил пыль.

I was caught in the rain.                                        Меня захватил дождь.

Im simply soaked through (drenched)                Я промок насквозь (до нитки, до костей).

(I’m wet through.

I haven’t a dry stitch on.

I’m wet like a drowned cat.

I’ve got a good ducking. I’m wet to the bone.)

We havent had a drop of rain ever                      У нас не было дождя с прошлого месяца.

since last month.


h) Snow                                                                Снег

It’s snowing.                                                         Идет снег.

It looks like snow.                                                Похоже, что будет снег.

The snow is falling thick.                                     Идет сильный снегопад.

We had a heavily snowfall                                   Вчера у нас был сильный снегопад.

(a heavy fall of snow) yesterday.

How big the snowflakes are!                                Какие большие снежинки!

The snow is just sprinkling.                                  идет легкий снежок.

It’s a rather snowy winter.                                    Зима довольно снежная.

Last year we had a green winter.                          В прошлом году у нас была бесснежная зима.

Outside we could see the new fallen snow.          На дворе можно было видеть только что

                                                                              выпавший снег.

Snow-drifts surrounded us from all sides.            Со всех сторон нас окружали сугробы.

Look at these icicles.                                             Смотри, какие сосульки!


Proverbs and sayings.

 Every cloud has a silver lining.                            Нет худа без добра.

Everything is good in its season.                          Все хорошо в свое время.

After rain comes fair weather.                              После дождя наступает хорошая погода.

March winds, April showers                                 Ветры в марте и дожди в апреле сулят

bring forth May flowers.                                       цветы в мае.




The Climate of England

The Gulf Stream, a current flowing from the Gulf of Mexico round the North of Europe, affects the climate of the coast of Europe, the British Isles and Iceland. In these western countries summers are not so warm and winters are not so cold in the rest of Europe.

Spring is the season when nature returns to life. Vegetation grows rapidly, for there are periods of sunshine broken by occasional showers. Clouds are continually floating across the sky, and after the rain we see a magnificent rainbow.

It seldom gets unbearably hot in summer, as there is generally a cooling breeze from the south-west, but nevertheless the temperature may rise to ninety degrees in the shade (Fahrenheit, of course). The weather becomes sultry, the heat grows oppressive, and the air gets stifling. The sky is suddenly overcast with low, black clouds and distant peals of thunder indicate the approach of a thunderstorm. Later, dazzling flashes of lightning are follower almost immediately by a clap of thunder directly overhead, and it pours with rain. Anyone caught in the rain takes shelter, otherwise may get wet to the skin. After the thunderstorm the air is remarkably fresh. The thunder has cleared the air. We are in for a spell of good weather again.

In autumn the leaves turn yellow and reddish, and fall to the ground. Then most birds migrate to warm countries. Autumn is the season of mist, of windy days, of beautiful sunsets, and miserable chilly days when it drizzles. A spell of sunny weather in October is called an Indian Summer.

The climate of the South of England is much milder that the climate of Scotland. In the North, the winters are harder. When there are eight degrees of frost in England, they say that it is freezing hard, and everyone complains of the cold. This is because their damp climate makes them the cold more. On a frosty morning the county is covered with hoar-frost. Icicles hang from the roofs of houses. The rivers and lakes are frozen over. The snow falls, but sometimes is does not last long. The thaw sets in, the snow turns to slush, and walking is extremely unpleasant owing to the puddles of water in the streets, and to the constant fear of being splashed with mud by passing ear.

The English often grumble about the weather but you should not too much attention to an Englishman’s complaints his own climate. The devil is not so black as he is painted.

Note: In the shadeв тени, shade – не освещенное солнцем, светом пространство,

       Shadow – тень, отбрасываемая предметом.

Compare: Let’s look for the shade – the heat is simply killing me

        What a long shadow the tree is casting! It seems longer that tree itself.

Shadow употребляется в переносном значении: to remain/to live in the shadow -

                                                                                  оставаться/ жить в тени (незамеченным)


What current affect the climate of the West coast of Europe and the British Isles?

How does it affect the climate of this region?

What is spring like there?

Summer is unbearably hot there, isn’t it?

What are periods of heat usually followed by?

What is an Indian Summer?

How is climate of the South of England different from the climate of Scotland?

A winter thaw is always a pleasant change after a spell of cold? Isn’t it?

Correct the following statements.

1. In spring low, black clouds are continually floating across the sky. Vegetation grows rapidly thanks to frequent thunderstorms.

2. In summer the temperature may rise to ninety degrees Centigrade in the shade.

3. All summer people suffer from oppressive heat crying for rain.

4. After rare thunderstorms the weather keeps so wrenched that nobody thinks of going out. Those who dare immediately get splashed all over with mud passing cars.

5. In autumn most Englishmen migrate to warm countries for fear of the severe frosts England is so famous for.



1.                  Answer the following questions.


How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?

Which season do you like best, and why?

In what season of the year does nature return to life?

Which are the spring months?

In what month do trees break into blossom?

When does a rainbow appear  in the sky? What are its colors?

Why do we admire a rainbow?

Which are the summer months?

Which months is the hottest in your city?

What is the usual summer temperature in your city?

Does the temperature ever rise above 40 degrees in your city?

What change do we usually observe in the weather when the heat grows oppressive?

What indicates the approach of a thunderstorm?

What do we hear and see during a thunderstorm?

Are you afraid of thunder?

Is it dangerous to stand under a tree during a thunderstorm? Why?

Do you stay in town or do you go to the country in summer?

When do you generally get up when you stay in the country?

Why don’t we sleep well on a sultry summer night?

Which are the autumn months?

What is the weather like in autumn?

Does it often drizzle?

Do you like autumn? Why?

Which are the winter months?

Which month is the coldest in your city?

What was the weather like winter? Was it very changeable?

What is the usual summer temperature in your city?

Where do you get weather forecast from? Do you always rely on what it says?

Would you take a raincoat with you if the forecast said “occasional rain”?

What is the weather forecast for Sunday?

What do you think the weather is going to be?

Will you go out of town for the weekend?

Would it be wise to go for an outing in wet weather?

What is the weather like now? Is it raining?

(Has it stopped raining or is it still raining a little?

Do you think the weather will clear up?)


2.                What do you say or do if:


- the sky is overcast with low black clouds and distant peals of thunder are heard?

- you are caught in the rain?

- it is raining heavily?

- you think that rain soon after a spell f dry weather?

- you hear someone complain of the weather?

- you think that the day will be wet?

- snow begins to melt?

- it is unbearably hot?



3.           Complete the following situations.

We had better stay at home, Kate. There is a thunderstorm approaching. Look, …

I suppose the weather will turn to fine because…..

It’s pouring. What a pity I’ve left my umbrella at home, now…

The air is remarkably fresh because…

I don’t like autumn because…

When the thaw sets in, it is extremely unpleasant to walk because…

 I’m sick and tired of the weather we’ve been having these two weeks. I think…

What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? They say that…

The weather is changing. I’m sure we…


4. Supply as many words as possible suiting the following situations.


1. It seems a … day. 2. It’s raining …. 3. What … weather! 4. We’re in for a spell of  … weather. 5. The heat is … 6. It was … yesterday. 7. It is going to… 8. I expect we shall have … 10. It looks like…


5. Use shade or shadow in the following sentences.


1. There flower do best when they are grown in the … 2. It was 27 degrees above zero in the … that day. 3. Where is he? – He is lying in the … asleep. 4. The birch-tree is casting a long … on the road. 5. The dog saw his … in the water. 6. The sun is very hot. Let’s walk in the … 7. The … cast by the house grows longer and longer. 8. She was put in the … by her brother. 9. Peter is in love with Ann. He follows her like a …


6. Translate the following examples of weather forecasts into Russian.


Winter:   Cold. Sleet or snow showers.

               Snow and drizzle.

               Cloudy. Fog patches in South and East.

               Cloudy. Some rain.

               Cold, with sunny periods.

               Cold, dry and bright.

Spring:   Local rain; some bright periods (intervals).

               Rain, bright later.

               Mostly dry; near average temperatures.

               Dry and very warm.

               Mainly dry, cool.

Summer: Bright periods and showers.

               Dull and showery; brighter later.

Autumn: Rain at times.

               Cold, northerly winds, with bright periods and scattered showers.

               Some mist and fog at fog at first; sunny later.











7. Insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs where necessary.


 1. …the first frost, the lakes and rivers become frozen …; … the morning you find a thin sheet … ice covering them. 2. Snow may be expected any time … November … March. The first snow often falls … night. Nothing is more wonderful to a stranger … a warm country than to wake … one  morning and find the whole world covered … a write blanket. 3. It is getting unbearably hot. The temperature rises … 30 degrees … zero. The heat grows oppressive … town. You long for (c нетерпением ожидать) a thunderstorm. At last it comes. The sky is suddenly overcast … low, black clouds. The lightning flashes and distant peals … thunder are heard. 4. You had better take your raincoat when going to… The day is rainy and I’m sure it won’t clear… It is not at all pleasant to be caught … the rain and get wet … the rain and get wet … the skin. 5. Autumn is a rainy season and the weather is mostly dull. But there may be a spell … fine weather … September. 6. It has been pouring … rain … a week already. We are anxious to know what is going to be like tomorrow. Let’s listen … the weather forecast. 7. It’s unbearably hot even … the shade today. Put … your books and let’s go … the seashore. It’s never hot there thanks … the cool breeze … from the sea. 8. Look … the strange and funny shape (форма) … the clouds that are floating … the sky. 9. Didn’t I tell you, Nick, not to play with your ball … the garden … rainy days? You are wet … and splashed … mud from head to foot again. 10. The doctors don’t allow her to go … the South may affect … her weak heart. 11. Winter has set … at last/ It is fifteen degrees … zero. I think we are … a spell … frosty weather. 12. Don’t pay attention … what she is saying. She is always grumbling … everything.


8. Insert articles where necessary. Then ask one another questions about the passage.


Weather Signs.

Everyone talks and worries about … weather. In England we are really, because it is always changing, and although sometimes it is nuisance to take … raincoat whenever we want to go for … walk, it is more fun to have … varied climate that to live in … country where you know that … rain is going to come for certain at … same time each year, and when it will be hot and when it will be hot and when it will be cold.

The incomparable beauty of our land is largely due to … weather, and in … country all … farmer’s work depends upon it. And so, through … years, … country people have down passed down from father to sons all sorts of quaint prophecies and sayings about … weather, and some of them you will find most reliable. You can soon learn to read … weather signs for yourself, and, of course clouds are… best guide if you want to become … weather prophet.

When studying … weather you will remember, of course, that … direction of … wind will help you to forecast what weather is on the way. You know that … wind from … West or South-West is likely to bring … rain and … unsettled weather … east wind is colder but in … summer it generally brings … fine days. In … winter … east wind is … prophet of … frost and … snows storm … north-easter is … coldest wind we know.

On … summer night, if … stars seem brighter that usual, then … wind and … rain are on the way. In … winter, when … wind blows from … North or East and … stars blaze and twinkle, then … weather will turn colder and … earth will be gripped with great frosts.

When … moon shines clear without … misty rim it will be … fine weather. When she is compassed round with … halo, … wind or rain follows soon.

When … sun arises red and fiery, … wind and … rain are on … way. If at sun-rising it is cloudy…clouds vanish as … sun rises, it will be … fine day.

… red sunset fore tells … fine weather, unless it is muddy and misty, then … rain will follow.

9. Agree or disagree will the following statements using one of the given expressions. State your reasons. Use the expressions:

You are (quite/absolutely) right. Of course. Certainly. I quite agree with you. I don’t thing so. You are mistaken (wrong). On the contrary. Why?


1. I thing we shall have a fine day. 2. Let’s go for a walk. The rain has stopped. 3. The weather is clearing up, I think. 4. I’m sure it will continue fine. 5. Autumn is the season of biting winds and chilly days in our region. 6. It seems to me it won’t clear up. 7. It looks like rain. 8. I expect we are in for a spell of rainy weather again. 9. The climate of our region is rather mild. 10. I expect we shall have frost soon.



10. Write the following in Reported Speech

Use the verbs: wonder, reply, exclaim, remark, assure


A Healthful Climate

A sickly lady, who was visiting a health resort in the mountains on the advice of her doctor, was seated at the table next to a red-faced, healthy-looking man.

“Have you improved much since you improved much since you came here?” the lady asked.

“Wonderfully, ma’am, replied the young man.”

“And were you in very bad health when you came?” she précised.

“ Bad health? Why, ma’am, when I first came here, I was probably the weakest person you ever saw. I had practically no use of my limbs.”

“Dear, dear! And you lived?”

I  certainly did, ma’am, although you really have no idea of how bad  I was when I first arrived. I was absolutely dependent upon others for everything; I was entirely without to help myself. But I began to gain immediately upon my arrival, and haven’t experienced a serious set-back since.”

“Wonderful, wonderful!” murmured the lady. “but do you think that your lungs were really affected?”

“Well, I suppose you could call them sound, but only the most careful nursing helped them to gain their functions entirely.”

“I trust you found kind friend here, sir?”

“Indeed I did, ma’am. It is to them and to them and to the pure air of these mountains that I owe my life. My  father’s family were with me, but, unfortunately, my mother was suffering from a severe illness during the time of my greatest weakness.”

“How sad! Surely, you must have lost weight when you arrived here?”

“Yes, ma’am. They tell me that I only weighted nine pounds at the time of my birth here.”


11. Translate into English.

1. Какая вчера была погода? – Мороз, сильный ветер. Температура было около 15 градусов ниже нуля. 2. В феврале часто идет снег? – довольно часто. 3. Сегодня гораздо прохладнее, чем вчера. 4. На небе ни облачка. Ветра нет. Жарко. 5. В сентябре меньше теплых солнечных дней, чем в августе. 6. Морозит. На улице скользко. 7. Посмотри на радугу. Какая она красивая! 8. В июле на юге невыносимо жарко, и я обычно гуляю вдоль берега моря (seashore), так как с моря всегда дует свежий ветерок. 9. Сегодня 25 градусов в тени. Жара невыносимая. Очень душно. Похоже, что будет гроза. 10. Посмотри на небо. Оно покрыто темными тучами. Слышны отдаленные раскаты грома. Надвигается гроза. 11. За вспышкой молнии последовал удар грома. Пошел проливной дождь. 12. Однажды мы попали под дождь. Мы спрятались под деревом, так как иначе мы могли промокнуть насквозь. 13. После грозы воздух особенно  свежий. Наступает период хорошей солнечной погоды. 14. В октябре ветрено и часто моросит дождь. 15. Многие птицы осенью улетают в теплые страны. 16. На севере нашей страны зима очень холодная. 17. В этом году никто не может жаловаться на холод, так как зима очень мягкая. 18. Туман был такой густой (thick), что им пришлось переночевать в деревне, так как они боялись заблудиться (в тумане). 19. Было 25 градусов мороза. Земля была покрыта инеем. Сосульки, свисавшие с крыш домов, сверкали (to glitter) на солнце. 20. Идет снег, но снова наступает оттепель, и снег превращается в слякоть. 21. Какая сегодня погода? – Погода сегодня хуже, чем вчера. Сегодня гораздо холоднее, идет дождь. 22. Интересно, какая будет завтра погода? Надеюсь, погода по-прежнему будет хорошей. – Не думаю. Похоже, что будет дождь. 23. Англичане часто говорят, что климат в Англии плохой. Не обращайте на это внимания. Не так уж он плох, как его изображают (Не так страшен черт, как его малюют). 24. Какой прогноз погода на завтра? – Сильный ветер, дождь. – Я знала, что будет отвратительная погода. 25. Говорят, что зима в этом году будет мягкая. 26. Уже почти середина января, а снега все еще нет. 27. Погода довольно пасмурная. Похоже, что опять пойдет снег. 28. Дождь идет? – Дождь? Ливень. 29. Я не думаю, что погода сильно прояснится сегодня. – Нам лучше поехать за город завтра. 30. Дождь перестал? – Нет, все еще идет.


12. Read, translate and retell the text.

Smoke + Fog = Smog

Fog, fog everywhere – down the river where it spreads among the ships; creeping into the houses, lingering before the doors; fog in the eyes throats of chance passers-by, its thick veil all around them. Cars move along at a snail’s pace but still street accidents are frequent in the fog. People cannot see each other at other at arm’s length, they, too, collide in the streets.

An old anecdote comes to my mind: in a fog a young man wanted to cross the street, but he was afraid to be run over. At that moment he saw quite near the figure of a man walking with a firm step. Our young man eagerly ran up to him, caught his hand, and they crossed the street together.

“How do you manage to find your way in the fog so well?” asked the young man.

“My dear sir, fog or no fog; it makes no difference, I’m blind, “was the answer.”

The fog begins with a transparent veil through which you can clearly see the sharp outlines of the innumerable chimneys: a thick yellow suffocating fog of this king is called “smog” (a combination of the words “smoke” and “fog”).

There isn’t all that much smog in London.

The fog is one of the most typical of London and the Londoners cannot imagine their capital without it.


13. Read the following text and answer questions on it.

Discussing the Weather

This is the most important topic in the land. Do not be missed by memories of your when, on the continent, wanting to describe someone as exceptionally dull, you marked: “He is the type who would discuss the weather with you.” In England is ever-interesting, even thrilling topic, and you must be good at discussing the weather.


Examples for conversation

For good weather

“Lovely day, isn’t it?”

“Isn’t it beautiful?”

“The sun…”

“Isn’t it gorgeous?”

“Wonderful, isn’t it?”

“It’s so nice and hot…”

“Personally, I think it’s so nice when it’s hot – isn’t it?”

“I adore it – don’t you?”


For bad weather

‘Nasty day, isn’t it?’

‘Isn’t it dreadful?’

‘The rain… I hate rain…’

‘I don’t like it at all. Do you?’

‘Fancy such day in July. Rain in the morning, then a bit of sunshine, and then rain, rain, rain, all day long’

‘I remember exactly the same July day in 1936.’

‘Yes, I remember too.’

‘Or was it in 1928?’

‘Yes, it was.’

‘Or in 1939?’

‘Yes that’s right.’


Now observe the last few sentences of this conversation. A very important rule emerges from it. You must never contradict anybody when discussing the weather. Should it hail or snow, should hurricanes uproot the trees from the sides of the road, and should someone remark you: ‘Nice day isn’t it?’ –

answer without hesitation: ‘Isn’t it lovely?’

Learn the above conversation by heart. If you are a bit slow in pickings up, learn at least one conversation, it would do wonderfully for any occasion.

If you do not say anything for the rest of your life, just repeat this conversation; you still have a fair chance of passing as a remarkably witty man of sharp intellect, keen observation and extremely pleasant manners.

(From How to be an Alien by George Mikes)



Why is it important to be good at discussing weather?

Is it considered good manners to contradict about the weather? Why?

What kind of reputation can you gain in England in case you master the art of discussing the weather?


14. Act out the following mini-dialogues. Use the italicized for substitution.


-What’s the weather like?                                     wretched, dismal, awful

-Quite disappointing. It looks as if                       rain, hail, a snowstorm, a thunderstorm

            we are going to have snow.                      Another spell of cold


- What a lovely weather!                                      Glorious, fine, jolly, marvelous

- Yes, it’s an astonishingly beautiful morning.     sunny, bright, nice, warm


- What a lovely change from the weather we’ve been having lately!          some rain, a storm

- Don’t be too optimistic. We are in for a spell of bad weather again.         a frost


- Is it still raining?                                                 drenched, wet like a drowned cat,

- Can’t you see? I’m simply soaked through.       wet to the bone


- Did you the weather forecast?                            cloudy and cold; severe frost and northerly wind;

- Yes. It didn’t sound encouraging though:          40 degrees above zero; mist and fog;

    showers of sleet and strong wind.                    dry and hot; dull and showery


15. Read the following dialogues, memorize and reproduce them. Pay attention to the intonation.


- Beastly weather! If feels like rain, doesn’t it?

- Feels like! Look at me: I haven’t a dry stitch on!

- Poor thing! You are wet to the bone. Let me give you a cup of tea.

- Thank you. Oh, look! It’s coming down in sheets now.

- Is the wind strong?

- It is, and it’s getting stronger. Can you hear it howling?

- Too bad. Do you think it’ll clear up? I’ll have to go out whatever the weather.

- There isn’t much hope, I’m afraid. But even if it does, it wouldn’t hurt you to take an umbrella.

   With that kind of weather you can never really tell.


- What an astonishingly beautiful morning!

- Yes, isn’t it exquisite? The weather is remarkably beautiful.

- I love that sunshine, it is nice and warm. I can’t stand the heat.

- Neither can I. For me, this is just the right temperature.

- Yesterday the weather was so changeable that we never knew what to expect.

- I’m so glad it has turned out so lovely.

- Yes, this is a welcome change.

- Let’s hope it’ll keep fine.



- That was a heavy storm we had last night, wasn’t it?

- It was. You know that big poplar tree in front of our house, don’t you? One of the biggest branches came down with such a crash that we thought it would break our window-panes.

- Really! We have been having this wretched weather for days and days already. I’m sick and tired of it.

- So am I. Wish the weather would clear up. It’s about time we had some nice spring weather.

- It’s April, you know. “March winds, April showers bring forth May flowers.”

- I know, but we’ve had enough of them. Still I suppose we shouldn’t complain. We had a good winter. Never had so many fine cold days before.

- Yes, I enjoyed them too. And the skating. We had a good share of that this winter.

- We did. Now I suppose we’d better put away the skates till the next winter.

- afraid so. No chance now to use them again.

- What does the forecast say this morning?

- The paper says we’re in for a fine weather.


What lovely weather we had last week. I hope it keeps dry and sunny this week, too.

- Well, I wouldn’t be sure. Have read forecast?

- No, What does it say?

- Occasional showers tomorrow morning, drizzle and more cloud later on, unsettled  for the rest the week.

- Oh, isn’t that awful! I do hope it clears up by Saturday.

- Why are you so eager?

- Don’t you remember? We were planning an outing for this weekend.

- Oh, yes, shall I ask Ann? She is great one of outings.

- Of course. Call her straight away, will you?

- All right.


16. Translate the following dialogues into English and dramatize them.


- Посмотри, дождь перестал.

- Нет еще, а что? (Why?)

- Я здесь с десяти часов. Нужно идти, а мне не хотелось бы промокнуть.

- Подожди немного, минут пятнадцать, прояснится.


- Сегодня чудесное утро, правда? Надеюсь к вечеру не будет дождя.

- Думаю, не будет. Прогноз говорит, что сухая погода продержится до понедельника. А что?

- Мы собираемся выехать за город на субботу и воскресенье.

- Правда? Желаю вам хорошо провести время.


- Что с тобой случилось? Ты вся дрожишь!

- Боюсь, что я простудилась. В воскресенье я насквозь промокла и не смогла переодеться в  (change into) сухую одежду, пока не приехала домой. У меня уже два дня болит горло.


-Тебе что, холодно?

- А тебе нет? Зря я пошел с тобой на лыжах в такой сильный мороз (I shouldn’tt have gone…)

Я продрог до мозга костей, и руки онемели от холода.

- Да брось ты! (Oh, come on!) Я вот не чувствую холода, хотя мороз и правда сильный.

Перестань жаловаться и начинай двигаться!

- Слушай, давай не будем портить выходные. Еще не поздно вернуться. Трескучий мороз, холодный ветер прямо в лицо – как ты можешь получать от этого удовольствие?

- Ты преувеличиваешь. Посмотри, какое удивительно прекрасное утро! Видишь эти огромные  сугробы, окружающие нас со всех сторон? Солнце сияет, небо голубое, чистое….

- Да, да, день чудесный. А как насчет того, чтобы восхищаться им через окно, за чашкой чая в руках?

17. Conversational situations.


a) You are an optimist and a pessimist caught in the rain. You take shelter in the nearest café. The rain has set in, it thunders and lightens the pessimist grumbles and complains; the optimist admires the beauty of the thunderstorm.

b) You are a married couple planning an outing. You have just listened to the weather forecast which didn’t sound very encouraging. The husband never believes and still wants to go. The wife always likes to be on the safe side.

c) A young man meets a pretty girl in the park. The weather seems the best topic to start a conversation.

d) You are two old ladies sitting on the bench. The day is lovely, but nothing can please you. When you were young, people were friendlier, love was purer, the grass was greener and even the weather was better in earlier times…


18. Use the given words and phrases in the following situations.


a) Making arrangements for an outing:

to have a plan, to go for an outing, to phone, to discuss particulars (подробность), to think over, to find out the weather forecast, dry, sunny, occasional rain (showers), to be discouraged, not to give up the idea, to cheer up, to agree.

b) Impressions of an outing (or of a camping holiday)

to start, to reach, to have trouble with, to complain of, to put up with, sunny, to spoil, to start

raining, to get wet through, to clear up, to laugh at, to have a lot of fun, to enjoy


19. Read the following jokes and try to retell them. Keep as close to the original as possible


1. Father: This is the sunset my daughter painted. She studied painting abroad, you know.

Friend: Ah that explains everything. I never saw a sunset like that in this country.


2. Two fishermen were arguing one day about the sun and the moon, and which of the two was more useful. At last one of them said: “Oh, I know. The moon is quite worth two suns, for she shines at night, when she is needed, but the sun shines in the daytime, them nobody wants him.”

3. Small boy: Dad, the barometer has fallen.

  Father: Very much?

  Small boy: (with a guilty look). About five feet – it’s broken.

4. Guest:                            Does the water always come thorough the roof like that?

     Hotel -  keeper:            No, sir, not always, only when it rains.


20. Topics for oral composition

a) Speak about your favorite season: its typical weather, average temperatures, the activities you prefer in that particular season.

b) Say if you believe weather forecasts and why. Do you think weather signs are more reliable? Why?

Which of the weather signs do you know?

c) Suppose you

- were caught in a thunderstorm;

- were lost in a blizzard;

- have experienced unbearable heat in the dessert;

- have spent the winter vacation in the mountains;

- have spent the winter vacation in London where the weather changed several times a day;

- have witnessed a snowstorm in June.

Speak about your impressions

d) Suppose you are an African and this is your winter in Europe. Say how you feel about it and what kind of weather you are used to

e) Speak about most disgusting kind of the weather you can think of



1. Transcribe the following words.

wretched                                                thunderstorm

disappointing                                         frightening

hurricane                                                stinging

piercing                                                  exquisite


2. Give the English equivalents of the following words and expressions.

бесснежная зима                                  сосулька

прогноз погоды                                    сугроб

трескучий мороз                                   снежинка

север, юг, запад, восток                      град

снежная буря, буран                            дождь со снегом

льет, как из ведра                                 моросить


3. Insert prepositions and post-verbal adverbs where necessary.

- Lakes and rivers are frozen…

- The temperature rises … 30 degrees … zero.

- The sky is overcast … clouds.

- I was caught … the rain and got wet … the skin.

- I was wet … and splashed … mud.

- Winter has set…

- Does the weather affect … you?

- Are you subject … the weather influence?

- We are … … a spell … good weather.


4. Complete the sentences.

1. There was no … in the weather: it kept unbearably … The heat was so … that we were … alive.

    There wasn’t a … of air.

2. Is it cold today? –

     It’s below … point and cold … blows full in the …. The cold searched my….

3. I’m wet to the … - Poor thing! Catch-… weather, isn’t it?

4. The approach of a thunderstorm was … by a strong wind. A … of … lit the sky and distant … of …        were heard.

5. Translate into English.

1. Какая погода? – Отвратительная. Ужасно холодно и похоже, что будет снег.

2. Шел сильный снегопад. Воздух был морозный, но  я не чувствовал холода.

3. Было 27 градусов выше нуля в тени.

4. Эти тучи предвещают дождь. Тебе не помешает взять зонтик. –

    Нет худа без добра. Дождь слегка прибьет пыль.

5. Какая духота! Я просто таю от жары.

6. Какое удивительно прекрасное утро! После грозы воздух удивительно свеж. –

    Да, погода налаживается. Это приятная перемена.

7. Пошел обложной дождь. как вы думаете, прояснится?

    Не знаю. Возможно, нам предстоит дождливый период.

8. Ветры в марте и дожди в апреле сулят цветы в мае.

6. Correct the mistakes.

1. It freezed hardly yesterday.

2.  If it won’t rain, we’ll go in the country.

3. I met with her in a fine sunny morning.

4. Sky is even cloudeder then yesterday.

5. I don’t belive in the weather fourcasts.

ГБПОУ «Педагогический колледж № 4

ГБПОУ «Педагогический колледж № 4

Пояснительная записка. За последние годы учителя иностранных языков получили значительную самостоятельность в выборе средств обучения, творческом осмыслении содержания и путей реализации программных требований

Пояснительная записка. За последние годы учителя иностранных языков получили значительную самостоятельность в выборе средств обучения, творческом осмыслении содержания и путей реализации программных требований

Основой для обучения в условиях неязыковой среды будет служить текст на

Основой для обучения в условиях неязыковой среды будет служить текст на



Vocabulary. Conversation. a)

Vocabulary. Conversation. a)

Warm weather

Warm weather

The sky

The sky



Weather Text The Climate of

Weather Text The Climate of

Englishmen migrate to warm countries for fear of the severe frosts is so famous for

Englishmen migrate to warm countries for fear of the severe frosts is so famous for

Complete the following situations

Complete the following situations

Insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs where necessary

Insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs where necessary

Write the following in Reported

Write the following in Reported

Нам лучше поехать за город завтра

Нам лучше поехать за город завтра

Now observe the last few sentences of this conversation

Now observe the last few sentences of this conversation

Yes, this is a welcome change. -

Yes, this is a welcome change. -

Ты преувеличиваешь. Посмотри, какое удивительно прекрасное утро!

Ты преувеличиваешь. Посмотри, какое удивительно прекрасное утро!

Speak about your impressions d)

Speak about your impressions d)

If it won’t rain, we’ll go in the country

If it won’t rain, we’ll go in the country
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