Mobile Marketing- a complex marketing events aimed at the promotion of goods or services with the use of mobile communication. It is difficult toimagine a personwhowould not havea mobile phone, thanks to it, you can always bring your proposal directly to your customer via SMS mailing.
Tourism and hospitality industries are branches of industry for which it is not necessary toemphasize the importance of mobile technology and mobile marketing for their business.Tourism and hospitality industries are branches of industry for which it is not necessary toemphasize the importance of mobile technology and mobile marketing for their business.
Alpamys G.
A thirdyear undergraduate student of
specialty “Social culture service”,
“TuranAstana” University,
Scientific adviser:
AuapbekovaAlyaEskermesovna, Candidate of
geographical science
Mobile Marketing a complex marketing events aimed at the promotion of
goods or services with the use of mobile communication. It is difficult toimagine a
personwhowould not havea mobile phone, thanks to it, you can always bring your
proposal directly to your customer via SMS mailing.
Tourism and hospitality industries are branches of industry
for which it is not necessary toemphasize the importance of
mobile technology and mobile marketing for their business.With
more than one billion smartphones in use in the market today
(Business Wire, 2012), the tourism and hotel industry should not
drop the advantages provided by mobile marketing in terms of
placement information and finally sales.The fact that the mobile
deviceis always with her owner is very important from the
perspective of advertisers and brands that exist on the market. It
is a new marketing channel that enables simple and fast two-way
communication between brands and consumers, no matter what
time of day and location of the consumer at that
moment.Furthermore, with the possession of an appropriate
database of permanent guests, there is great possibility of
targeted advertising in relation to their demographic data and
consumer habits. In addition to the above, mobile marketing is
cheaper and easier for the preparation, implementation and
monitoring of efficiency.
The hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within the service
industry that includes lodging, restaurants, event planning, theme parks,
transportation, cruise line, and additional fields within the tourism industry.
The hospitality industry is a several billion dollar industry that mostly
depends on the availability of leisure time and disposable income. A hospitality
unit such as a restaurant, hotel, or even an amusement park consists of multiple
groups such as facility maintenance, direct operations (servers, housekeepers,
porters, kitchen workers, bartenders, etc.), management, marketing, and human
resources.The hospitality industry covers a wide range of organizations offering food
service and accommodation. The industry is divided into sectors according to the
skillsets required for the work involved. Sectors include accommodation, food and
beverage, meeting and events, gaming, entertainment and recreation, tourism
services, and visitor information.