What is Brain Gym
Brain Gym® comprises 26 very simple and natural physical movements that prepares the brain for learning and enhances all types of learning activities as it activates all areas of the neo-cortex, the frontal lobe especially, left and right brain hemispheres, and also integrates all our senses for ‘whole-brain’ learning.
Brain Gym® works so well because it integrates the three dimensions of the brain being either stimulating (Laterality Dimension - Left-right and midfield), relaxing (Centering Dimension – involves the limbic mid-brain lower cerebrum, and upper-lower body) and/or releasing (Focus Dimension – frontal lobe-back brainstem) in function.
Brain Gym in Figures
Cecilia K. Freeman, M.Ed., performed a pilot project about a year based research on the effect of Brain Gym on academic skills in 1998 at an elementary school.
Result: students in each grade level who experienced the Brain Gym activities improved their reading test scores twice as much as did the students in the control group who didn’t practice Brain Gym.
Edu-K Science: To Be Or Not To Be
Educational Kinesiology today is not admitted to be an official science.
Scientific debates concluded that Brain Gym researches do not have proper theoretical basis.
Dennison's work with people of all ages recognizes learning as dynamic and so is focused on each individual's goals and needs of the moment, rather than attempting to address any developmental stages.
In fact, there is no scientific explanation about how the authors could know anything about what was going on in the brain while students were doing the exercises.
The authors themselves say that Brain Gym® does not claim to “cure” and they have no way of predicting how it will effect each individual. However, its effectiveness is reaffirmed daily by those in the field using the techniques.
How to Mind Brain
The Dennisons: the right and left hemispheres must be coordinated.
Look at the chart and say the COLOR not the word:
This is called Left-Right Conflict.
Your right brain tries to say the color but your left brain insists on reading the word.
What Helps
Exercises to coordinate right and left hemispheres can be unbalanced movements: right and left sides make different actions at the same time.
For instance, unbalanced doodling when you draw different figures with both hands simultaneously.
This exercise requires training and deep integration work of both hemispheres.
Initially doodle is a drawing made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be abstract shapes. One of famous doodlers was Alexander Pushkin.
Let’s Train Brain
Unbalanced doodling
Take a sheet of paper.
Take a pencil in your right hand.
Take another pencil in your left hand.
Draw a circle with your right hand and a square with your left hand at the same time.
Change figures.
First time it is rather difficult, but further you can draw more complex figures and pictures.
Try: www.newart.ru
Some Interesting Facts About Brain
#1: Feels No Pain
The human brain is the single organ in the human body that lacks nerves in spite of the fact that it acts as the essential authority for the central nervous system. This simply implies that human brain feels no pain.
#2: Energy Consumption
The human brain consumes the major portion of the entire energy that is generated in the human body. To be exact, the brain consumes 20% of that energy despite the fact that it only represent 2% of the total body weight. The energy is very significant for maintaining healthy brain cells and fueling nerve impulse.
#3: Tickles
You can’t tickle yourself because your brain distinguished between unexpected external touch and your own touch.
#4: Yawning
Some great interesting facts of brain are related to yawning, you yawn after somebody else did, isn’t it ? This is because you have cells in your brain called mirror neurons. If this part of the brain is injured, a person finds it hard to socialize and converse with others (autistic people experience this confront)
#5: Every Part Works
It is said by many that, human beings use less than 10% of their brain. This is a delusion because each and every part of the brain has a known function.
10 interesting facts about brain [Internet resource] - http://whatthafact.com/interesting-facts-about-brain/#ixzz43HQGrNbD.
100 fascinating facts you never new about the human brain [Internet resource] - http://www.nursingassistantcentral.com/blog/2008/100-fascinating-facts-you-never-knew-about-the-human-brain/.
Australian Kinesiology Directory [Internet resource] - http://www.kinesiologyshop.com/tokedu.html.
Brain Gym [Internet resource] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_Gym.
Brain Gym®(educational kinesiology) [Internet resource] - http://www.skepdic.com/braingym.html.
Dennison P.E., Dennison G.E. Brain Gym: Teacher's Edition [Internet resource] - http://stf-smtu.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=99&Itemid=141.
Doodle [Internet resource] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doodle.
Educational kinesiology and brain gym [Internet resource] - http://creativekinesiology.ru/obrazovatelnaya-kineziologiya-i-gimnastika-mozga.
Freeman Cecilia K. A summary of a Brain Gym research project on reading. Brain Gym Journal. December 2000. Vol. XIV Number 2. P. 3.
Merezhnikova A. Right hemisphere development on method of brain gym [Internet resource] - http://artfound.ru/razvitie-pravogo-polushariya-po-metodu-brain-gym/.
Niehaus Shayne. Brain Gym: self employment through movement [Internet resource] - http://home.intekom.com/aurasoma/Article%20--%20SA%20Jnl%20Nat%20Health02%20--%20Brain%20Gym.pdf .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJj1Qqqebh8 .
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