Описание картины/ Picture Description
Оценка 4.8

Описание картины/ Picture Description

Оценка 4.8
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Описание картины/ Picture Description
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Презентация ОПИСАНИЕ КАРТИНЫ.pptx

Описание картины/ Picture Description

Описание картины/ Picture Description
Thomas Gainsborough Mary, Countess Howe I’d like to represent you the picture Mary, Countess Howe («Графиня Мери Хью») by Thomas Gainsborough. Without any doubt we can state that this is the portrait painting. There is an individual portrait in front of you. The picture is made in oil. Thomas Gainsborough was the most accomplished and the most influential English painter of the eighteenth century. He was a refined portraitist and landscapist. The artist was born in 1727 in Suffolk, and died in 1788 in London. The artist created in the period of Enlightenment. With the victory of Protestantism in England there reigned the Puritan hostility to creativity and luxury. It inhibited the development of the arts. The remarkable flourishing of English painting was celebrated with the creative work of Thomas Gainsborough. The artist was influenced by Van Dyck, Rubens and Ruisdael. He imitated some of their paintings. He worked in the Rococo style and was a pioneer of the romantic landscape. The painting Mary, Countess Howe was created in 1763-1764. The canvas is stored in Kenwood house, London. The painter depicted a full-length portrait of a young lady exquisitely posed in front of a landscape background. The composition is ideal. Dark colours of the background intensify the refined elegance of the figure and the delicate colouring of the dress. The principle law of any composition is to underline the main thing and the secondary ones. The colouring of the canvas proves it – the colours of the foreground and the background are balanced and supplement each other. The manner of Gainsborough’s drawing here is above all praise - the viewer can easily perceive freshness and lyric grace of the lady, as well as the silk tinges of the sky. The painter combined his skill of a portraitist and a landscapist in this painting. By the way, he never made preliminary sketches, sometimes he painted from memory or from imagination. The brushstrokes and lines are large and sure. This technique creates amazing freedom and fluency of style. Refined shimmer of light on the amazing lady’s pink dress with organza and the rich lace on the sleeves are accentuated by shadows, the dark background and the symphony

Описание картины/ Picture Description

Описание картины/ Picture Description
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Описание картины/ Picture Description

Описание картины/ Picture Description
Место данного пособия в учебном процессе  по дисциплине «Английский язык» 54.02.01 «Дизайн»;  54.02.05. «Живопись»;  44.02.03.  «ПДО» УМКД   к а р т и н ы А н а л и з Дисциплина  «Английский  язык» Комплект: 4. Защита презентации (устная речь) 1. Тексты на английском языке 2. Качественный перевод текстов 3. Презентации о творчестве  художников Дисциплина «Английский язык»54.02.01 «Дизайн»; 54.02.05. «Живопись»; 44.02.03.  «ПДО»

Описание картины/ Picture Description

Описание картины/ Picture Description

Описание картины/ Picture Description

Описание картины/ Picture Description
Сложный назывной план­схема  Основные характеристики: • • • • используется в подготовке выступлений;  акцентирует  основные вопросы, которые необходимо  осветить; перечисляет  основные  проблемы,  о  которых  идет  речь в описании произведения живописи; обозначает подтемы. Ценность данного пособия  План­схема рассказа раскрывает построение описания живописного произведения  В  процессе  составления  высказывания  на  основе  плана  студент глубже вникает в содержание как описываемого  живописного  произведения,  так  и    в  творчество  художника в целом  Использование  плана  помогает  выработать  и  последовательно  излагать  свои  мысли  на  иностранном языке умение  сжато  Характеристики данного пособия ­ Пособие представляет собой развёрнутый номинативный план описания картин  художников,  творчество  которых  (более  30  художников)  изучается  обучающимися  указанных специальностей на 3 и 4 курсах в рамках учебной программы по дисциплине  «Английский язык». Данный сборник является дополнением и составной частью УМКД. ­  В  предложенном  плане  последовательно  перечисляются  основные  проблемы,  о  которых может идти речь в описании произведения живописи.  ­ В плане выделяются основные части  описания картины, которые в свою очередь  делятся  на  ряд  дополнительных,  что  позволяет  установить  внутреннюю  логику  высказывания и установить взаимосвязь между его частями. Темы и подтемы окрашены  разными цветами. ­  Каждый  этап  описания  сопровождается  фразами,  которые  могут  быть  использованы  в  речи,  а  также  примерами,  которые  послужат  шаблонами  и  облегчат  составление речевой конструкции на английском языке. ­  В  конце  пособия  в  качестве  образца  даётся  описание  картины  «Графиня  Мери  Хью» английского живописца Томаса Гейнсборо. ­  План  позволяет  активизировать  внимание  и  память  и  выработать  умение  излагать свои мысли как на английском, так и на русском  языке. ­ Данное пособие развивает профессиональные компетенции обучающихся

Описание картины/ Picture Description

Описание картины/ Picture Description
Thomas Gainsborough Mary, Countess Howe I’d like to represent you the picture Mary, Countess Howe («Графиня Мери Хью») by Thomas Gainsborough. Without any doubt we can state that this is the portrait painting. There is an individual portrait in front of you. The picture is made in oil. Thomas Gainsborough was the most accomplished and the most influential English painter of the eighteenth century. He was a refined portraitist and landscapist. The artist was born in 1727 in Suffolk, and died in 1788 in London. The artist created in the period of Enlightenment. With the victory of Protestantism in England there reigned the Puritan hostility to creativity and luxury. It inhibited the development of the arts. The remarkable flourishing of English painting was celebrated with the creative work of Thomas Gainsborough. The artist was influenced by Van Dyck, Rubens and Ruisdael. He imitated some of their paintings. He worked in the Rococo style and was a pioneer of the romantic landscape. The painting Mary, Countess Howe was created in 1763-1764. The canvas is stored in Kenwood house, London. The painter depicted a full-length portrait of a young lady exquisitely posed in front of a landscape background. The composition is ideal. Dark colours of the background intensify the refined elegance of the figure and the delicate colouring of the dress. The principle law of any composition is to underline the main thing and the secondary ones. The colouring of the canvas proves it – the colours of the foreground and the background are balanced and supplement each other. The manner of Gainsborough’s drawing here is above all praise - the viewer can easily perceive freshness and lyric grace of the lady, as well as the silk tinges of the sky. The painter combined his skill of a portraitist and a landscapist in this painting. By the way, he never made preliminary sketches, sometimes he painted from memory or from imagination. The brushstrokes and lines are large and sure. This technique creates amazing freedom and fluency of style. Refined shimmer of light on the amazing lady’s pink dress with organza and the rich lace on the sleeves are accentuated by shadows, the dark background and the symphony

Описание картины/ Picture Description

Описание картины/ Picture Description
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