Открытый урок в 1-м классе
Оценка 4.7

Открытый урок в 1-м классе

Оценка 4.7
Разработки уроков
английский язык
1 кл
Открытый урок в 1-м классе
The aim of the lesson: 1.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly 1.S5 produce words in response to prompts 1.L2 recognise with considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly 1.UE9 use basic present simple forms [positive, negative] to give basic personal information
Открытый урок в 1Б классе.docx

Lesson plan

Lesson: 14

Theme: My school. Unit revision

Date: 18.10

Teacher name: Nurzhauova Zh.M.

Class: 1Б

Present: 17           absent:  1

Learning objectives

that this lesson is

contributing to

1.L3  recognise with support simple greetings, recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words

1.S3  pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:


use demonstrative pronouns this, these  to indicate things


Most learners will be able to:


recognise with support simple greetings recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words


Some learners will be able to:


pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

Language objective

Learners can:


say the letter of the alphabet and some simple greetings; say some words with the letter Aa-Zz; make short conversation using greetings and names; name the colours, numbers 1-20, classroom objects and routines.


Key words and phrases:


Letters – Aa - Zz; greetings: Hello, Hi; Good morning teacher! Orders: Stand up! Sit down! How are you? I’m fine. What is your name? My name is…


Writing prompts:


Letter – cards with the words

Previous learning:

Aa- Zz; basic greetings; how are you? I’m fine. What is your name? My name is…Colours, Numbers, Classroom objects, classroom routines, describing things




Planned activities





3 min










Activities: 25-30 min.


Warm -up: Stand up! Hello, children! How are you?

Sit down please!

Teacher asks some questions for warming up.
1. What’s your name?
2. How old are you?

3. How are you?
4. What’s this?

5. What colour is it?

6.What number is it?



1.      The revision of the ABC

Match the capital letters with the small letters:

A                                  h
D                                  t
H                                  i
T                                  g
G                                  a

I                                   d  etc.

2.      Revision of Numbers. Say the missing number from 1 to 20.

Teacher puts the numbers on the boards missing one numbers:






3.      Revision of colours. Singing and dancing with the song “Colours”.

4.      Listening. Revise and consolidate the vocabulary on the theme “Classroom objects”: children are given sheets of paper with classroom objects. The task is to listen to the teacher and colour the appropriate classroom object.

5.      Listen and act: Revision of verbs and adjectives on the theme “Classroom routine”- listen, read, write, say, look, open, close, sing, dance count, give, take, big, small, long, short, clean – dirty.  Game “Show me”.

6.      Put the picture into the correct box. There are some pictures with actions to put into the appropriate box. (listen, look, read, write, sing, dance).













Alphabet Flashcards















End 2 min.




Home task:


Stand up!

You’ve done well today!

 Good bye!

Revise the vocabulary

Paper coins

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you

Plan to give more support?

How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? 

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links Health and safety check ICT links Values links


Create mixed ability pairs for speaking activity.

Stronger Students can support weaker Students in pair work

with the help of paper coins

through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities through observation in pair work

Students in pair work learn to be patient and helpful



Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?


Did my planned differentiation work well?

I think that the lesson objectives/learning objectives were realistic because pupils have leant new letter of the alphabet and some simple expressions and words.



The learners learnt new letter on the theme “My alphabet”, “Numbers”, ‘Colours”, ”Classroom objects”, “Classroom routines”, “Describing things”. I think that a planned differentiation worked well because pupils have learned to pronounce the letters and words correctly. They learnt to make the short conversation.

Summary evaluation

The first activities worked well because pupils have practiced to pronounce the words. Activity 2 was good because many pupils know the words about family; Activity 6 because the pupils like singing and need the physical activity.


Открытый урок в 1-м классе

Открытый урок в 1-м классе

Открытый урок в 1-м классе

Открытый урок в 1-м классе
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