Открытый урок в 4 классе
Оценка 5

Открытый урок в 4 классе

Оценка 5
Разработки уроков
английский язык
3 кл—4 кл
Открытый урок в 4 классе
Цель урока: повторение и закрепление лексического материала по теме «Хобби» и грамматического материала по теме Past Simple. Содержание урока соответствует требованиям программы. Материал урока содержит информацию, способствующую повышению мотивации к изучению английского языка. На уроке использовались разнообразные приёмы и формы, способствующие формированию и развитию учебных навыков: индивидуальная, фронтальная и работа по цепочке; разнообразие упражнений для актуализации лексики и грамматики; наглядность
открытый урок в 4В классе.doc

                Школа-гимназия № 113








по теме «Hobbies»









Класс: 4В

Провела: Нуржауова Ж.М.



Алматы, 2017г.

Lesson № 8

Date 23.10


Educational: to revise and consolidate the vocabulary on the theme “Hobbies”, to train and practise Past Simple Tense.

Developing: to develop pupils’ listening, reading, speaking skills, to develop monologue and dialogue skills.

Pedagogical: To realize the moral education in respect for people, country, customs, traditions, culture of the learning landuage.

The type of the lesson: open lesson

The form of the organization of the lesson: class work, pair work, individual work.

The didactical supply of the lesson: teacher's Guide, student’s book,  video, cards, pictures.

The duration of the lesson

I.   The organizational moment

Good morning boys and girls!
How are you today?
I am glad to see you today!
What day is it today?
What’s the weather like today?

II.    Actualization:

Teacher: The topic of our today’s lesson is “Hobbies”. At this lesson we are going to revise and consolidate the vocabulary and grammar.

III. Phonetic drill.

To begin with, let’s train our tongue with the English proverb about Hobby (речевая разминка- чтение английской пословицы на доске)

«Hobbies of any kind are boring except to people who have the same hobby»

(Ученики читают пословицу за учителем)

IV. The forming of new knowledge and methods of actions

1. Teacher:

 - What is a hobby?
What hobbies do you know?
Is it interesting to have a hobby?
-  Now look at the board. You can see some pictures. And here are some cards. I want you to stick the names of hobbies to the right pictures.  (Pupils go to the board one by one and do the task).


2.  The next task is to read the  words and underline  the odd  ones in the cards. (Учитель раздает карточки со словами , и ученики подчеркивают лишние слова в каждом ряду).

Underline the odd word.

1.     stamps, coins, dancing, cars

2.     swimming, diving, sailing, horse riding

3.     cycling, reading, skating, playing football

4.     volleyball, basketball, football, hockey

5.     painting, reading, collection, dancing

6.     skating, skiing, snowboarding, quilling

3. Task No.3.
Fill in the missing letters.

  h__bby,     t__ke   ph__tos,         q__illing,      ho__se  r__ding,        mo__nt__in  cl__mbi__g,                  r__lle__bladin__,            d__nc__ng,                r__ading,           pl__ying  mu__ic__l instr__men__s

4. Game: "Guess the rhyming word"

Teacher: And now, children, let's play a game.  Listen to the poems and guess the rhyming words.

1) I like to play with Mary,
I like to play with Paul,
I like to play with Bobby
And with my big, nice : (ball)

2) Look at my photo!
You are right of course,
My favourite hobby
Is riding : ! (a horse)

3) I don't need my friends,
I don't need my tutor!
I like to be at home
And play on my :! (computer)

4) She meets her friends,
And stops to talk!
She likes to go
For a :! (walk)

5)My Mum's very kind.
And she is good-looking!
We love her very much
For care and tasty :! (cooking)

5. Revision of grammar material. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple tense. (ученики выполняют задания на карточках)


1) Alibek ___________(watch) TV yesterday.

2) Ann _____________(paint) the picture two days ago.

3) I  ______________(not listen) to music when I was at school.

4) Your friend _____(dance) at the concert yesterday?

5)  Her dog _______(sleep) in the yard last week?

6) They __________(not go) to school last year.

7) You____________(clean) your bedroom yesterday?

8) My dad __________(collect) stamps when he was young.

9) He ___________(not ride) a horse in the mountains last week.


6. Watching the video about hobbies of Chinese people. Answer the question: What kind of hobbies did you see in the video? (www.youtube.com)

7. And now children your home task was to prepare a short text about your parents' or grandparents' hobbies. Who's ready? Let's listen.  (ученики выходят к доске и рассказывают о хобби своих родителей,которое было их домашним заданием)

Theacher: Thank you very much for your interesting stories.

V.  Home task

To revise the vocabulary and grammar.

6.     Results

Well, it was my pleasure to work with you today.(the teacher gives marks)

7.     Reflection

So what did you learn today, children?
How did you like today’s lesson?
The lesson is over. You may go. See you soon!

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Открытый урок в 4 классе
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