Преподаватель: Адиширинова Н.С.
Цели и задачи урока:
Средства обучения: наглядные (иллюстрации по теме), раздаточный материал, ТСО.
I. Организационный момент
Приветствие, сообщение темы.
Good morning! Today we are going to speak about travelling. So, our topic is…?
II. Речевая разминка
Задание 1. What was your home task…?
Let’s remember our active words. Look at the blackboard. Translate me these words, please.
Задание 2. Показываются картинки.
Tell me the name of this mean of transport…
III. Самостоятельная работа
Раздаются листки с заданиями English Vocabulary in Use (elementary)
You see five paragraphs. Let’s see what we can find out in all of them. (Types of transport, Useful travel words, By train, By plane, By car).
Всей группой разбираем слова и выражения, которые пригодятся нам для выполнения самостоятельной работы.
Well, now you’re going to do some exercises. Here they are. На доске пишем номера упражнений.
You have 15 minutes. Let’s go!
Упражнения выполняются в самих листках.
IV. Обсуждение видов транспорта. Развитие речевой компетенции
Teacher: What kind of means of transport do you know?
Student 1: A car, a bus, a boat, an underground etc.
T: What is the fastest means of transport?
S2: It’s a plane.
T: What is the slowest means of transport?
S3: It’s a bike.
T: What do you use to travel to the city centre? Why
S4: I use an underground. It is the fastest means of transport in Moscow.
T: What transport is your favourite? Why?
S5: My favourite transport is a car because I can go any place I like.
T: What transport would you choose to travel to the see? Why?
S6: I would use a plane because it is the fastest means of transport.
V. Аудирование
Небольшой диалог “Meeting at the Airport”. Разговорный английский для начинающих.
Now you’re going to listen to a dialog. Listen to it attentively twice and then be ready to answer for my questions. Ok, silence please!
Включаем запись.
T: How many people are there at the dialog?
S: There are two people.
T: What are their names?
S: They are Mr Chelesto and Mr Black
T: Where is the airport located? Name me the city.
P: It’s in London
T: What city did Mr Chelesto come from?
S: He came from Rome.
T: What is the weather like in London?
S: It’s rainy.
VI. Работа с диалогом. Чтение с полным пониманием. Воспроизведение его части с опорой на русский перевод
Раздаем листки с диалогом. Разговорный английский для начинающих.
Well, now you’re going to look through the dialog “Travelling by Air”. Choose you character. Study its English and Russian parts. Try to remember the Russian translation. After that you will cover the Russian variant and read and translate in pairs. You have fifteen minutes. And I’ll check your papers meanwhile. Any questions? Let’s go!
My dear students, time is up! Let’s start reading. But first you will listen to this dialog and try to remember the pronunciation of any difficult words. Ok?
Включаем запись.
Now, who is going to start reading?
Вся группа, по очереди читает в парах и переводит.
Before we go to the last part of our today’s work, answer some my questions on the dialog.
And now, the final part of our lesson. It’s a translation from Russian into English. We’ll choose a small part. The beginning is from the Clerk’s words: ”Good morning.” And the end is at the Mary’s words: ”Thank you. Good bye.”
Is it clear? Well, you have ten minutes to get ready.
Ok, who is going to start?
Студенты пересказывают диалог с опорой на русский текст.
VII. Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов
Well done! We have five minutes left. So, write down your home task. It’s an essay “My trip to …” Imagine any trip you are going to have this summer. Use the Future Tense, auxiliary verbs will and to be going to.
Записываем Д/З и (I will… I am going to…) на доске.
Is it clear?
Well, I’ll put some marks for this lesson.
Выставляем в журнал оценки.
Is everybody happy?
So, the lesson is over! Good bye!
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