Презентация к уроку "Robert Burns. The bard of Scotland"
Оценка 4.7

Презентация к уроку "Robert Burns. The bard of Scotland"

Оценка 4.7
Презентация к уроку "Robert Burns. The bard of Scotland"
Robert Burns.The bard of Scotland.pptx

Robert Burns. The bard of Scotland”

Robert Burns. The bard of Scotland”

“Robert Burns.
The bard of Scotland”

Robert Burns’ Biography Born: January 25, 1759

Robert Burns’ Biography Born: January 25, 1759

Robert Burns’ Biography

Born: January 25, 1759
Alloway, Ayrshire, Scotland

Robert Burns’ Biography Robert

Robert Burns’ Biography Robert

Robert Burns’ Biography

Robert Burns published some of his poems in 1786. Their success was complete. And Robert Burns became well known and popular.

Robert Burns’ Biography Robert

Robert Burns’ Biography Robert

Robert Burns’ Biography

Robert Burns left Edinburgh and returned to his native village with money enough to buy a farm and marry Jean Armour.

He died in poverty at the age of thirty seven in 1796.

Robert made several trips around the country and saw beautiful landscapes of the Highlands. The poem «My Heart's in the Highlands» was the result of his tour.

Burns Nights Every year on January 25, on

Burns Nights Every year on January 25, on

Burns Nights

Every year on January 25, on Robert Burns birthday the celebration called Burns Night is held not only in Scotland but all over the world.

Burns Nights The evening centers on the entrance of the haggis (a type of sausage prepared in a sheep's stomach)

Burns Nights The evening centers on the entrance of the haggis (a type of sausage prepared in a sheep's stomach)

Burns Nights

The evening centers on the entrance of the haggis (a type of sausage prepared in a sheep's stomach)

World fame of Robert Burns “When

World fame of Robert Burns “When

World fame of Robert Burns

“When Scotland forgets Burns, then history will forget Scotland”
J.S. Blackie

The World Burns club

World fame of Robert Burns “When

World fame of Robert Burns “When

World fame of Robert Burns

“When Scotland forgets Burns, then history will forget Scotland”
J.S. Blackie

The Scottish Cultural Center and "Caledonian Club" in Moscow

World fame of Robert Burns “When

World fame of Robert Burns “When

World fame of Robert Burns

“When Scotland forgets Burns, then history will forget Scotland”
J.S. Blackie

The Regional House of Artists in Saratov
the annual festival of Scottish culture "My heart is in the Highlands"

Robert Burns in Russia The history of

Robert Burns in Russia The history of

Robert Burns in Russia

The history of Burns translation in Russia began in the nineteenth century, but the extraordinary cultural dominance Burns achieved in the Soviet Union in translations by Marshak.

Samuil Marshak

Robert Burns in Russia "Hello I'm your aunt!" (1975) -

Robert Burns in Russia "Hello I'm your aunt!" (1975) -

Robert Burns in Russia

"Hello I'm your aunt!" (1975) - Brazilian folk song "Love and Poverty"

Office Romance (1977)
- the song "My soul has no peace"

Say a word about the poor hussar (1980) - the song "Winter has passed ..."

School Waltz (1978) - the song "Love is like a red rose ..."

The Winter It Is Past 1788 The winter it is past, and the summer comes at last

The Winter It Is Past 1788 The winter it is past, and the summer comes at last

The Winter It Is Past

The winter it is past, and the summer comes at last
And the small birds, they sing on ev'ry tree;
Now ev'ry thing is glad, while I am very sad,
Since my true love is parted from me.

The rose upon the breer, by the waters running clear,
May have charms for the linnet or the bee;
Their little loves are blest, and their little hearts at rest,
But my true love is parted from me.

Зима пронеслась” (Перевод С. Маршака)

Зима пронеслась” (Перевод С. Маршака)

“Зима пронеслась”
(Перевод С. Маршака)

Зима пронеслась, и весна началась,
И птицы, на дереве каждом звеня,
Поют о весне, но невесело мне
С тех пор, как любовь разлюбила меня

Шиповник расцвел для проснувшихся пчел.
Поют коноплянки в честь вешнего дня
Их в гнездышке двое, сердца их в покое.
Моя же любовь разлюбила меня.

«В чистом поле снега нету…»
(Перевод Евг. Фельдмана)

В чистом поле снега нету;
Наконец, настало лето,
Птичьи песни оглашают край родной.
Лишь одна не весела я:
Одолела дума злая,
Оттого, что нету милого со мной.
Слышу пенье коноплянки,
Пчёл гуденье на полянке,
Ручеёк журчит, лукавый, озорной.
Благодать везде и всюду.
Я лишь горя не избуду,
Оттого, что нету милого со мной!

Millions of people all over the world highly esteem and love

Millions of people all over the world highly esteem and love

Millions of people all over the world highly esteem and love Burns’s poems. Burns is very dear to all of us. Russian people understand his humor, his love of freedom and his faith in friendship among people.

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