Презентация по английскому языку "Знаменитости Британии"
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Презентация по английскому языку "Знаменитости Британии"

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Презентация по английскому языку "Знаменитости Британии"
Знаменитости Британии.pptx

Презентация по английскому языку "Знаменитости Британии"

Презентация по английскому языку "Знаменитости Британии"

Great Britain is very rich with outstanding people

Great Britain is very rich with outstanding people

Great Britain is very rich with outstanding people.

Today we will tell you about some of them.

Famous people of Britain

British military sailor, Explorer, cartographer and pioneer, member of the

British military sailor, Explorer, cartographer and pioneer, member of the

British military sailor, Explorer, cartographer and pioneer, member of the Royal society and captain of the Royal Navy. He headed three expeditions to study the oceans, were all round. During these expeditions made several geographical discoveries.
английский военный моряк, исследователь, картограф и первооткрыватель, член Королевского общества и капитан Королевских ВМС. Возглавлял три экспедиции по исследованию Мирового океана, все были кругосветными. Во время этих экспедиций совершил ряд географических открытий.

Captain James Cook  (1728 -1779 )

English physicist, mathematician, engineer and astronomer, one of the founders of classical physics

English physicist, mathematician, engineer and astronomer, one of the founders of classical physics

English physicist, mathematician, engineer and astronomer, one of the founders of classical physics. Discovered the law of "universal gravitation“
Английский физик, математик, механик и астроном, один из создателей классической физики. Открыл закон "всемирного тяготения"

Isaac Newton 1643-1727

William Shakespeare is one of the most famous writers in the world

William Shakespeare is one of the most famous writers in the world

William Shakespeare is one of the most famous writers in the world. His plays “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, “King Lear”, “Macbeth” were translated into almost every language and staged in every theatre.
Уильям Шекспир-один из самых известных писателей в мире. Его пьесы “Ромео и Джульетта”, “Гамлет”, “Король Лир”, “Макбет” были переведены на почти все языки и поставлена в каждом театре.

William Shakespeare 1564- 1616 

American and English film actor, writer, composer and

American and English film actor, writer, composer and

American and English film actor, writer, composer and Director. Famous for matchless game in short comedies black-and-white movie.
Aмериканский и английский киноактёр, сценарист, композитор и режиссёр. Прославился неподражаемой игрой в короткометражных комедиях чёрно-белого кино.

Charlie Chaplin (1889- 1977)

The English naturalist and traveler, one of the first concluded and substantiated the idea that all species of living organisms evolve in time and descend…

The English naturalist and traveler, one of the first concluded and substantiated the idea that all species of living organisms evolve in time and descend…

   The English naturalist and traveler, one of the first concluded and substantiated the idea that all species of living organisms evolve in time and descend from common ancestors.
Darwin had not planned to be a scientist. He wanted to become a doctor. But he was interested in plants and animals.        Дарвин не собирался становиться ученым. Он хотел стать врачом. Но его интересовали растения и животные.       Это путешествие имеет большое значение для истории науки, потому что оно способствовало написанию одной из самых известных в мире книг. Это книга «Происхождение видов».

Charles Robert Darwin 1809-1882

Was born on April, 1660, in London

Was born on April, 1660, in London

Was born on April, 1660, in London.
English writer, known mainly as the author of "Robinson Crusoe".

английский писатель, известен главным образом как автор «Робинзона Крузо».

Daniel Defoe 1660-1731

English writer, poet and novelist

English writer, poet and novelist

English writer, poet and novelist. His best known titles are "the jungle Book", "Kim", as well as numerous poems. In 1907 Kipling became the first Englishman to receive the Nobel prize for literature.

Редьярд Киплинг
Английский писатель, поэт и новеллист. Его лучшими произведениями считаются «Книга джунглей», «Ким», а также многочисленные стихотворения

Joseph Rudyard Kipling 1865 -1936

John Logie Baird— Scottish engineer, known for creating the first mechanical television system

John Logie Baird— Scottish engineer, known for creating the first mechanical television system

John Logie Baird— Scottish engineer, known for creating the first mechanical television system.
Джон Ло́уги Бэрд-шотландский инженер, получивший известность за создание первой механической телевизионной системы.

John Logie Baird

Many years ago a young doctor began to write stories about a man who was a detective

Many years ago a young doctor began to write stories about a man who was a detective

Many years ago a young doctor began to write stories about a man who was a detective. Readers liked his stories because they were very interesting and the doctor decided to become a writer. The doctor was Conan Doyle and he wrote about Sherlock Holmes.  
 Много лет назад молодой врач начал писать рассказы о человеке, который был детективом. Читателям понравились его рассказы, потому что они были очень интересные, и доктор решил стать писателем. Этим врачом был Конан Дойл, а писал он о Шерлоке Холмсе.  

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930

Scientist, inventor and businessman of

Scientist, inventor and businessman of

Scientist, inventor and businessman of Scottish descent, one of the founders of telephony.

Александр Грейам Белл
Учёный, изобретатель и бизнесмен шотландского происхождения, один из основоположников телефонии

Alexander Graham Bell 1847 -1922 

The first wife of Charles, Prince of

The first wife of Charles, Prince of

The first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, heir to the British throne. Widely known as Princess Diana, was active in charity.
Первая жена принца Уэльского Чарльза, наследника британского престола. Широко известна как принцесса Диана, активно занималась благотворительностью

Princess Diana 1961-1997 

An English writer, mathematician, logician, philosopher, deacon and photographer

An English writer, mathematician, logician, philosopher, deacon and photographer

An English writer, mathematician, logician, philosopher, deacon and photographer. The most known works is "Alice in Wonderland".
Professor of mathematics at Oxford University.

Английский писатель, математик, логик, философ, диакон и фотограф. Наиболее известные произведения - «Алиса в Стране чудес» и «Алиса в Зазеркалье. Профессор математики Оксфордского университета. 

Lewis Carroll 1832-1898

English writer, author of detective novels

English writer, author of detective novels

English writer, author of detective novels. Her detectives are popular around the world. They solve crimes the main character Hercule Poirot.

Agatha Christie 1890-1976

The 71-st Prime Minister of Great

The 71-st Prime Minister of Great

The 71-st Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1979-1990, respectively, the Baroness since 1992. The first and only woman to hold this post, as well as the first woman Prime Minister of a European state. She earned the nickname "iron lady"..

71-й премьер-министр Великобритании в 1979-1990 годах, баронесса с 1992 года. Первая и пока единственная женщина, занимавшая этот пост, а также первая женщина, ставшая премьер-министром европейского государства. Получила прозвище «железной леди»..

 Margaret Hilda  Thatcher 1925-2013

English writer, linguist, poet, philologist,

English writer, linguist, poet, philologist,

English writer, linguist, poet, philologist, Professor at Oxford University. Best known as the author of the classic works of "high fantasy": "the Hobbit, or There and back again", "Lord of the rings"
Английский писатель, лингвист, поэт, филолог, профессор Оксфордского университета. Наиболее известен как автор классических произведений «высокого фэнтези»: «Хоббит, или Туда и обратно», «Властелин колец»

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien 1892-1973 

British rock musician, singer, poet, composer, artist, writer

British rock musician, singer, poet, composer, artist, writer

British rock musician, singer, poet, composer, artist, writer. One of the founders and member of the Beatles, a popular musician of the XX century .
Британский рок-музыкант, певец, поэт, композитор, художник, писатель. Один из основателей и участник группы The Beatles, популярный музыкант XX века .

John Lennon 1940-1980

British novelist, screenwriter and film producer, best known as the author of a series of novels about

British novelist, screenwriter and film producer, best known as the author of a series of novels about

British novelist, screenwriter and film producer, best known as the author of a series of novels about Harry Potter. Books about Potter has received several awards and has sold over 400 million copies.

британская писательница, сценарист и кинопродюсер, наиболее известная как автор серии романов о Гарри Поттере. Книги о Поттере получили несколько наград и были проданы в количестве более 400 миллионов экземпляров

Joanne Rowling  1965

Queen of Great Britain from 1952 to the present

Queen of Great Britain from 1952 to the present

Queen of Great Britain from 1952 to the present. Ascended the throne on 6 February 1952 at the age of twenty-five years after the death of his father, king George VI. Is the reigning monarch in the history of the UK.
Королева Великобритании с 1952 года по настоящее время. Взошла на престол 6 февраля 1952 года в возрасте двадцати пяти лет, после кончины своего отца, короля Георга VI. Является самым долгоправящим монархом за всю историю Великобритании

Queen Elizabeth II 1926




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