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  • 03.07.2021
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала Gulbahor AKBAROVA.pdf


                                                                                          1 (77) 2021                                       PEDAGOGIK MAHORAT



ISSN 2181-6883












Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal


1-son (2021-yil, fevral)








Jurnal 2001-yildan chiqa boshlagan







Buxoro – 2021





         PEDAGOGIK MAHORAT                          1 (77) 2021



Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal  

2021, № 1


 Jurnal Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasi huzuridagi OAK Rayosatining 2016-yil 29-dekabrdagi qarori bilan   pedagogika va psixologiya fanlari boʻyicha dissertatsiya ishlari natijalari yuzasidan  ilmiy maqolalar  chop etilishi lozim boʻlgan zaruruiynashrlar roʻyxatiga kiritilgan. 


Jurnal  2001-yilda tashkil etilgan.


Jurnal 1 yilda 6 marta chiqadi. 


Jurnal Oʻzbekiston matbuot va axborot agentligi Buxoro viloyat matbuot va axborot boshqarmasi  tomonidan 

2016-yil 22-fevral № 05-072-sonli guvohnoma bilan roʻyxatga olingan. 


Muassis:  Buxoro davlat universiteti 

Tahririyat manzili:  Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi,Buxoro shahri Muhammad Iqbol koʻchasi, 11-uy  Elektron manzil:


Bosh muharrir: Adizov Baxtiyor Rahmonovich– pedagogika fanlari doktori, professor

Bosh muharrir oʻrinbosari: Navroʻz-zoda Baxtiyor Nigmatovich – iqtisodiyot fanlari doktori, professor Mas’ul kotib: Hamroyev Alijon Roʻziqulovich – pedagogika fanlari doktori, dotsent 


Xamidov Obidjon Xafizovich,  iqtisodiyot  fanlari doktori 

Begimqulov Uzoqboy Shoyimqulovich, pedagogika fanlari doktori, professor 

Mahmudov Mels Hasanovich, pedagogika fanlari doktori, professor 

Ibragimov Xolboy Ibragimovich, pedagogika fanlari doktori, professor 

Yanakiyeva Yelka Kirilova, pedagogika fanlari doktori, professor (N. Rilski nomidagi Janubiy-Gʻarbiy Universitet, Bolgariya) 

Qahhorov Siddiq Qahhorovich, pedagogika fanlari doktori, professor 

Mahmudova Muyassar, pedagogika fanlari doktori, professor

Barotov Sharif  Ramazonovich, psixologiya fanlari doktori, professor 

Jabborov Azim Meyliqulovich, psixologiya fanlari doktori, professor 

Kozlov Vladimir Vasilyevich, psixologiya fanlari doktori, professor (Yaroslavl davlat universiteti, Rossiya)

Morogin Vladimir  Grigoryevich, psixologiya fanlari doktori, professor (Xakassiya davlat universiteti, Rossiya)

Belobrikina Olga Alfonsasovna, psixologiya fanlari nomzodi,professor (Novosibirsk davlat pedagogika universiteti,


Chudakova Vera Petrovna, psixologiya fanlari nomzodi (Ukraina pedagogika fanlari milliy akademiyasi, Ukraina)

Tadjixodjayev Zokirxoʻja Abdusattorovich, texnika fanlari doktori, professor 

Amonov Muxtor Raxmatovich, texnika fanlari doktori, professor 

Oʻrayeva Darmonoy Saidjonovna, filologiya fanlari doktori, professor 

Axmedova Shoira Neʻmatovna, filologiya fanlari doktori, professor 

Durdiyev Durdimurod Qalandarovich, fizika-matematika fanlari doktori, professor

Hayitov Shodmon Axmadovich, tarix fanlari doktori, professor 

Toʻrayev Halim Hojiyevich, tarix fanlari doktori, professor 

Mirzayev Shavkat Mustaqimovich, texnika fanlari doktori, professor 

Mahmudov Nosir Mahmudovich, iqtisodiyot fanlari doktori, professor

Boʻtaboyev Muhammadjon Toʻychiyevich, iqtisod fanlari doktori, professor

Boʻriyev Sulaymon Boʻriyevich, biologiya fanlari doktori, professor

Olimov Shirinboy Sharopovich, pedagogika fanlari doktori, professor

Qiyamov Nishon Sodiqovich, pedagogika fanlari doktori, professor 

Qahhorov Otabek Siddiqovich, iqtisodiyot fanlari boʻyicha falsafa doktori (PhD), dotsent Qosimov Fayzullo Muhammedovich, pedagogika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent

Bafayev Muhiddin Muxammatovich, psixologiya fanlari boʻyicha falsafa doktori (PhD)

Jumayev Ulugʻbek Sattorovich, psixologiya  fanlari nomzodi, dotsent

Umarov Baxshullo Joʻrayevich, pedagogika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent

Inoyatov Abdullo Shodiyevich,  pedagogika fanlari boʻyicha falsafa doktori (PhD), dotsent



Гулноза СОБИРОВА. Инглиз тилини ўқитишда талабаларда нутқ фаолияти турларини таълимий

методлар асосида ривожлантириш ........................................................................................................... 145

ANIQ VA TABIIY FANLARNI OʻQITISH .................................................................................... 150

Шаҳло МЕРАЖОВА, Ҳилола ЭЛМУРАДОВА, Дилноза АЗИМОВА. Чегаравий шартлар бир жинсли

ва бир жинсли бўлмаган параболик типдаги тенглама учун биринчи аралаш масалани ечиш ........... 150 Ахат АХМЕДОВ. Развитие экспериментальной компетентности учителя физики на лабораторных

занятиях ...................................................................................................................................................... 157

Набия ТУРАЕВА, Жахонгир ТУРАЕВ. Методические рекомендации по обучению будущих учителей

математики конструированию и анализу урока ....................................................................................... 160

Gʻolib JUMAQULOV. Oʻquvchilar intellektual sifatlarini tarbiyalash texnologiyalari ............................... 163 Nazokat SAYIDOVA, Ilhom JURAYEV. Make beautiful control buttons for a website in coreldraw vector

program ........................................................................................................................................................ 166

Мўмин ҚОДИРОВ, Эркин ВОХИДОВ. Умумтаълим мактаблари ва академик лицейларда физика

фанини масофавий таълим асосида ўқитиш масалалари хусусида ........................................................ 173

Дилноз РЎЗИЕВА. Олий таълимда физика ўқитишни тизимли ёндашув усулида ташкил қилиш ..... 178 Ҳамидахон ҚОДИРОВА. Умумий ўрта таълим физикасида “оптика” бўлимининг мазмун ва   

моҳияти ....................................................................................................................................................... 182

Eliboy XUDOYBERDIYEV, Sevara HAMROYEVA. Yulduzlar evolutsiyasini kvant tasavvurlar nazariyasi

asosida oʻqitish metodikasi........................................................................................................................... 186

Mehrinigor RAUPOVA. Boʻlajak biologiya oʻqituvchisi kvazi-professional faoliyatini loyihalash usullari 189

Gulbahor AKBAROVA, Charos AMINJONOVA. Problems and methods of teaching the subject    

“biology” ...................................................................................................................................................... 193

Хасан АВЕЗОВ, Бахтиёр ГАНИЕВ, Акобир ИЛХОМОВ, Гуляйра ХОЛИКОВА. Повышение

эффективности учебной деятельности студентов при изучении биоорганической химии в

дистанционном формате ............................................................................................................................ 197

Ekhtiyor ATOEV, Gulnoz GAFUROVA. Information files for didactic chemistry testing ......................... 200

IQTISODIYOT VA TURIZM ........................................................................................................... 203

Bobir ZOKIROV, О.Р.РАШИДОВ. Oʻzbekiston va Xitoy Xalq Respublikasi oʻrtasidagi diplomatik

munosabatlarning yangi bosqichi ................................................................................................................. 203 TASVIRIY SAN’AT VA MUSIQA TA’LIMI .................................................................................. 206

Қорёғди ЖУМАЕВ, Муҳиба Сулаймонова. Алишер Навоий ва ўзбек мўъжаз рангтасвир санъати

уйғониш даври ............................................................................................................................................ 206

Вилоят ТЎХСАНОВА, Наргиза РАФИЕВА. Амалий санъат асаларини таъмирлашда ашёлар

технологияси .............................................................................................................................................. 209

Олим КАРИМОВ. Мусиқа дарслари орқали ўқувчи ёшларда онг, миллий тафаккурни шакллантириш

воситалари .................................................................................................................................................. 213

Davron ROʻZIYEV. Milliy sozlarning tarixiy taraqqiyoti va ta’lim-tarbiyadagi roli ................................... 219

Саноқул ДЎСТОВ. Ўзбек миллий мусиқа созларининг пайдо бўлиш тарихи ...................................... 227 Рустам РАХИМОВ. Формирование музыкальных интересов и способностей и их выявление в    

семье ............................................................................................................................................................ 232

JISMONIY MADANIYAT VA SPORT ........................................................................................... 235

Нодиржон КАМБАРОВ. Шарқ яккакурашларида баркамол шахс тарбиясининг устувор  

йўналишлари .............................................................................................................................................. 235

Хусен САФОЕВ. Военно-патриотическое воспитание школьников как педагогическая проблема ... 240

Шерзод АБДУРАХМАНОВ. Военно-патриотическое воспитание молодежи в современных   

условиях ...................................................................................................................................................... 244

Муҳсин ОЛИМОВ. Ўрта масофага югурувчиларнинг мусобақа олди тайёргарлик машғулотларини

режалаштириш ........................................................................................................................................... 248

Низом ТЎХТАБОЕВ. Болалар ва ўсмирлар спорт мактабларида шуғулланувчи ёш қиз болаларнинг

жисмоний тайёргарлиги динамикаси ........................................................................................................ 254

Раҳим ШУКУРОВ. Талаба – ёшларда соғлом турмуш маданиятини ривожлантириш, жисмоний

тарбия ва спорт муҳим восита сифатида .................................................................................................. 258

“Педагогик маҳорат” журнали учун мақолаларни расмийлаштириш талаблари .................................. 261






1 (77) 2021



Associate Professor of the Department of Biology and Methods of Teaching Biology Tashkent State

Pedagogical University named after Nizami candidate of biological sciences


Master of the Tashkent State

Pedagogical University named after Nizami





The goal of biological education at the current stage is to prepare a biologically and ecologically literate person who must understand the meaning of life as the highest value. He must have an ecological culture and be perfectly oriented not only in biological, but also in areas of knowledge bordering with it. To do this, you need to know biological terms, concepts, theories and be sure to have the skills of their practical application in various fields.

Key words: teaching, biology, modern technologies, teaching problems, patterns of development, rational methods.

Цель биологического образования на нынешнем этапе – это подготовка биологически и экологически грамотного человека, который должен понимать значение жизни как наивысшей ценности. Он должен обладать экологической культурой и прекрасно ориентироваться не только в биологической, но и в пограничных с ней областях знаний. Для этого необходимо знать биологические термины, понятия, теории и обязательно владеть навыками их практического применения в различных областях. 

Ключевые слова: обучение, биология, современные технологии, проблемы преподавания, закономерности освоения, рациональные методы.

Hozirgi bosqichda biologik oʻqitishning maqsadi - bu hayot mohiyatining eng yuksak bahosini tushuna olishi shart boʻlgan biologik va ekologik bilimli insonni tayyorlash. U ekologik madaniyatga ega boʻlishi va nafaqat biologiya sohasidan a’lo darajada xabardor boʻlishi, shuningdеk, chеgarasiz bilimga ega boʻlishi kеrak. Buning uchun u biologik tеrminlar, tushunchalar, nazariyalarni bilishi zarurligi bilan birga, ularni turli sohalardagi amaliy koʻnikmalarida qoʻllay olishi shart. 

Kalit soʻzlar: oʻqitish, biologiya, zamonaviy tеxnologiya, oʻqitish muammolari, oʻzlashtirish qonuniyatlari, ratsional usullar.



The teaching methodology of biology as a subject is of paramount importance for the preparation of biology teaching. In the learning process, students' professional knowledge and skills are formed, they acquire the ability to teach or teach. The academic subject does not contain all the knowledge accumulated by science in the course of research, but only their foundations. They are specially selected based on the learning objectives, age and background of the students. Unlike science, the main function of any subject is educational. Each subject of training integrates everything that is productive, revises individual problems [1, 7]. Professional training of a future specialist is built in accordance with the teacher's professiogram, which characterizes his main functions (information, developmental, orientation, mobilization, constructive, communicative, organizational and research), which is a model of qualification training of a specialist [4, 8]. The methodology of teaching biology examines the content of the educational process in this subject and the patterns of assimilation of biological material by schoolchildren.

Material and methods

The methodology of teaching of  biology determines the goals of education, the content of the subject

“Biology” and the principles of its selection. Methodists believe that the formation of a whole component of modern school biological education depends on the value system, which is determined by:

-       the level of education, that is, mastering biological knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to the active and full inclusion of schoolchildren in educational, labor, social activities;

-       the level of upbringing, which characterizes the system of worldviews, beliefs, attitude to the world around, nature, society, personality;

-       the level of development of a pupil, which determines his abilities, the need for self-development and improvement of physical and mental qualities.

The goal of general higher biological education is determined taking into account the named values and such factors as:

-       the integrity of the human person;

-       predictability, that is, the orientation of the goals of biological education towards current and future biological and educational values;

-       continuity in the system of continuing education.

At the level of primary and secondary higner education, key policy objectives include:

-       developing new mechanisms of education financing such as per capita financing;

-       providing education staff with more preparation, support and incentives;

-       improving students’ assessment methods;  - updating curricula; 

-       developing inclusive education with supports for low-performing schoolchildren.

The methodology of teaching biology also notes that one of the most important goals of biological education is the formation of schoolchildren of a scientific worldview based on the integrity and unity of nature, its systemic and level structure, diversity, unity of man and nature.

Research results and discuss

The subject “Biology” at the level of secondary schools is focused on the formation of knowledge about the structure and functioning of biological systems, about the sustainable development of nature and society in their interaction. Among the main tasks of the methodology of teaching biology as a science are the following:

-  defining the role of the subject of biology in the general system of teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren;

-  development of proposals for the preparation and improvement of curricula and textbooks and testing these proposals in practice;

-  determination of the content of the subject, the sequence of its study in accordance with the age of the student and programs for different systems of education;

-  development of methods and techniques, as well as organizational forms of teaching schoolchildren, taking into account the specific features of biological sciences;

-  development and testing in practice of the equipment of the educational process: organization of a study room, laboratory, teaching visual aids, etc.

The object of the study of methods of teaching biology is the educational process associated with the subject “Biology”. Science includes knowledge about the subject of study. The subject of the research methodology is the goals and content of the educational process, methods, means and forms of teaching, upbringing and development of schoolchildren.

In the development of science, a rather significant role belongs to the methods of scientific research. The leading methods of teaching biology are as follows:

1)                      empirical - observation, pedagogical experiment, modeling, forecasting, testing, qualitative and quantitative analysis of pedagogical achievements;

2)                      theoretical knowledge - systematization, integration, differentiation, abstraction, idealization, system analysis, comparison, generalization. Building a theory of teaching biology in the system of secondary schools requires a combination of empirical and theoretical knowledge.

The structure of the content of mntodics of teaching biology has been scientifically substantiated. It is divided into general and private, or special, teaching methods: natural history, courses “Plants. Bacteria.

Mushrooms and lichens”, “Animals”, “Man”, “General biology”, etc (tabl.).

Tabl. Methods of studying animal species


Methods modeling


Tumor Cell Lines

Primary Tumors


Nu/nu        genotype,

NIH                Swiss,


Intracerebral injection


D-54 MG, U-118 MG, U-251 MG


Bullard D.E.

Wistar, Fischer 344 rats

Intracisternal inocultion


C6, 9L glioma

Meningeal gliomatosis

Yoshida T.


C57BL/6, C57BL/6 x C3H/HeN F1 

Intracarotid injection


K-1735, B16 melanoma UV-2237 fibrosarcoma

Melanoma and fibrosarcoma

Schackert G.

NCr-nu/nu mice

Intracarotid injection



Breast cancer

Kim L.S.

BD-IV rats

Left    ventricular injection

ENU 1564

Breast cancer

Mendes O.

C57BL/6NCrj mice


Lewis lung carcinoma

Lung cancer

Zhang Z. 

                                                                                 1 (77) 2021                                       PEDAGOGIK MAHORAT





Saito N.

BALB/c  mice

SOI (right lung)

Lewis lung carcinoma


Lung cancer

Rashidi B.

NCr-nu/nu mice

Intracarotid injection

Colon carcinoma 


Colon carcinoma

Yano S.

BALB/c mice

Intracarotid injection


Colon carcinoma

Weilemann F.

Rnu/rnu        Rowett


Intracerebral implantation

pts brain metastaes

Ovary, colon, lung cancer and melanoma

Wang J.

The general methodology of teaching biology considers:

-  basic concepts of biological education, goals, objectives, principles, methods, means, forms, models of implementation, content and structures, stages, continuity, history of the formation and development of biological education in the country and the world;

-  ideological, moral and eco-cultural education in the learning process;

-  unity of content and teaching methods; the relationship between the forms of educational work;

-  the integrity and development of all elements of the biological education system, which ensures the strength and awareness of knowledge, skills and abilities.

-  demonstrative methods of teaching: the method of demonstrative presentation of teaching methods, posters, and video clips was used;

-  the practical method of training in the classroom was mainly using microscopes to examine the cytological preparations, various models and additional demonstrative experiments were used;

-  the method of case study - discussion of the lesson, the search for additional sources of literature and conducting teamwork, the organization of debates on the topic of discussion of the lesson;

-  materials used in training - computer, interactive whiteboards, posters, drugs, microscopes, samples of living organisms, etc.

Private methodologies explore specific learning issues for each course, depending on the content of the teaching material and the age of the students.

They present the methodology of lessons, excursions, extracurricular activities, extracurricular activities, that is, the system of teaching a specific course in biology. The general method of biology is closely related to all particular biological methods.


Based on the foregoing, we believe that:

-                reduction of hours in biology is unacceptable;

-                biology should be integrated with special subjects or with other theoretical subjects such as normal anatomy, normal physiology, histology, biomedical physics, pathological anatomy, pathological physiology, etc.

-                the teaching of the subject should be progressive, qualitatively, at a higher, modern level;

-                the transfer of knowledge must necessarily be carried out with the active participation of students, this requires the creation of clear, unified textbooks, teaching aids, the development of programs, laboratory work and seminars.




1.                       Asmolov A.G. Sistеmno-dеyatеlnostnoy podxod v razrabotkе standartov novogo pokolеniya / Pеdagogika M., 2009. № 4. S. 18-22.

2.                       Izbassarova R.Sh., Zhumagulova K.A. Textbook “Methodology of teaching biology” For students on specialty “Biology” // Almaty. 2016.

3.                       National Academy of Sciences. The National Academies Summer Institutes on Undergraduate Education in Biology. 2004.  

4.                       Nikishina I.V. Innovatsionnoʻе pеdagogichеskiе tеxnologii i organizatsiya uchеbno-vospitatеlnogo i mеtodichеskogo protsеssov v shkolе. –Volgograd: “Uchitеl”, 2008.  

5.                       Prince M.J., Felder R.M. Inductive teaching and learning methods / Definitions, comparisons and research basis // J. Eng. Educ. - 2006. - 95. - P.123-138.

6.                       Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL) What works - what is learned // Biology Portfolio. 2004.  









Buxoro davlat universiteti muassisligidagi


ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnali  barcha ta’lim muassasalarini  hamkorlikka chorlaydi.  


Pedagoglarning sevimli nashriga aylanib ulgurgan “Pedagogik mahorat” jurnali maktab, kollej, institut va universitet pedagogik jamoasiga muhim qoʻllanma sifatida xizmat qilishi shubhasiz.




Mualliflar uchun eslatib oʻtamiz,  maqola qoʻlyozmalari universitet  tahririy-nashriyot boʻlimida qabul qilinadi. 


Manzilimiz: Buxoro shahri, M.Iqbol koʻchasi 11-uy

Buxoro davlat universiteti, 1-bino 2-qavat, 208-xona


Tahririyat rekvizitlari: 

Moliya vazirligi gʻaznachiligi


MB BB XKKM  Toshkent sh. MFO 00014  INN 201504275

BuxDU 400110860064017950100079002 
















Pedagogik mahorat: rivojlanamiz va rivojlantiramiz!



                                                                            Buxoro davlat universiteti nashri  sahifalandi. Chop etish siJurnal tahririyat kompyuterida fati uchun                          


MAHORAT Jurnal oliy oʻquv yurtlarining professor-              bosmaxona javobgar.                            oʻqituvchilari, ilmiy tadqiqotchilar, ilmiy                                xodimlar, magistrantlar, talabalar, akademik        Bosishga ruxsat etildi 05.04.2021  

             Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik         litsey va kasb-hunar kollejlari hamda maktab              Bosmaxonaga topshirish vaqti                       

                             jurnal                             oʻqituvchilari, shuningdek, keng ommaga                             08.04.2021

          moʻljallangan.        Qogʻoz bichimi: 60x84. 1/8    2021-yil 1-son (77)                              Tezkor bosma usulda bosildi.

          Jurnalda nazariy, ilmiy-metodik,          Shartli bosma tabogʻi – 20,6                  muammoli maqolalar, fan va texnikaga oid   Adadi – 100 nusxa                 yangiliklar, turli xabarlar chop etiladi. Buyurtma №90.

2001-yil iyul oyidan                        Bahosi kelishilgan narxda. chiqa boshlagan.                       

                                                                                       Nashr uchun mas’ul:                                “Sadriddin Salim Buxoriy”

                                                                                       Alijon HAMROYEV.                                            MCHJ

OBUNA INDEKSI:     Musahhih: Muhiddin BAFAYEV.      bosmaxonasida chop etildi.  3070        Мuharrir: Oʻgʻiljon Olloqova                Bosmaxona manzili: Buxoro shahri M.Iqbol koʻchasi 11-uy.