Problems Of Creative Approach In The Pedagogical Activity Of Future Music Teachers
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Problems Of Creative Approach In The Pedagogical Activity Of Future Music Teachers

Оценка 4.9
Problems Of Creative Approach In The Pedagogical Activity  Of Future Music Teachers
This article is about the problems of creative approach in the pedagogical activity of future music teachers.
N.E.Raxmatov (Impact Factor).pdf









Volume 2 Issue 9, 2020


ISSN 2689-100X


The USA Journals, USA





96.                           Pardaev Azamat Bakhronovich, Odinaev Bekkul Imamkulovich (2020). The Importance Of Functional Words Categories In Uzbek Language And Their Lingvo-Pragmatic Analysis. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 632-637.


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101.                       Nurbek Erkinovich Rakhmatov (2020). Problems Of Creative Approach In The Pedagogical Activity Of Future Music Teachers. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 659-664



102.                       Guli I. Ergasheva, Zahriddin.X. Haitqulov (2020). A Study Of Machine Translation Theories

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105.                       Ziyaboyeva Sevara, Kazakova Marifat, Lazokat Dadaboyeva, Ibrokhimova Mukhaddam (2020). The Use Of Internet Technologies In Teaching English. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 681-684.


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Problems Of Creative Approach In The Pedagogical Activity

Of Future Music Teachers



Nurbek Erkinovich Rakhmatov

Bukhara State University,  Bukhara, Uzbekistan

This article is about the problems of creative approach in the pedagogical activity of future music teachers.



Musical forms,education, uzbek folk music, art, culture.






The Uzbek people have a rich educational heritage, educating generations of such universal qualities as humanism, modesty, hard work, kindness, friendship, brotherhood, cleanliness, politeness. At present, an urgent issue is the formation of these values among young people, that is, spiritual education. Spiritual education includes several aspects, all its facets are difficult to cover in the article, and so, taking spiritual education as a complex task, we set ourselves the task to focus on one aspect of it - the formation of high human feelings through musical influence. From the mosaic to our time, many centuries have come down, from generations to ancestors, songs that represent the contemplation and life of the people. Each of them has an impressive power that through method, rhythm excites emotions, is remembered by meaning, makes a person think, think. Our scientists have long recognized and transmitted that they are important for human society and the life of each person. "O world of music, fortunately you are going, if you were not, what would forgive the condition of a man!" exclaimed Farabi.


The correct approach to cultural heritage and its fruitful use have remained unnoticed for many years, and have not been considered an unrecorded science in educational institutions. 


After the independence of our Republic, attention to this issue has increased, programs, manuals, and guidelines have been published. Among Them: H. Nurmatov's Book "Rubob class program" and "rubob textbook" (1993god), A. O. Hasanova" music and education” (1993), written using scientific research obtained by Uzbek musicologists.Ibragimov "Uzbek people musical creativity" (1993) and methodological recommendations (1994), as well as introduction as an independent science for educational institutions in the specialty of Art and pedagogy. But this research does not aim to focus on the educational meaning and content of music and songs. Therefore, we will focus on the methodological directions that include these issues.


In preparing students of musical pedagogical faculties for the teaching profession in secondary schools, we strive to fulfill the following tasks:


1.        Readers ' Love for music, arousal of interest, development of musical abilities.


2.       Education of students with a sense of love for the national musical heritage and through it to the Motherland, a correct understanding of their duty.


3.       Development of students' artistic abilities. They develop such traits as the ability to strive for life, reading, work and beauty, and intelligence in the perception of the environment.


Music has a huge impact on attracting the attention of young people to beauty, kindness, and humanity. For children, it is clear that they sing a lot, choosing songs that will sound the same musical works awakening the desire to listen again and again, you need to achieve new impressions each time. Along with the named songs and melodies, as well as folk songs, Uzbek national melodies, rich colorful melodies and content, teaching students classical songs awakens students ' love for our artistic heritage, penetration into secondary schools. Farabi in his music in his dedicated works, pays great attention to the musical heritage of the past,Every Mature musician claims that he should have three things:


1.        Every student should know the methods and rules of knowledge in full;


2.       He must be able and talented, able to comment and comment on the results of methods and rules arising in different cases of the same knowledge;


3.       Let authors who have an incorrect theory about musical art be able to criticize incorrect theories, between error and correct theories 25. Let it be able to display the difference and correct errors. These fertilizers today, even in our day, it has not lost its significance.




Medieval thinkers and scientists are also widely known for their musical art editorial Abdugani Abduramonov, Khorezmiy, Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Abu Raykhon Beruni, Abdurakhman Jami. A. Navoi and other thinkers were widely engaged in musical art, which has a strong influence on the heart and feelings of a person, and also composed large works about practical and theoretical parts of musical art, which are still of great importance in world music education and culture. In particular, the work of the great scholar al-Farabi, who lived in Central Asia “the Great book of music", dedicated to music, allows to some extent illuminate the unpublished pages of the history of our culture. R. D. Erlangen published in the French language wrote this work of al-Farabi in 1935. Great courage at that time was to write a work about its theoretical and practical educational significance, which was engaged in the musical art, which has a strong influence on the soul, heart, and feelings of a person. The” big book of music", in addition to highlighting the educational significance of music, provides extensive information about the structure and performance of rubabs, Nai, tanbur, Oud, Nogara and other instruments that played an important role in the development of musical art in the medieval East. Al-Farabi considers necessary and important tools that can imitate the human voice. "Instruments that make a sound close to a human voice are rubob, vomit, and wind instruments: they imitate sound very well. Rubob and surnay can imitate sound very well, "the scientist writes. Al-Farabi pointed out the two main functions of the instrument: sing and play alone. 


These traditions are still preserved in folk music. The sources and characteristics of Central Asian music development are well explained.


Music can influence the moral, ethical aspects of the soul; as long as music has such properties, it means that it should be included in the number of tools for educating young people. The national program provides for the training of highly qualified personnel who meet high spiritual and moral requirements, and the role of our musical heritage in this matter is important. 


Etudes of Uzbek folk songs, which are a mirror of the spiritual wealth of the people, historically began with distant times and developed in close connection with the social life of the people. Getting acquainted with the heritage of Uzbek folk music, we see the historical path, traditions, rituals and customs of a hard-working people, we will have a broad idea of friendship, heroism, love for the Motherland, love, loyalty, justice. In particular, music education can begin with the study of the musical heritage that my ancestors created over the centuries. Because as said by the academician Kabalevsky,”folk song is the people's encyclopedia”. The composer, who knows Uzbek national music well, N. Mironov said: "there is a passion for poetry, music and other arts among the hardworking people of Uzbekistan. This feature of the character of the entire Uzbek people is obvious. Uzbeks value their poets and writers, as well as singers, especially those who are curious.




The future of our society is connected with youth. Along with teaching them professions, mastering secular Sciences, as well as educating polite and modest, sincere and, of course, highly cultured people, today is a matter of national importance. The basis of aesthetic culture, which is an important part of human culture, is laid in secondary schools. In this regard, the possibilities of music lessons among many subjects are invaluable. The art of music is a special world. This is a world of wonderful sounds, charming melodies, a world of amazing emotions and emotional experiences. 


According to the great doctor Avicenna, patients were treated with the help of pleasant musical melodies. He noted that the earlier the formation of children's love for art begins, the more useful it is. He writes in his book” Canons of medical science", among the useful tools for the child's body at an early age, along with physical education, there are songs and music that are sung during the child's gestation. Depending on how the child masters these two things, a tendency to exercise and music is born in him, one to the body, the other to the soul.” Educator and psychologist the role and significance of song and music in the formation of personality in scientific research of scientists has been proven with the help of numerous proofs. The sources emphasize that music education plays a special role in the formation of a person, the development of their worldview, spirituality, morality, culture and human feelings.


The Kharezm inscriptions found as a result of archaeological searches would not justify the atrocities of the Arab invaders. Of course, in those days many examples of folk culture were forgotten, some of the beautiful examples of folk music were forgotten. Especially during the Mongol invasion, in the 13th century, when Samarkand was a major city, cultural life faded. It was only during the reign of Timur that the internecine wars of the Central Asian feudal lords were stopped. During the reign of Timur and the Timurids, the art of architecture flourished. The capital of the state of Samarkand, as well as the hometown of Temur "Shakhrisabz" were landscaped with grandiose buildings. Cultural life has grown. The famous scientist and musician Abdulkadir first served in the Palace of Temur, and then his successors. He is the author of a musical treatise that outlines the musical forms of the Palace. Abdulkadir also created a musical work of madhi character.


Especially the flourishing of science and culture occurred during his reign in Samarkand. He became a patron of poets and musicians. Stability during repeated testing of spiritual and moral norms profession and as the true support of a person on his life actions motivates. It clearly shows the state in which it should work. Appeals, instructions that are resolved in thoughts and melodies set in folk songs, instruction has been revised as a result of his many years of experience, polishing is the product of life conclusions that we have found. Positive reviews that every nation speaks about the sentence is correct, and it is natural that a person who does not read it stumbles into life. Art awareness of how strong an emotional and psychological impact society can have Muslim priests who have achieved the age-old goals they will use it on the way. 




As you know, one of the important decisions in the formation of spiritual and moral qualities of students is the implementation of the requirements of the law "on education” and "national training program", and one of the primary tasks is the professional training of future teachers at the faculties of music pedagogy.




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2.       Mirziyoev Sh.M. Together we will build a free and prosperous democratic state of Uzbekistan. NMIU "Uzbekistan", 2016.

3.       Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Strategy of actions for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan". Annex 1: “Action Strategy for the five priority areas of further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021”. People's Word newspaper. February 8, 2017 issue and Internet resource:

4.      Omonullayev D. and others. State Education Standards. Tashkent: Dastur, 1999.

5.       Ismailova M. Formation of spiritual and moral qualities of students through folk songs. Tashkent: Istiqlol Publishing House.


6.       Hamidov H. From the history of our music.

Tashkent: "Ukituvchi" 1995.

7.       Begmatov S. Orifxon Hotamov. Tashkent: "Yangi asr avlodi". 2000.

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Problems Of Creative Approach In The Pedagogical Activity Of Future Music Teachers

Problems Of Creative Approach In The Pedagogical Activity  Of Future Music Teachers



Pardaev Azamat Bakhronovich, Odinaev

Pardaev Azamat Bakhronovich, Odinaev

Husanboy Tursunov (2020). Student’s

Husanboy Tursunov (2020). Student’s

From the mosaic to our time, many centuries have come down, from generations to ancestors, songs that represent the contemplation and life of the people

From the mosaic to our time, many centuries have come down, from generations to ancestors, songs that represent the contemplation and life of the people

Music has a huge impact on attracting the attention of young people to beauty, kindness, and humanity

Music has a huge impact on attracting the attention of young people to beauty, kindness, and humanity

The” big book of music", in addition to highlighting the educational significance of music, provides extensive information about the structure and performance of rubabs,

The” big book of music", in addition to highlighting the educational significance of music, provides extensive information about the structure and performance of rubabs,

The future of our society is connected with youth

The future of our society is connected with youth

Especially the flourishing of science and culture occurred during his reign in

Especially the flourishing of science and culture occurred during his reign in

Tashkent: "Ukituvchi" 1995. 1

Tashkent: "Ukituvchi" 1995. 1
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