In Kazakhstan, Aktobe region сigai sheep has breeding began 1957 in «Zherenkopinsky» breeding farm, Isatai area by local absorption crossing fine-wool and coarse wool ewes with сigai different genotypes rams from «Chermomorsky», «Algaysky» breeding farms Crimean region, named after Rosa Luxemburg - Donetsk region and «Orlovsky» - Rostov regionВ Казахстане в Актюбинской области разведение цигайских овец началось в 1957 году в племзаводе «Жиренкопинский» Исатайского района путем поглотительного скрещивания местных тонкорунно-грубошерстных племенных маток баранами цигайской породы разных генотипов из племенных заводов «Черноморский», «Алгайский» Крымской области, имени Розы Люксембург Донецкой области и «Орловский» Ростовской области.
UDC 636.2.083.78
B.B. Traisov, D.Sc
K.G. Esengaliev, Ph.D
U.S.Makhmutova , undergraduate
A.K. Sultanova, Ph.D.c
Western Kazakhstan agrariantechnical university named after Zhangir khan, state
agricultural experienced station, Aktobe.
The Republic of Kazakhstan
In Kazakhstan, Aktobe region сigai sheep has breeding began 1957 in
«Zherenkopinsky» breeding farm, Isatai area by local absorption crossing fine
and coarse wool ewes with сigai different genotypes rams from
«Chermomorsky», «Algaysky» breeding farms Crimean region, named after Rosa
Luxemburg Donetsk region and «Orlovsky» Rostov region [1].
An array of сigai sheep has established by absorption crossing in Aktobe
region. Created array is confirmed as the new interbreed «Kazakh» type.
Cigai sheep successfully combine high meat and wool productivity. A
characteristic feature of the Kazakh interbreed type is a fortress of the
constitution and endurance.
One of the farms that distribute this breed is the «Tokmansay», Aktobe
A herd of сigai sheep in farm LTD «Tokmansay» Alga district was created
in 1968, in the period of separation from the economy of Gorky the same area of
the selected number of sheep share newly organized management of imported сigai
breed neighboring farms and the areas named after October, Mugalzhar as well as
purebred sheep , imported in 1973 , of plant breeding «Orlovsky» Rostov region
in an amount of 750 goals.
For reproduction of the herd of sheep on the farm сigai used seed sheep
manufacturers of the same breed, Aktobe state agricultural experienced station.
Mainly used for mating ewes sheep producers intrabreed «Kazakh» type of
«Zherenkopinsky» breeding farm. Animals new intrabreed type wool meat
production. They have a strong constitution , and well adapted to the harsh
conditions of the dry steppes and semideserts of Western Kazakhstan, with low
watered pastures and sparse [2,3].
On January 1, 2013 the total number of sheep in the Aktobe region one
million head, of which 160,000 sheep cigal breed and their hybrids . Currently, thenumber of сigai sheep breeding farm LTD «Tokmansay»is more than 6600 goals,
including goals queens 4500 or 68 %.
Wool sheep in farm LTD «Tokmansay» equation is characterized by good
length and thickness of the fibers in the staple, crimp mostly light tones of wool
grease, silkiness and elasticity.
For targeted delivery of selection and breeding developed minimum
requirements for classifying animals desired type in the elite class (Table 1).
Created array sheep in farm LTD «Tokmansay»characterized by relatively high
meat and wool productivity. Compared with the requirements established for wool
meat type are higher body weight by an average of 7% and shearing of scoured
wool by 12%.
Table 1 – Minimum requirements for classifying animals desired type in the elite
Alive mass,
Woolclip, kg
greasy wool
scoured wool
Wool length,
Sheep are characterized by satisfactory reproductive qualities. Lambing
depends on age, live weight , breed and lambing periods. Depending on weather
conditions and forage lambing ranges from 102 126%.
Thanks to good milk ewes 1.6 1.7 kg of milk per day in the first month of
lactation) lambs during the suckling period and grow well developed at birth and
lambs weighing 3.4 4.6 kg.
Average daily gain from them is 240 250 grams and weaning from their
mothers in the 4 months of age they reach the live weight 28 29 kg, and one
year of age 75 80% of live body weight parents.
Sheep have good fattening and meat qualities. In experiments on feeding
sheep on good pasture with supplementary feeding concentrates 0.3 kg per head
per day, average daily gain was wethers 250 270 grams.
While fattening sheep on the green mass of corn by 3.5 4.0 kg and 0.7 0.8
kg of concentrates per head per day, average daily gains made from ewes and
wethers 176 grams 186 grams. Moreover, all the animals had low fatness after 60
days of feeding were reclassified into higher fatness. Feed consumption per 1 kg of
gain made from ewes at 8.6 wethers 7.2 feed units.
Rams after 60 day feeding on the same diet were aged 8 months to 42 kg
body weight . Average daily gain was 180 g at a cost of 1 kg gain 6.4 feed units.According to the experimental sort of runes , as well as laboratory research
prototypes wool core thick wool fibers in adult sheep wool is 50 48 properties
(87%) in the young 56 50 quality (85.8 %).
All bulk wool fleeces from 85.8 to 93.6 % were grade 50 two adjacent 48 ,
56 50, and 58 56 , indicating a good equation thickness fibers.
Mainly characterized by good wool equations thickness staple coefficient
equations depending on the quality of wool varies from 20.6 to 25.4% , well below
the industry standard requirements.
In rams wool mainly at medium quality 50 30,231,5 micron fineness ,
strength wool 10,711,4 cN / tex , which meets the requirements for a uniform
semifine wool.
Wool sheep breeding farm LTD «Tokmansay» combines long, peculiar wool
meat sheep type with high density characteristic wool type. Unlike wool cigal
leading breeding plants she has a better equation length and thickness of wool
fibers in staple higher range in fineness, medium and pronounced tortuosity, the
presence of light wool grease of high quality, silky and elastic, in nature it is
somewhat similar to Semifine Corriedale wool type.
A positive aspect is that the class composition of improved breeding stock.
So, in 2012, the number of firstclass and elite ewes reached 3202 head and 96.3
%, lower grade animals is 3.7 % , and also improved and productive performance.
Productive indicators of desired type sheep are shown in Table 2.On live weight, shearing and wool length all agesex groups of animals
desired group kg increase in 2012, I ewes class have, respectively, from 3.2 kg to
3.3 kg.
All this could not affect the total production of wool. In general, the
qualitative composition of the wool produced slightly improved. All wool was
harvested as normal, increased by 7.2 % fleece.
Of all the energy produced in the 2012 class wool I was 77.2% , decreased
the number of lumps and of inferior quality wool.
In general, typicality , productive and breeding quality sheep breeding farm
LTD «Tokmansay» correspond to the requirements of the animal wool meat type
cigai Kazakh sheep met the requirements of the breed standard. So, elite ewes wool
clip in 2008 from 3.8 kg to 3.9.
1. Karpov O.S., Lushnikov V.P., Sharlapaev B.N. Methods to increase production
of cigai sheep mutton // Sheep, goats, wool business. 2003 . Num. 4. P.30 33 .
2. Kosilov V.I., Nikonov E.A Weight growth of the major muscle groups of young
cigai sheep // Sheep, goats, wool business. 2009 . Num. 3. P.64 68 .
3. Yuldashbaev Y.A., Erohin A.I., Karasev E.A. Meat productivity and quality of
mutton // Advances in science and technology of APK.2005 . Num. 11. P.21 23 .