Конспект урока
модуль 6b класс-8
Учитель- Абдурахманова Беневша Мизанфаровна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «Ново-Усурская СОШ»
ТЕМА: «Путешествие»
Тип урока: Урок закрепления и обобщения изученного материала.
Цели урока:
1) Образовательные:
-обобщить и закрепить лексические и страноведческие знания по теме «Путешествие», в речевых ситуациях с опорой на зрительную наглядность;
-формировать умения и навыки применять изученный лексический и грамматический материал на практике в таких видах речевой деятельности как: говорение, чтение, письмо;
-продолжать формировать навыки правильного английского произношения; продолжать обучать механизмам аудирования;
-формировать навыки поискового чтения;
-формировать умение работать в коллективе, в парах и индивидуально.
-подготовить учащихся к выполнению заданий в формате ГИА
2) Воспитательные:
-прививать интерес к изучаемому предмету;
-формировать культуру слушателя и рассказчика;
-воспитывать у учащихся чувство взаимоуважения и взаимопомощи, терпимость к чужому мнению при фронтальной, групповой и парной работе.
3) Развивающие:
-развивать память, внимание, воображение, логическое мышление, языковую догадку, продолжать формировать навыки правильной английской речи, развивать общую эрудицию учащихся;
-формировать поисковую деятельность учащихся.
Оборудование: проектор, компьютерная презентация к уроку, раздаточный материал- задания по чтению и для закрепления лексики по теме
Ход урока
I. Organization moment.
Учитель приветствует класс и знакомит их с целью и задачами урока.
Teacher: “ Hello, boys and girls! How are you? I hope you are fine. Do you want to know what will be the theme of the lesson? You can guess it if you solve this crossword puzzle.
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1.You usually buy it when you go by plane, by train or by bus.
2.Busses, trains, planes are means of …
3.you put there all necessary things when you go to another city or country
4.It is a place where you can swim.
5.you usually sleep there while hiking.
6.Fast transport.
7.Place for trains.
8.The train stops here.
9. Opposite to “Start”
10.Passaengers usually carry a heavy…
So, today we are going to continue our talk about travelling .In my opinion, this topic is very interesting and important nowadays, because we enjoy travelling about our country and visiting different countries and we can’t imagine our life without it.
So, let’s start. ( На доске план урока)
Firstly, you’ll do some exercises to revise vocabulary. Secondly, we’ll discuss some questions concerning travelling. Then you’ll present your projects and share your experience of travelling. Finally, you‘ll do the tasks in listening and reading.”
II. Warming up .
Vocabulary revision.
T:“Well, let’s start. Take your cards, please, and read the task.”
Ученики читают задание и выполняют упражнения. ( приложение 1)
Task 1. Choose a suitable word .
1. David’s plane was cancelled/ delayed by thick fog.
2. The ship’s owner agreed to give the crew/ passengers a pay- rise.
3. The plane from Geneva has just grounded/ landed.
4. We hope that you will enjoy your flight/ flying.
5. I won’t be long. I’m just packing my last luggage/ suitcase.
6. On the plane a stewardess/ waitress brought me a newspaper.
Task 2.
Match the words with the definition.
an expedition a flight a tour a cruise travel an itinerary
1. A journey by ship for pleasure. - . . .
2. A journey by plane. - . . .
3. The plan of a journey. - . . .
4. A journey for a scientific or special purpose.
5. Taking journeys, as a general idea. - . . .
6. An organized journey to see sights of a place. - , . .
III. Main part. 1. Speaking.
Teacher: After revising words on the theme, I’d like you to speak about travelling. So, we have 4 questions to discuss:
1. The role of travelling in our life 2.The places we can travel 3. The ways we can travel
4. The problems we can have while travelling
Teacher:”As for me, I think travelling has always been very important for people. Moreover, it has changed the world greatly. And what do you think of the point?”
Ученики делятся своим мнением о путешествиях. (см. Презентацию “Travelling”)- слайд 4
1.P.1,2.“ Travelling helps to discover the world / to learn about different countries and people/ about culture and history/ to practice foreign languages/ to try local food/etc.” 2 Teacher:” Personally, I prefer travelling abroad, somewhere at the seaside. Where else can people travel?
P.” People can travel in deserts/ mountains/ go ice-diving in the Arctic/ walk around frozen valleys of Siberia” (слайд 5 ) Teacher. “So many people, so many opinions. Nowadays a lot of people like visiting new countries but I know that some of you prefer travelling around our own country, Russia. I’d like you to prove your choice.”
Ученики обсуждают преимущества и недостатки путешествий за рубежом и по своей стране.
P1. “Travelling abroad is more exciting because you learn something new, different from what you are used to.” P2. “But to my mind, exploring your own country is more important because first, you should know your country well, know its culture, history.” P3. “Travelling abroad is usually more expensive.” P4.” Service in hotels and restaurants is much better and worth the money you pay.”etc.
3. Teacher: “Well, tastes differ. And what about different ways of travelling? Which of them do you prefer and why?” (слайд 6)
P.. answer the question
P1:There are different ways of travelling. People can travel by plane, by train , by car or on foot . As for me, I prefer travelling by car or by bicycle. because it is more comfortable and cheaper. You don’t have to buy tickets and you can stop at any place you like. You can see a lot of interesting places, meet different people, enjoy nature.
P.2 I like to travel by plane. Of course, it is more dangerous than travelling by car but it is the fastest way of travelling.
4. Teacher:” You see “Tastes differ.” Of course, travelling is pleasure, especially when you use your favourite ways of transportation.
Our next task is called “Different Types of Transportation” (приложение 2) – работа в группах
Teacher:: but unfortunately people can have some problems while travelling. What do you know about this point?” (презентация “Travelling” слайд 7)
P.1 Р.2.etc. ” If you lie in the sun too much , you can get sunstroke/ If you eat too much exotic food, you can get stomachache/ If you are inattentive, you can lose your way / lose your passport/ purse/ etc.
Teacher: Now let us listen to your dialogues and discuss holiday problems
(Ученики инсценируют домашние диалоги, составленные на основе Ex.3,5 p.92)
V. Динамическая пауза.
VI.Presentation of mini- projects
T.” Well, I see you know a lot about travelling and , to my mind, it’s time for you to share your experience of it.”
Ученики показывают свои мини-презентации о путешествиях. (см.презентацию Moscow, St. Petersburg, Hazino)
VII. Reading T. “ Thank you very much. It was very interesting to listen to you. And now why don’t we read other people’s stories? Take, please, a sheet of paper and read task № 1.”
Ученики читают текст, выполняют задание №1 (приложение 3)
Далее проводится взаимоконтроль . На доске записаны правильные ответы : 1-F; 2-A: 3-C: 4-B: 5-E
VIII. Speaking
T.” Your next task will be speaking. Let us work in pairs. Look at these questions. Read the dialogue and make your own dialogue according to the model
(Where would you like to travel? What activities would you like to do there? - см. презентацию)
• A: I’d like to go to Italy one day. It’s supposed to be amazing.
• B: Really? What would you like to do there?
A: I’d like to visit museums and to practise my language
IX. Conclusion
T. “ Thank you for your work at the lesson. Today you have practised in reading, listening and speaking a lot. Well done. You’ll get the following marks… .Your homework is to write a letter to your English pen- friend about travelling and ask him/her 3 questions about his/her attitude to travelling. So, the lesson is over. Good-bye.”
Список использованной литературы
Приложение 1.
I. Choose a suitable word
1. David’s plane was cancelled/ delayed by thick fog.
2. The ship’s owner agreed to give the crew/ passengers a pay- rise.
3. The plane from Geneva has just grounded/ landed.
4. We hope that you will enjoy your flight/ flying.
5. I won’t be long. I’m just packing my last luggage/ suitcase.
6. On the plane a stewardess/ waitress brought me a newspaper.
II. Match the words with the definition.
an expedition a flight a tour a cruise travel an itinerary
1. A journey by ship for pleasure. - . . .
2. A journey by plane. - . . .
3. The plan of a journey. - . . .
4. A journey for a scientific or special purpose.
5. Taking journeys, as a general idea. - . . .
6. An organized journey to see sights of a place. - , . .
Приложение 2.
Different Types of Transportation
Cut out the picture and glue it in the square that you think it belongs in.
recumbent bike
Task 1. Прочитайте тексты. Установите соответствие между высказываниями A- F и пронумерованными текстами 1-5. Запишите ответы в таблицу. В задании есть одно лишнее высказывание.
A. The speaker says what transport can ruin his/ her travelling.
B. The speaker explains why people should use more public transport while travelling.
C. The speaker says what means of transport he/ she prefers during her/ his travelling and why.
D. The speaker talks about popular means of transport which people will use in future.
E. The speaker thinks that people should invent ecological transport for their travelling.
F. The speaker says how he/ she became an enthusiastic traveller.
Speaker 1
I travel a lot. I think I take after my grandfather, who was a geologist and explored the most distant corners of our country. With him we travelled by bike, by boat and by dog sledge. Once a helicopter took us to some distant place in Siberia as no other transport was possible there! It was a unique experience- frightening and exciting at the same time. My grandpa taught me how to survive in any environment and I enjoyed his lessons. Now I have to travel a lot because of my job and I love it, no matter where I go and what transport I use.
Speaker 2
I love travelling! That is, I love discovering new places and meeting new people. But , unfortunately, travelling often means flying, which sometimes makes me give up my ambitious travelling plans and stay at home. Honestly, I would prefer any means of transport to a plane, even a dog sledge or a bicycle, but it’s not possible in our technological age. Once I went to a beautiful island in the Pacific. It was a paradise – clear warm ocean, white sand and bright tropical fish. But from the very first day I started thinking about the horror of flying back. I wasn’t able to enjoy my holiday because of my fear.
Speaker 3
I enjoy travelling by train. Most people say that it’s a slow and rather inconvenient means of transport. This may be quite true. The train is not very fast, it can never beat the plane. But I like the relaxing atmosphere in the train. People enjoy talking in the train. You can look through the window and watch the places you are passing by. When I was little, we often went by train to my granny. It was a long journey and it was a very happy time for us kids. Dad used to tell us stories and mum invented different games to entertain us. It was fun!
Speaker 4
We enjoy travelling and visiting other cities and countries. In our routine life we travel long distances too – we go to work, schools and universities. We need to do shopping and see friends. To save time people often use cars, but it causes new problems. In big cities traffic jams often block the roads. Hundreds of cars get stuck, with their engines running and emitting lots of carbon dioxide, which pollutes the air. People get nervous and it can cause follow-up traffic accidents. I think people should use buses and the underground more. It would be good for the environment and would save time and resources.
Speaker 5
People can’t do without travelling. There are lots of reasons which make us go to other cities and other countries – business, education or just curiosity. We can’t stop it, as we can’t stop technological progress in general. However, we should understand that most means of transport are rather harmful to the environment. Cars, planes and ships pollute the atmosphere, soil and water. To save nature we need to invent alternative means of transport, which use clean energy and are harmless to the environment. There’s no need to limit travelling, we just need to make our means of transport nature friendly.
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