Разработка урока " The wonderful Wizard of Oz" для 6 класса
Оценка 5

Разработка урока " The wonderful Wizard of Oz" для 6 класса

Оценка 5
Разработка урока " The wonderful Wizard of Oz" для 6 класса
6A Lessonplan24.02.2021.docx




Многопрофильная гимназия №41 имени А.Пушкина









The wonderful Wizard of Oz

Form  6 “ А













                                                      Teacher: Amankulova N.T.












Taraz 2021






                                                   Lesson  plan


Unit of a long term plan: Reading for Pleasure

School: Gymnasium #41

Date: 24.02

Teacher name: Amankulova N.T.

CLASS:  6A                            

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: The wonderful Wizard of Oz

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to independently a limited range of short simple fiction and non-fiction texts; understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; deduce meaning from context on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts;

Lesson objectives

All students be able to:

- understand without support basic questions  about the tales

- identify the main idea from context in excerpt of a fairy tale

- communicate meaning clearly at sentence during the working

Assessment criteria

- ask and answer about  the reading of the wonderful Wizard of Oz

- speak  about  the wonderful Wizard of Oz

- communicate and work well together in groups showing respect and being polite with each other

Language  objective

vocabulary from the tale: The wonderful Wizard of Oz

Values links

Teamwork: Ss will work well together showing respect and being polite with each other.

Cross-curricular links

Literature, History and Art

Previous  learning

Ss knew common names literary genres


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



2 min













(D)T:  Hello, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. How are you?

(W) Ss’ answers…

(D)T:  Today we will have a lesson.

(I)T: Look at the pictures and guess the theme of our lesson ….




Asks learners about the topic of the lesson and introduces the lesson objectives.

 (W)T: The theme of lesson is “The wonderful Wizard of Oz”. Today we are going to speak about the tale “The wonderful Wizard of Oz”.


















35 min
















































Task 2.Warming up.

(D)T:  Answer the questions

- What tales do you know?

- What kazakh tales do you know?

- What characters in your tale do you know?

- What is your favourite tale? Why?           

(I) Ss answer …

Descriptor A learner

- gives for each question right answer.



(I)Task 3: Watch the video and the pictures (A-D) tell us the story.

                  Who are the characters in the pictures?


Descriptor A learner

- watches the video;

- tells the story.


(W)Task 4: Who does what? Look at the pictures and read the text again. Which characters do these things, do you think? Match the name with the sentence.


1.Dorothy                               a) He slowly moved his arms, his head and his legs.                              

2.Toto                                     b) He lives in the Emerald City.

3.Tin Man                               c) It ran out of the forest and stood in the road.

4.Scarecrow                            d) They were walking through beautiful fields.

5.The Great Oz                       e) He scared birds and wants a brain, can be a real person 6. The lion                                  

Descriptor A learner

- looks at the pictures;

- reads the text again;

- gives for each question right answer.


(I)Task 5: Put the events in the correct order they happened.




They met a Lion who tried to bite Toto.



They all decided to find the Wizard together.



They heard a loud roar.



Dorothy and Toto saw a Scarecrow with no brain.



Dorothy saw a Tin Man with an axe.



Dorothy and her friends saw a green light shining in the distance.



Dorothy got the oil can and oiled the Tin Man.


Descriptor A learner

- puts the events in the correct order they happened;




(I)Task 5: Take the test on the link.


Read the text “The wonderful Wizard of Oz”. Choose the correct answer.


1.Who lives in the Emerald City?

a/ Dorothy

b/ The Great Oz       +

c/ The Wicked Witch of the East                       


2.The Scarecrow is sad because he doesn’t have a (an) …

a/ brain     +

b/ heart

c/ axe


3.Who was originally a real man?

a/ The Tin Man     +

b/ The Scarecrow

c/  The Lion                           


4. Who does the lion want to bite?

a/ Dorothy

b/ The Tin Man

c/ Toto           + 


5. Who saw a Tin Man with an axe?

a/ Dorothy +

b/ The Tin Man

c/ Toto          


6. Who ran out of the forest and stood in the road in front of them?

a/ The Tin Man     

b/ The Scarecrow

c/ The Lion  +


7. Who scared birds and wants a brain, can be a real person?

a/ The Tin Man     

b/ The Scarecrow    +

c/  The Lion     


8.  Who saw a Scarecrow with no brain?       

a/ The Tin Man and The Lion          

b/ Dorothy and Toto   +

c/ The Scarecrow and Dorothy


9. Dorothy and her friends saw a green light shining in the distance?

a/ The Tin Man and his friends   

b/ The Lion and his friends   

c/ Dorothy and her friends   +


10. Why did they all decide to find the Wizard together?

a/ The Wizard can help all   +

b/ They want to play with the Wizard.

c/ They want to live together.








































3 min








Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check. ICT links


Less support of student asking and answering about the fairy tales and the watching the videos.

More support of student during the putting the events in the correct order they happened;

Most support of student during the telling and matching the story.


Asssessment “Thumb”






Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. 

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

















































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Многопрофильная гимназия №41 имени

Многопрофильная гимназия №41 имени

Lesson plan Unit of a long term plan:

Lesson plan Unit of a long term plan:

Task 2.Warming up. (D)T :

Task 2.Warming up. (D)T :

I)Task 5: Take the test on the link

I)Task 5: Take the test on the link

End 3 min Stickers

End 3 min Stickers

Разработка урока " The wonderful Wizard of Oz" для 6 класса

Разработка урока " The wonderful Wizard of Oz" для 6 класса

Разработка урока " The wonderful Wizard of Oz" для 6 класса

Разработка урока " The wonderful Wizard of Oz" для 6 класса
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