Разработка урока в 8 классе по теме: Жизнь Френсиса Дрейка"
Оценка 5

Разработка урока в 8 классе по теме: Жизнь Френсиса Дрейка"

Оценка 5
Разработка урока в 8 классе по теме: Жизнь Френсиса Дрейка"
урок в 8 классе дрейк.docx

    8 класс                 

Тема: Жизнь Френсиса Дрейка.

Цель: организовать деятельность учащихся по изучению и активизации лексического материала, совершенствованию навыков чтения и говорения.

Образовательные: ознакомление учащихся с жизненным путем Френсиса Дрейка, его достижениями, изучение и активизация нового лексического материала, речевых оборотов и разговорных клише, совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения;

Развивающие: развитие навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма; развивать память, внимание, мышление, познавательные интересы.

Воспитательные:  формировать гражданскую идентичность учащихся через освоение общекультурного наследия (достижения науки); формировать систему ценностей; воспитывать заинтересованность в расширении знаний, уважение к людям разных профессий.

Оборудование. учебник, тетрадь, карточки, компьютер, телевизор.

Тип урока. Комбинированный урок

Ход урока

1. Организационный этап

1) Приветствие учителя, проверка готовности учащихся к уроку, определение отсутствующих, организация внимания учащихся.

Good morning pupils. I am very glad to see you at our lesson. Today we’ll make a sea voyage that’s why I invite you to step on the deck of our ship. 

2) Речевая разминка.

How are you?

Are you ready for adventures?

2. Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.

People have always dreamt about travellings, adventures and different countries. In spite of all dangers that awaited them during their wanderings, they went sailing. They were very brave people.

Look at the list of famous people and pick out four famous navigators from the list.


1.Hieronymus Bosch

2.James Cook

3.John Constable

4.Christopher Columbus

5.Ferdinand Magellan

6.Baruch Spinoza

7.Vasco da Gama

8.John Harrison


Today we’ll speak about the person whose name we can add to this list. He was the first Englishman who as Magellan sailed around the world. He said: “Great things have small beginnings”. У великих вещей есть маленькие начала

These words we’ll be the epigraph of our lesson. They were said by Sir Francis Drake.

Who was this man? People called him a slave-trader, a pirate, a privateer, a navigator, a discoverer,
a politician, a knight. Scientists argue if he was a villain or a hero.


Who is a villain?
Who is a hero?

A villain is – an evil person or a criminal.

A hero is – someone who has done something very brave, someone who you admire a lot.


At the end of our lesson we’ll try to find the answer.


3. Первичное усвоение новых знаний


1) Объяснение и фонетическая отработка лексического материала. Работа с карточками.

For our voyage we need some provision. But instead of food and water we will take some words. They will help us during our trip. Let’s read and pronounce them correctly.


on board: on the ship (на борту)

remaining: left (оставшихся)

route: way (путь, маршрут)

violent: strong (сильный)

ports: harbours (порты)

treasure: valuable objects (сокровища)

eventually: In the end (в конце концов)

fortune: sum of money (состояние)



1.      on board



2.      remaining



3.      route


4.      violent


5.      ports


6.      treasure


7.      eventually



8.      fortune














в конце концов




2). Vocabulory. Выполнение лексических упражнений.

a).Match the words with their definitions.






a).travel by sea

b).a place where ships stop


d).something that helps you to navigate

e).when you find something new

b). Fill in gaps with the words.

1.Peter wants to travel around…                                       a).fortune

2.At this time yesterday, we were…                                 b).port

3.I didn't bring my dog…                                                  c).route

4.He made a great …                                                        d).the world                      

5…., the rain was over and we went to the theatre           e).discovery

6.Yesterday it was a … storm.                                          f).sailing

7.He travelled to the south … of America.                       g).treasure

8.We were walking at the … yesterday evening.              h).on board

9.Did you buy the … of the city?                                      i).coast

10.They discovered some hidden on the island.           j).violent

11.We need to think over our …                                       k).map

12.This scientist made his great  … in 1992.                    l).eventually

c). Match the words in bold to their meaning. Ex. 5 p.54.


4. Listening. Аудирование.

a). pre-listening

Look at the screen and watch a video. Pay attention to the new words. Read and pronounce them correctly.

religious persecutionрелигиозное преследование

apprenticed - обучался

sea merchantморской торговец

destroy - уничтожить

yellow feverжелтая лихорадка


b). while – listening

Fill in the missing information.

1.Place of birth –

2.His father’s profession –

3.Married –

4.Children –

5.Famous for –

6.Buried -


c). post – listening

Watch once more and decide if the statements are true or false.

1.Sir Francis Drake was born in 15-th century in Devon.

2.He was the youngest of the twelve children in the family.

3.The family had to move to Kent because of religious persecution.

4.He apprenticed to neighbor who was a doctor.

5.He was married three times.

6.Drake didn’ t have any children. 

7.He was a Vice Admiral of the Navy and destroyed the Spanish Armada.

8. He was the first Englishman who travelled around the world on the ship Silver Hinde.

9.He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I in 1571.

10.He died in 1596 and was buried at sea.


5. Минутка релаксации. Close your eyes, listen to music and imagine yourself on board the ship. Try to feel the smell of the sea.


Take me out to the ocean,
Take me out to the sea,
Show me the foamy waves rolling there,
As I breathe in the salty sea air!
Let me look, look, look at the ocean,
See the sea and explore,
For it’s fun to dive from the top
To the ocean floor!


6. Speaking. Говорение.

Today some experts are present at our lesson. Mr. … is a biographer. Mr. … is a historian. Mr. … is a geographer. They will tell us about some interesting facts about Francis Drake so we can make a real portrait of this man.

Now I’d like to address to Mr.  Can you add some facts about his life?

7. Reading. Чтение текста “The Master Thief of the Unknown World”.

a). pre-reading

How many continents do you know?

Which continents do you know?

b). while – reading

Match the words to make word – combinations.

1.to sail around               a).storm

2.east                               b).treasure                

3.new                               c).the world

4.violent                          d).fortune

5.to turn                           e).coast

6.Spanish                         f).back

7.maps and                      g).route

8.amazing                        h).ports


Choose the correct answer.

1.How many ships left Plymouth in 1577?

a).four                      b).five                              c).six

2.Which ship could return to England?

a).Bronze Lion           b).Silver Fox                    c).Golden Hind           

3.Where did he sail after crossing the Atlantic?

a).to  South America   b). to  North America       c).to Africa

4.Who controlled all gold from “The New World” to Europe?

a).French                    b).Spanish                      c).Italians

5.What did he steal?

a).maps and treasure     b).books and money        c).rare animals and plants 

6).How many years did he travel?

a).two                          b).four                           c).three

7).Whom was he knighted by?

a).by the President       b).by the Queen             c).by the King

8).He was the first Englishman to

a).sail around the world b).discover America      c).defeat French Fleet


c). post-reading

Match the headings to the paragraphs.






A).Returning home.

B).A famous pirate.

C).The beginning of the voyage.

D).Knight and pioneer

E).Dangerous travelling.


8. Speaking. Говорение.

Now I will ask the geographer to add some interesting facts about this journey.

And now Mr. will tell us some historical facts about Francis Drake’ role in defeating the Spanish Armada.



9. Рефлексия (подведение итогов занятия)

Unfortunately our voyage is coming to an end. Today we spoke about a very unordinary personality. We spoke about Francis Drake’s life and his achievements.

What do you think who was this man a villain or a hero?

He lived in an epoch of Great Discoveries and wars. It was the period of formation of the British monarchy. Sir Francis Drake was the son of that time. It is difficult to judge his actions but his name will remain in history forever. In a living museum near London Bridge there is a replica of Drake’s ship where you can experience the life of those times and get a taste of that epoch.

Т. : Your marks are...


10. Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению.

Ex.3 p.54.

Look through the text once more and put the sentences about Drake’s journey in the right order.

Упр. 6(с. 55) составить рассказ о путешествии Дрейка

Т.: The lesson is over. Goodbye!



















Тема: Жизнь Френсиса Дрейка

Тема: Жизнь Френсиса Дрейка

In the end ( в конце концов ) fortune: sum of money ( состояние ) 1

In the end ( в конце концов ) fortune: sum of money ( состояние ) 1

Match the words in bold to their meaning

Match the words in bold to their meaning

Speaking. Говорение. Today some experts are present at our lesson

Speaking. Говорение. Today some experts are present at our lesson

Рефлексия ( подведение итогов занятия )

Рефлексия ( подведение итогов занятия )
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