разработка урока на тему '' food food wonderful food" название продуктов и правило countable and uncountable nouns, some and any, article a/an и заданий темы например meat мясо. рыба fish, cake торт rice рис spaghetti лапша juice сок bananas бананы
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Lyceum №23
Demonstration lesson
The theme: Food, food wonderful food
Grade: 3 “A”
Teacher: Salybekova G. KTheme of the lesson: Food food wonderful food
Form: 3A
Date: 28.02.2017
Teacher: Salybekova Gulnur Kuttybekyzy
Aims and objectives to organize the pupils activity in learning English, promote their general education and cultural growth
4 min
To review the grammar and vocabulary
To ask and talk about food and drink to give
some information about “how many and how
much”, “some and any”, to do exercises using
the grammar materials
Cultivating skills
To develop their speaking and
To enlarge pupil’s vocabulary
Pedagogical skills
To bring up pupils to be attentive, to
write nearly and correctly, to foster their
love and the culture of communication
and the need in practical use of language
Expected results:
1. Right usage of new lexis
2. Correct usage of grammar ability to
speak on covered theme
3. Ability to understand spoken English
training, explanation, speaking,
Methods of teaching
2. Grammar translation
3. Writing/ reading
4. Speech exercises
5. Work in groups
Course of the lesson
I Motivation
Organization of the class.
Good morning, pupils. How are you?
I’m glad to see you at today’s demonstration lesson. Theme of our demonstration
lesson is “Food food wonderful food”. At first I divide you into three groups. Each
groups have got own top executives. Ok and now let me explain you method of
estimation. For every correct answer top executives will put by one smile.
Before the starting our lesson let’s check your homework. The home work was to
learn by heart a poem “There are four monkeys at the zoo”
There are four monkeys at the zoo
The first monkey is kind
The second monkey is wild
The third monkey is small
The fourth monkey is tall
3 min
Warm up: Let’s sing a song “Food food wonderful food!
Food food wonderful food
Food food wonderful food
Food in the morning
Please make us some food
And we’ll eat it all the time
Food for breakfast
Pam pass the jam
Fred pass the bread
And thank you, thank you, thank you
potato [p ’teitou] картоп
apple [’æpl] алма
oranges [’orindз] апельсин
bananas [b na:n ] банан
grapes [’greips] жүзімPotato bread apple tomato crisps orange cheese banana spaghetti
fizzy drinks water pizza hamburger meat kiwi butter roll cake chocolate fruit rice
pasta tea coffee orange juice potato chicken sweets milk shake
Range of assessment
8-10 points – 5
7-6 points – 45-4 points – 3
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