Разроботка урока для учащихся 1 класса составлен на основе учебника "Smiles 1"автор учебника Jenny Dooley and Virgina Evans.Цель данного урока- развитие социокультурной компетенций учащихся знакомство жизни английских семей. На уроке использованы информационно- комуникационные технологий, системно-деятельности подход работы в группах и индивидуально.Разроботка урока для учащихся 1 класса составлен на основе учебника "Smiles 1"автор учебника Jenny Dooley and Virgina Evans.Цель данного урока- развитие социокультурной компетенций учащихся знакомство жизни английских семей. На уроке использованы информационно- комуникационные технологий, системно-деятельности подход работы в группах и индивидуально.
1 класс Microsoft Office Word.docx
All about my world.
Schoollyceum: №35
My friend. My friend’s family.
13.04.2017 14.04.2017
Teacher name Shadieva Fatima
Class: 1
Number present:
Learning objectives
that this lesson is contributing to
1.L1 recognize short basic instructions for a limited range of
classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly 1L2 recognize
with support a limited range of basic common personal questions
spoken slowly and distinctly 1R1 recognize
sound and name the letters of the alphabet 1R4 use the alphabet to
place the first letters of word in alphabetical order.
1.UE7 use personal subject and object pronouns to give basic personal
information. 1.S3
pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly 1.S5 use
words in short exchanges
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
To understand the new words. Colouring
Most learners will be able to: Use
the new words in structure
Some learners will be able: to read the
sentences to talk about their
friend’s family members.
Previous learning
Ask the pupils to present their projects from the previous lesson.
Extra materials
5 min
Planned timings
Warm up activity
To consolidate new language focus
This is my friend, Danna.
To consolidate new words: friend, name,
family, mummy, daddy, sister, brother
Letter Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq
Smiles name tagTrack 28 CD2
Activity 1. Listen, point and read. Track 28 CD2
The pupils listen, point to the pictures and read out
the texts.
Home work
Activity 2. Draw a picture of your friend’s family.
Present it to the class.
Activity book. Ex. 1 p.69 Find and numbe
Letters Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq.
Chinese Whispers! You whisper a school item to the
fist child, who whispers it to the child sitting next to
him/her and so on. The last child calls out the word
Teacher: Four!
Class : (shouting) Four!
Teacher: Nine!
Class: (whispering) Nine!
Formative assessment
Teacher and pupils count “Well done!”, “Good” and
“Try again!” cards and stickers
There smiley faces are on the board. (happy and sad)
T. suggests choosing any smiley face. .
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you
plan to give more support?
How do you plan to challenge
the more able learners?
Assessment – how are you
planning to check learners’
Crosscurricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links
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