Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку в 10 классе по УМК Гроза О.Л. «Английский нового тысячелетия»/ ”New Millennium English”. Данный урок направлен на развитие самостоятельной, творчески мыслящей личности, активизацию речемыслительной деятельности; развитие всех видов речевой деятельности через технологию критического мышления; формирование умения анализировать и критически оценивать информацию.
Конспект урока
по английскому языку в 10 классе
Тема: «Компьютеры в моей жизни»
Павленко Валентина Александровна,
Учитель английского языка
МАОУ «СОШ № 4»Ялуторовск
Краткая аннотация к уроку.
Класс: 10 класс, общеобразовательная школа.
УМК: «New Millenium English». 11 класс. Автор: Гроза
Издательство Титул 2009 г.
Тема раздела: Unit, “Computers in our life”
Тема урока: “Computers: pros and cons”
Форма организации работы: работа в парах, группах, индивидуальная, фронтальная.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Методы обучения: ИКТ, наглядноиллюстративный, демонстрационный, репродуктивный.
Цель урока: развитие коммуникативной и социолингвистической компетенции учащихся.
Задачи урока:
Практическая: совершенствовать навыки чтения и говорения на материале предлагаемых
текстов, активизировать мыслительную деятельность учащихся, направленную на правильное
употребление специальной терминологии; практиковать употребление словообразовательных
Развивающая: развивать языковые способности учащихся делать сообщения по речевой
ситуации и готовность к коммуникации; развивать навыки аудирования и поискового чтения, а
также умения участвовать в дискуссии.
Образовательная: расширить лингвистический кругозор учащихся путем привлечения
дополнительного материала, формирование умения использовать и применять компьютерную
Воспитательная: воспитание толерантного отношения к мнению других, умение работать в
группе; создание условий для формирования у учащихся умения безопасного пользования
Предполагаемый результат: умение участвовать в коллективном обсуждении проблемы,
умение слушать и работать с разными видами информации (текст, аудиозапись, тест, газетная
статья), высказывание своего мнения в рамках заданной речевой ситуации, умение употреблять
в речи словообразовательные модели.
Ключевые слова урока: computer, hardware, software, processor, device, keyboard, calculating
machine, computerized economy, computer communication, email, the Internet, «Microsoft».
Оборудование: мультимедиа аппаратура.
Ход урока:
Основные этапы урока
1. Организационный момент. Постановка задач.
Разминка речевая зарядка.
2. Работа с текстом. Чтение с целью поиска конкретной информации.
3. Актуализация знаний: активизация знаний на основе текста.
4. Ознакомление с терминологией по теме: «Компьютер в нашей жизни».5. Аудирование и выполнение заданий по прослушанному.
6. Чтение с полным пониманием содержания и обсуждение прочитанного.
7. Закрепление лексики. Русскоанглийский перевод.
8. Дискуссия. Работа по индивидуальным заданиям.
9. Тестирование.
10. Заключение. Рефлексия.
The procedure of the lesson
1. Warmingup
1. Answer the questions:
2. Are you a PC user?
3. Was it easy or difficult for you to learn how to use it ?
4. What for do you use your computer ?
5. Who taught you to use the computer ?
6. How much time a day do you spend in front of the computer ?
2. As you know Bill Gates created the first software – the programs that help personal computers
process different information. As founder of Microsoft Inc., he is now one of the richest men in
America. Read the text and find the information about:
Bill Gates was active in his teenage years.
He and his friend developed disk operating system.
Bill Gates foresaw the significance of computers in the future.
Binary number system has only two digits.
Bill Gates’ predictions came true.
Computers in the Future
Microsoft’s Bill Gates and other computer experts saw great things ahead. They said that in the next
few years, you would be able to sit at your computer and see highquality video sent from any place
on earth.
They predicted you would also have a walletsize personal computer. With it you would be able to
store photographs, pay bills, get the news, send messages, see movies and open locks with digital
At home on your TVsize PC you would be able to see and talk with friends in other states, get
medical advice, check magazine articles and pictures in a faroff library and order a pizza.
A computerized control system at home would regulate your lighting, temperature and security
Big dreams? Are these dreams or facts? Perhaps. But engineers have done a lot to make it reality.
To perform – выполнять
Troop – отряд
Operating system – система функционирования
Worth – обладающий
Fierce – неистовый
To inspire – вдохновлять
Solidstate – твердый
Security system – система безопасности
3. Scan the text «The Fundamentals: hardware and software» and find the equivalents of the
following words:клавиатура, принтер, устройство, жёсткий диск, программное обеспечение, процессор, память,
существенный, немедленно.
A computer consists of a screen, a keyboard and a boxlike case with the “brains” of the system. For
most tasks you’ll also need a printer and, perhaps, a pointing device called a mouse. This equipment
is called hardware.
By itself, hardware is like a cassette player without tapes. A computer needs programms, or software,
which usually includes one or more computer discs and a printed instruction manual.
4. Put each of the following words in its place in the passage below.
software computers peripherals calculator ports
monitor keyboard configuration hardware printer
So you only have a pocket (1)_____to do addition, multiplication and so on, you want
to know about real (2)_____? Right. Well, the machines themselves are called the (3)_____
and the programs that you feed into them are called the (4)_____.
If you want to see the results of what you are doing, you’ll need a (5)____or you’ll have
to plug into
a television set. You’ll operate your machine like a typewriter by pressing keys on the
(6)______. If you want to record on the paper of what you are doing, you’ll need a
(7)______. On the rear panel of the computer there several (8)_______into which you can plug
a wide range of (9)______
modems, fax machines and scanners. The main physical units of a computer system are gene
rally known as the (10)______.
The key: 1 calculator, 2 computers, 3 hardware, 4 software, 5 monitor, 6 keyboard, 7 printer, 8 ports,
9 peripherals, 10 configuration.
5. Audition. Exercise 1. Listen to the texts and answer the question «What is the computer
of the future like as scientists predict?»
Wearable Computers
If you are hooked* on the computer and can’t tear* yourself from it, don’t worry. Soon you’ll be able
to wear it on your wrist,* in your glasses and even in your earings. The first wearable computers are
already on sale though they are probably a bit bulgy* right now. Don’t be surprised if in a few years
you’ll be putting on your socks and your computer each morning before going to work. Of course,
you might not even have to leave the house. Scientists predict that in the future most of us will work
from home.
wearable пригодный для носки, носимый на себе
be hooked on быть привязанным к чемулибо, не представлять себе жизни без чеголибо
tear – оторваться, отвлечься
wrist – запястье
bulgy – громоздкий
6. Read the text and do the tasks.
6.1 Is there any information in the text?
concerning rules of sending email?
how Gwen learned to use the computer?
showing that Gwen had a right to brag?
that Gwen learned a little terminology? about the family of Gwen and Tim?
about their age?
about their town?
about computer games?
6.2 Find word combinations in the text which mean the following:
их дочь оставила им компьютер, взрослые дети, они не проявили никакого интереса, основы
компьютерной коммуникации, исследует новые способы получения информации через
компьютер, регулярно общаться с сыном, отправлять и получать послания в любое время,
немного терминологии, общественные события.
6.2 Retell the text using the following constructions:
The daughter of Gwen gave them….
At that time Gwen was… and Tim was…
First Gwen and Tim…
In spite of their protest their daughter…
She told them…
Some time later…
She learned…
6.4 Find the words in the text which have the following meaning:
1. useless or unwanted
2. find the answer
3. feeling certain
4. examine in order to test
5. boast
6. surprised
7. science or art
6.5 Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.
1) modem a) a system that allows messages to be sent from one computer to another
2) software b) feeling certain
3) email c) a piece of electronic equipment that allows information
to be sent from one computer to another
4) confident d) a piece of news
5) hard disk e) the study or use of computers and other electronic equipment
6) information f) a part inside a computer that can store technology, information
7) message g) the programmes that you put into computer to make them do the job they want
6.6 Join these split sentences.
1. Knowing how a) an electronic machine which is used to store
to use the computer and organize information/
2. The term “virtual reality” b) when your computer crashes3. A computer is c) describes computer images which appear
4. Customers’ names and d) you should invite a specialist
addresses are stored
5. More and more schools e) your computer can become obsolete
are using multimedia
6. In only a few years f) as a teaching aid
7. It is very annoying g) is a useful skill
8. If you can’t fix h) on our database
your computer
7. Translate into English.
1. Удобно пользоваться электронной почтой, чтобы контактировать с друзьями.
2. Благодаря компьютеру я могу получать и отправлять сообщения в любое время.
3. Компьютерная терминология не очень трудная. Многие слова пришли из английского языка.
4. Он интересуется компьютерами, знает, как ими пользоваться и владеет основами
компьютерного общения.
5. Когда работаешь с компьютером, возникают проблемы, которые необходимо решить.
6. Мы купили компьютер только два года назад, и он уже устарел.
7. Интересно, он пользуется компьютером сейчас или пишет книги ручкой?
8. «Майкрософт» стала крупнейшей фирмой в мире, разрабатывающей программное
обеспечение для компьютеров.
8. Discussion. Work in groups.
Group 1. «Advantages of computers»
1. Computers give access to a lot of information.
2. Computers let you communicate very quickly by email or using the Internet
3. Computers can do some tasks very quickly, for example, send off large number of letters or bills.
4. Computers make it possible to work at home.
5. Word processors make it easier to write letters and reports, and to do work for school or college.
6. Children enjoy using computers, and multimedia, interactive software and virtual reality make
learning more exciting. Many books are now available on CDROMs.
7. Large amounts of information can be stored in a database.
Group 2. «Disadvantages of computers»
1. Many people do not like using computers, and would prefer to deal with a person instead.
2. Computers can get viruses and damage software.
3. Software often have bugs, and sometimes computers fail and people lose all the work they had
4. Some children spend too much time playing computer games which can be very violent.
5. Anyone can put information on the Internet, so it can easily be used by criminals. There are no
laws to stop this yet, and it is extremely difficult to control the Internet.
6. Computers quickly become obsolete, so they soon need to be replaced or updated.
7. If a computer is not working properly, most people do not know how to fix it, and this be very
Group 3. Internet Safety Basics
DON’T CHAT WITH STRANGERS! Your parents are RIGHT when they say “DON’T TALK TO
STRANGERS”. You really don’t know who the person is that you are chatting with. It can be very
easy to mislead you.ASK YOUR PARENTS AND SURE. Only surf where your parents have given your permission. If a
website looks suspicious or has a warning page about you being underage , leave immediately. Some
sites are not for kids. Do not go exploring. If you come across a site that you aren’t sure about, ask
your parents. Don’t download any applications from the Internet that are from questionable sites.
Some sites have viruses which come free with the downloads
PASSWORDS. Passwords are secret so don’t give out your passwords to anyone. Do not fill any
online forms without asking your parents. Never put your email password on any website while
EMAIL SAFETY. Never open up any email or attachment that you receive from people you don’t
know. Ask your parents to look at it first. Sometimes email can contain viruses which could harm
your computer. Ask your parents to install the latest antivirus programmes.
KEEP A WATCH. Never reply to emails from strangers. If you have got an email attachment even
from a known person, do a virus scan before opening.
CHILDSAFE BROWSERS. Ask your parents to install childsafe browsers meant for children.
These browsers are colorful and fun. These browsers help and guide you to visit good and safe sites
and automatically protect you from the bad ones.
SET YOUR TIME. Don’t spend all your time online. Set a time limit on your computer use. Keep
your parents informed about sites you visit.
9. Testing.
What Can Computers Do?
Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали
содержанию текста.
Computers and microchips (1) ____ (become) part of our everyday lives.
We read magazines which (2) ____ (produce) on computer, we buy things with the help of computer;
we pay bills prepared by computers.
Just (3) ____ (dial) a phone number involves the use of a sophisticated computer system.
In the past, life without computers was much (4) ____ (difficult) than it is today.
The first computers were able to multiply long numbers, but they (5) ____ (not can) do anything else.
Nobody (6) ___ (believe) stories about robots and space travel, but now computers are able to do
almost all difficult jobs.
What makes your computer such a miraculous device? It is a personal communicator that (7) ____
(enable) you to interact with other computers and with people around the world. And you can even
use your PC to relax with computer games.
The key: 1 have become, 2 have been produced, 3 dialling, 4 more difficult, 5 could not, 6 believed,
7 enables
10. Conclusion. Reflection