Разработка урока по теме: «Легко ли быть молодым?»
Оценка 4.6

Разработка урока по теме: «Легко ли быть молодым?»

Оценка 4.6
Разработки уроков
английский язык
10 кл
Разработка урока по теме: «Легко ли быть молодым?»
Публикация является частью публикации:
открытый урок по разделу 4 урок 5.doc



В 10 классе


1.  Обучающие: 1) Учить учащихся выражать жалобы и ответы на них в диалогической речи.                   2) Учить общаться друг с другом с использованием речевых образцов различных видов речи: нейтральной, формальной и неформальной

3) Вспомнить и закреплять навыки составления советов.

2.  Развивающие:  1) Развивать навыки коммуникативного общения, просмотрового чтения, мышления, анализа, самоконтроля через аудирование

3. Воспитательные:  1) Воспитывать культуру общения, взаимоуважения, уважения и понимания межнациональных культур.

2) Воспитывать сознательное отношение к учебе, своему поведению.


Тема: «Легко ли быть молодым?»

Тип урока: закрепление, обобщение

Используемые методы и технологии: технология коммуникативного обучения, методы прогнозирования, самоконтроля, проблемное обучение

Используемые средства: аудиозапись

Используемые материалы: учебник Кузовлев В.П. Английский язык для учащихся 10-11 классов общеобразовательных школ.


Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент. Ознакомление с целями урока, который выявляют сами учащиеся через наводящие вопросы.

Вопросы: 1. Is it interesting to be young?

  1. Do young people have any rights? What are they?
  2. Have the young people any problems? What are they?
  3. What do adults think about the young people? Do you agree with them?
  4. What do young people complain on?
  5. So, what do you think about being young? Is it easy to be young?

The answer to this question will be the aim of our today’s lesson.

2. Разминка. Представляет собой реакцию учащихся на спорные вопросы, касаемые различий характеров мужчин и женщин. Учащиеся, отвечая, должны вспомнить речевые образцы «согласия –несогласия». Для облегчения выполнения задания учащиеся могут воспользоваться Памятками с речевыми заданиями, находящимися на партах (постоянно).Учитель дает правильные варианты, давая возможность сравнить учащимся свое мнение, знание психологии людей  с верными

Say True or False

  1. Women are more romantic than men.
  2. Women fall in love faster than men do.
  3. Women tend to suffer more from a breakup than men do.
  4. When in love, women rend to reveal more of their feelings than men do.
  5. Women fall out of love slower than men.
  6. Women get the blues more often than men do.
  7. The rate of suicide is higher among women than among men.
  8. Women are shier than men.
  9. Women daydream more often than men.
  10. If a woman exercised as often and with as much intensity as a man, she would develop muscle strength equal as that of a man.


  1. False. New studies show that men are more romantic than women.
  2. False. According to the latest research, men tend to fall in love faster and out of love more slowly than women.
  3. False. Men suffer more, probably because they don’t like to confide in someone about their emotions.
  4. False. Men and women differ little in how much they are willing to reveal about themselves. They do differ, however, in the kinds of things they say. Men are more willing to reveal their strong points than their fears and their feelings about others.
  5. False. Men tend to fell out of love more slowly than women.
  6. True. Women suffer from depression more often than men.
  7. False. The suicide rate is higher among men than women.
  8. False. Studies show that shyness is found equally among men and women.
  9. False. There is very little difference between men and women in how often and where they daydream.
  10. False.

3. Закрепление  темы происходит с использованием различных приемов: ролевая игра, анализ и вывод, прогнозирование диалогических реплик, самоконтроль.

In schools teachers ask parents to come to school to discuss the child’s progress as well as any other problems. What kind of problems can children have? Let us see.

Ролевая игра между учителемродителямиучеником. Учащиеся исполняют роли учащегося, родителей и учителя. Полилог приготовлен заранее в качестве домашнего задания. В ходе игры  учащиеся дают советы каждой из сторон, которые после игры вычленяются и составляются в свод советов для учащихся.

Цель: 1. Закрепить навыки диалоговой речи с использованием разных видов речи

2. Развитие творческих и актерских способностей учащихся

Сделать вывод – советы учащимся в учебе и поведении.

-          You should study harder.

-          You should be more patient, kinder to people including adults and teachers.

-          You should help each other, keep your friendly relations, and respect each other and other people’s tastes, interests, individuality.

-          You shouldn’t    quarrel for nothing and not be afraid to forgive.

-          You shouldn’t argue with your parents, try to understand that they wish you to be happy.

3. Обобщение темы. So, is it difficult to be young? I’d like to learn your opinions. Open your books at page 126, ex.8). This scheme will help you to form your opinions. You may use the material of this unit 5.

Учащиеся готовятся в течении 5-7 минут. Затем зачитывают свои мнения и интересуются мнением других.

Вывод: It is both easy and difficult to be young. Young people are full of dreams and ideas. Their life has just begun. There are a lot of opportunities and roads in front of them. They can enjoy themselves and have some fun. On the other hand, they have lots of problems. Sometimes they think that their rights are shortened and nobody understands. In any case to be young is GREAT!

После сделанного вывода, учитель демонстрирует вывод на доске (экране) как обобщенный вывод.

4*. Дополнительное задание. You should be able to speak to people properly! Can you? Let us see. Exercise 2 page 129. Look at the pictures and try to restore their conversations. Now let’s check. Listen to their real conversations and check yourselves.  С использованием аудиокассете или стр.328

5. Домашнее задание. Your home task is to be ready to tell your opinions on this problem.

6. Подведение итогов – орг.момент. The lesson is over. I liked the way you worked. Your marks are…










You should study harder.



You should be more patient, kinder to people including adults and teachers.



You should help each other, keep your friendly relations, and respect each other and other people’s tastes, interests, individuality.


You shouldn’t quarrel for nothing, not be afraid to excuse and forgive.

You shouldn’t argue with your parents, try to understand that they wish you to be happy.



You should be able to speak to people properly and polite










It is both easy and difficult to be young. Young people are full of dreams and ideas. Their life has just begun. There are a lot of opportunities and roads in front of them. They can enjoy themselves and have some fun.

 On the other hand, they have lots of problems. Sometimes they think that their rights are shortened and nobody understands.

In any case to be young is GREAT!



False. According to the latest research, men tend to fall in love faster and out of love more slowly than women

False. According to the latest research, men tend to fall in love faster and out of love more slowly than women

You should study harder.

You should study harder.

You shouldn’t quarrel for nothing, not be afraid to excuse and forgive

You shouldn’t quarrel for nothing, not be afraid to excuse and forgive



It is both easy and difficult to be young

It is both easy and difficult to be young
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