Министерство образования, науки и молодежной политики Республики Коми
Государственное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Сыктывкарский торгово - технологический техникум»
практических работ
по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык»
для специальности среднего профессионального
образования (естественнонаучного профиля)
43.02.15 – «Поварское и кондитерское дело»
2022 г
Практические работы предназначены для студентов 3-4 курса специальности 43.02.15 – «Поварское и кондитерское дело»
Материал включает в себя кулинарный мини словарь, 15 практических работ и 8 контрольных работ по темам “Shopping”, “At the restaurant”, “Meals in the USA and Great Britain”, “Russian cuisine”, “Cooking”, “Service”, “My profession is a cook”, “Healthy food”. На закрепление каждой темы отводится 2 практические работы (лексическая и грамматическая) и 1 контрольная работа. Лексическая практическая работа объединяет в себе повторение активного словаря посредством выполнения упражнений англо-русского и русско-английского переводов, а так же написания мини-сочинений по предложенной теме. Практическая работа по грамматике включает в себя выполнение упражнений на закрепление грамматических правил с использованием активной лексики по теме. Контрольная работа является обобщающим материалом по теме.
Для выполнения практических и контрольных работ необходимо:
- владеть профессиональной лексикой урока;
-уметь применять пройденные грамматические правила с использованием активной лексики;
- уметь строить предложения;
- уметь грамотно высказывать свои мысли по предложенной теме с использованием активной лексики.
Формирование иноязычных компетенций необходимых специалисту в сфере профессиональной коммуникации, то есть формирование современного специалиста, владеющего профессионально значимой лексикой на английском языке и умеющего общаться на английском языке на профессиональные темы, а также способного к самосовершенствованию в изучении английского языка.
- Усовершенствовать навыки применения активной профессиональной лексики в чтении и письме;
- Обеспечить практическое владение профессионально-направленной терминологией;
- Научиться применять правила по грамматике в конкретных текстах;
- Научиться составлять мини-тексты по предложенным темам с использованием активной лексики урока.
для специальностей:
43.02.15 – «Поварское и кондитерское дело».
«Технология продукции общественного питания»
Настоящий словарь является минимумом лексических единиц для специальности 43.02.15 – «Поварское и кондитерское дело».
«Технология продукции общественного питания»
В словарь вошли слова и выражения, отражающие основной лексический корпус профессиональной направленности.
Словарь дает возможность не только без труда пользоваться текстами по профессии и приготовлению кулинарных блюд и рецептов, но и расширяет запас терминов по профессии.
Английский алфавит
Aa |
Jj |
Ss |
Bb |
Kk |
Tt |
Cc |
Ll |
Uu |
Dd |
Mm |
Vv |
Ee |
Nn |
Ww |
Ff |
Oo |
Xx |
Gg |
Pp |
Yy |
Hh |
Zz |
Ii |
Rr |
Меры веса
(Measures of Weights)
Мера, русский вариант |
Мера, английский вариант |
Мера, общепринятое сокращение |
Мера, в г/кг |
фунт |
pound |
lb |
453.59 г |
центнер |
hundredweight |
hwt (112 lb) |
50.8кг |
тонна |
ton |
t (20hwt) |
1016.048кг |
Меры объёма жидких и сыпучих тел
(Measures of Volume)
Мера, русский вариант |
Мера, английский вариант |
Мера, общепринятое сокращение |
Мера, в литрах |
пинта |
pint |
pt. |
0.57л |
кварта |
quart |
qt.(2pt) |
1,14 л |
галлон(брит.) |
gallon |
gal.(4qt) |
4,55 л |
галлон(амер.) |
gallon |
gal. |
3,78л |
бушель |
bushel |
bsh. (8 gal.) |
36,37 л |
Мера, русский вариант |
Мера, английский вариант |
Мера, общепринятое сокращение |
секунда |
second |
s. |
минута |
minute |
min.(60s.) |
час |
hour |
hr.(60min.) |
день |
day |
day(24hr) |
неделя |
week |
week (7days) |
Слова и выражения, используемые при приготовлении еды
To cook готовить (пищу)
To boil кипятить; кипеть; отваривать
Difficult to prepare трудно готовить
To fryжарить (намасле)
To roast жарить (мясо, дичь, птицу)
To grill жарить (на гриле)
Simple to prepare просто готовить
To spit жарить (навертеле)
to stew тушить
to tin, to can консервировать
to smoke коптить (рыбу и т.д.)
to salt солить
to dry сушить
to bakeп ечь, выпекать
to taste пробовать (на вкус)
to wash up мытьпосуду
Milk, Milk Products and Dishes
Молоко, молочные продукты и блюда из молока
Baked milk топленое молоко
yoghurtl'jo:gət] кефир (по-славянски)
whipped cream взбитыесливки
baked pudding of curds запеканка из творога
Eggs and Egg Dishes
Блюда из яиц
a soft-boiled egg яйцо в смятку
a hard-boiled egg яйцо в крутую
a well-boiled egg яйцо «в мешочек»
scrambled eggs яичница-болтунья
eggs up Br.E, sun-like eggs Am.E
bacon and eggs яичница с беконом
sausage and eggs яичница с колбасой
ham and eggs яичница с ветчиной
a cheese omelette омлет с сыром
an onion omelette омлет с луком
a tomato omelette омлет с помидорами
eggs stuffed caviar яйца, фаршированные икрой
an egg salad салат из яиц
Rolls and Buns
Хлебобулочные и кондитерские изделия
brown bread Br.E, black breadAm.E. чёрный хлеб
rye bread ржаной хлеб
whole meal bread пеклеванный хлеб
white bread белый хлеб
wheat [wi:t] bread пшеничный хлеб
a roll [roul] булочка
a bun сдоба, сдобная булочка
a cream bun булочка с кремом
a pie пирог
a patty пирожок
a tart открытый пирог с фруктами, ягодами или вареньем; фруктовое пирожное; торт
a Swiss roll бисквитный рулет
a beef-roll, a meat-loaf рулет с мясом
a jam puff слоеный пирожок с повидлом
an Easter cake кулич
pastry ['peistri] кондитерские изделия;
печенье; пирожные, торты и т.д.
a cake пряник, кекс
a honey-cake медовый пряник
a dumpling пончик
a pastry-cake, a fancy-cake пирожное
a short cake песочное пирожное
a sponge-cake бисквитное пирожное
a cup-cake пирожное «корзиночка»
a layer-cake слоеное пирожное
analmond-cake миндальное пирожное
eclair эклер
Crab salad салат из крабов
Fish salad рыбный салат
Russian salad винегрет
tomato and cucumber salad салат из помидоров и огурцов
mixed green salad салат из свежих овощей
to dress a salad with sour cream or mayonnaise
заправить салат сметаной или майонезом
ColdMeatDishesХолодныемясные закуски
pâtè [pα:’tei] Fr./pasty [pæsti] Eng. паштет
coldpork буженина
boiled tongue отварной язык
meat-jelly and horse-radish sauce мясной студень с хреном
Poultry [poultri]
cold-roast chicken холодная жареная курица или цыпленок
cold-roast goose [gus] холодный жареный гусь
cold-roast duck холодная жареная утка
roast chicken жареный цыпленок или курица
roast duck and apples жаренная утка с яблоками
roast goose and sauerkraut жареный гусь с квашеной капустой
roast turkey and mixed vegetables жареная индейка со сложным гарниром
Рыбные закуски
Pressed caviar паюсная икра
Red caviar красная икра
salmon [sæmən] семга, лосось
Siberian [sai’biəriən] salmon кета
white salmon белорыбица
humpback [hΛmpbæk] горбуша
white sturgeon/ beluga белуга
aspic [‘æspik] заливное
sturgeon in aspic/sturgeon in jelly/jellied sturgeon заливная осетрина
stuffed pike фаршированная щука
perch in marinade [,mæri'neid] окунь под маринадом
pike-perch судак
lampreys ['læmpriz] in mustard ['mΛsted] sauce миноги в горчичном coyce
sprats in oil шпроты в масле
sardines in oil сардины в масле
herring and vegetables селедкасовощами
marinadedherringмаринованная селедка
marinadedeelмаринованный угорь
codliver [livə] печень трески
oysters [oistəz] устрицы
crabs крабы
lobsters омары
shrimps креветки squids кальмары
fish assorted/assorted fish/fish assort рыбное ассорти
parsley [ pa:sli] петрушка
celery [seliri] сельдерей
dill укроп
Pepper перец
vinegar [vinigə] уксус
ground pepper молотый перец
spicy [spaisi] ароматный, пикантный
allspice [o:lspais] душистый перец
cinnamon [sinəmən] корица
cayenne [kei'en] красный перец
clove [klouv] гвоздика
clear soup with toast бульон с гренками
chicken broth/chicken consommé [kən'somei] Fr. Куриный бульон
cream soup протертый суп
puree ['pjuərei] Fr. суп-пюре
chicken cream soup протертый суп из кур
vegetable cream soup протертый суп из овощей
chicken noodle soup куриный суп-лапша
set soups заправочные супы
Главное, второе блюдо
Рыбные блюда
Boiled pike-perch Polish style судак отварной по-польски
pike-perch "Orly" судак «Орли»
halibut [hælibət] in white sauce палтус в белом соусе
fried cod, pike-porch, bream жареная треска, судак, лещ
teamed sturgeon паровая осетрина
a strip of fish/a piece of fish кусок рыбы
Meat Dishes
Roast veal and chips жареная телятина с жареным картофелем
potroast тушеное мясо в горшочке
roast meat and vegetables жаркое с овощами
grilled meat мясо, жареное на рашпере
stewed [stju:d] meatтушеноемясо
rare meat жареное мясо (с кровью)
under done недожаренный (о мясе илирыбе)
over-done пережаренный
well-done хорошо приготовленный
roastbeef ростбиф (жареная говядина) rumpsteak [rΛmpsteik] ромштекс
entrecôte [α:ŋtrə'kout] антрекот
beefsteak/steak бифштекс
languette [læŋ'gwet] with mashed potatoes лангет с картофельным пюре
shnitzel шницель
quenelles [kə'nelz] кнели
croquette [krou'ket] Fr. крокеты
fillet [‘filit] филе
goulash [gula:∫, 'gudæ∫] гуляш
cutlet/rissole [‘risoul] котлета (рубленая)
steamed rissoles паровые котлеты
chop отбивная котлета (натуральная)
mutton chop (lamb) [læm] баранья отбивная (молодая)
veal chop телячья отбивная
pork chop свиная отбивная
scallop ['skoləp] эскалоп
meat balls биточки
kidneypieзапеканка из телячьих почек
liver in sour cream sauce печень в сметанном соусе
boiled tongue and green peas отварной язык с зеленым горошком
hot-pot тушеное мясо с картофелем в горшочке
hamburger гамбургер (котлета или рубленый бифштекс в булочке)
Strong (Hard) Drinks Крепкие напитки
alcoholics [,ælkə'holiks] алкогольные
Armenian [a:'mi:njən] армянский
Georgian грузинский
Moldavian [məl'dæviən] молдавский
Cognac "Five Stars" коньяк «Пятьзвездочек»
Cognac "Three Stars" коньяк «Тризвездочки»
Cognac "O.C" (very old) коньяк (оченьстарый)
Cognac "K.C." (old) коньяк (старый)
Ashberry ['æ∫beri] in Cognac рябина на коньяке (рябиновая настойка)
Brandy брэнди, коньяк
frui brandy настойка (общее понятие)
cherry brandy вишневая настойка
rum ром
gin джин
whisky [wiski] виски
liqueur [li'kjuə] ликер
fruit liqueur наливка (алкогольная) Syn. ratafia [rætə'fiə], ratafee [rætə'fi]
Cherry-Ratafia вишневая наливка
Plum-Ratafia наливка сливянка
Ratafia of Cranberries наливка клюквенная
Fruit cordial [ko:diəl] наливка безалкогольная
Aperitive Wine
Dubonnet Дюбоне
Cinzano Чинзано
Butón Бутон
Martini [ma:'tini] Мартини
Aperol Апероль
Some kind sof dry vermouth некоторые виды сухого вермута
medium sherry ['mi:diəm ∫eri] средний херес
dry Madeira сухое вино мадера
old/vintage выдержанное (вино)
labelled [leibəld] wine марочное вино
Grape Wine Table dry wine
Столовые сухие вина
Dry white wine белые сухие столовые вина
"Tsinandali" Georgian No 1 «Цинандали» грузинское № 1
“Gurdgiaani” Georgian No 3 «Гурджаани» грузинское №3
Riesling "Abrau" рислинг «Абрау»
Dryred wine вина сухие столовые красные
"Teliani" Georgian No 2 «Телиани» грузинское № 2
"Mookoozani" Georgian No 4
«Мукузани» грузинское № 4
half-sweet полусладкое
"Alazanskaya Valley" «Алазанскаядолина»
Strong grape wine
Крепленые виноградные вина
Madeira [mə'diərə] мадера
sherry [∫eri] херес
vermouth [və:məθ] вермут
cahors кагор
portwine портвейн
Sweet dessert wine
Сладкие десертные вина
Muskat [mΛskət] мускат
Varna Варна
Tokai [toukei] токай
Champagne [∫æm'pein] шампанское
sweet сладкое
semi/demi/halfsweet полусладкое
dry сухое
semi/halfdry полусухое
sparkling игристое
Weak Alcoholic Drinks
Слабые алкогольные напитки
beer [biə] пиво
light beer светлое пиво
dark beer темное пиво
medovukha медовуха
zbiten сбитень
Soft Drinks (Non-Alcoholic)
Безалкогольные напитки
squash фруктовый напиток
orange squash апельсиновый напиток
orangeade оранжад
lemonade [¸lemə'neid] лимонад
soda-water [soudəwo:tə] содовая вода
mineral ['minərəl] water минеральная вода
pepsi-cola пепси-кола
Formal Dinner Place Setting
Napkin |
Wine Glass |
Dinner Plate |
Butter Knife
12. Desert silverware
13.Water Glass
14.Red Wine Glass
15. White Wine Glass
The Formal Table Setting
To avoid clutter, the general rule for a any table setting is to include no more than three utensils on either side of the dinner plate at a time. The exception is the oyster (or seafood) fork, which may be placed to the right of the last spoon even when it is the fourth utensil to the right of the plate. The initial table setting for a typical formal dinner should look something like this:
Unit 1.
1. Read and learn the words and expressions.
job/work/position/career – работа
full-time job – работа с полной занятостью
part-time job – работа с частичной занятостью
skill – навык experience – опыт education – образование
employ – нанимать employer – работодатель employee – работник
advantage – преимущество disadvantage – недостаток
salary/wages – зарплата
culinary art – кулинарное искусство
staff - персонал cook – повар chef/executive chef/chef de cuisine – шеф-повар
food processing – переработка пищевых продуктов
technologist - технолог
kitchen assistant – помощник по кухне apprentice – ученик повара
dishwasher –мойщик посуды
maître d’hotel – метрдотель, распорядитель в ресторане
waiter - официант
bus boy – помощник официанта
dining establishment – заведение общественного питания
a vocational program –программа дополнительного профессионального образования
internship - практика
deal with – иметь дело с
exhausting - утомительный
passionate - страстный
creativity – творчество
develop – развивать
recipe – рецепт
teamwork – работа в команде
review – обзор
duty - обязанность
supervise/manage – контролировать, руководить
devise – составлять
require/demand – требовать
arrange/organise – организовывать
human resources manager - менеджер по персоналу interview – собеседование curriculum vitae/resume – резюме promotion – продвижение
prospect - перспектива
Task1. Read and translate
My Profession is a Cook
I study at the Cooking Department of the Moscow College of Technologies and Design, so I will be a cooking and catering professional: a cook or a technologist.
Every school year we do practice work for 2—3 months. This year our group have done their practice at the Golden Palace restaurant. This is a large restaurant, which is open 24 hours a day since it is the restaurant by the casino with the same name.
There are three departments within the main shop there — a cold shop, a hot shop and a pastrycook's shop. Salads, snacks, sandwiches, cuts of cold meat and fish and desserts are made in the cold shop. Soups, hot meat and fish dishes and sauces are prepared in the hot shop. In the pastry-cook's shop they make tarts, patties, fancy cakes, etc.
The kitchen staff begin their work at 7 o'clock. We, student cooks had to come to the restaurant at 10 o'clock. Each of us was told to go to one of the shops. There we got a programme for the working day. Usually we prepared sandwiches, fruit salads and canapes for breakfast. We cut bread, ham, sausage and vegetables to put on canapes. We also decorated them with herbs and little figures made of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Breakfast was served from 8 till 12. At 11 o'clock we began to help the cooks by preparing dishes for lunch. Student cooks were usually trusted to cut vegetables and make sauces for desserts: strudels, ice cream, tarts and puddings.
All day we had to carry out cooks' instructions. The kitchen staff are very experienced there. The chef is a very skilled cook too. He has worked many years as a cook in this and other restaurants. The main part of his job is to plan the menu for the day and manage the staff in the kitchen.
At the end of the practice time we had to take an examination. Wе had to prepare three courses:
soup, a main course and dessert. I made' Moscow borshch as soup, beef with sour cream and mushrooms as a main course and chocolate souffle as dessert. Most of all I like to cook desserts. I made these in the shape of stars. Then I put three stars of different sizes and colours on the plate and added some kiwi sauce near them on the plate. It was very nice and tasty.
This practice certainly gave us much information, and more importantly, valuable experience in preparing new dishes. I realized happily that I had made the right choice of profession.
Task.2 Work out the following questions with a partner and make up a dialogue! Present the dialogue in a class!
1. What is your future profession?
2. Where have you done your practice?
3. In what shop did you work?
4. What dishes did you prepare?
5. How many hours a day did you have to work?
6. What were the duties of the chef?
7. Did you have to take an examination at the end of the practice?
"Advantages and disadvantages of the cook profession"
Task №1. Translate the text
A cook is a person whose profession is cooking What is the profession of a cook? Of course, the chef starts his career in an educational institution, and then you can attend various additional courses and master classes on cooking any categories of dishes. It is enough to find a job for the most initial position in the field of cooking-an assistant cook, then there is a growth on the so-called career ladder, starting from an ordinary cook, sous chef and ending with a chef. As in any other profession, there are advantages and disadvantages. First of all, a cook is a creative person, depending on what your profession is capable of. secondly, the profession of a cook has a very high demand. In our time, the restaurant business is developing very quickly and here it is short and clear, the more you pay attention to studying and developing skills in the culinary system, the higher your demand and easier it is to find a job;
If you do your job clearly, efficiently, conscientiously and of course delicious, then your rating begins to grow slowly, and there is a promotion, then an increase in your income is not far away; the Opportunity to use your skills and abilities in everyday life, surprise your surroundings with delights . Think about it, you are a chef in a solid restaurant and every time visitors come they know for sure that here is the best dessert, here are the best first and second courses, no matter what they ordered. Customers coming again and again – this is the best gratitude for the chef. But the cook spends his entire shift on his feet from start to finish, because he oversees the preparation of all dishes at once. Here he cooks a very delicious cream soup, a chop is fried next to it and an amazing classic cheesecake is baked in the oven; Do not forget about the risk of injury. Even the most experienced chef can get injured, such as a burn or cut, from an accidentally broken knife while cutting meat.
The profession of cook is very interesting, the main thing is to have a talent and love for this business. After all, it is the love of cooking and certain skills that will allow you to work, move and develop, and of course earn good money.
There is also a common misconception among chefs that men are better cooks than women. This is not true. After all, a professional becomes someone who grows, learns and achieves new heights in their profession, and it does not matter whether you are a man or a woman. Yes, definitely men are stronger and more resilient and can work all day on their feet, but a woman cook can flit around the kitchen like a butterfly if she is happy with what she is doing
Can I work as a cook without an education? There is an opinion that first you need to finish a culinary school or technical school, and this is also a misconception. Most often, when applying for a job, you are asked to cook your favorite dish. This is how the employer evaluates your skills, speed, and taste. He doesn't care about your education as much as he cares about your knowledge and the ability to apply it.
Even popular cafes, restaurants and pastry shops are happy to take cooks without education. It is easier to teach such employees “for themselves " than to retrain a person who already has a certain knowledge base and habits.
Task 2. Create a table about the disadvantages and advantages of the profession
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Task 3.Answer questions:
1.Where do you study?
2. What is your future profession?
3. Is a cook a creative person?
4.The restaurant business is developing very quickly,isn’t it?
5. Who spends his entire shift on his feet from start to finish?
Task4. Study the use of the word “skill” and its derivatives
management | to be skilled at + verb + ing communication | skilful computer/IT skills | highly-skilled telephone | unskilled organizational | people |
Task 5. Complete the sentences with words from the vocabulary box.
1. … skills are necessary for those who work with the public.
2. Designing a good computer system demands up-to-date … skills.
3. If you work in a call centre you should have excellent … skills.
4. He coordinates the work of 5 departments, so he is … at making schedules.
5. He has done a lot of … jobs. He has been a waiter, a loader, a cleaner and so on.
6. Chef de cuisine is a … occupation.
7. Success in restaurant business depends on … management.
8. To supervise the work of a department one should have … skills.
Task 6. Translate into Russian
1. Я изучаю технологию приготовления еды в колледже.
2. Кулинарное искусство дает много возможностей карьерного роста.
3. Колледж предлагает несколько программ дополнительного профессионального образования.
4. Студенты проходят практику на предприятиях общественного питания, чтобы получить практический опыт.
5. Образование, профессиональные навыки и опыт работы соискателей важны для работодателя.
Control work
My profession is a technologist.
1.I study at the Trade-Technological College, so I will be a cooking and catering professional: a a baker or a technologist. We study many special subjects and we have many hours of industrial training.Every school year we do practice work for several weeks. This year our group have done practice at the large bakery plant. Our factory bake many kinds of bread and bakery products, such as toast bread for Breakfast, buckwheat bread, rye miracle bread, traditional bread, Finnish tortillas, picnic rolls. 2. There are two shops there: bread shop and confectionery shop. The stuff of the bakery plant begins their work at 5 o’clock. We students had to come to the plant at 8 o’clock. Each of us told to go to one of the shops. There we got a programme for the working day.
3.Usually we help to master to prepare the raw materials, knead the dough, cut and shape the products, leave the products for proofing bake, reject pack the finished products. Sometimes we prepare them for sale in the trading network .
Оur master teaches us how to determine the quality of the products. All time we had to carry out our mentors instructions.
4.The stuff of the plant are very experienced there. Our master is a very skilled too. She has worked many years as a manager in this and other shops. The main part of her job is to plan the work of the shop and manager the stuff.
5. At the end of the practice time we had to take an examination. This practice certainly gave us much information, and more importantly, valuable experience. I realized happily, that I had made the right choice of profession.
1. Answer questions:
1. What is your future professions?
2. Have you done practice this year?
3. Where have you done your practice?
4. In what shops did you work?
5. When did the stuff begin their work?
6. What kind of work did you do?
7. Was the stuff experienced there?
8. What were the duties of the master?
9. Did you have an examination at the end of the practice?
10. Do you think you made the right choice of profession?
2. Translate expressions:
Хлебозавод, спецпредметы, производственное обучение, практика, хлебный цех, кондитерский цех, проверять качество товаров, инструкции наставника, персонал, правильный выбор.
3. Match translation
1. baker a. очень опытный
2. Shops b. кондитерский цех
3. Valuable experience c. наш мастер
4. To take an examination d. замешивать тесто
5. Very skilled e. выполнять работу
6. knead the dough f. пекарь
7. To perform the work g. проверять качество
8. to determine the quality h. сдать экзамен
9. Our master i. ценный опыт
10. confectionery shop j. цеха
5. Match the names of jobs and their duties.
1. head chef |
a. sets and clears the tables |
2. store man |
b. buys food and drink from suppliers |
3. wine waiter |
c. serves customers, takes orders, brings food |
4. maître d’hôtel |
d. supervises one section of the kitchen |
5. purchasing officer |
e. looks after food stock, gives it to various departments |
6. bus boy |
f. searches and chooses new staff |
7. waiter/waitress |
g. arranges staff work in the dining room |
8. assistant chef |
h. plans menus, trains and supervises staff |
9. sous chef |
i. takes drinks orders, advises on wines |
10. human resources manager |
j. cooks food and trains to be a chef |
Unit 2.
Before you read the text, discuss these questions.
1. What kind of jobs related to food service industry do you know?
2. What skills do food service workers need to be successful?
3. What are the best benefits of food industry careers?
There is a wide variety of jobs in the restaurant and catering business. The categories used in a manufacturing industry are applicable here: management, production and merchandising. Management personnel set and carry out policies for the business. Production people are responsible for the product – in this case, the food that comes out of the kitchen. Merchandising personnel must sell the product: in a restaurant this includes creating an atmosphere pleasing enough so that customers want to return. The management jobs in a restaurant are essentially administrative. They include the owner or manager, the cashier, bookkeeper or accountant, purchasing agent and storekeeper.
The owner or manager establishes the overall policies and sees that they are carried out. Most restaurants are small enough so that the owner or manager plays a direct part in the daily operations in such matters as menu planning, purchasing, merchandising, financial record – keeping and supervising the personnel.
Many owners or managers act captains or hostess in their own restaurants. The other personnel in a restaurant have jobs directly or indirectly connected with the financial aspects of the business. Large restaurants may also employ secretarial workers.
Although the restaurant business attracts many small independent operators, the large restaurants, chains and franchises have a more conventional management hierarchy.
One executive may handle only advertising, another only food purchasing and a third only beverage purchasing. Managers of the individual units in a chain of this kind work on a salary basis. Their authority is more limited than that of an independent owner-manager, since they must report to one of the executives in the corporate headquarters.
The chains also employ inspectors who make periodic visits to advise and help the managers when problems arise in the operation, or to take corrective action when it is necessary.
Inspectors are particularly important in the franchise organizations. These companies are basically selling an image and name that depend on established standards. If the standards are not maintained by the franchisees, the corporation may feel the effects through a loss of business. Most large institutional catering companies follow the same corporate managerial methods.
Production jobs in a restaurant are those in the kitchen. The head of production is the chef, whose principal assistants are the assistant and specialty chefs, dieticians, kitchen helpers and dishwashers. Chefs in most restaurants are responsible not only for food production but also have management responsibilities. They play an important part in menu planning, purchasing, receiving and storage. They also supervise the entire kitchen staff. An executive chef is one whose duties are primarily managerial.
In many independently owned restaurants, the chef is the owner so the reputation of the restaurants often depends on his or her cooking and business skills. Many chefs go into partnership with someone who has more management experience; the chef is then responsible for the back of the house while the co-owner supervises the front of the house. Very close cooperation between the two is necessary to ensure the success of the enterprise.
Merchandising jobs in a restaurant are those in the dining room, including employees who come into contact with the public. The headwaiters and hostesses, the waiters and waitresses, bartenders, and the bussers are all responsible for providing the kind of service and atmosphere that will make the customer want to return.
Direct merchandising in the form of advertising or public relations is a management responsibility. In an independently owned restaurant the owner or manager ordinarily makes the decisions about advertising space and money. In larger organizations, one of the executive positions is often for a sales manager who handles advertising as an aspect of merchandising.
Another way to organize the variety of restaurant jobs is through the categories of skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled. Skilled work requires special training, education or experience. The training may be obtained at school or through apprenticeship. Semi-skilled work also requires training, but the duties are usually such that they can be learned through on-the-job training or a short vocational course. Unskilled work demands little or no training.
Management positions in restaurants are skilled jobs. For many owners and managers, the skills are acquired over a long period of time by working at a number of different restaurant jobs. Today there are many schools that offer special courses in the hotel and restaurant field. An increasing number of universities now have programmes that cover aspects of the field related to tourism, hotels and foodservice. University-trained personnel frequently work in the restaurant and hotel chains or with large hotels.
Since many hotels make money from dining rooms and bars than from room rentals, the position of food and beverage manager is an important one. Some people with specialized education and experience work as restaurant consultants for short periods of time on a job-to-job basis. Consultants advise on aspects of the restaurant business such as decoration and arrangement of the physical premises, purchasing practices and cost control, time and motion studies to increase employee productivity, and nutrition and portioning.
Chefs are skilled workers who also need natural aptitude. Many of the best cooks in the world come from Europe, particularly from France and Switzerland, where people who wish to become cooks often begin work as apprentices at an early age. They are trained by an experienced chef in all aspects of kitchen work, cooking and restaurant management. No one can become a chef without practical experience: some go through a long apprenticeship followed by years as cooks or specialty chefs; others are trained in special restaurant schools. The students in such schools have usually demonstrated an aptitude for cooking even before they are admitted.
Accountants are essential for financial control and management of all business. In the foodservice industry, independently owned restaurants use accountants at regular intervals to examine their records and to assist with financial planning. Large restaurants employ an accountant on a full-time basis.
Dieticians are foodservice workers with special training in all aspects of nutrition. They are especially important on the staffs of hospitals and institutions.
Waiters, bussers (busboys), cashiers, bookkeepers, secretarial workers and cooks (not chefs) are semi-skilled workers.
Office and secretarial workers receive training in vocational or commercial schools. Waiters and bussers are usually trained on the job. The rapid growth of the restaurant business resulted in a shortage of experienced waiters. In Europe many waiters still take courses in restaurant schools, but the demand in most places is so great that waiters must be trained while they work or in short in-house training programmes. Big hotels and restaurant chains expanding into tourist areas usually give their employees a period of intensive training before a new unit opens.
The unskilled group of restaurant workers includes kitchen helpers, dishwashers, and cleaning personnel. Kitchen helpers are often young men or women taking the first step in the long apprenticeship to become cooks. All these employees are supervised by experienced personnel who give them necessary training and instructions.
Top financial reward in restaurant work is for managers and chefs. In recent there has been so much competition for first-class chefs that they are among the highest paid of all workers and many go into business for themselves, taking their reputation with them.
Due to rapid growth of the foodservice industry with the resulting shortage of trained personnel, restaurants have to pay higher wages to their semi-skilled and unskilled workers. Besides, waiters can supplement wages through regular tips.
There is also a tendency today to provide fringe benefits such as paid vacations and pensions as part of an effort to curtail excessive turnover of personnel.
In the large restaurant and hotel chains, advancement follows the usual corporate pattern of moving up through the organization’s hierarchy. A unit manager may be promoted to junior executive in the company headquarters and then advanced to a senior position. Many chains train promising young men and women to fit different jobs in the hierarchy.
In independently owned restaurants there are separate paths for advancement:
one for dining room and the other for kitchen workers. In the dining room, the usual pattern for promotion is from busser to waiter to headwaiter.
In the kitchen, the pattern is from kitchen helper to cook to assistant or specialty chef to chef. Both headwaiters and chefs frequently acquire sufficient experience to become managers. Sometimes a headwaiter and a chef who work well together join forces to open a restaurant of their own.
One of the major attractions of restaurant work is exactly that: it gives more opportunity for independent ventures than almost any other industry in the world.
Answer the following questions:
1. What categories of jobs are applied in the foodservice industry?
2. What is management personnel in charge of?
3. What are the responsibilities of production people?
4. What are the tasks of merchandising personnel?
5. What jobs are included in the administrative side of restaurant business? What do they involve?
6. How is the management structure of big restaurants different from that in small institutions?
7. Why do chains employ inspectors?
8. Where are they particularly important? Why?
9. What restaurant jobs are production jobs?
10. What are the responsibilities of the chef?
11. Who is responsible for the managerial functions in the kitchen?
12. How are partnerships formed in restaurant business?
13. What is necessary to do to ensure success of an enterprise?
14. How are jobs in the dining room classified? Why?
15. What is direct merchandising?
16. Who handles advertising in large restaurants?
17. What is another way of categorizing the variety of restaurant jobs?
18. What does skilled work require?
19. What kind of training is necessary for semi-skilled work?
20. What unskilled jobs are there in restaurant business?
21. What education is offered to those who want to hold management position in restaurants?
22. What kind of services do consultants provide?
23. What qualities are essential for the position of a chef?
24. Where are chefs trained?
Task 2. Match the names of jobs and their duties.
1. head chef |
a. sets and clears the tables |
2. store man |
b. buys food and drink from suppliers |
3. wine waiter |
c. serves customers, takes orders, brings food |
4. maître d’hôtel |
d. supervises one section of the kitchen |
5. purchasing officer |
e. looks after food stock, gives it to various departments |
6. bus boy |
f. searches and chooses new staff |
7. waiter/waitress |
g. arranges staff work in the dining room |
8. assistant chef |
h. plans menus, trains and supervises staff |
9. sous chef |
i. takes drinks orders, advises on wines |
10. human resources manager |
j. cooks food and trains to be a chef |
Duties of the staff of the catering company
Task No. 1. Fill in the table
№ |
Profession |
Duties |
requirements |
1 |
Senior manager |
2 |
Assistant senior manager |
3 |
Head chef |
4 |
Chef |
5 |
Sous chef |
6 |
The cook of cold appetizers |
7 |
The cook is a butcher |
8 |
Sommelier |
9 |
Freight forwarder |
10 |
Line cook |
11 |
Pastry chef |
12 |
Dishwashers |
13 |
Headwaiter |
14 |
Waiter |
15 |
Peddler |
16 |
The bartender |
17 |
The administrator in the hall |
Kitchen stuff
Проверочная работа по теме
«Персонал предприятия общественного питания» - 1 вариант
1. Переведите текст профессиональной направленности:
There is a wide variety of jobs in the restaurant and catering business. The categories used in a manufacturing industry are applicable here: management, production and merchandising. Management personnel set and carry out policies for the business. Production people are responsible for the product – in this case, the food that comes out of the kitchen. Merchandising personnel must sell the product: in a restaurant this includes creating an atmosphere pleasing enough so that customers want to return. The management jobs in a restaurant are essentially administrative. They include the owner or manager, the cashier, bookkeeper or accountant, purchasing agent and storekeeper.
2.Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What categories of jobs are applied in the foodservice industry?
2. What is management personnel in charge of?
3. What are the responsibilities of production people?
4. How are jobs in the dining room classified?
5. What is direct merchandising?
6. Who handles advertising in large restaurants?
3.Переведите словосочетания:
as well as in the kitchen; 2. who seats the guests; 3. take orders; 4. clear the tables; 5. carry out these tasks; 6. finally; 7. signed bills; 8, cocktail lounge; 9. mix drinks; 10. additional waiters;
4.Вставьте пропущенные слова и переведите предложения:
noticeable, try, wine list, remain, atmosphere
1. While in Britain you should certainly ... ginger ale.
2. All the drinks are noted in the ... ... .
3. The restaurant has warm and friendly ....
4. The American style is ... in the menu.
5. Buffet-styled restaurant is especially ... for breakfasts and lunches.
1. Выберите нужный предлог : by, on, for, in, of
1. Anyone who works …. a kitchen can pick up enough experience to become a chef.
2. The money paid … an hourly or daily basis.
3. Sometimes a headwaiter and a chef who work well together join forces to open a restaurant …. their own.
4. Some go through a long apprenticeship followed …. years as cooks or specialty chefs.
5. It gives more opportunity…. independent ventures than almost any other industry in the world.
6. Согласны ли вы (true or false)
1. Consultants work as full-time employees for many hotel and restaurant chains.
2. Anyone who works in a kitchen can pick up enough experience to become a chef.
3. All restaurants employ full-time accountants.
4. Dieticians do not need any special training beyond a common sense understanding of food values.
5. Most waiters and bussers receive their training on the job by means of short in-house programmes.
Unit 3. «Catering»
Task .1 . Read historical information
History of catering
The earliest account of major services being catered in the United States is a 1778 ball in Philadelphia catered by Caesar Cranshell to celebrate the departure of British General William Howe. Catering business began to form around 1820, centering in Philadelphia Catering became a respectable and profitable business. The early catering industry was disproportionately founded by African-Americans.
The industry began to professionalize under the reigns of Robert Bogle who is recognized as "the originator of catering." By 1840, the second generation of Philadelphia black caterers formed, who began to combine their catering businesses with restaurants they owned. Common usage of the word "caterer" came about in the 1880s at which point local directories began listing numerous caterers.[1] White businessmen eventually moved into the industry and by the 1930s, the black businesses had virtually disappeared.
In the 1930s, the Soviet Union, creating more simple menus, began developing state public catering establishments as part of its collectivization policies. A rationing system was implemented during World War II, and people became used to public catering. After the Second World War, many businessmen embraced catering as an alternative way of staying in business after the war. By the 1960s, the home-made food was overtaken by eating in public catering establishments.
By the 2000s, personal chef services started gaining popularity, with more women entering the workforce. People between 15 and 24 years of age spent as little as 11-17 minutes daily on food preparation and clean-up activities in 2006-2016, according to figures revealed by the American Time Use Survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Mobile catering[
A mobile caterer serves food directly from a vehicle, cart or truck which is designed for the purpose. Mobile catering is common at outdoor events such as concerts, workplaces, and downtown business districts.
Seat-back catering
Seat-back catering was a service offered by some charter airlines in the United Kingdom (e.g., Court Line, which introduced the idea in the early 1970s, and Dan-Air) that involved embedding two meals in a single seat-back tray. "One helping was intended for each leg of a charter flight, but Alan Murray, of Viking Aviation, had earlier revealed that 'with the ingenious use of a nail file or coin, one could open the inbound meal and have seconds'. The intention of participating airlines was to "save money, reduce congestion in the cabin and give punters the chance to decide when to eat their meal".By requiring less galley space on board, the planes could offer more passenger seats.
According to TravelUpdate's columnist, "The Flight Detective", "Salads and sandwiches were the usual staples," and "a small pellet of dry ice was put into the compartment for the return meal to try to keep it fresh. However, in addition to the fact that passengers on one leg were able to consume the food intended for other passengers on the following leg, there was a "food hygiene" problem and the concept was discontinued by 1975
Shipboard catering
Merchant ships – especially ferries, cruise liners, and large cargo ships - often carry Catering Officers. In fact, the term "catering" was in use in the world of the merchant marine long before it became established as a land-bound business.
Wedding catering
A wedding caterer provides food to the wedding party. The wedding caterer can be hired independently or can be part of a package designed by the venue.
Types of Catering Establishments
Task 1. Read and translate
There are many types of catering establishments. They are big first class restaurants in five-star hotels, small restaurants, cafeterias, snack bars and fast-food restaurants. They serve different types of customers and offer different styles of service. Most restaurants provide table-service.
A casual dining restaurant is a restaurant that serves moderately-priced food in a casual atmosphere. Casual dining restaurants typically provide table service.
The gourmet restaurant. A gourmet restaurant can be also called a luxury restaurant. The service and the prices are usually according to the quality of the meal so that these restaurants are the most expensive of all food-service establishments.
Family style restaurants are restaurants that have a fixed menu and fixed price, usually with diners seated at a communal table such as on bench seats. True to their name, these restaurants tend to be single-family businesses.
The specialty restaurants offer a limited variety of style of food. Restaurants often specialize in certain types of food, for example, there are seafood restaurants, steak restaurants, vegetarian restaurants or ethnic restaurants. Restaurants selling food of foreign origin are called accordingly, for example, a Chinese restaurant and a French restaurant. Both the quality of the food and the prices are usually between those of the gourmet and family-type restaurants.
A fast food restaurant is sometimes known as a quick service restaurant (QSR). Its operations range from small-scale street vendors with carts to franchised mega-corporations like McDonald's. These restaurants may offer minimal table-service or no table service at all. These restaurants offer food that can be acquired fast and cheaply, usually when people are on the go or need something to eat quickly.
One of the most widespread catering establishments in all countries of the world is a café. A café can offer table service, but many times the guest orders at the counter, and the food is brought out to the table. While at most dining restaurants the guest pays with the server, at a café the guest most often times pays with a single cashier at the counter. Café prices are quite cheap due to the selection of dishes which is normally limited to made-to-order sandwiches and convenience food or cheap snacks and beverages.
In cafeteria service the guests collect their plates with dishes on a tray as they move along the counter. At the end of the counter there is a cash desk. There the customers pay for the dishes they have chosen. This kind of service which is a self-service type is usually used in cafeterias, snack bars, canteens and coffeehouses (or coffee shops). Coffeehouses primarily serve beverages (coffee and tea) and offer a limited selection of cold food such as pastries and perhaps sandwiches as well. The prices in all self-service type establishments are affordable even for people with low income.
Task 2. Mark each of the following statements true or false (T or F). Correct the false statements
1. The family-type restaurant serves fixed menu food at very high prices that appeal to family groups
2. The specialty restaurant prices are usually between those of the gourmet and family type restaurants.
3. In snack-bars customers collect their plates with dishes on a tray as they move along the counter. Then the customers have to pay for the dishes they have chosen at the cash desk and carry the food to a table themselves.
4. Fast food restaurants never offer table service.
5. In a self-service restaurant customers are seated at tables where food is served by a waiter or waitress.
Read and answer questions; Kitchen design may vary according to the following things: the food outlet location, the type of customer, the number of covers, the menu, the service and the number of staff. However, the organization of every kitchen should always follow two basic rules: a linear production line, so that there is a logical progression from preparation to service to improve efficiency, and a separation of processes, to avoid contact between raw materials, packaging, leftovers and kitchen waste, which can lead to contamination. Therefore, the kitchen should be in a strategic point, between the storage areas and the restaurant, so that raw materials are conveniently stored and final dishes are served quickly to customers. Access to storage premises should be easy for vehicles carrying goods and waste from outside, but totally separate from food preparation areas. Storage premises should cover the smallest possible area to avoid wasting space and to ensure the regular supply of raw materials. Inside the kitchen, space is divided according to the type of activity carried out in different areas. Each area (or specialist station) is equipped and located to communicate with the other areas. For example the cold preparation section, the area where raw materials are prepared, must be near the cold storage rooms, where perishable goods are stored. Next to this, you usually find the storeroom, where equipment and nonperishable goods are stored. Whereas the main kitchen or hot dish section, where hot food is prepared, must be directly connected to the service area, where orders are placed and waiting staff collect food. This in turn must be near the dishwashing area, where dishes, pots and pans are washed and stored.
Task.4 Connect the names of the parts of the kitchen with their purpose.
1) The main kitchen is .. . 2) The cold preparation section is ... 3) The service area is ... 4) The storeroom is .. . 5) The cold storage room is .. . 6) The dishwashing area is .. . a) where equipment and nonperishable goods are stored. b) where dishes, pots and pans are washed and stored. c) where hot food is prepared. d) where orders are placed and waiting staff collect food. e) where perishable goods are stored. f) where raw ingredients are prepared.
Контрольная работа по теме «Общественное питание»
1 вариант
1. Переведите текст
The earliest account of major services being catered in the United States is a 1778 ball in Philadelphia catered by Caesar Cranshell to celebrate the departure of British General William Howe. Catering business began to form around 1820, centering in Philadelphia. Catering became a respectable and profitable business. The early catering industry was disproportionately founded by African-Americans.
The industry began to professionalize under the reigns of Robert Bogle who is recognized as "the originator of catering." By 1840, the second generation of Philadelphia black caterers formed, who began to combine their catering businesses with restaurants they owned. Common usage of the word "caterer" came about in the 1880s at which point local directories began listing numerous caterers. White businessmen eventually moved into the industry and by the 1930s, the black businesses had virtually disappeared.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1.Where was the earliest account of major services?
2.When did begin to form catering business?
3. Who is Robert Bogle?
3.Переведите словосочетания:
1. Table foodservices
2. Packaged take-out foodservices
3. Beverage services
4. Entertainment services
5. Business meeting services
6. Conference and convention services
7. Contract feeding services
8. Off-premise foodservices
4 Вставьте нужный предлог: of, for , with, in
1.Businesses … the twenty-first century are spread from urban centers to suburban locations in office parks.
2. Suburban locations are generally more appropriate … social catering to private homes, clubs.
3. Kitchen equipment must be flexible, allowing for volume production to take place simultaneously … à la carte restaurant service.
4. A further discussion … equipment capability for catering service is found in Chapter Twelve.
5. Подберите русские соответствия к английским словам:
1. Caterer a. продукт, готовый к употреблению
2. Huge b. прибыль
3. Banquet с. Поставщик продуктов
4. Processing d.огромный
5. Employ e. питательный
6. Convenience food f. обработка продуктов
7. Nutritional g. званый обед
8. Profit h. Нанимать на работу
Контрольная работа по теме «Общественное питание»
2 вариант
1. Переведите текст
In the 1930s, the Soviet Union, creating more simple menus, began developing state public catering establishments as part of its collectivization policies. A rationing system was implemented during World War II, and people became used to public catering. After the Second World War, many businessmen embraced catering as an alternative way of staying in business after the war. By the 1960s, the home-made food was overtaken by eating in public catering establishments.
By the 2000s, personal chef services started gaining popularity, with more women entering the workforce. People between 15 and 24 years of age spent as little as 11-17 minutes daily on food preparation and clean-up activities in 2006-2016, according to figures revealed by the American Time Use Survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. When did many businessmen embrace catering?
2. What did start by the 2000s?
3. Who spent about 11-17 minutes daily on food preparation?
3.Переведите словосочетания:
1. Full-service restaurants
2. Hotel food and beverage facilities
3. Catering halls
4. Independent caterers
5. Private clubs
6. Contract feeding
7. Charcuteries and delicatessens
4. Вставьте нужный предлог: of, for , on, in, at
1. Foodservice tends to be, on average, higher … calories and lower in key nutrients than foods prepared at home.
2. Counter service is food ordered by the customer … the counter .
3. Various methods … table service can be provided.
4. Seat-back catering was a service offered … some charter airlines in Britain.
5. Подберите русские соответствия к английским словам:
1.Catered meals a. питание, пища
2.principal b.аналогичный
3. foodservice с. громадный
4. vast d. выгода, прибыль
5. nutrition e. потребительский спрос
6. take-away meals f. услуги в сфере общепита
7. consumer demands g. еда приготовленная не дома
8. profitable h. основной
9. similar i. готовое питание из общепита
Unit 4. Crockery and cutlery.
Read and learn the words and expressions.
cutlery - столовые приборы
utensils – утварь
table cloth – скатерть
plate mate – подставка под тарелку
serviette/napkin – бумажная салфетка
towel – полотенце, тканевая салфетка
tray – поднос
soup plate – суповая тарелка
meat plate – тарелка для мяса
butter plate – тарелка для масла
dinner plate – обеденная тарелка
deep plate – глубокая тарелка
bread/side plate – дополнительная тарелка (для хлеба) saucer – блюдце
knife – нож
caviar knife – нож для икры
carving knife – нож для фигурного вырезания butter knife – нож для масла
cheese knife – нож для сыра
fork – вилка spoon - ложка
dessert spoon – десертная ложка
teaspoon - чайная ложка
salad serving spoon – ложка для салата
glass – стакан, бокал
corkscrew - открывалка
bottle opener - штопор soup
tureen – супница
soup ladle – половник
oil bottle – бутылка масла
vinegar bottle – бутылка уксуса
salt cellar – солонка pepper pot – перечница mustard pot – горчичница
sugar bowl – сахарница
salad/fruit bowl – чаша для салата/фруктов milk/water jug – кувшин для молока/воды
bread basket – хлебница, корзина для хлеба cheese board – доска для сыра
tea pot – заварочный чайник
kettle – чайник
coffee maker – кофеварка
frying pan – сковорода
grill – гриль oven – духовка
gas/electric cooker – газовая/электрическая плита saucepan – кастрюля
to pick – ковыряться
to lick – облизывать
to sip – прихлебывать
to chew – жевать
to swallow – глотать
Task1. Look at some items you need to know when laying or serving at a table. Match the items and their names. Then say what they are necessary for.
Example: Picture 1 is a toast rack. A toast rack is used for serving toasts.
toast rack , serving soup, chees knife, serving salt and
pepper ladle , wiping the mouth, bottle opener, serving gateau cake knife,
serving gravy corkscrew , cooling wine, serviette/napkin, opening wine
bottles cruet set, serving toasts sauceboat, opening tins and bottles ice
bucket, cutting cheese,
Task 2. Insert the correct word.
1. There is a jug, 3 glasses, a dinner … and 2 cups on the table.
2. There … no restaurants in this hotel.
3. Is there a … knife in the kitchen? I want to decorate this dish.
4. Have you got a bread … ?
5. There …a new vase on the shelf.
6. Put one tea … of tea for each cup and one for the pot.
7. Where is … ? I must open the bottle.
8. Are there any … in the cupboard? I want to drink some juice.
9. Pass me the … , please. The soup lacks salt.
10. Is there a gas or an electric … in your new flat?
Task 3. Translate into English
1. В ресторане нашего отеля есть круглые и квадратные столы.
2. На круглом столе очень красивая скатерть.
3. Принесите мне салфетку и подставку под тарелку.
4. В каждом номере отеля есть кувшин для воды.
5. В номерах люкс есть электрический чайник и чаша для фруктов.
6. В духовке три пирога.
7. В корзине для хлеба нет ржаного хлеба.
8. В супнице нет половника.
9. В нашем коттедже есть газовая плите, кастрюли, сковороды и другая посуда.
10.Где нож для масла?
Task 4. Fill in the gaps
Task 5. Write a word or phrases that is similar in meaning to the underline part
1. we can’t make cold drinks because the appliance that freezes water into cubes is broken
_c_ _ak_r
2. put the plate under device that keeps food warm until the server picks it up h_ _t _ _m_.
3. The restaurant uses the appliance that immerses food in hot oil to make French fries _ee_
_ _y_r.
4. leave the rice in the appliance that cooks with steam for three hours.
5. You can stir the batter faster if you use a handheld appliance with rotating (вращающийся) blades m_ _ _r.
Task.6. Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B
1. main knife a. чайная чашка с блюдцем
2. medium spoon b. салатник
3. used for cocktails c. используется для булочек
4. serving large items d. главный нож
5. clear soups e. обеденная тарелка
6. tea cup and saucer f. используется для основного блюда
7. soup bowl g. бульоны
8. used for rolls h. подача больших кусков
9. used for the main course i. средняя ложка
10. dinner plate j. используется для коктейлей
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