Оценка 5


Оценка 5
СТАТЬЯ 2.docx



                                                 Rajabova Kamilla Zavkiddinovna:

                                           a sophomore of Uzbek State World

                                           Languages university. UzSWLU.

                                           Academic adviser: a dean of the faculty of

                                           translation as well as a senior teacher : Omonov P.X.


Annotation: spheres of being , possession and intention are scrutinized in this scientific paper and their connection with the whole grammatical organization is illustrated .

Key words : constant meanings , objective  universally constant meanings , sphere of being , sphere of possession , sphere of intention .

The universally constant meanings are of the greatest importance here . The person’s attitude towards the object is defined either by the objective  universally constant meanings of being and possession or by the subjective universally constant meanings of intention. The first pair of universally constant meanings reflects the natural situation of the object existence. The last universally constant meanings on the contrary reflects the imaginable situation in which the object is expected to be found.

In this respect it is quite natural that the paradigmatic elements of the processual class are initially heterogeneous correspondingly creating three main spheres of their distribution :

1)    The sphere of being;

2)    The sphere of possession;

3)    The sphere of intention. The spheres  attract like a magnet all the semantico-phonetical complexes systematizing them in the following way.

The  first sphere embraces those SPhCc which rendering the generalizing idea of being are of the negative aspective character: smile , think , sit , sleep , etc. They reproduce the object in one of the manifolded states of its nonterminative being : sleeping , smiling.

The second sphere includes those semantico-phonetical complexes which rendering the generalizing idea of possession are of the positive aspective character : take , have , give , catch . They represent the object in one of the manifolded states of its terminative being : taking , grasping , giving , catching.

The third sphere consists of those semantico-phonetical complexes which reproducing the generalizing idea of man’s intention are of the dual aspective character: can , must, want,let. They represent the object in one of the suppositional states of the imaginable existence , which may be either positive or negative.

Depending on prevailing of the direct or indirect way of correlation and its belonging to the different strata of codifying units semantico-phonetical complexes are differently distributed within each processual sphere. Structurally every sphere consists of three unequal circles : nucleus , intermediate and peripheral.

The nucleus circle is always occupied by those semantico-phonetical complexes whose appearance is the result of the indirect way of correlation: be, have,let,shall , etc.

The second or the intermediate circle is formed by those semantico-phonetical complexes whose appearance is the result of prevalence of the direct way of correlation : cry , take , love.

The third or the peripheral circle embraces those semantico-phonetical complexes whose appearance is the result of a certain kind of equality of the direct and indirect way of correlation: suppose , think , put .

In both the central circles semantico-phonetical complexes preserve their initial negative or positive character. But the peripheral stratum is by far the neutral being of the so-colled dual aspective character. It may be explained by the fact that semantico-phonetical complexes of peripheral circles are mutually penetrating. Therefore the semantico-phonetical complexes of the BE-sphere are not rigidly separated from those of the HAVE-sphere. The sphere of intention from the very beginning is the result of the two previous spheres interaction. That’s why such semantico-phonetical complexes asBE and HAVE are freely used as the representatives of the intentional direction. The nucleus circle of all the spheres contains those semantico-phonetical complexes which serve as the formal element.

The intermediate circle embraces the semantico-phonetical complexes which are rather exact and adequate in representing the negative or positive aspective character. The peripheral circle includes semantico-phonetical complexes of dual aspective character.

The semantico-phonetical complexes of these processual spheres belong to different strata of codifying units.

The intermediate and peripheral circles consist of semantico-phonetical complexes which manifest the concretizing stratum of codifying units exclusively. The nucleus circle on the contrary consists of semantico-phonetical complexes belonging to the associative strata of codifying units.

Conclusion: In their functioning spheres of being, possession and intention are based on principles of integration , the investigation of which is considered  to be the widest and therefore the most complicated problem of modern linguistics .

Each person estimates the object arbitrarily. That is why the realization of the inventorial level becomes possible due to the individual usage of forms within the sphere of grammatical synonymy. The latter being an objective phenomenon is individual in its concrete usage by every member of the same linguistic community of people .

The list of used literature: .

 1 . Koshevaya I . G .  The theory of English grammar .  M. , 1982 .

2. Vorontsova G . N . The summary of English grammar. M. , 1956 .

3. Poutsma P . H . Grammar of Late Modern English ., 1926 .

4. Chafe V . Structures of English . N . Y . ., 1963 .

5. Sweet H . Language . N . Y . , 1931 .

6.Bonk N . A . , Lukyanova N . A . , Pamukhina L . G . , English language . B. , 2001.

7. Kachalova K . N . , Israilevich E . E .  English grammar ., T., 2015.






The third sphere consists of those semantico-phonetical complexes which reproducing the generalizing idea of man’s intention are of the dual aspective character: can , must,…

The third sphere consists of those semantico-phonetical complexes which reproducing the generalizing idea of man’s intention are of the dual aspective character: can , must,…

Conclusion: In their functioning spheres of being, possession and intention are based on principles of integration , the investigation of which is considered to be…

Conclusion: In their functioning spheres of being, possession and intention are based on principles of integration , the investigation of which is considered to be…
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