Spotlight 9 3e.pptx
Оценка 5

Spotlight 9 3e.pptx

Оценка 5
Spotlight 9 3e.pptx
Spotlight 9 3e.pptx

Writing skills .

Writing skills .

Writing skills


Stories can be written in the first person (I/we) or the third person (he\she\they) and can be about real or imaginary events

Stories can be written in the first person (I/we) or the third person (he\she\they) and can be about real or imaginary events

Stories can be written in the first person (I/we) or the third person (he\she\they) and can be about real or imaginary events. A variety of past tenses are used.

Writing skills - stories

Spotlight 9 3e.pptx

Spotlight 9 3e.pptx

Look at the title of the story and the picture

Look at the title of the story and the picture

Look at the title of the story and the picture. What kind of story do you expect to read?

Read the story

Read the story

Read the story




A Presents events before the climax event?

A Presents events before the climax event?

A Presents events before the climax event?
B contain the climax event?
C sets the scene?
D contain the main characters feelings?

Ex.4. Which paragraph…





What adjectives has the writer used the describe the following:

What adjectives has the writer used the describe the following:

What adjectives has the writer used the describe the following:

The inn
A policeman
The people’s
The bill
The two buildings



very old fashioned

extremely cheap


Match the verbs to the adverbs, then write sentences using these phrases hem in past tenses

Match the verbs to the adverbs, then write sentences using these phrases hem in past tenses

1 – c, 2 – b, 3 – d, 4 – a, 5 - e

Match the verbs to the adverbs, then write sentences using these phrases hem in past tenses.

Your home task is:

Your home task is:

Your home task is:

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