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  • 09.03.2021
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Публикация в СМИ для учителей

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Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

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                        PRINCIPLES OF INTEGRATION .

                                              Rajabova Kamilla Zavkiddinovna:

                                              a sophomore of Uzbek State World

                                              Languages university. UzSWLU.

                                             Academic adviser: a dean of the faculty of

                                             translation as well as a senior teacher Omonov P.X.

Annotation: the common characteristics of principles of integration is scrutinized in this scientific paper and a connection with the whole grammatical organization is illustrated.

Key words: principles of integration, principles of integration, conjunction and disjunction, copulation.

The language material helps to judge of the existence of three principles of integration functioning in the principles of integration.


Autonomy                                                         Coordination




Let’s start analyzing with the first one.

THE PRINCIPLE OF COORDINATION is that of equality in functioning. It operates in two models : conjunction and disjunction.

Conjunction functions as a uniting foundation of all the structures combined on equal terms to represent any definite generalization. It should be noticed that conjunction has connection with three levels of grammatical organization.

On the first level the monocentrism based on the meaning of being to reveal the correlational position  SPbe+(O) with the facultative object or without it.

On the second level in morphology conjunction contracts all the grammatical forms to reveal the paradigmatic correctivity (-en ,- s ,-a) to represent plurality; (shall/will) to express futurity.In syntax it contracts words into word combinations and the latter into sentences.

On the third level conjunction contracts sentences to form speech complex; speech complexes into textual segments; textual segments into the text.

Disjunction is a contracted variant of conjunction used:

On the first level in separating the limiting elements which may function in the relative independence inside the centripetal position while creating its theme and rheme.Thus disjunction forms adjectival and adverbial relations inside the position.

On the second level in syntax disjunction serves for separation of the secondary members from the main members.In morphology it opposes the meanings inside the category ( the separation of the active voice from the passive one; indicative mood from subjunctive and imperative ones ; common case from the oblique ones.

On the third level disjunction manifests textual segments as parts of the text.

THE PRINCIPLE OF AUTONOMY is that of independence and unequality.It operates in two models : copulation and disjunction.

Copulation is manifested in formation of unstable polysemantic paradigms within correlative , corrective , and elective spheres where the root appears to be the only connective centre while the second centre is represented as the combined one by the principle of centrifugalness.

On the first level its action is traced in the process of migrating the rheme towards the object : within the model SPBE+O ( He is writing the letter ) or SPHAVE+O ( He has a brother ).

On the second level in  morphology  copulation stresses the meaningful element within the morphological compounds: fifteen-fifty or go in , go out , go down where the meaningful part may be extracted as a radical while the remainder preserves its relatively independent meaning.

On the third level one may trace the copulation of the separate parts within the text , the inserted stories  within the text , interruption of the plot for the sake of reminiscences , etc. Such copulative parts are based on the centrifugal direction from the radical.

The disjunction of this type of integration:

On the first level is observed in omitting the vowels within the semantico-phonetical complexes like br(ea)k , p(u)t , s(ee)n , etc.; in omitting the morphemes.

On the second level in morphology it is manifested in repeating the shortened part which may be repeated. Example: You haven’t done it,have you? In syntax it is traced in functioning the one-member sentences where the second centre is omitted. Example : Morning.Cold and grey.

On the third level it causes the appearance of parcellated structures like : I have seen him. In the park and the usage of contracted answers: Have you done it? I have.

THE PRINCIPLE OF SUBORDINATION operates as conjunction or copulation but is subordinated to any of them as the unreal representation of an object. ( Ann is a doctor – a real conjunction and Ann must be a doctor – an unreal conjunction ). Due to their unreal character there operates only one model of each principle not including that of disjunction. The thing is that there is no remainder to be separated as a disjuncted part. Now some words should be said about the formalized structures.

POSITION as the formalized structure of the code level is the cogitative identification of the denotate in its real or unreal integration.

SENTENCE as the formalized structure of the inventorial level is the language way of the one-sided motivation of the denotate.

SPEECH COMPLEX as a formalized structure of the deliveral level is the individually speech way of many – sided motivation of the denotate.

The list of used literature :

1 . Koshevaya I . G .  The theory of English grammar .  M. , 1982 .

2. Vorontsova G . N . The summary of English grammar. M. , 1956 .

3. Poutsma P . H . Grammar of Late Modern English ., 1926 .

4. Chafe V . Structures of English . N . Y . ., 1963 .

5. Sweet H . Language . N . Y . , 1931 .

6.Bonk N . A . , Lukyanova N . A . , Pamukhina L . G . , English language . B. , 2001.

7. Kachalova K . N . , Israilevich E . E .  English grammar ., T., 2015.