Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Школа №44 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов»
Советского района г. Н. Новгорода
Научное общество учащихся
Stereotypes about Russia
Выполнила: Аристова Арина,
ученица 8 а класса
Научный руководитель:
Скворцова С.Ю.,
учитель английского языка
Нижний Новгород
Part 1 Stereotype! What is it?
1.1 The meaning of stereotypes.……………………………………………………4
1.2 History…………………..…………………………………………………….4
1.3 The causes of stereotypes…………………………………………………….4
1.4 Properties and functions……………………………………………………...4
Part 2 Stereotypes about Russia
2.1 Russians are very sad and serious……………………………………………5
2.2 It’s always cold in Russia…………………………………………………….6
2.3 Russian women are very beautiful……………………………………………7
2.4 Bear and balalaika…………………………………………………………….8
2.5 Alcohol and smoking…………………………………………………………9
2.6 Russia is a country of hackers and thieves……………………………………10
Russia is a big and strong country. Abroad, there are many stereotypes about our country. Foreigners always ask Russians “Isn’t it cold there?” or “Did you eat lots of borsch?” or “Is everyone there depressed?”. Many stereotypes are invented by people, who don't visit our country. Stereotypes are both pleasant and not very good. But not all of them are true. "Why is Russia bad? This is a very large country. A great country that has a very beautiful history. Why is this country bad? ",- сolombian about Russia.
I must check some stereotypes about Russia and agree or disagree with them. I learn information from the Internet.
My tasks:
• check some stereotypes
• agree or disagree with stereotypes
• prove them
• make a conclusion
Part 1 Stereotype! What is it?
1.1 A stereotype is a relatively stable and simplified image of a social group, person, event or phenomenon. Every nation has its own stereotypical ideas about the surrounding world, about people, about representatives of another culture.
1.2 The concept of "stereotype" was born in the 20s of last century. He was introduced into the scientific literature by the American scientist W. Lippmann. He characterized the stereotype as a small "picture of the world" that a person stores in the brain in order to save the effort that is required to perceive more complex situations.
1.3 According to the American scientist, there are two reasons for the emergence of stereotypes:
• Saving effort;
• Protection of the values of the group of people in which he lives.
1.4 The stereotype has the following properties:
• Unchanging in time;
• Selectivity;
• Emotional completeness.
Stereotypes live in us, influence the world view, behavior and contribute to the misperception of reality: the role of modern stereotypes in the life of man and society is undeniable. Stereotypes can be imposed by public opinion, and formed on the basis of their own observations. Public stereotypes are most pernicious for people's outlook. They impose on the person of the infidels a train of thoughts, and prevent him from thinking independently. However, without stereotypes society could not exist.
Segregation between groups can only contribute to the consolidation of stereotypes, and convergence of groups, on the contrary, leads to a change in stereotypes, and sometimes - to their complete destruction. For example, an experiment was conducted, during which representatives of different races settled in the same building on different floors. As a result, their stereotypes were preserved and even strengthened. Conversely, many of the stereotypes in these groups collapsed when they began to occupy one floor, encountering the same domestic difficulties and jointly solving problems.
Part 2 Stereotypes about Russia
2.1 The first stereotype is that all Russians are very serious.
Russians create the impression of inhospitable people. Unfortunately, most visitors (tourists) see Russians in places like cashiers, hotels, bureaucratic offices, passport control - which is natural, we reinforce the prevailing view that Russians do not look polite and friendly. Also in other countries and cities we are always serious. We do not have a culture of a smile, we do not smile at neighbors who come with us on an elevator. The Russians just put on a mask.
But as soon as you have a network for a common table with us, we will begin to feed you until your stomach bursts. What's the chip?
This can be compared with a glass barrier. While they are behind him, we will not see any interest in meeting your needs, once the barrier disappears, we'll tell you everything over a cup of tea in the kitchen.
Well, so that you really could say "I learned something new today," I must point out, perhaps, the most important thing: the Russians do not smile to appear friendly. They smile only when they really see or hear something funny and see a real friend in front of them. And you understand that it's normal to live with a stony face, because they do a great job without having to smile everywhere and everywhere.
A good example is the Olympics in Sochi. During the Olympics, Russian people, volunteers, sportsmen always helped tourists, took photos with them (1 app.).
A Colombian girl who moved to Russia says: "I used to hear that people in Russia do not smile, cold and closed, have a very serious look. But as soon as she began to live here, I realized that the Russians are very friendly, they just start expressing their emotions only after they met. In the circle of friends, people often smile, laugh and embrace "
A girl who moved to Russia from India, said: "In India, people think that people from Russia are very sad. Everyone who came to India in Soviet times, got together and stayed together. When they walked through Indian markets, they kept saying "Spirits, perfumes, spirits" all the time. In Hindi, "perfume" means "sad." What this word really means in Russian, I learned much later. "
"Russians know about Americans much more than Americans about Russia. But the Russians still have such a kind, they say, "what are you doing here?". I think Russians are more secretive than Americans - nobody goes around with a rubber smile, "the editor of the online publication in the United States shares his observations.
2.2 The second stereotype is always cold in Russia.
"Winter is an important part of Russian culture, and it must be felt", writes Alison Haitmiller, a foreigner about Russia's adventures.
Russia is one of the coldest countries in the world. But in fact, the temperature across Russia varies from +9 ° C in Sochi and -30 ° C in Oymyakon. The coldest region is in the north of the Far East, where in the vicinity of Oimyakon the average temperature in January falls below -46 degrees.
Here's what a man from New York says about it: "Snowballs can scare a person from the southern states of Florida, California, but in Buffalo we have the same weather. If we compare Moscow and New York, then they prepare for frost better. When in New York a few years ago there was a snowfall, he paralyzed the whole city. In Moscow, many grumbling about the cleaning of snow, but local utilities are still better able to cope with similar situations. "
A girl from Spain says: "What is cold, we can’t imagine, because we do not even have snow. I had a hard time with my first winter. It was difficult to breathe in the frost, so I moved around the city in small dashes, constantly sitting out in some rooms. Very much then I fell ill. But the hardest thing is not cold, but the fact that there is no sun and an eternally gray sky. For me it was a shock, because we always have summer and plenty of sunshine. "
"It's very cold, it's colder, probably only Antarctica." The record of the lowest temperature in the populated area is divided between Oimyakon and Verkhoyansky -67.7 "C," the American writes in his blog about the Russian winter.
Foreigners who rush to Russia in the winter, first of all ask the tourists who have already visited there: how to cope with the frost? All the experts who already live in Russia are not ashamed to talk about the horrors of the Russian winter and, first of all, about the outrageously low readings of the thermometer. Those who are more experienced, immediately spit on style and beauty and dress either in fur coats, fur hats and ugg boots, or in arctic jackets. Those who have not yet reconciled themselves to low temperatures are simply advised not to leave the premises.
Arkhangelsk in the winter
2.3 Russian women are very beautiful
Russian girls are known for their soft face, radiant and smooth skin, kind eyes and blush on their cheeks (2 app.).
Foreigners are sure that along the streets of Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Sochi, etc. Only girls of model appearance go. Our beauty and femininity in the understanding of foreign men are personified by Anna Kournikova and Maria Sharapova. It's nice! But there is a downside to the coin: Russian women are told that we do not know how to choose the right time and place for the outfit. If you believe the Americans, in Russia, all women without exception go to the next store for milk in full parade: hairstyle, makeup, an abundance of jewelry, expensive clothes, thereby losing valuable time.
Some of them have never met Russian women, others have known them well. On the Internet, I found several opinions of men from other countries about what they imagine our compatriots.
John Friderix, USA: "The acquaintance and communication with Russian women left only a positive impression. They are one of the most pleasant and benevolent people I have met. They always amaze me with their sensitivity and responsiveness! I have never been ignored or disrespected. In general, I find Russian women cute and energetic in terms of communication. Appearance? Yes, I've never seen so many beauties in my life! "
James Langevin, The Netherlands: "Right or wrong, but this is my opinion of Russian women, created by national media and my communication with them during travel. Very wise. I would say that your women are pretty, strong by virtue of their mentality and are surprisingly open to tourists from those countries that are not too friendly towards Russia. Russian girls have a stronger and more solid character than men. In terms of appearance, they are among the most beautiful women in the world, very feminine! "
Martynas Polh, Switzerland: "The Russians are smart and beautiful, they know how to emphasize their dignity and hide their shortcomings. Russian women are strong in spirit, they are ready to go to much for the sake of love and family, they are ready to forgive much, vulnerable, sensitive. Real women, the standard of femininity. "
2.4 Bear and balalaika.
Many foreigners think that bears are walking in our streets and that Russian people like to play balalaika. This is how they draw imaginary Russia. And foreigners are convinced that Russians are able to tame bears and are generally capable of many strong and bold, albeit crazy actions.
The image of Russia as a country where bears are walking along the streets has been formed for a long time. More historians of the 19th century conducted research on its origins and came to the conclusion that this image has a real background. On the territory of our country there has long existed a cult of a bear, it really was for Rusyches the embodiment of spirit. This animal was totem for the inhabitants of our country, the bear has always been the subject of folklore works. With the advent of Orthodoxy, the church supported this stereotype of national identity. Once upon a time at almost every fair there was a tradition of showing the struggle of peasants with bears, as a way to demonstrate their daring. Also these animals performed in public. So there was a bear with a balalaika, as an image of Russian fun.
The inhabitants of Russia had a few of their own musical instruments, and one of them is a balalaika. It arose on the basis of a modification of the Asian good and was widely spread in the 17th century. The instrument is organic to the Russian character: it is simple in mastering, it gives great opportunities for improvisation. In the 18th century, at each fair there was a bear with a balalaika as a way of entertainment for people coming for shopping. Since many of the first foreigners who came to Russia were traders, they made conclusions about the country precisely at the fairs. Hence, many stereotypes arise: drunkenness, unrestrained fun, a balalaika and a bear.
But after carefully studying the information on the Internet, I learned that now many foreigners no longer think that bears are walking along our streets. Bear and balalaika are a typical symbol of the country in the eyes of foreigners.
For example, the words of a man from New York: "Ten thousand times I was asked if Americans believe that bears are walking around Moscow. Of course not. By the way, I can show a couple of videos, which show that the bears are walking around New Jersey. "
2.5 Russia is considered the most drinking and smoking country.
It is vodka that is associated with Russia in the first place. Vodka, according to foreigners, is not just the main drink in our country, to which the whole population has been accustomed since birth, but also the prevailing currency, and also a valuable resource. Through the pipes, vodka is served in all apartments, hospitals and school establishments. You can pay vodka with a hired worker, you can give a bribe to vodka. A glass of vodka is served to anyone who enters the house, regardless of the purposes of his visit. Vodka, vodka, vodka!
Vodka is really very common in our country, a rare feast does without its participation. In addition, we often "thank" the bottle of vodka for the service. Another thing - vodka definitely should not be the first, which is associated with foreigners with Russia. Let it be kvass or tea with a lemon, which so amazes the English, by the way.
Although this stereotype is not common everywhere. "Nobody thinks that they drink here. In India, there is no such idea, unlike other countries "- said a girl from India.
This is the opinion of a man from New York: "A common myth that here are all alcoholics. Maybe in regions where the economy is underdeveloped, there are people who drink. But in America, too, there are places like this, for example, Detroit. There's a terrible unemployment, that's why people lead a marginal way of life. In addition, we have those who use drugs, and there are far more of them than here. "
On the Internet, I found information about the most drinking and smoking countries. And Russia in them takes not the first, not the second and even the third place. This information you can see on graph (3 app.).
The truth is not only that Russians smoke cigarettes one by one, but also that the government is trying to introduce strict rules on the prohibition of smoking, in order to limit a dangerous habit. Indeed, Russia was one of the most smoking countries in the world. But according to the World Health Organization, Russia takes the 5th place. I also show this fact on graphs (4 app.). Being in this country, you will not be able to avoid passive smoking, it is virtually everywhere.
2.6 Russia is a country of hackers and thieves.
In the view of Russians, a generalized hacker is likely to be an American. But for Americans - exactly the opposite. In the United States, it is believed that Russia is the country with the highest level of cybercrime in the world, while hackers are adept, desperate and well organized. It is even believed that in Russia, because of the serious danger of hacking, you should not use ATMs - except those that are in hotels and therefore supposedly reliable. Most ATMs on the streets of Russia are hacked, and travelers are warned about the need to use only secure safes in hotels that are under careful observation.
This stereotype came from the Internet: most of the pirated content on the network is available in Russian, primarily because it is Russian pirates who upload content to the network for free download.
«"The Internet is full of articles that Russia is an unsafe country." Frankly, I was seriously prepared and followed all the instructions! I made a bunch of copies of documents. Both in Moscow and in Petersburg I felt completely safe. In both cities, I stayed in hotels that were not in the center, and reached them on the subway or on foot without any adventures, even late at night»,- says a man from the United States.
Only 2 stereotypes were true from the 6 stereotypes, which I choose.
Finally, I want to say that we shouldn’t draw conclusions about the country after hearing stereotypes. Also, you should not make stereotypes don’t visiting the country or visiting it 1-2 times. The great Russian poet Tyutchev wrote, " you can’t understand Russia with your mind". It's right. To understand our country it is necessary to live in it for at least a 1 year and more. Only then you will be able to experience the whole culture, all the inhabitants of this country. And don’t think stereotypically. Nowadays people have very different behavior, opinions and outlooks on life.
1 appendix.
Volunteers at the Olympics in Sochi.
Miss Russia 2016
3 appendix.
Rating of countries by drinking alcohol.
4 appendix.
Rating of countries by smoking.
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