на заседании Методического совета Протокол № 47 от « 15 » марта 2022г.
Дата проведения: 24.03.2022г
Место проведения: общее родительское собрание, МБОУ СОШ № 36
Педагог дополнительного образования
г. Владикавказ, 2022г
The cast:
Scene 1
One day a crow stole a piece of cheese and sat on a branch of a tree to eat it in the silenсе.
At that moment a sly owl was passing by.
I’m hungry, really hungry.
All I can think about is food
I want to find something delicious, hurry, And I will be happiest bird in this wood.
Oh, what is that delicious smell?
It's cheese, it's cheese! I know it well.
If only I could get a slice
That, my friend, would be so nice.
But how can I obtain this cheese, from the crow up in the trees?
Friend Crow, I have a deal for you, So good, you won't believe it's true!
I have a burrow in the glade, and if this deal is to be made, It will be yours completely free, if you just give your cheese to me!
I have the contract here, You only need to sign it, dear.
Don/t let this offer pass you by,
You'd regret it 'til the day you die!
Stupid bird on stupid bough!
Sad, sad, sad… I’ve had enough already now!
Scene 2 Author:
Owl has gone with nothing. And then, near the tree where the Crow was sitting, appeared the coolest wolf, as he thought of himself.
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I'm the biggest baddest beast in the town even bears tremble when I'm around
I'm the coolest with the nicest flat when others see me they say "I want that".
Hey, I smell something delicious in the air, That food should be mine, it's just not fair!
I see who has my food, a crow!
Well, that's not right I'll let him know!
Hey you, upon the twig, just drop what you've got, you know I am Mr. big!
Don't look at me that way, just say "ahhhh", and I'll let you live another day.
Can't you hear me, don't you understand, that I am the wolf, The coolest in the land?
Now drop that piece of delicious yellow, Or you'll be in big trouble, fellow!
If you do not let it loose,
I'll call the bear, he'll cook your goose!
Okay, okay, there's no need to hurt me!
I was just joking, which you observed so alertly.
I don't even know what you've got way up there, but, if you see him, say hello to the bear.
And wolf has gone with nothing.
And at last a clever fox appeared near the tree .
Scene 3
For me to get that bit of cheese I'll use the best of my strategies.
My goodness, crow, when I saw you there
I thought "i've never seen a bird so fair."
You're stunning, shining, shimmering plumes are lovelier than the Rose's blooms. And your soft, sweet song, I've heard, is better than that of any other bird.
I'd need to hear but just one note coming from your golden throat,
Crow, please sing me a song so that I may tell whether even the nightingale can sing so well. That's the worst noise that I've ever heard you silly, stupid senseless bird,
But although you're the dumbest of your bunch, I should thank you for this lovely lunch!
."Don't trust flatterers!''
Источник: Asop's Fables
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Герои сказки: Frog, Mouse, Cock, Cat, Dog, Hedgehog, Squirrel, Rabbit, Fox. |
Hello! I am a green Frog. Oh! What a nice house! I want to live in it! |
Oh! What a nice house! Knock, knock! Who lives in the house? |
I do. I am a green Frog. It is my house. And who are you? |
I am a little Mouse. I want to live with you. |
OK! Let’s live together! |
Oh! What a nice house! Knock, knock! Who lives in the house? |
We do. I am a green Frog. |
I am a little Mouse. We live here. Who are you? |
I am a nice Cock. I want to live with you. Let me in. |
FROG and MOUSE: OK! Let’s live together!
CAT: |
Oh! What a nice house! Knock, knock! Who lives in the house? |
We do. I am a green Frog. |
I am a little Mouse. |
I am a nice Cock. This is our house. Who are you? |
CAT: |
I am a fluffy Cat. I want to live with you. Let me in. |
FROG, MOUSE and COCK: OK! Let’s live together!
DOG: Oh! What a nice house! Knock, knock! Who lives in the house?
FROG: We do. I am a green Frog.
I am a little Mouse. We live in this house. |
I am a nice Cock. This is our house. |
CAT: |
I am a fluffy Cat. Who are you? |
DOG: |
I am a brave Dog. I want to live with you. Let me in. |
FROG, MOUSE, COCK and CAT: OK! Let’s live together!
HEDGEHOG: Oh! What a nice house! Knock, knock! Who lives in the house?
We do. I am a green Frog. |
I am a little Mouse. We live in this house. |
I am a nice Cock. This is our house. |
CAT: |
I am a fluffy Cat. Our house is nice! |
DOG: |
I am a brave Dog. And who are you? |
I am Hedgehog. I want to live with you. Let me in. |
FROG, MOUSE, COCK, CAT and DOG: OK! Let’s live together!
Oh! What a nice house! Knock, knock! Who lives in the house? |
We do. I am a green Frog. |
I am a little Mouse. We live in this house. |
I am a nice Cock. This is our house. |
CAT: |
I am a fluffy Cat. Our house is nice! |
DOG: |
I am a brave Dog. |
I am a barbed Hedgehog. And who are you? |
I am a pretty Squirrel. I want to live with you. Let me in. |
FROG, MOUSE, COCK, CAT, DOG and HEDGEHOG: OK! Let’s live together!
Oh! What a nice house! Knock, knock! Who lives in the house? |
We do. I am a green Frog. |
I am a little Mouse. We live in this house. |
I am a nice Cock. This is our house. |
CAT: |
I am a fluffy Cat. Our house is nice! |
DOG: |
I am a brave Dog. |
I am a barbed Hedgehog. |
I am a pretty Squirrel. And who are you? |
I am a cute Rabbit. I want to live with you. Let me in. |
FROG, MOUSE, COCK, CAT, DOG, HEDGEHOG and SQUIRREL: OK! Let’s live together!
FOX: |
Oh! What a nice house! Knock, knock! Who lives in the house? |
We do. I am a green Frog. |
I am a little Mouse. We live in this house. |
I am a nice Cock. This is our house. |
CAT: |
I am a fluffy Cat. Our house is nice! |
DOG: |
I am a brave Dog. |
I am a barbed Hedgehog. |
I am a pretty Squirrel. We are good friends. |
I am a cute Rabbit. And who are you? |
FOX: |
I am a sly Fox. But I want to be good and live with you. I want to have a lot of friends! |
All together: OK! Let’s live together!
The More We Get Together
The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
The more we play together
Together, together
The more we play together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we play together
The happier we'll be
The more we dance together
Together, together
The more we dance together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we dance together
The happier we'll be
The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together The happier we'll be
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
The more we get together
The hap-pi-er we'll be
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