YURI GAGARIN (1934-1968)
Yuri Gagarin was the first spaceman in the world. Born in 1934, young Gagarin
was a very curious and clever boy. Since childhood Yuri was interested in
planes and made toy planes himself.
After the War the Gagarins moved to another city and Yuri entered a vocational
school in a small town near Moscow.
He attended an aero club and started flying. After finishing a school for pilots Gagarin joined the first group of spacemen.
On the 12th of April, 1961, Yuri Gagarin flew into space and spend more than one hour there.
He was the first man in the world who flew into space on board a spaceship.
After the successful landing Yuri Gagarin became a national hero.
He died in 1968, but people all over the world still
remember the first Russian spaceman.
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national hero [,паг[эп(э)Гп1эгэи] национальный герой
spaceman ['speisman] космонавт
successful landing [s(3)k'sesrbl 'lcendirj] удачное приземление
vocational school [v3u'kerjbnl'sku:l] профессионально- техническое училище
1. What was Yuri Gagarin famous for?
2. When was he born?
3. What was Yuri like?
4. What institutions did Gagarin finish?
5. When did the great flight take place?
6. Was the space journey successful?
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