Task 1. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense.
Our Friend tire Dog
Every boy andgirl (know) 1 that there (be) 2
hundreds ofdifferent animals intheworld. And yet, ifyou asked
tirequestionwhat your favourite animalis, almosteveryboy and
girl (answer) 3 without hesitation. ‘The dog’.
All (agree) 4 that the dog (be) 5 the best
companion for children. Mr. Dog always (enter) 6 so
tlroroughly into the games and enjoyment of his little master or
mistress. He quickly (understand) 7 what (require)
8 ofhim.
You (ever/see) 9 St. Bernard dogs? Many years ago
they (name) 1оso afteramonasteryhigh up inthe Alps.
Afterthemonks (breed) 11 them, thedogs fuse) 12
(guide) 13 travellers through the snowbound passes. If a
traveler(stray) 14 fromhispass and (become) 15
lostinthe snowdrifts, the dogs (rescue) 16 him. The dogs
(work) 17 inpairs. When they (find) 18 the traveller
who (lie) 19 inthe snow, they (try) 20 to dig him
out. If the dogs (not/can/help) 21 the man, one of them
(go) 22 back to the monastery (fetch) 23 themonks
while the other (remain) 24 with the lost who perhaps
(get) 25 some injuries.
Since that time St. Bernard dogs (be) 26 the most
intelligent and devoted to theirmasters.
Task 2. Write five questions to the text.
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