Тест по английскому языку 8 класс
Оценка 4.9

Тест по английскому языку 8 класс

Оценка 4.9
Тест по английскому языку 8 класс
Тест предназначен для учеников, которые обучаются по УМК по английскому языку Ларионовой и Комаровой по 1 и 2 разделам 1 четверти.

I variant                                                        1 test                                                                   8 form




I. Match the words for words combinations. (10 points)


1.  Go on                                           a. voluntary work

2. Make                                             b. a race

3. Have                                             c. an exam

4. Write                                             d. an expedition

5. Get                                                e. your skill

6. Score                                             f. the time for your life

7. Pass                                               g. scientific discovery

8. Win                                               h. a sertificate

9. Improve                                        i. a novel

10. Do                                              J. a goal


II.  Write the numbers in the brackets. (9 points)


1. How do you call someone who commits a murder? 

2. How do you call someone who steels things from the shops? 

3. How do you call someone who brings a bomb and a gun, tells a pilot to change the directions of the plane?

4. How do you call someone who damages cultural things, break windows or draws on the wall?

5. How do you call someone who invents something new?

6. How do you call someone who writes novels?

7. How do you call someone who chases a criminal and sometimes catches him?

8. How do you call a person who takes photos and makes albums professionally?

9. How do you call a person who helps people in the plane?


A shoplifter (  )            an inventor (  )           a policeman (  )          a murderer (  )     


A photographer (  )           a hijacker (  )           a flight attendant (  )              a writer (  )          a vandal (  )


III. Write the second and the third forms of irregular verbs. (10 points)


1. Go - ___________ - ____________                                     6. find - ____________ - ______________

2. Become - _____________ - _______________                   7. forget - _____________ - ________________

3. Choose -______________ - ________________                 8. drive - _____________ - _________________

4. Build - ______________ - _________________                 9. hear - ______________ - ________________

5. Fight - _______________ - ________________                 10. cut - _____________ - _____________


IV. Choose the suitable word. (10 points)

1. Jenny plays football once a month. She always / sometimes / at present plays football.

2. Be quiet! Your father is sleeping in the bedroom now / often / every day.

3. Penny thought  football was stupid.  But tomorrow / yesterday / now  she played it.

4. Girls had a great party at the moment / next month / last month. It was fantastic.

5. Jack goes to the cinema three times a week. He often / now / seldom goes to the cinema.

6. Emma works in a cafe every Saturday. She always / hardly ever / often works there.

7. Patrick got up at  9 o’clock yesterday / now / next week. He was late for work.

8.  I am celebrating my birthday today / sometimes / never.  Come to me!

9. Nick cooks breakfast every day. He always / often / seldom cooks breakfast.

10. Jane is flying to Sochi always / hardly ever / next week. She has got tickets.

V. A) Read the text and choose true or false. (7 points)

The Creepy Story in the Woods

One night a group of teenagers decided to go on a camping trip in the woods. They were all excited for the adventure and they did not think about any problems.

While they were setting up their tents they heard a strange noise coming from the nearby bushes. They all froze and listened carefully. The noise got closer and louder and then they saw a big dark figure coming from the shadows.

The teenagers were scared. They started to run but the figure chased after them. They ran as fast as they could. Just when they thought they were about to be caught, they tripped and fell.

The figure was right behind them and they could feel its hot breath on their necks. They closed their eyes and waited for the worst but then they heard a loud gunshot. The figure screamed and disappeared into the darkness. The teenagers were safe but they were terrified by the experience. They never went camping in those woods again.


1.                Two boys decided to go on a camping trip.    True / False

2.                They didn’t worry about anything.   True / False

3.                The teenagers heard a strange noise coming from the forest.     True / False

4.                The teenagers were not scared when they saw the dark figure.      True / False

5.                The dark figure escaped in the darkness.        True / False

6.                The teenagers were caught by the dark figure.      True / False

7.                The teenagers went camping in those woods again after the experience.      True / False


B)  Underline two sentences in Past Simple and two sentences in Past Continuous. (4 points)



All points - 50: “5” - 45-50, “4” - 35-44, “3” - 25 - 34, “2” - before 24 points


II variant                                                        1 test                                                                   8 form




I. Match the words for words combinations. (10 points)


1.  Achieve                                        a. a novel

2. Make                                             b. the challenge

3. Have                                             c. an exam

4. Write                                             d. an expedition

5. Get                                                e. personal goals

6. Go on                                            f. the time for your life

7. Pass                                               g. friends

8. Win                                               h. a sertificate

9. Invent                                            i. a prize

10. Take                                            J. something new


II.  Write the numbers in the brackets. (9 points)



1. How do you call a person who chases a criminal and solves the crime?

2. How do you call someone who steels things in the houses or from people’s pockets?

3. How do you call someone who commits an armed robbery?

4. How do you call someone who can go to prison for a long time or for the whole life?

5. How do you call someone who scores the goals and wins matches?

6. How do you call someone who can find any password or enter any computer?

7. How do you call someone who learns sciences and open new discoveries?

8. How do you call a person who helps people, works free?

9. How do you call a person who has a seat in any transport?


A scientist (  )               a detective (  )                   a footballer (  )               a theif (  )              a hacker (  )


An armed robber (  )           a murderer (  )                  a passanger (  )              a a volonteer (  )


III. Write the second and the third forms of irregular verbs.


1. Give - _____________ - ______________                        6. eat - ____________ - ______________

2. Begin - _____________ - _______________                   7. draw - _____________ - ________________

3. Come -______________ - ________________                 8. drink - _____________ - _________________

4. Break - ______________ - _________________               9. have - ______________ - ________________

5. Feel - _______________ - ________________               10. hit - _____________ - _____________


IV. Choose the suitable word. (10 points)

1. Mum thinks computer games are dangerous. She usually / never / at the moment plays computer games.

2. I am trying to solve this problem hardly ever / these days / often. It’s very difficult.

3. Dan goes to the swimming pool twice a week.  He never / at present / often swims.

4. My dad gets up at 6 o’clock at weekdays but he gets up at 9 a.m. at weekends. So he seldom / at the moment / never gets up at 9 o’clock.

5. Children wrote a dictation at the moment / next week / last week. It was very difficult.

6. Eddy  is packing a present for his grandmother often / now / sometimes. The present is very big and heavy.

7. Hardly ever / Today / Always we are having a great party. If you want, come to us.

8. My sister went home at about 11 a.m. hardly ever / yesterday / now because he was ill.

9. Mary does her homework every day. She always / seldom / next week does it.

10. I  ate a cake in the cafe twenty minutes ago / tomorrow / at present. The cake was delicious.


V. A) Read the text and choose true or false. (7 points)

The Great Train Robbery is one of the most famous crimes in British history. But why? Well, it's hard

to say. Nobody died during the Great Train Robbery, and the robbers only took 2.6 million. The Great Train Robbery took place many years ago - on the 8th of August in 1963. So what happened? Well, 15 armed robbers stopped a train that was travelling from Glasgow to London by changing a green 'go' light to a red

'stop' light on the railway line.

When the train stopped, the robbers got on the train and told the train driver to take it to the next bridge. They didn't use guns but they hit the train driver on the head with an iron bar, hurting him badly. The robbers put the money into bags, and then, at the bridge, they took the bags off  the train and put them into cars that were waiting for them. It was very well organized, and all the robbers escaped.

The robbers went to a farmhouse in the English countryside and waited for two days. They played a game called Monopoly, because they were bored. The problem was that they didn't wear gloves while they were playing the game.

When the police arrived at the farmhouse five days later, the robbers weren't there, but the police found their

fingerprints on the Monopoly game. The police soon arrested the robbers in London, and they all went

to prison.


1. This robbery was very famous in British history. True / False

2. It happened in winter of 1963.True / False

3. The robbers asked the train driver to take it to the following bridge.True / False

4. The cars were waiting the robbers near the bridge.True / False

5. The robbers escaped, because they had guns.True / False

6. They went to a farmhouse and stayed there for five days.True / False

7. All the robbers went to a prison at the end of the story.True / False


B) Underline two sentences in Past Simple and two sentences in Past Continuous. (4 points)



All points - 50: “5” - 45-50, “4” - 35-44, “3” - 25 - 34, “2” - before 24 points





I variant 1 test 8 form

I variant 1 test 8 form

I. Choose the suitable word. (10 points) 1

I. Choose the suitable word. (10 points) 1

II variant 1 test 8 form

II variant 1 test 8 form

IV. Choose the suitable word. (10 points) 1

IV. Choose the suitable word. (10 points) 1
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