Тест. Словобразование. Суффиксы прилагательных. 7 класс
Оценка 4.6

Тест. Словобразование. Суффиксы прилагательных. 7 класс

Оценка 4.6
Тест. Словобразование. Суффиксы прилагательных. 7 класс
7 класс словообразование (прилагательные).docx

1.       Choose the best word to make up a sentence.         

Example: He speaks German very well/ very good.

1)      Can I have a quick / quickly word with you?

2)      The teacher explained the task clear / clearly.

3)      I usually spell the words correct / correctly.

4)      My dad drives his car careful / carefully.

5)      My neighbor have a beautiful / beautifully cat.

6)      Tom’s uncle has travelled a lot and always tells interesting / interestingly stories.

2.      Describe these people with adjectives from the box:

Example: Peter likes doing sport. – Peter is sporty.

7)      Andrew likes dreaming.

8)       Boris never stops chatting.

9)      Kate always does her homework and she works hard at school.

10)   I always talk to Jane about my problems and feelings. Jane can always understand me.

11)   Max is always nervous when he meets new people.

12)   Ann always feels sure that she is doing the right thing.

13)   Bob is always thinks only about herself and never about other people.




1.   Choose the best word to make up a sentence.         

Example: He speaks German very well/ very good.

1)  Can I have a quick / quickly word with you?

2)  The teacher explained the task clear / clearly.

3)  I usually spell the words correct / correctly.

4)  My dad drives his car careful / carefully.

5)  My neighbor have a beautiful / beautifully cat.

6)  Tom’s uncle has travelled a lot and always tells interesting / interestingly stories.

2.   Describe these people with adjectives from the box:

Example: Peter likes doing sport. – Peter is sporty.

7)  Andrew likes dreaming.

8)  Boris never stops chatting.

9)  Kate always does her homework and she works hard at school.

10) I always talk to Jane about my problems and feelings. Jane can always understand me.

11) Max is always nervous when he meets new people.

12) Ann always feels sure that she is doing the right thing.

13) Bob is always thinks only about herself and never about other people.


3. Transform the nouns into adjectives.

14) Thanks, your advice was very ……….. (use).

15) Arthur Conan Doyle is a ………. (fame) English writer.

16) A new ……. (education) programme starts next week.

17) The weather is ….. (rain) today. Don’t forget the umbrella.

18) Mary Poplins is a popular …… (music) film.

19) It’s a fairy tale about a ………(beauty) princess and a beast.

20) The film tells us a…………….(mystery) story of a doctor from Scotland.

21) The ………………..(fog) weather caused a lot of traffic jams.

22) Miss Marple is a ……….(fiction)  character of Agatha Christy’s books.

23) Young girls are fond of ………….(glamour)  magazines with fashion and beauty advice.

24) Bob is a ………………(care)  driver. He gets lots of fines.

25) Steve has his own company, he’s a ……………..(success) businessman.

26) What a ………………..(love) day! Let’s have a walk now.

27) This TV programme is silly and ……………..(use)

28) Kastchey the …………..(mortal) is an evil character of Russian tales.

29) I can’t trust David, he’s………………….(response)

30) It’s very ……………(thought)  of you to lose the passport!


3. Transform the nouns into adjectives.

14) Thanks, your advice was very ……….. (use).

15) Arthur Conan Doyle is a ………. (fame) English writer.

16) A new ……. (education) programme starts next week.

17) The weather is ….. (rain) today. Don’t forget the umbrella.

18) Mary Poplins is a popular …… (music) film.

19) It’s a fairy tale about a ………(beauty) princess and a beast.

20) The film tells us a…………….(mystery) story of a doctor from Scotland.

21) The ………………..(fog) weather caused a lot of traffic jams.

22) Miss Marple is a ……….(fiction)  character of Agatha Christy’s books.

23) Young girls are fond of ………….(glamour)  magazines with fashion and beauty advice.

24) Bob is a ………………(care)  driver. He gets lots of fines.

25) Steve has his own company, he’s a ……………..(success) businessman.

26) What a ………………..(love) day! Let’s have a walk now.

27) This TV programme is silly and ……………..(use)

28) Kastchey the …………..(mortal) is an evil character of Russian tales.

29) I can’t trust David, he’s………………….(response)

30) It’s very ……………(thought)  of you to lose the passport!


Choose the best word to make up a sentence

Choose the best word to make up a sentence

Transform the nouns into adjectives

Transform the nouns into adjectives
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