Тестирование по английскому языку
Оценка 4.9

Тестирование по английскому языку

Оценка 4.9
Тестирование по английскому языку
Test I term.docx

                                                  Test                              I term         

                                11 form     Variant II



1.Find a compound word..

A)    straighten       B) Development      C) Employment      D) Greenhouse     E) Socialist


  1. The letter «u» is missed in a word.

A)       to rece…ve      B) to appr…ach        C) to s…spect          D) to m…an        E) to …btain


3.Choose the right variant of articles.

… first true robot was developed in … Janan in … 1927.

A)    a, the, -        B) the, the, the          C) the, a, -       D) -, -, the     E) the, -, -.


4.Read the wishes and complete the reality: I wish I lived in London, but I don’t.

 A) I live in a small town.     B) I go to school every day.   C) I’m hungry.    

 D) It is Monday.      E) I promise to get up early.


5.Write one thing you wish you could do: I wish I … speak English.

A)    need       B) could      C) must       D) may        E) am


6.  Choose the right variant of numerals:

We finish our school at fifteen minutes past one

A)    12.15     B) 1.  15      C) 1.  05      D) 1.  50      E) 1.  45



7.Choose the write word:

The … system was born about 4.600 million years ago as nebula.

A)    Sun         B) Moon     C) Sunny    D) Solar       E) Earth


8.Choose the right definition to the idiom «to cry for the moon»

A)    – very happy.

B)     – to promise to give someone something that is beyond ones power to give.

C)     - to desire strongly something that can’t be gained.

D)    – once in a very long time.

E)      – to look at the moon.


9.Find the Russian equivalent. «come back»     

A)       Вернуться B) повторить      C) подумать        D) спуститься     E) подняться 


10.  Choose the suffix of an adverb.

A)    – ly         B) – able      C) – ent      D) – ness      E) – ive



11.  Choose the write pronoun:

            -Where is John?  … is in the kitchen

      A)we     B)they      C) she         D) he       E) I


12.  Choose the correct variant. “Today is … than it was yesterday”

      A) the warmest        B) the warmer       C) as warmer       D) warm E) warmer


      13. Find the verb founded with the prefix.

A)     connected          B) populate               C) locate       D) disapprove    E) solve



14. Choose the right variant: “The capital of the Wales is”

A) Cardiff    B) London     C) Toronto    D) Atlanta   E) Washington



15. Choose the right variant. “I wish you ______ not so far again”

     A)Was       B) were      C) will be      D) would be       E) had be



16. «Favorite topic of conversation in Britain»

       A) tea party    B) weather    C) discos    D) T.V.       E) Internet                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


17. Phrasal verb “ искать

A) to look for    B) to look in   C) to look out  D)to look on     E) to look at


18. Choose the right preposition:

        -I have my English class… Monday.

A) in        B) for        C) on        D) at        E) with



19. Antonym of the word “Business” is:

A) Leisure     B) Education    C) Lesson     D) Meal    E) Work

      20. Choose the right variant: “ It is autumn now”    I wish ……                                            

A) I didn’t         B) it wasn’t.        C) there was     D) I could          E) she

21. Choose the correct word:   Praises … there quickly.

A) go up        B) get along         C) to discuss together    D) think of         E) take of      

22. Chose the word written correctly:

B)    Telefone        B) telephone        C) tellephone       D) telifone    Е) telephon


23. Transfer into Indirect speech.

« The trees in the park are yellow :»– he says.

A) He says the trees are in the park yellow.

B) He says the trees in the park were yellow.

C) He says the trees in the park are yellow.

D) He say is the trees in the park are yellow.

E) He says if the trees are yellow in the park.


24. Choose the right variant: “Could you tell me … has happened?”

A)who        B) why         C) where   D) which         E) what      


     25. I can’t stand … hard rock.

      A) controlling     B) listening to    C) hurting    D) picking up    E) wastin


Key 11 form      variant II             1 term                                        

  1. D)        6. B)        11. D)        16. B)         21. A)         
  2. C)        7. D)        12. E)        17. A)         22. B)
  3. E)        8. C)        13. D)        18. C)         23. C)
  4. A)        9. A)        14. A)        19. A)        24. E)
  5. B)      10. A)        15. B)         20. B)        25. B)





Find the Russian equivalent. «come back»

Find the Russian equivalent. «come back»

Choose the right preposition: -I have my

Choose the right preposition: -I have my

Key 11 form variant II 1 term

Key 11 form variant II 1 term
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