Оценка 4.6


Оценка 4.6
английский язык
test for students
ABITURIYENTGA - 36 talik test.doc




1.      The house of my parents is near the shop.

a)      my parents’ house

b)     my parent’s house

c)       the house of them

2.      There are many students in the classroom.

a)      a lot of

b)     much more

c)      few

3.      What must you … when you have a cold?

a)      did

b)     do

c)      to do

4.      Your brother’s wife is your … .

a)      sister

b)     sister-in-law

c)      niece

5.      My sister’s son is my … .

a)      uncle

b)     nephew

c)      brother

6.      Have …try and make your reading more distinct.

a)      each other

b)     another

c)      other

7.      You put … sugar in your tea. It is harmful for your health.

a)      so few

b) a great number of

c) a great deal of

8.      You don’t eat … .  You should eat more, it is useful for you.

a) few fruit

 b) enough fruit

 c) fruit enough

9.      They couldn’t buy a car. They haven’t got …for it.

a)      no money

b) some money

c) enough money

10. Is your English … to do tests.

a)      enough well

b)     bad enough

c) good enough

11. The paper …by anyone yet?

    a) doesn’t read

       b) isn’t read

     c) is read

12. All the contracts … by the President.

         a) are being signed 

b) are signed

c) are signing

 13. The helicopter … in Russia.

    a)  was constructed 

     b)  are constructed

  c) were constructed

 14. Our luggage … at the Customs now.    

a) are being examine

b) is examined

c) is being examined

15. I wouldn’t have a headache now, if I… a sleepless night.

                 a) had had

                 b) had

              c) hadn’t had

16. Neither your parents nor I … very glad of the fact then.

                 a) were

         b) was

         c) have been

17. All … not gold that glitters.

                  a) was

        b) is

        c) are

18. Each of us … the purpose to enter the university.

      a) have

              b) has

              c) have been


19. Either the clock on the wall or my watch … wrong.

                 a) are

                 b) is

                 c) been

 20. The number of her books … big enough.

                   a) is

                   b) are

                   c) been



 21.  There … news today.

           a) is no much

        b) are not many

              c) is many

 22. Which of you … a dictionary?        

                    a) have

                   b) has

                   c) had

 23. Mary together her sisters … tomorrow.

               a) come

             b) is coming

             c) are coming

 24. Ten pounds of potatoes … usually … in a sack.        

        a) is / sold

                b) are/sold

             c) is / selling

 25. Neither the students nor the teachers … to come back from the seaside. 

      a)  want   b) will want    c) want

 26. You have to do this work today, …?

       a) haven’t you    b) have you

       c) don’t  have you

27. She did everything yesterday only because she …cook .

                    a) had to

      b) didn’t have to

      c) couldn’t

28. If you want to enter the university you … all grammar and vocabulary.

a)        will learn

b)     should learn

c)      would learn

29. If you did your tests well in the exam you … the university.

                  a) enter

        b) will enter

        c) would enter

  30. If someone has … questions I shall answer … of them.

           a) some / some

        b) any /any

        c) some /any

          31. If  I… shopping yesterday I … some food.

                                a) go / buy                   b) went / would buy

                                                     c) had gone / would have bought

          32. If you … after two hares, you … none.

                                a) run / will catch        b) run / will not catch

                                                      c) will run / will catch

          33. A number of books … in the box.     

                 a) are put

                b) is put

               c) were put

                 34. I … my work if you … me then.

                         a) shall not finish / don’t help

                         b) shouldn’t have finished / hadn’t help

                        c) shouldn’t have finished / didn’t help

           35.  I asked the way two people on the way but … showed me the way.

                          a) both                  b) neither of them

                                c) either of them


                  36. I see a … of sheep in the meadow.

                  a) shoal

         b) flock

         c) swarm










































1. Translate into Uzbek and write the question form of these sentences.

a. I used to smoke.

b. I was used to smoking.

c. I used to play tennis a lot

d. I am used to living alone.

2. Put the words could/couldn’t/was able to

a. She spoke in a low voice but I ….... understand her clearly.

b. It took me a lot time but I …….. to find the house.

c. My grandfather …… speak five languages.

d. We tried very hard but we ………. find the house.

3. Find the pairs.

1. He could have solved the problem,

2. He could not have solved the problem,

3. He did not need to carry the book,

4. He needn’t have carried the book,

a)  so he did not even try.

b)  but he brought.

c)  but he did not want to help me.

d)  and he did not bring.

4. Translate into Uzbek, write the past forms and negative/positive forms.

a. You have been traveling all day. You must be very tired.

b. You must help your mother.

c. You have just had dinner. You can’t be hungry.

5. Translate into Uzbek.

a. You mustn’t help Jane.

b. You don’t have to help Jane.

c. You haven’t to help Jane.

d. You needn’t help Jane.

6. Put the must/should and translate into Uzbek.

a. You ………. stop smoking. = It would be a good idea.

b. You ………..stop smoking. = It is necessary that you stop.

c. The price on this packet is wrong. It says 65 pence but it …. be 50.

d. The motor-cyclist ……..be wearing a crash helmet.

 e. You ……. have a passport to visit most foreign countries.

7. Savollarga javob yozing

a.  Biror ishni qilishga ruxsat so’raganda qaysi modal fellar ishlatiladi?

b. Biror ishni qilishga ruxsat berganda qaysi modal fellar ishlatiladi?

c. Taklif qilganda qaysi modal fe’llari ishlatiladi?

8.  Guess the modal verbs. You can say many versions.

a) Jack …… not be in his office. ( = perhaps he is not in his office.)

b) I am not sure if she …… want to go.

c) How do you think the fire started? I am not sure someone … (to drop) a cigarette.

d) Is he serious? No, he …..be.

e) Are they waiting for somebody? Yes, The ……be waiting for somebody.

          f) Are they married? Yes, they ……be.



There … news today. a) is no much b) are not many c) is many 22

There … news today. a) is no much b) are not many c) is many 22

Answers 1.a 2.a 3

Answers 1.a 2.a 3

Translate into Uzbek and write the question form of these sentences

Translate into Uzbek and write the question form of these sentences
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