10.1A Computer networking and information security |
School: |
Date: |
Teacher Name: |
Grade: 10 |
Number present: |
absent: |
Lesson topic |
The principles of computer networks |
Learning objectives that are achieved in this lesson (link to the curriculum) | explain the purpose and representation of the IP address; Explain the purpose of the domain name system (DNS); |
Lesson objectives |
Understand how IP addresses and DNS are used; |
Evaluation Criteria |
Knowledge, understanding be able to understand how IP addresses and DNS are used; |
Language objective |
Language learning objectives Students can: orally describe the purpose and presentation of the IP address; Use English terms while explaining. Subject vocabulary and terminology • IP address • DNS • Static • Dynamic |
Value in accordance with the national idea "Mangilik el": · Academic honesty · Collaboration · Functional literacy The instilling of values is carried out through a dialogue on academic integrity, cooperation through group work, functional literacy through practical tasks. |
Interdisciplinary Communication |
English |
Preliminaryknowledge |
Spatialthinking |
Planned timings |
Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities) |
Resources |
Starter 0–7min |
Organizational moment: checking those present in the journal. Frontal conversation on previously studied issues: 1. What is a computer network? 2. What are the types of computer networks? 3. What networks are called global? 4. What is a server? 5. What is the Internet? 6. What network services do you know?
Preparing students for learning new knowledge Expand the lesson topic through the question “How do computers find each other on the network? (posing the problem) ” Groups should offer their ideas.
Acquaintance of students with the topic of the lesson and its objectives |
7-15min |
IP-address - is the main type of addresses on the basis of which the network layer transmits packets between networks. These addresses consist of 4 bytes. They are assigned by the administrator during the configuration of the computers and the router. It consists of two parts: a) Network number — chosen by the administrator arbitrarily or assigned by the InterNic service; b) Node number in the network - assigned independently of the local node address. |
Slide 2-6 |
Practical task Askar wrote down the school server’s IP address on a piece of paper and put it in his jacket pocket. Askar’s mom accidentally washed the jacket along with a note. After washing, Askar found four fragments in his pocket with fragments of an IP address. These fragments are labeled A, B, C, and G. Recover the IP address. In the answer, indicate the sequence of letters denoting fragments in the order corresponding to the IP address. Pupils rate themselves according to the principle of self-assessment according to the principle of academic integrity.
Slide 8- 9
DNS (Domain Name System) – domain name system A domain is a set of hosts joined into a logical group. DNS is a distributed database that supports a hierarchical name system and is designed to determine the IP address by a known symbolic host name (and Vice versa). a) one.example.com – relative domain name b) one.example.comahhh! – absolute domain name c) . – root domain d) com. – first (top) level domain e) example.comahhh! – second level domain f) one.example.comahhh! – third-level domain 2
Slide 10- 11
25-30min |
Distributed DNS database Internet Network Information Center (InterNIC) - Information center of the Internet (international network information center) - an organization dealing with the formation, registration and strategic development of the Internet, including the registration of domain names.
Slide 12- 13
30-35min |
The working principle of DNS: To find the desired computer on the Internet custom machines help DNS servers, which are programs that are accessed to seek out the correct IP address for the URL. |
Slide 14- 15 |
35-40 min |
Reflection. |
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? |
Assessment – how are you planning to check students’ learning? |
links |
Observe SE throughout the lesson when moving around the classroom during group work. |
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? What did the learners learn today? What was the learning atmosphere like? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? |
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. |
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: Questioning students, everybody involved
2: All students actively involved, lots of easy questions so more challenged students able to get involved.
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: Incorporate a game to find the information
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Have a wide range of questions from easy to difficult for differentiation. |
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