Оценка 4.7


Оценка 4.7
РИНЦ 2017.docx

УДК 004.04

Оразбаева А.А, Онгарбаева А.Д.,

ЖГУ им. И. Жансугурова, Республика Казахстан, г. Талдыкорган



 The tendency of the modern stage of informatization of education is general attempt to come up with unified pedagogical approaches to development and usage of various digital educational resources, such as electronic references, encyclopedia, teaching applications, the means of computerized control over the students› knowledge, computer textbooks, training programs etc. The attempts to provide such unification are clearly seen in combining separate digital educational resources into single specialized collections (catalogs) for more effective further usage in educational system. At the same time the process of development, cataloging (creating collections), expertise and usage of all digital educational resources must adhere to the system of strict requirements and satisfy the needs of modern educational system. The conclusion from all said above is that complex usage of the possibilities of information and telecommunication technologies in education leading to the actual growth of the effectiveness of teaching is possible through development, cataloging and usage of multi-functional digital educational resources, meeting the actual demands of the educational process, and specifics of the contents, methods and forms of teaching. In addition it is important to add that modern psychology confirms significant positive influence of the usage of modern educational digital resources on development of student›s creative and theoretical thinking and formation of the so-called operating thinking targeted towards the choice of optimal solutions. A series of psychological researches point to creation of possibilities of effective formation of students› modular an reflexive style of thinking when using digital educational resources in educational process. The main didactic goal of using cataloged digital resources in education is providing information, forming and consolidating knowledge, forming and improving knowledge and skills, stimulating the motivation for learning, control over knowledge and generalization, etc. Currently the educational system has significant need in quality digital educational resources which would enable to: organize various forms of students› activity related to independent obtaining and presenting knowledge use the whole spectrum of possibilities of modern information and telecommunication technologies in the process of accomplishing various kinds of academic activity such as registration, collection, storage and processing of information, interactive dialog, modeling of objects, phenomena and processes, functioning of laboratories (virtual, with remote access to the actual equipment) etc. introduce direct information (in addition to the associative information) to the educational process by using the possibilities of multimedia technologies, virtual reality, hypertext and hypermedia systems; objectively diagnose and evaluate the intellectual capabilities of students, the level of their knowledge, skills, preparation for the particular lesson in general education disciplines, estimate the results of mastering the learning material in accordance with the requirements of State educational standard; manage the educational process of students in accordance with the actual intellectual level of a particular student and the level of his knowledge and skills, and the specifics of his motivation taking into account the implemented methods and used means of education; Международный научно-практический журнал «Интеграция наук» 5(9)-2017г. ISSN 2500-2449 45 create conditions for the independent individual learning activity of students, form the skills of self-education, selfdevelopment, self-improvement and self-realization; instantly provide educators, students and parents with the actual relevant information, corresponding to the goals and contents of education; Form a basis for permanent and instant communication of teachers, students and parents targeted towards the growth of effectiveness of teaching; Cataloging and creating the collections of digital educational resources should be done considering the fact that their introduction to educational process can be accomplished in one of the two main directions. Digital educational resources which are introduced according to the first direction, are included in the educational processes as supporting tools within the confines of the established traditional educational system. In this case information resources play the role of means of intensification of educational process, individualization of education and partial computerization of routine duties of teachers related to registration, control and evaluation of the students› knowledge. Second direction of introducing the digital educational resources is a more complex process leading to changes in the educational content, creating unified courses, based on usage of the content of such resources in separate educational disciplines. In this case the psychological principle of activity and the psychological principle of cultivation serve as the basis for creating, describing, cataloging and using the digital educational resources. According to the first principle, a student›s development is based on active acquirement of social and historical means of activity and communication, accomplished with the help of a teacher. Here the role of teaching process is to create the conditions for acquiring various means of communication and activity by students. During the realization of this principle it becomes possible to introduce digital educational resources both in the first and second directions. According to the second direction, the pedagogical impact is acknowledged to have dual character. On the one hand in the process of realization of social demand, teacher manages the formation of personality. On the other hand the management is done by teacher on the basis of taking into account the personal traits of a student. The cultivation of a student›s personality takes place under the conditions of organizing the self-determination of the student and maximal understanding of the character of absorbed activity. When changing a student on the whole remains only a subjective self-change, a teacher can only contribute to the desired changes by creating the natural conditions through the communication with the student. In this case the knowledge is given to student in accordance with the need formed by the previous educational communication with this student. Introduction of digital educational resources in this process is accomplished according to the second direction described above. The principles mentioned above are expressed in the most full and adequate manner in the personal-oriented model of teaching. Its goal is to enable the development of a student as a person, and form his needs in self-education and selfdetermination in academic and everyday-life situations with realization of personal responsibility. In this model, the knowledge and skills are treated not as goals but as means of development of student›s personality which gives birth to specific requirements of educational system in information resources. At the same time irrespective of the aforementioned directions and approaches, the digital educational resources must contain systematized material on corresponding scientific and practical area of knowledge and enable creative and active obtaining of knowledge and skills by students in this area. Digital educational resources must meet the requirements of educational activity, psychology and pedagogic and be distinguished with a high level of implementation and decoration, the completeness of information, visibility, logical structure and sequence of presentation. From the point of view of the educational requirements, the main feature of many existing digital educational resources is their interactivity and the existence of feedback. The feedback in the ―teacher-educational resource-student‖ triangle can be divided in two main types: external and internal. Международный научно-практический журнал «Интеграция наук» 5(9)-2017г. ISSN 2500-2449 46 Internal feedback represents an information which passes from educational resources to student in response to his actions in performing the task. Such feedback is used for self-correction of the learning activity by student himself. This type of feedback provides a student with a possibility to make a conscious conclusion on the correctness of the results of learning activity. The internal feedback stimulates students for reflection and further actions and helps to evaluate and improve the results of educational activity. The internal feedback can be productive and consultative. The role of consulting can be played by help, explanation, tip, advice, hinting etc. The productive feedback can also take various forms: from providing student with information about the correctness of the problem›s solution to demonstration of the correct approach. The information from external feedback is passed to teacher who conducts the teaching with the use of digital educational resources and is used by him for correcting the methodological approaches to organization of the students› activity and modes of functioning of digital educational resources. Taking into account the directions of modernization of Kazakhstan education, introduction of pedagogical models based on realization of personal-oriented teaching, competency and activity approaches it becomes possible to define the methodology of formation of main groups of needs of the educational system in digital information resources. The first group includes the needs related to the necessity of forming the definite system of knowledge in students. The need in using the digital educational resources arises when studying the disciplines of integrated character, which can introduce students simultaneously to various subjects, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and many others. For example, digital educational resources allowing students to create and support the environment of ecological balance in nature, calculations of physical processes necessary for stabilization of ecological situation, etc.). The need in digital educational resources arises when studying the elements of micro and macro worlds, when a student should be presented with the visual means of manipulating micro and macro objects. For example, the digital resources allowing to study the cells of the plants, atomic structure, the processes taken place in Solar system or in human life.) The need in digital educational resources of this group arises in the case of necessity to study a series of theories, definitions and laws which cannot be visualized by the means of traditional instruction, for example, study of infinity and zero gravity etc. The second group includes the needs related to the necessity of acquiring by students reproductive abilities of specific and general character. The need in digital educational resources when mastering subject-oriented reproductive abilities arises in situations requiring calculations. The use of digital educational resources in this case is needed for decreasing the time spent by students on performing calculations, its verification and processing of the results. Besides, in this case the digital educational resources are also used for training the typical skills on each discipline (for example, solving standard trigonometric problems). The need in digital educational resources also arises when forming a series of general educational skills, particularly reflective skills (skills in planning an experiment, processing experimental data, collecting, ordering and analysis of information) and general logical skills (systematization and classification, analysis and synthesis). The third group includes the needs related to the necessity of developing creative skills in students. These skills enable students to obtain subjectively new knowledge through independent search. In this case the main sign of creative abilities is the novelty of obtained product. (In educational process the result of any creative activity is a subjectively new product). Difficulties in cognitive process is a necessary condition of any creative work. Due to this, formation of creative abilities requires specifically formulated educational problems and specifically-organized cognitive activity. In this case the need in digital educational resources is arisen by the necessity to supply the educational system with effective means of forming creative abilities in students. Particularly digital educational resources allow to discover new possibilities in solving the so-called optimization problems, in which it needs to select the most optimal solution out of several existing solutions. Digital educational resources work well when solving the problems of finding the most economic solution or the most optimal variant for some process. In this case digital educational resources enable students to solve the problems in a graphical way. Digital educational resources are also of great help when solving the problems related to testing all the consequences of proposed hypothesis. Correctly organized process of forming Международный научно-практический журнал «Интеграция наук» 5(9)-2017г. ISSN 2500-2449 47 modeling actions contributes greatly to the development of creative abilities. The need of educational system in corresponding digital educational resources is high. Digital educational resources can build a model of some process or sequence of events. This allows students to make independent conclusions concerning the facts which has an influence on studied processes and events. Digital educational resources can also be used for emulating experiments which require expensive equipment, not available for a particular educational institution. The usage of digital educational resources in this scenario allow to repeat imitations as many times as necessary for achieving the needed results. The fourth group contains the needs caused by the necessity to form personal traits in students. Personal-oriented teaching develops a student›s ability to understand other student and helps developing the morale of growing man. In this case digital educational resources can be used for organization of modeling which creates possibilities for ethic education of students through solving of social, ecological and other problems. The usage of digital educational resources meeting the requirements of the fourth group allows to analyze possible consequences of various technological accidents and the consequences of using various technologies. A well-organized work with such digital educational resources teaches students how to avoid such accidents in the future. The usage of digital educational resources and the life situations modeled by them are necessary for forming in students the sense of responsibility towards other people, towards themselves and own health. It is possible to use the methodology of evaluating the needs of educational system in digital educational resources by studying the specifics of implementation of various teaching methods. 1. The need in digital educational resources which enable the formation of abilities and skills of learning and practical activity and achieving the necessary level of understanding of the learning material (learning digital educational resources) 2. The need in digital educational resources which allow to train various abilities and skills and repetition of learning material (training programs) 3. The need in digital educational resources which increase the effectiveness of control, evaluation or self-control of the level of absorption of learning material (controlling digital educational resource) 4. The need in digital educational resources which provide information necessary for formation of skills and abilities in systematization of information. 5. The need in digital educational resources which visualize the studied objects, phenomena and processes for the purpose of their further study. 6. The need in digital educational resources which enable to carry out laboratory experiments on remote equipment (laboratory digital educational resources) 7. The need in digital educational resources which automate routine tasks such as computations (computational digital educational resource) 8. The need in digital educational resources which model educational situations in the form of games (educational and gaming digital educational resources) 9. The need in digital educational resources which allow to develop the students› memory, attention, discipline, reaction and other useful traits. 10. The need in digital educational resources which enable the organization of communication of teachers, administration, students and their parents, society. © А.Д. Онгарбаева, А. Оразбаева, 2017


УДК 004.04 Оразбаева А. А ,

УДК 004.04 Оразбаева А. А ,

Cataloging and creating the collections of digital educational resources should be done considering the fact that their introduction to educational process can be accomplished in…

Cataloging and creating the collections of digital educational resources should be done considering the fact that their introduction to educational process can be accomplished in…

The role of consulting can be played by help, explanation, tip, advice, hinting etc

The role of consulting can be played by help, explanation, tip, advice, hinting etc

This allows students to make independent conclusions concerning the facts which has an influence on studied processes and events

This allows students to make independent conclusions concerning the facts which has an influence on studied processes and events
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