Lesson: 13
The topic of the
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to:
Test “Thermodynamics”
✓ check the knowledge of students
Teacher’s name:
Number present
Number absent
✓ MOST learners will be able to do task 1
✓ SOME learners will be able to do task 2
Subject Learning:
Learners can sketch and explain the meaning of thermodimnamics
Language Learning:
✓ Learners can interpret sketch graphs to explain thermodimnamics (speaking
and listening skills OR reading and writing skills)
SubjectSpecific Vocabulary and Terminology:
thermodynamic systems , thermally isolated system , heat reservoir ,
processes, energy, transfer
(термодинамикалықжүйелер, термиялықоқшауланғанжүйе, жылурезервуары,
процестер, энергия, трансфер,)
heat engine any cyclic device that converts heat to work
Heat does not flow spontaneously from a colder body to a warmer body.
KevinPlanck Statement
Projector or Smart board for power point presentation
Useful Sets of
Phrases for
Dialogue and
Cross curricular
links link
ICT skills
Previous Learning: Heat engine
The first law of thermodynamics
635 min
Lesson’s plan
Planned Activities
Organization moment:
Task 1.
1) The term which can differentiate thermodynamics from other
sciences is ____.
a. Pressure
b. Temperature
c. Mass
d. none of the above
2) The thermodynamic work done by the system on the
testsurrounding is considered as ____.
a. positive
b. negative
c. neutral
d. none of the above
3) When the heat transfer into a system is more than the work
transfer out of the system, then
a. the internal energy of the system remains constant
b. the internal energy of the system decreases
c. the internal energy of the system increases
d. none of the above
4) First law of thermodynamics provides
a. a statement that energy balance occurs when a system undergoes the
change of state or the process
b. a statement about whether the change of state or the process is at all
feasible or not
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
5) The thermodynamic cycle in which net heat is transferred to the
system and a net work is transferred from the system is called as
a. refrigeration cycle
b. heat engine cycle
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
6) Thermodynamics is the study of
a. energy
b. equilibrium
c. entropy
d. none of the above
Task 2.
Complete the sentences
___ deals with the transfer or the actions (dynamics) of
___________ a definate quantity of matter enclosed by
boundaries or surfaces.
3540 min
________________ no heat transfer into or out of the system.
_________ a system with unlimited heat capacity so that
the addition or removal of heat causes no change in its temperature.
Home task. Review thermodinamics.
Reflection:Name one thing you would like to know more
Give one thing which you find difficult
Name one thing you liked most