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  • 25.05.2020
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала TRAINING LETTER AND WRITTEN SPEECH (Tashmetova A.).docx


A. S. Tashmetova

Senior teacher, Department of Languages

Chirchik Higher Tank Command and Engineering School



Annotation:Writing, like reading, refers to the means of written communication. Writing is a means of transmitting thoughts that are recorded in the form of graphic signs, which means it is an indirect type of speech activity. Writing is a complex process, in which all analyzers function (visual, auditory, speech-motor, motor).

Key words: graphic code; written speech; redundancy; presentation logic appear.


In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, writing means the use of a graphic or spelling system of the language being studied. Written speech means the ability to express thoughts in writing.

Characteristics of writing:

- almost always prepared

- mediated by graphic code

- activity is controlled by the writer

- need sustained motivation

- attraction to book-writing style

- the completeness and prevalence of sentences (redundancy, deployment, complicated syntax)

The purpose of teaching writing is to develop the ability to express your thoughts in writing, i.e. use the letter as a means of communication.

Writing as a record is skills, as speech is a skill (stylistic features, structure, means of communication, presentation logic appear).

Skills in writing:

a) calligraphic (beautiful writing). Exercises: Write the letters in the air. Write the letters on a line (spelling similar letters). Write down the recipe and the printed text. Write the letter combinations. Write a word. Write (write) the sentences (in words).

b) graphic (transcoding of a sound code into a graphic one, mastery of sound and letter correspondences). The main attention in teaching writing technique should be given to clarity, normativity.

c) spelling (spelling). For spelling training, exercises such as: a) writing words from a text into a specific rule can be used; b) filling in the blanks in words; c) cheating words with underlining spelling and commenting on them; d) various types of dictations.

By their nature, dictations are complex exercises. According to the form of conducting dictations are divided into: a) visual; b) auditory; c) visual and auditory; d) self-dictations.

Writing skills can be formed using various exercises:

a) a written description of the picture on the topic or based on the topic. b) a written statement of the main content of the read text; c) writing an essay; d) preparation of abstracts or a plan for communication (report); e) writing a letter to a foreign peer, etc.

f) filling in the form at the hotel; g) writing a greeting card.

On a communicative basis, written texts are: letters, questionnaire, form, postcard, abstract, essay, essay, presentation, abstracts, etc.

2 ways to learn writing:

- based on the sample text (the main thing is to maintain the structure, e.g. based on a letter, postcard)

- imitating the writing process (motive, plan, logic, design, draft, edition, final text) - a process-oriented approach

Types and types of exercises

Training in the written expression of thoughts is carried out using preparatory (training) and speech exercises.

Preparatory exercises teach the skills that underlie a written statement: transforming, compressing or expanding sentences, grouping according to various criteria, equivalent replacements (lexical or grammatical), question-answer skills, selective translation, etc.

A distinctive feature of speech exercises is the focus on the content of the written statement, which includes a complex of various difficulties characteristic of this form of communication.

As a result of performing speech exercises, the following writing skills are formed:

- transmission in a written statement of the main idea;

- the choice of the method of transmitting the main idea - inductive or deductive;

- transmission of the main content of the read or heard text;

- the correct (normative and normal) formatting of the text;

- the use of signs of graphics, spelling and punctuation to express subjective information;

- emphasis in a written statement of the main thoughts (paragraphs), as well as the beginning, middle and ending;

- compliance with the presentation logic;

- taking into account the sociocultural characteristics of foreign-language epistolary speech;

- the ability to show cultural awareness in written texts of regional studies topics, etc.

Written speech exercises organically flow from prepared oral communication. Complicating gradually, they become more creative when reliance on samples or other clues is excluded, and the text itself is generated either from an urge to speak or from a desire to receive new information. Written speech exercises can be conditionally divided into a number of groups, taking into account the complexity of the content, volume of the text, the nature of the supports and the role of creativity in their implementation:

1) reproduction using formal supports (keywords, speech formulas, headings / subheadings, textbook samples, tables).

2) reproduction of the content based on the text (written questions to the text; addition or reduction of the text, drawing up a plan, title of the text with written justification of the selected heading; “transformation” of the dialogue into a monologue, characterization of one of the actors using the data contained in the text, and etc.)

3) products based on visual clarity. (description of the picture, postcard, fragment of the film, video; writing of an essay with support in text, a series of drawings and two or three problematic issues; writing of an account based on the picture / fragment of the film; composing and recording a dialogue on the content of the picture (work in pairs))

4) products based on previous speech and life experience (once seen or read). “An essay on the topic indicated by the teacher. For example, “Books are my hobby” or “What I know about Berlin / Paris / London”, etc .; compilation of the text of an official and unofficial letter (text of the announcement).


List of references:

1.   Обучение письму на иностранном языке: назревшая необходимость. В.В. Бондарева. ELT, Dinternal, 1999.

2.   Обучение письму. Е.Н. Соловова. ELT, Dinternal, 2000.

3.   Composition. The Art and the Technique. M. O’Sullivan, 1988.

4.   Grammar Games. M. Rinvolucri. CUP, 1999.

5.   Spotlight 2–11. V. Evans, J. Dooley. Просвещение, Express Publishing, 2009.