Удалённый урок английского языка в 9 классе Тема: Образование и карьера. Написание письма с целью занять какую-либо должность.

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  • 21.01.2023
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

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МОУ Павловская СОШ




Удалённый урок английского языка в 9 классе

Тема: Образование и карьера. Написание письма с целью занять какую-либо должность.






учитель МОУ «Павловская СОШ»: Мизгирева Евгения Александровна






Тема: Образование и карьера. Написание письма с целью занять какую-либо должность.

Учитель: Мизгирева Евгения Александровна

Ученик: Синюкова Наталья, 9 класс

Предметная программа и её автор: Соловова Е.Н.

Учебник: Английский язык. Серия «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ». 5-й год обучения. 9 кл.: учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений/О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева.-М.: Дрофа, 2007.-320с.: ил.


На этом уроке происходит формирование следующих УУД:

-       личностные (выявление нравственных норм, этических и эстетических принципов)

-       познавательные (самостоятельное выделение и формулирование познавательной цели, поиск информации в окружающей среде, применение методов информационного поиска, умение анализировать, сравнивать и обобщать, осознанно и произвольно строить речевое высказывание, контролировать и оценивать процесс и результат действия)

-       регулятивные (целеполагание, планирование, контроль, коррекция, саморегуляция)

-       коммуникативные (умение слушать и вступать в диалог, уметь выражать свои мысли с помощью выразительных средств)

Цели урока:

1. Обучающие.

  • Актуализировать и расширить активный и пассивный словарь в сфере темы «Образование и карьера»
  • Добиться усвоения необходимого запаса специальных терминов и понятий, связанных с видами письма
  • Формировать умение учащейся отличать друг от друга правила написания формальных и неформальных писем
  • Совершенствовать навыки чтения, аудирования, письма и разговорной речи на материале данного урока

2. Воспитывающие.

  • Создать условия для проявления гуманных отношений в диалоге
  • Прививать интерес к общению на английском языке при выполнении коммуникативных заданий
  •  Прививать навыки внимательного слушания собеседника

3. Развивающие.

  • Способствовать развитию языковых, интеллектуальных и творческих способностей учащейся


Учебник, тетрадь, мультимедийная презентация, магнитофон, skype.


ХОД УРОКА (45 мин):

1.  Оргмомент (1 мин)

Hello, Natasha. Glad to see you today. How are you?

2.  Постановка цели (5 мин)

Look at the screen, please. включаю презентацию, слайд 1 What can you see?(a house) What does it consist of? Yes, it can be made of logs or stones or breaks слайд 2 for example. No matter, in fact. Now let’s imagine, that this house is our society. слайд 3 So, what are its “ breaks” or its parts? (government, culture, laws, people, mass media, medicine and so on) And now let me choose one of these breaks for this word- TEENAGERS. So, do you agree, that teenagers are one of important parts of our society? So prove this. What is your role in our society? (School, studying, classes)Absolutely agree. слайд 4 Your main role is studying and choosing your future career. And I hope that you’ve already guessed the theme of our lesson. What do you think, Natasha? (I think we’ll speak about studying, schools, and maybe universities.)

Great! But not only about these things. We are going to speak about different professions and today you’ll also get knowledge слайд 5 how to write a letter of application(письмо о желании занять ту или иную должность). Do you think it’s important information for you? Why? (I’m finishing school now and very soon I’ll enter the university and get a profession. Nowadays well-paid gobs are difficult to be found without good English. And even more, there are foreign companies in Russia and if I want to get a gob there I’ll have to write a letter of application in English.)

Thanks for your full and rather clever answer. You are such a farseeing person.

So, let’s start our lesson.

3.  Основная часть (14+13мин).

We’ll start from speaking about different types of school. What types do you know? Great!

слайд 6Answer my questions.

-         What is a boarding school? (It’s a school which students live in during school term.)

-         What is a single-sex school? (It’s a school for only boys or only girls.)

-         What is a co-educational school? (It’s a school for boys and girls.)

-         What is a state school? (It’s a school owned by the government.)

-         What is a private school? (It’s a school you usually have to pay to go to.)

-         What is a specialist school?(It’s a school students go to for a particular reason.)

Good job!

Now we know that there are different types of schools with different rules. But what is common слайд 7 for all these schools? (I think that all schools have a common purpose) Yes, you are absolutely right! And what is the main purpose for any school? (The main purpose is to give well educated people to our society, who would be able to get a profession and then find a job) I agree with you.

But there are so many professions! How to choose the only one, that will suit you?

(I suppose that it depends on person’s characteristics and interests )

So, look at the screen слайд 8  and try to complete the table with the adjectives you get: determined, creative, brave, sociable, patient / courageous, caring, imaginative, confident, bright




fire fighter













(выполняет задание в тетради) Have you finished? Now I want to check it up.

Thanks for your work! Now think of your own characteristics and choose a suitable profession from the picture.




taxi driver

fire fighter







You must be ready to tell me about your choice. You may use your exercise book to write some phrases if you need. (выполняет задание в тетради) Thank you very much, it was rather interesting to listen to your opinion. And I hope all your dreams will come true!



I see you’re a little tired, aren’t you? (Yes!!!)I’m going to give you a good opportunity to have a rest and to move your body. Put your chair back. Let’s play. Listen to the rules of the game. I pronounce different professions and if it’s typical for men, you must keep on sitting, if for women-you must stand up, if for both men and women, you must clap your hands. Is it clear?(Yes!!!) So, let’s start!

house keeper





















fire fighter




Great! You are very attentive! I hope that you are ready to work hard now.

We have already spoken a lot about professions, but it’s not so easy to find a job. And one of important steps is writing a letter of application.

Are these letters formal or informal? How do you think? (Formal)

So, choose characteristics of formal writing. слайд 9 You should name right characteristics. Look at the screen, think and do.

Now your task is to complete this letter. слайд 10   

(выполняет в тетради) Lets check it up. слайд 11

4. Домашнее задание (3 мин)

So, I see that you’ll be able to write this type of letter at home. слайд 12 It will be your home task. Have you got any questions? (How many words should I write?- That’s a good question, from 100- to 135)

So, write your home task in your daybook, Natasha.

5. Подведение итогов (1 мин)

Thanks a lot for your work. You were very active at the lesson.

6. Рефлексия (5 мин)

We started the lesson speaking about teenagers’ main role in our society. So, what is it? (Studying)

Look at the screen слайд 13 and read the phrase:


/Allan Bloom, US philosopher/

Think and try to finish this phrase. So, your thoughts?

(from little to big, from nothing to everything, from ignorance to knowledge, from A to Z, from dream to reality, from simple to hard, from darkness to light.)

слайд 14 My congratulations!!! You can become a real philosopher! You have guessed Allan Bloom’s words!

The lesson is over, don’t forget about your home task.

Good bye, Natasha!



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