Учитель: Терешкина Светлана Владимировна
Класс: 9А
Учебный предмет: иностранный (английский язык)
УМК: Английский 9 класс Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М.
Тема урока: «ЗОЖ. Правила безопасности здоровья»
Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний, навыков и умений
Цель урока:
развитие коммуникативных способностей обучающихся по теме «Здоровый образ жизни»
• Формировать навыки устной разговорной речи, на основе ранее изученного лексического и грамматического материала;
• Формировать навык работы с текстом, с последующим выполнением заданий;
• Развивать умение воспринимать иностранную речь на слух.
• Развивать метапредметные умения, а именно способность к самооценке и оценке окружающих, умение анализировать полученную информации и связывать ее с предыдущими знаниями, полученными в другой предметной области, умение выделять главную и необходимую информацию;
• Развивать осмысленность, предметность восприятия информации
• Повышать мотивацию детей в изучении иностранного языка;
• Развивать социокультурный интерес;
• Учить оценивать себя и одноклассников на уроке
Прививать навыки здорового образа жизни.
Планируемые результаты:
Предметные: учащиеся должны:
- повторить языковой материал по теме “ Нealthy living guide”,”Good and bad habits”
- показать навыки владения лексическим и грамматическим материалом по теме
- уметь высказывать свое мнение
- уметь самостоятельно составлять сообщения по теме, используя лексический и грамматический материал, освоенный на предыдущих уроках
- быть внимательными к мнению собеседника, уметь высказывать своё мнение
- уметь использовать коммуникативные компетенции в процессе образовательной деятельности
- уметь самостоятельно определять цели своего обучения
-уметь строить логические речевые высказывания
- уметь владеть основами самооценки и контроля
Речевой материал: лексический и грамматический материал, усвоенный на предыдущих уроках.
Образовательные технологии, используемые на уроке: технология сотрудничества, технология деятельностного метода, здоровьесберегающая технология
- компьютер
- презентация PowerPoint
- видеоматериалы
- раздаточный материал
- наглядность
- учебник
План урока
1.Оргмомент. Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? I hope you are well. Today we have a lesson with guests.
T: Now look at the screen and tell us what we are going to talk about.(Crossword) --Healthy lifestyle
T: You are right. So today we have a discussion about a healthy lifestyle and now the tasks of our lesson.
T.: What shall we do at the lesson? What do you think?
P: read texts, write some exercises
P: speak English and discuss the topic.
T: You are right. We will speak about three main things of a healthy lifestyle: about healthy food, sport and the positive emotions. During our lesson we are going to come to the main safety rules.
3. Речевая зарядка.- The motto of our lesson is "Health is above wealth"
Do you agree with this proverb? What does it mean?
Student 1: It means that health is the dearest thing for a person.
Student 2: I think that we can buy many things but we can't buy health
Now in groups answer some questions, please.
The first group-These questions to you
1) What do you do to be healthy?
2) Do you follow a diet?
3) What fruit and vegetables do you prefer to eat?
4) How do you keep fit?
The second group to you-
1) Have you got any bad habits? What are they?
2) Do you go in for sport? What kind of sport is it?
3) Do you often eat fast food at KFC or Burger King?
4)What are advantagers and disadvantages to eat fast food?
4.Актуализация знаний
You know about good and bad habits.
- Look at the board, please (на доске в два ряда расположены карточки, на которых записаны результаты влияния полезных и вредных привычек на здоровье человека).
- What do you see? Let us read.
- You are right. They are the results of good and bad habits.
Teeth yellow |
Beautiful smile |
Stomachache |
Slim body |
Losing social controls |
Wonderful skin |
Headache |
Sport body |
Hairsmell Cancer |
Smart appearance Good memory |
- What habits give such results?
- Take these cards and place them on the blackboard opposite each result.
- Try to give full answer, please.
- For example, If you are smoking you will have yellow teeth (дети по очереди выходят к доске и прикрепляют карточку, выражающую полезную или вредную привычку напротив соответствующего результата).
- So, let us begin. One by one.
Student 1: Smoking causes a caugh, a headache and in the worst case cancer.
- It makes teeth yellow, hair smell, clothes smell, skin unhealthy.
- It’s true that smoking affects the health of the whole family, the people around you.
Student 2: I think that drinking alcohol causes a headache, heart disease, slow reactions and loss of memory.
- It makes skin unhealthy, speech unclear and brain centers sleep.
- Drinking affects the whole family, the people around a drinking person, one’s social controls.
Student 3: To my mind taking drugs is a very bad habit. It causes blood disease, brain disease, slow reactions, loss of memory and death.
- Taking drugs makes speech unclear, brain centres sleep.
- Of course it affects the whole family, the people around and one’s social controls.
Student 4: I feel sorry for people who take drugs, because it’s really a bad habit
- Teacher: What measures should we take against bad habits?
Student 1: We should ban smoking at schools, in offices and on transport.
Student 2: Our authorities should ban cigarettes’ and alcohol’s ads on TV and radio.
Student 3: Our authorities should put into prison those who spread and sell drugs
5.Обобщение и систематизация знаний.
Аудирование Let’s listen to dialogues .Establish the correspondence between statesments. I’ll give you time. First let’s see the task. Then we shall check it up.
Приложение 1 This task is the preparation for the national exam
6. Контроль домашнего задания с проверочным тестом. Работа по тексту.Work in pairs 1) Read the text and do the tasks
1- What is the main idea of the text?
2- Where can we find the poster?
3- Find the right ending to the sentences
Приложение 2
7.Динамическая пауза – видео на экране ( песня)
2)Teacher: Let’s see the presentation “Sport in my life” (9 a) and listen about the role of sport in our life .Now, tell us, please, what you should do to be healthy. (Учащиеся рассказали о том, что дает им занятие спортом).
Student 1: We should do morning exercises regularly.
Student 2: Sport is important for our health.
Student 3: Sport makes us strong.
Student 4: Sport builds character.
Student 5: It teaches to win and to lose.
Student 6: More than that it teaches us about life.
Student 7: Besides it is a good way to meet people.
8.Рефлексия T: You' ve told us about the role of sport in our life, you know this proverb “An apple a day keeps a doctor away”. It’s a good English proverb. It says that a person should eat fruit and vegetables every day. Vitamins are very important for our health.
Now tell us, please, about the role of vitamins. How do they help our body to be healthy?
“Tips to be healthy”. Let’s listen to them.
9. Контроль усвоенного материала. We’ve spoken a lot about healthy living guide and now let’s think and say some words about safety of our health. Приложение 3
10. Домашнее задание- ex. 1 p.193 to read – for a good mark and give your opinion on the text - for an excellent mark .
11.Подведение итогов урока
What have we spoken about? Have you understood the topic? Have we given any advice? Have you satisfied with your work? Have we achieved the aim of our lesson? Was the information useful for you?
Boys and girls, I think to speak about health is very important and actual in our days. I think you will follow healthy living guide. I wish you to be healthy. Your marks are … Thanks for your work. The lesson is over.
Приложение 2
1. Read the text. What is the main aim of this text:
- offer a new scheme of nutrition for children.
- give a detailed explanation about obesity among children.
- give recommendations on how to prevent obesity among children.
2. Where can we find this poster:
- in a shop
- in a hospital
- in a bus stop
3. Find the right ending for the sentences:
a) Per the CDC, more than 33 % of US children and adolescents were
- given an unsufficient nutrition.
- were overweight or obese.
- happy to receive a good nutrition
b) Over half of obese children become overweight by
- the age of 5
- the age of 2
- the age of 7
c) Obese youth are more likely to have
- cancer
- problems with teeth
- risk factor for cardiovascular disease
d) Among areas of live where changes are recommended there is
- eat in the restaurants
- eat more fruit and vegetables
- have picnics outside
Health safety rules
1.You should wash your hands with soap often before eating, after using restroom
2.You must cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough
3.You must wear a helmet when you ride a bike or a scooter- every time
4.You must buckle up every time you ride, either with a seatbelt or a booster
5.You should sleep about 8-9 hours a day
6.You must cross only at crosswalks
7.You must avoid cigarettes, alcohol and drugs
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