Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"
Оценка 4.8

Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

Оценка 4.8
Урок английского языка в 4 классе  "Unit 4 Machines  Robots 1"
Unit 4 Machines , Койшибаева З.И..docx

Unit 4 Machines

School: : Zarechnaya school-lyceum Kostanay district, Kostanay region

Kostanay district, Kostanay region

Date: 26.07.19г.

Teacher name: Koishibayeva Zamzagul Iglekovna


Number present:


Lesson title

Robots 1

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

4. R6 understand with some support some specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a growing range of general and some curricular topics

4. W5 link with some support sentences using basic coordinating connectors (prepositions of location: behind, between, in front of,  next to, near)


Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

read the text and highlight simple  specific sentences about Robots

write 3-4 sentences about robots using the simple specific sentences with teacher’s support

Most learners will be able to:

read text about robots and identify the simple  specific sentences with little teacher’s support.

write 4-5 sentences about robots using the specific sentences with little teacher’s support.

Some learners will be able to:

read text about robots and identify the  specific sentences without teacher’s support.

write 5-6 sentences about robots using the specific sentences  without teacher’s support.

Assessment criteria

read specific information about robots

understand specific information about robots

 describe in written form about robots

identify specific information about robots

 give answers to the questions using 3-6 sentences on the topic “Robots”.

Language objective  

Learners can:

Read and identify the  specific information of the text

Write 3-6 sentences about the robots.

Subject – specific vocabulary:

Robots’ names  (Nao, Kiboro, Asimo), behind, between, in front of,  next to, opposite

Useful sets or specific sentences :

Robots can…

Robotos can’t…

Robots has got …

Robots hasn’t got…

Robots is …

Robots isn’t…

Robots are…

Robots aren’t…

Values links

creative and critical thinking, communicative ability

Cross-curricular links


Previous learning

Fast machines 2


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



1- 3min






Duty questions.

1.      Creation of collaborative atmosphere Method “I wish”.

The teacher and learners greet each other. Learners turn and wish good luck to each other with the help of their fingers.

I wish you good luck anytime and anywhere.


Learners match pictures with words and guess the theme of the lesson.

 Answer the question

Guessing the learning objectives by the pictures.






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10-12 min




13-15 min









16-20 min





















2.      Division into 3 groups. “Pictures” method.

Division is conducted with the help of pictures devoted to the lesson topic


Honda Asimo

1.      “ASIMO”




2  “.NAO” Картинки по запросу robot nao picture



3.  “KIROBO” Картинки по запросу robot kirobo picture

During the lesson each group will get points:


 8-7 points -Excellent job!

 6-5 points- Good job!            

  4-1 points- Work harder!

Introduction of new words

Drilling of new words in [W,G,I],  by chain, using the pictures   

 Nao, Asimo, Kiboro, behind, between, in front of,  next to, near

ACTIVITY 1      

Work in groups. Vocabulary work

Task 1      Filling in the gap

Assessment criteria:

1. Match pictures with their written form correctly using prepositions of location: behind, between, in front of, next to, near, robot’s name

8-7 points -Excellent job!

6-5 points- Good job!             

4-1 points- Work batter!

Descriptors:        A learner

1.      knows prepositions of location

2.      fills in the gaps correctly

3.      chooses prepositions of location correctly

Peer assessment

 Task 2   Choose and make up sentences.

Choose and make up 3 sentences using prepositions   from the box.

Descriptors:         a learner

·         Understands preposition of location

·         Makes up 3 sentences correctly

Teacher assessment




Physical exercise

Learners watch the video and repeat the actions.



ACTIVITY 2      

Pre-reading activity

Task 1

Guessing the content of the text. “Predictions”.

Teacher presents the name of the text “Robot”. Looking at the name of the text, learners guess what the text is about.

Task 2

Put the following sentences in the correct column

Assessment criteria:

Divide specific sentences into 2 columns – 7 points

7-6 points- Well-done!

5-4 points-Good job!

3-1 points- Try again!

 Descriptor:       A learner

1.      Understands specific sentences by the theme “Robots”

2.      Selects 7 sentences into 2 columns correctly.

Peer assessment

While reading activity. Find the underlined sentences.


    Robots can have different shapes and sizes. Robots have got two and more arms and legs. Some robots have got long arms and legs.  They can be tall, short, thin and fat. They can be simple and complicated. Robots can walk and run. Some robots can play football and dance.    

        Many robots are made to look like people.   For example, there is a robot. His name Asimo. He can help people and speak with three people simultaneously.  Well, robots cannot see, hear, smell, or think themselves. They cannot laugh or fell pain because they have no feelings. Robots are just machines with computers for brains.

         Robots make our lives easier. They are good at doing dirty and difficult jobs, and can work for long hours some robots can work in very dangerous places –at the bottom of the sea and in outer space.

    Perhaps one day every home will have its own robot to tidy bedroom, wash-up or do anything it is told to do!

New words: simultaneously

 Formative assessment: the method “Applause”

Post –reading

Task 3

Differentiated tasks.

For low motivated

Text comprehension task. Method of  “True/False sentences”

Learners read the sentences and correct false sentences.

Task. Define true or false sentences. Correct false sentences:

Descriptors: a learner

1.      Reads the specific sentences

2.      Defines true or false sentences

3.      Corrects false sentences









For motivated

Analysis of the text. Method of “Discussion”.

Learners discuss answers to the questions in groups Descriptors: a learner

1.      Discusses the questions in groups

2.      Expresses his/her opinion about the text

3.      Answers the questions according to the text








For high motivated

Task 4.  Compare the robots with the people using the next phrases in groups.(Diagram Venn)

1.Robots can…

2. Robots cannot …

3. Robots have got …

4. They are…

5 Asimo can …

Assessment criteria

1. Compare and write down  8 specific sentences in the diagram Venn -8 points

9-8 points-Excellent job!

7-6 points-Good job!

5-1 points- Work harder!

Descriptor          A learner

1. knows 8 specific sentences on  the topic “Robots”

2. writes 8 sentences by the theme “Robots”

3.  compares the subjects and the people

Peer assessment

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handout 1








handout 2










handout 3







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handout 5












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handout 7



























Home task:

For low motivated

Task 1 Write sentences using “hasn’t got”, draw the perfect robot and describe it.

Assessment criteria

 Use “hasn’t got” to describe  robots -  8 points

Draw the perfect robot and describe with  4 sentences-4 points

Descriptors:        A Learner

1.      Uses the pictures as support correctly

2.      Draw a  robot correctly

3.      Describes your robot  with 4 sentences

For  motivated

Task 2 Complete the 5  sentences correctly.

For motivated

Assessment criteria

1.      Knows





For high motivated

Task 3 Construct a robot and name it. Compose the small story about your robot.

Assessment criteria:

Use  LEGO or other  materials   - 4points

Use  6 sentences to write the story - 6 points

Descriptors:        A Learner

1.      Constructs a robot creatively.

1.      Name it unusually

2.      Composes  a small story using 6 specific sentences  

Reflection. Self-assessment

“Happy robot” - it was interesting and clear

“Charging robot” - the lesson was a little difficult, not everything is clear

“Broken robot” - I did not succeed in the lesson



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Handout 9 





Handout 10








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Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

Differentiation by support

-          Support by instructions

-          High motivated helps low motivated

-          Praise the students

Differentiation by resources

-          Support by videos

Differentiation by assessment

-assessment criteria

-task according to individual abilities of students

Differentiation by outcomes

-lesson objectives



Assessment :

Group assessment

Peer assessment


Teacher’s  assessment

Health saving technologies.


-physical and active exercises.

-ICT technology




Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?



Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. 


Summary evaluation



What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?






What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?






What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?






















Handout 1 

Matching     Nao, Asimo, Kiboro, in front of, between, behind, next to, near


Картинки по запросу robot kirobo picture            Картинки по запросу английские предлоги в картинках                           ÐšÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚инки по запросу robot nao picture                ÐšÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚инки по запросу английские предлоги в картинках






          Картинки по запросу английские предлоги в картинках


















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Handout  2

Choose and make up 3 sentences  using prepositions   from the table

next to,  near,   in front of,  behind, between,








1.  Asimo ____________________________________________           

2.      Nao ______________________________________________             

3.      Kiboro_____________________________________________



1.     Asimo is in front of Kiboro

2.     Nao is next to Asimo

3.     Kiboro is behind Asi




Handout 3

Put the following sentences in the correct column:

Write down from the text 7 sentences with words “can” and “can’t”.





















Key words

A) can

Robots can walk and run.

           They can help people

Some robots can  speak with three people

Some robots can work

Some robots can play football and dance.  

B) can’t

Robots cannot see, hear, smell, or think themselves.

They cannot laugh or fell pain








Handout 4

Read the text and find underlined sentences.


  Robots can have different shapes and sizes. Robots have two and more arms and legs. Some robots have long arms and legs.  They can be tall, short, thin and fat. They can be simple and complicated. Robots can walk and run. Some robots can play football and dance.  Many robots are made to look like people.  For example, there is a robot. His name Asimo. He can help people and speak with three people simultaneously.  Robots cannot see, hear, smell, or think themselves. They cannot laugh or fell pain because they have no feelings. Robots are just machines with computers for brains. Robots make our lives easier. They are strong and clever. They are good at doing dirty and difficult jobs, and can work for long hours some robots can work in very dangerous places –at the bottom of the sea and in outer space.

    Perhaps one day every home will have its own robot to tidy bedroom, wash-up or do anything to tell it to!




















Handout 5

For low motivated

Task. Read the text. Define True or False sentences .Correct false sentences






























Handout 6

For motivated

Task. Answer the questions using information from the text


1)      Who is such robot?


2)      What can they do?


3)      What places can they work in?


4)      Why  they cannot laugh and fell any pain?


5)      Is it good if robots replace people in future?























For high  motivated

Task .

“Robots can…” , “Robots cannot…”,    “Robots have got…”, “Robots are




















Homework                Handout 8            For low motivated

Task 1 What wrong with the robot? Write sentences using hasn’t got. Draw the perfect robot and describe it using four specific sentences.









Handout  9     Homework         For  motivated

Task 2     Match and make up sentences



1.      Asimo can

A      see, hear, smell, or think themselves.

2.       Some robots can

B       two or four arms and legs just machines with computers for brains

3.      Robots can’t

C       help  people and speak with three people

4.      Robots are

D two or more arms and legs


        5.Robots have got

E play football and dance




1.      Asimo can

A      help  people and speak with three people

2.      Some robots can

B       play football and dance

3.      Robots can’t

C   see, hear, smell, or think themselves.  

4.      Robots are

D   just machines with computers for brains.


       5.Robots have got

E   two and more arms and legs













Handout 10     Homework       For high motivated


 Task 3   Construct a robot using LEGO or other materials and then compose the story about your robot   “My robot’s name …”.


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Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

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Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

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Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

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Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

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Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

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Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

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Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

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Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе  "Unit 4 Machines  Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе  "Unit 4 Machines  Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе  "Unit 4 Machines  Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе  "Unit 4 Machines  Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе  "Unit 4 Machines  Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе  "Unit 4 Machines  Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе  "Unit 4 Machines  Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе  "Unit 4 Machines  Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе  "Unit 4 Machines  Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе  "Unit 4 Machines  Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе  "Unit 4 Machines  Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе "Unit 4 Machines Robots 1"

Урок английского языка в 4 классе  "Unit 4 Machines  Robots 1"
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