Урок английского языка в 9 классе по теме "A New Age Begins"
Оценка 4.6

Урок английского языка в 9 классе по теме "A New Age Begins"

Оценка 4.6
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Урок английского языка в 9 классе по теме "A New Age Begins"
Материал данного урока расширит представление девятиклассников об укладе жизни британцев в исторический период правления династии Тюдоров, формируя базовые навыки работы с текстом, а также навык ведения диалога. Обучающиеся получать возможность совершенствовать необходимые качества для работы в группе, умение выступать в роли докладчика и слушателя. Урок разработан в рамках элективного курса "History of Britain".
урок английского языка, прием jigsaw-reading, 9 класс.docx



Урок  английского языка в 9 классе по теме “ A new age begins”в рамках курса по выбору “History of Britain

Unit IV. “The Tudors”, lesson 1

( c использованием методического приема Jigsaw-reading)


Цель урока: дать учащимся представление об укладе жизни британцев и основных исторических событиями начала правления династии Тюдоров.

Задачи урока: формировать речевую компетенцию через формирование навыка извлечения необходимой информации из прочитанного текста, умения сделать сообщение с опорой на текст, сжато изложить информацию; навык ведения диалога;

                        развивать необходимые качества для работы в группе, формировать умение выступать в роли «докладчик» и «слушатель»,

Обеспечение урока: тексты “Henry VII”, “Henry VIII”, “Edward VI”, “Mary I”,карточки с вопросами, заготовки таблицы “A New Age Begins”.


Ход      урока.


I.Организационный момент.

II. Целеполагание.

Teacher : You have already known much about three important ages in the history of Britain. A new age, the fourth, began when Henry Tudor defeated King Richard III, last Plantagenet, and the throne passed to the House of Tudor.

     - This lesson we’ll talk about the kings and queens who ruled Britain from 1485 till 1558.


IY. Работа с текстами ( прием Jigsaw- reading)

Teacher: You are divided into four home groups, as you are usually divided. You will have some information about some kings and a queen: King Henry YII, Henry YIII, Edward YI and Queen Mary I (or Bloody Mary). Every member of a group will read his text about one of the ruler. All the participants with the same text will organize expert groups where they discuss their text answering the questions. After that the experts will come back to their home groups. Their task is to introduce their part of information. By the end of the lesson each group will have to complete the chart about those personalities and important facts of his/her reign. 

(таблица демонстрируется при помощи интерактивной доски)


                                   A New Age Begins




Important events/facts of

his/her reign



                                                                                                                                  Группам раздаются заготовки таблиц и карточки с текстами.




1) Введение новой лексики.

Claim – притязания

Throne – трон

Completely – совершенно

Crown – корона

                                                        Execute – казнить

                                                        Divorce – развод

                                                        Church – церковь

                                                        Investigate – расследовать

                                                        Be short of  -  не хватает

                                                        Court – двор

                                                        Courtier – придворный

In his name – от его имени

Landowner – землевладелец

Raise – разводить

Commons – общинные земли

Be enclosed – быть огороженным

                                                         Persuade – убеждать

                                                         Will – завещание

                                                         Slight – незначительный

                                                         Protestant – протестант

                                                         Separate – отделять

                                                         Ignore – игнорировать

                                                         Catholic – католик

Give up – отказаться

Faith – вера

Stake – столб


Teacher: Now get ready to work in expert groups.

Учащиеся образуют экспертные группы, читают тексты и проверяют уровень понимания текстов, отвечая на вопросы. Учитель при необходимости корректирует работу любой группы.


2) Работа в группах.

    Group “Henry VII”

                                          Henry VII (1485 – 1509)

         Henry Tudor defeated King Richard III at the battle of Bosworth Field in 1485. His death ended the Wars of the Roses between the Yorkists and Lancastrians. The new king, Henry YII, was a Lancastrian. He made his claim to the throne stronger by marrying Elizabeth of York, his fourth cousin and a member of the opposite side, the Yorkists. Henry had lived abroad so the English people knew nothing of him and could never have imagined that his family was going to rule England for the next 120 years.

         Henry brought peace to the country but he did not feel completely safe on his throne. He believed that to be a strong king he needed to have plenty of money. He collected as much money as he could. He didn’t spend this money on wars because they were too expensive.

         Henry became a rich man. Although he was not a popular king, he was respected. When he died in 1509, he passed a safe and strong crown to his son, Henry YIII.


Comprehension questions                                                                             

1.     How did Henry VII make his claim to the throne stronger?

2.     Did he want to improve his position? How did he do it?

3.     What did he save money for?

4.     What could he do for his son’s reign?


Group “Henry VIII”

                                                 Henry VIII (1509 – 1547)

         When Henry VIII came to the throne, he spent all his father’s money fighting wars against France. Henry had six wives but only one of them, Jane Seymour, gave him a son. Henry thought that England would be weak if there were not a king to follow him. He divorced two of his wives and ordered to execute the others. Only Catherine Parr outlived her husband. Henry also had two daughters.

          The Pope refused to give him a divorce, so Henry broke away from the Catholic Church and set up his own Church of England. After that Henry VIII began to close the monasteries. The king, who was short of money, wanted the wealth of the monasteries for himself.

           Henry was interested in music, books and sport, he built some beautiful palaces. The king and his courtiers dressed in their finest clothes and jewels. They were entertained with dancing, poetry reading and music. All kinds of sport were played.


Comprehension questions

1.     How did Henry VIII spend his father’s money?

2.     Why did he divorce two of his wives and execute the others?

3.     What was the reason of his breaking away from the Catholic Church and closing the monasteries?

4.     Was Henry a dull person? Why/why not?







Group “Edward VI”


                                       Edward VI (1547 – 1553)

         When Henry YIII died in 1547, his only son Edward became king. Edward was just 9 years old, so first his uncle, the Duke of Somerset, and then the Duke of Northumberland ruled England in his name.

         During Edward’s reign new grammar schools were started to teach boys to read and write. The most important subject taught was Latin.

         By Tudor times, Landowners had found that they could make more money by raising sheep for the wool trade than by growing corn to make bread. Soon much of the land, including the commons, had been enclosed. Without the common land, the peasants could no longer grow enough food for themselves. Even worse, many of them lost their job because sheep did not need so many people to look after them. At last they demanded that land should be used for corn.

         Edward was never be in good health and died at the age of fifteen.


Comprehension questions

1.     Did Edward VI rule the country himself? Why/why not?

2.     What have you learnt about schools of that time?

3.     What was so good at raising sheep instead of growing corn?

4.     Why did the peasants demand that land should be used for corn?


Group “Mary I”


                                             Mary I (Bloody Mary) (1553 – 1558

          Before Edward VI died, his ministers had persuaded him to make a will naming Lady Jane as a queen. They wanted her because although her claim to the throne was only slight, she was a Protestant. But Mary, Henry’s elder sister, came to London to claim the throne. Lady Jane was arrested and later executed.

          Mary was an unhappy child. Her father, Henry VIII, divorced her mother.  Catherine of Aragon, when Mary was seventeen. Mary never forgave him. She was separated from her mother and forgotten at court.

          Mary married Philip II, the Catholic king of Spain, and it made her very unpopular. Mary was a strong Catholic and when she became a queen she decided that England should return to the old religion.

          Nearly 300 people who refused to give up the Protestant faith were burnt at the stake.


Comprehension questions

1.     Why did the ministers want Lady Jane to be a queen?

2.     Who became a queen after all?

3.     Mary I became very unpopular, didn’t she? Why?

4.     Why was she called Bloody Mary in your opinion?


Teacher: Get back to your home groups and share your information with the others. Remember: the more detailed you explain the better your home group do the test.


       Проведя работу с текстом в своей группе, «эксперты» возвращаются в свои первоначальные группы и делятся полученной информацией со всеми ее членами. Для проверки качества усвоения материала «эксперты» могут пользоваться теми же вопросами, на которые сами уже ответили. Таким образом, каждый учащийся усваивает содержание всех четырех текстов.


-         Now you are to complete the table in groups.

Учащиеся в первоначальных группах заполняют таблицу, которая может иметь следующий вид.                       


                                         A New Age Begins






Important events/facts of                                                                                  his/her reign









Henry YII

Brought peace to the country.                                                                                  Collected a lot of money in a state treasury.

 Passed a safe and strong throne                                                             to his son, Henry YIII.                                                                             




Henry YIII

Made himself  head of the new Church.                                                                                 Closed a lot of monasteries.                                                                                 Spent all his father’s money fighting wars against France.






Edward YI

New grammar schools were started.                                                                                 Peasants rebelled protesting about enclosures, high rants and low wages.




Mary I

Returned England to Catholic.                                                                                 Protestants were burned at the stake.



   3) Checking.

 Teacher: Let’s check up if you’ve remembered all the facts.


- Who was the youngest king of that period?

- Did Henry YII or did Henry YIII collect a lot of money?

- Henry YIII had one wife and six sons, didn’t he?

- What kind of religion did Mary I determine?

- Were new grammar schools started during Edward’s reign?


V. Объяснение домашнего задания.

         Учащиеся получают копии сводной таблицы, которую составили на уроке, и дома готовят устное сообщение на тему “ A new age begins”.






Урок английского языка в 9 классе по теме “

Урок английского языка в 9 классе по теме “

Date King/Queen Important events/facts of his/her reign … … …

Date King/Queen Important events/facts of his/her reign … … …

Henry Tudor defeated King Richard

Henry Tudor defeated King Richard

Group “Edward VI”

Group “Edward VI”

Mary I became very unpopular, didn’t she?

Mary I became very unpopular, didn’t she?

Mary I Returned England to

Mary I Returned England to
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