Урок английского языка в 9 классе по теме “Alfred the Great” в рамках курса по выбору “History of Britain”
Unit 2 “The Saxons and the Normans”, lesson 2
(c использованием методического приема Mini-Lecture)
Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с ролью Альфреда Великого в истории Великобритании.
Задачи: способствовать формированию языковой и речевой компетенций через формирование навыка восприятия текста на слух, навыка письменной речи, долговременной памяти учащихся;
учить выделять главное, составлять логически связное высказывание по теме;
формировать адекватную самооценку учащихся;
создать комфортные условия для парной работы учащихся.
Обеспечение урока: ксерокопии текстов.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
II.Проверка домашнего задания.
Teacher: Let’s begin our lesson with your talk about the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.
Учащиеся делают устное сообщение, опираясь на свой план, выведенный на предыдущем уроке, а также с опорой на ключевые слова («4») или без («5»).
How a Kingdom Was Organized
Teacher: In 789 Viking raiders appeared in the British Isles. They came from Norway, Sweden and Denmark, and Britain was a rich prize for them. They attacked the monasteries, stealing treasure and capturing slaves.
In 869 the Vikings formed a “Great army” and in seven years conquered Britain… excepting the kingdom of Wessex. Try to predict, why not.
(возможные варианты предположений: the people of Wessex were armed very well; the kingdom was situated in a … region; the ruler was wise and skilled; etc.)
Would you like to know a true reason of it? The king of Wessex Alfred became the man who could defend his country. I am going to give a mini-lecture about this well-known character of British history.
First, I am going to talk on one aspect of this topic for two minutes. Then I’ll ask you to complete the sentences. Then I’ll carry on for another two minutes and again I’ll ask you to speak. You can work in pairs.
VI. Мини-лекция.
Part one
1) Введение новой лексики.
Teacher: You see a lot of words here. Find the words you have already learnt and try to remember their translation. Tick the words you don’t know.
Escape chief surrender raid
Moot hide treaty the Danes
Settle monk fortified peace
Fleet chronicle swap over
Anglo-Saxons the Bible
Учащиеся отмечают известные слова (chief, raid, moot, settle, peace, fleet, Anglo-Saxons) и знакомятся с новой лексикой.
Escape – исчезать, скрываться
Hide (hid) – прятаться
Surrender – сдаваться
Treaty – договор
Fortified – укрепленный
Swap over – меняться
The Danes – датчане
Monk – монах
Chronicle – хроники
The Bible – библия
2) Teacher: After listening you’ll have to do the following task.
- End the sentence.
1. When the Vikings attacked Wessex, Alfred managed to … .
2. Then he defeated … .
3.This treaty between Alfred and the Viking King made the Vikings … .
4. King Alfred’s army was always ready … .
5. Alfred wanted … .
6. One of the most important books written by monks was … .
7. King Alfred introduces his own laws … .
Учащиеся переводят предложения, учитель при необходимости оказывает помощь.
Mini-lecture itself
In 871, Alfred became King of Wessex. The Vikings soon attacked his kingdom, but Alfred managed to escape and hid in Somerset. He gathered an army and defeated the Viking King, Guthrum, at the battle of Edington. The Vikings surrendered.
King Alfred and the Vikings made a treaty. The Vikings were to live in an area called the Danelaw, where they were allowed to follow Viking customs and obey the “Danes” law.
Alfred did not trust the Danes. He ordered ships and fortified towns called burshs to be built to protect England from possible Viking attack. His new army called the fyrd was divided into two halves. One half was ready to fight at any time, while the other half farmed the land. Then, after a time, the two swapped over.
Alfred wanted to educate his people. He invited teachers to come from Europe and ordered monks to write books in Anglo-Saxons. One book was an important history of Britain called the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, which told the story of Britain from the birth of Christ. Monks also translated the Bible into Anglo-Saxon.
When Alfred became king of Wessex, he found that different laws were used in different parts of his kingdom that is why he had to introduce his own laws.
Учащиеся слушают текст дважды, во время прослушивания и в течение 1-2 минут после него выполняют предложенное задание, обсуждая варианты с напарником. Между парами происходит обмен карточками с ответами, ответы сверяются с образцом, который демонстрируется с помощью интерактивной доски.
Part two
Teacher: I can introduce you some of King Alfred’s laws. If you wish you‘ll be able to match these laws and any Russian ancient laws you know.
1) Введение новой лексики.
Be accused – быть виновным
Outlaws – вне закона
Admit – признать
Ordeal – “суд божий”(испытание огнем и водой)
Guilty – виновный
Scald – обварить
Heal – заживать
2) Look through the questions you will answer after listening.
What laws did Alfred use to complete his own ones?
What did people who were accused of crimes have to do?
How were they punished for crimes?
In what case were they tried by “ordeal”?
When were such persons declared innocent?
Mini-lecture itself
King Alfred’s laws were both from old Saxon customs and many good laws from other kingdoms. People who were accused of crimes had to appear in front of the village moot. If they did not appear they were declared outlaws and could be killed by anyone.
Those who admitted their crime had to pay a fine to anyone they had harmed. In the case of murder the fine was called wergild. The size of the wergild depended on the importance of the injured person.
If accused people could not find enough oathhelpers (people who would swear they were innocent), they were tried by “ordeal”. The Anglo-Saxons believed that God would judge if the persons were guilty or not.
The accused person picked a stone out of a pan of boiling water or carried a bar of red-hot iron for several paces. If the scalded or burned hand had begun to heal after three days, the person was innocent. If not, he or she was guilty.
Учащиеся в парах готовят ответы на вопросы.
V.Проверка уровня освоения материала.
Учащиеся могут выбрать задание среднего или повышенного уровня.
Medium level: Fill in the gaps using proper words.
Alfred became … of Wessex in 871. He … the Viking King, so Alfred and the Vikings made a … . The Vikings were to … in the Danelaw. But Alfred didn’t trust … . His … was always ready to protect England from possible Viking … . He wanted to … his people and invited teachers and … . The … wrote the Anglo-Saxon … . King Alfred introduced his own … . People who were … to crimes had to pay a fine. Some people were tried by … . They had to put their … into the boiling water or touched red-hot … . If the hand began to … the person was … .
High level: Retell what you have learnt about King Alfred and his laws. Use new words where necessary.
VI.Объяснение домашнего задания.
Учащиеся получают задание подготовить устное сообщение на тему “ King Alfred and his legacy”.Дополнительное задание для более сильных учеников - реферат на тему “British and Russian Laws of ancient times: compare and chose the best”.
VII. Итог урока.
Teacher: As you can see King Alfred played an important role in the British history. Within 30 years of Alfred’s death, England had become a united country. Three kings ruled Britain after Alfred and helped to make the peace. But in 980 it was broken again. Let’s talk about it our next lesson.
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