Урок проводится в 9 классе в форме дискуссии. На уроке учащиеся развивают свои навыки слушать и слышать собеседника, им прививаются навыки терпимости к разным взглядам. Ученики повторяют слова диалоговые фразы, выполняют устно-речевые упражнения. По ходу урока учащиеся приходят к выводу: что нужно делать, чтобы избежать конфликтов.
Конспект урока в 9 классе. Unit 3.УМК Enjoy English
Тема урока: Будь толерантным!
Цели урока:
развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся: умение слушать и слышать собеседника;
развитие навыков публичного выступления, уверенности в себе;
развитие логического и критического мышления;
использование результатов проектной деятельности на уроке;
воспитание терпимости к различным взглядам, чувства уважения к собеседнику;
создание устойчивой мотивации к учению.
Задачи урока:
создание коммуникативной среды для обучающихся;
обеспечение учащихся учебнометодической разработкой урока (раздаточным
Тип урока: дискуссияконференция.
ТСО: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор.
В начале урока были поставлены цели и задачи. Для раскрытия темы использовались
современные технологии, методы и формы обучения, базирующиеся на коммуникативной
– Goodafternoon, dear friends!
I’m glad to see you – our students and guests of our conference.
Today we have gathered together to speak about conflicts: their different types, about conflicts,
which are the most important for young people. We shall discuss the ways of how to resolve
conflicts, and of course – how to avoid or prevent them. You’ll share opinions about your own
experience and your thoughts on this topic.
Let’s begin.
1. Warming up. Topical vocabulary. Dialogue Vocabulary
to agree
to discuss
to choose
to disagree
to understand
to argue
to share
to hear
to lead to
to relate
to solve
to unite
to prevent
to respect each other
to listen to each other
to talk to each other
to deserve somebody’s love
to observe the laws of coexistence
to get on well
to suggest an idea
to allow
to discriminate
to prohibit
to suffer from
polite, calm, kind
conflict resolution
by peaceful means
in a peaceful way
to avoid
to ignore
to confuse
to criticize
to support
to hear
to differ from
Dialogue Vocabulary
For example …
For instance ..
First … Second …. Third …
The first … The second … The third …
First … Next … Then … After that … Finally …
Connecting words:
In my opinion …
I think …
To my mind …
What do you think about it?
It’s a good idea to …
I feel strongly against it.
I’m absolutely positive that
I don’t care about …
Do you mean that …?
I’m not sure that …
I’m sure you’ll agree that …
In addition to that …
2. The first question we’ll answer is “What is conflict?”
– Explain what conflict is. Explain why conflicts happen.
Consequently … Therefore … However … Because of
Although … In addition … Since … Also
Because …. … so … … but … … and …
Возможные ответы:
– It’s a state, a situation, when people quarrel, argue, may be fight with each other.
– Conflict is an opposition of needs, values and interests. A conflict is a struggle between people.
The struggle may be physical, or between conflicting ideas.
– Psychologists and sociologists say that there are five basic ways of solving conflict:
– And every person decides himself what way to choose, if he really wants to resolve conflicts.
3. Let’s speak about conflicts.
Questions for discussing are on the screen. Let’s read them first.
How often do you have conflicts?
What are the most common causes of conflicts? Whom do you often have conflicts with?
How do you resolve conflicts?
Is it possible to avoid conflicts?
– Give an example of your conflict, your own experience – with your classmates, friends or parents.
Рассказы учащихся о себе.
– Is a peaceful resolution important? Explain why?
4. Look at the screen. These sayings maybe will be able to help you to avoid or to resolve conflicts.
I’ll give you these cards with some interesting sayings. Read, translate them paying attention to the
underlined words. (карточки)
Begin each day with friendly thoughts,
And as the day goes on,
Keep friendly, loving, good, and kind,
Just as you were at dawn. Frank B. Whitney
Plant Kindness and Love will grow. etc.
– Can you recommend a book about peacemaking and explain why this book is helpful? Use one or
two of the “clever thoughts”.
– I’d like to recommend you this book. The title of the book is «Язык разговора». Here you can find
interesting and important information about how to talk to come to an agreement, how to behave
when you are criticized, how to pay compliment and avoid conflicts.
5. Project work – presentation of pupils’ research projects.
– I think it will be interesting for all of us to learn what your schoolmates think about conflicts. Your
classmate held the investigation connected with this topic. And now she will tell us about the results
of her research work. Listen to her and then you will be able to ask her any questions you are
interested in.
Учащиеся задают вопросы выступающим и друг другу.
6. Now we shall do the exercise (карточки)
Fill in the table, using the following words and word combinations.
Give advice on what people should do if they have a conflict.
To avoid conflicts we should …
To resolve conflicts we should
To avoid conflicts we should not …
To resolve conflicts we should not …
1. ask for advice from someone who is older than you
listen attentively to other people
3. punish unfairly
4. be optimistic
5. be confident and relaxed
think about conflict
7. criticize differences8. use words like “never” and “always”
ignore someone’s opinion
10. keep a sense of humour
11. speak calmly
12. bully people
13. tell people what makes you unhappy
14. avoid criticizing differences
7. Make a conclusion
To avoid a conflict we should …
To avoid a conflict we should not …
To resolve a conflict we should …
To resolve a conflict we should not …
– Be tolerant and you avoid conflicts!
8. Подведение итогов конференции