Урок английского языка в 9 классе "Интернет: за и против"
Оценка 4.9
Разработки уроков
английский язык
9 кл
Данный урок входит в систему занятий по программе "Enjoy English" Биболетовой М.З. Это урок-дискуссия по актуальной в наше время проблеме. Учащиеся смогут высказать свое мнение и выслушать чужое, что воспитывает толерантность. Достаточно внимания уделено аудированию, чтению, переводам, также применена презентация
Разработка урока английского языка “The Internet” 9 класс
Тип урока:комбинированный
Цели урока:
развитие навыков восприятия текста по теме;
развитие умений в монологической речи;
совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практических речевых умений;
совершенствование умений высказывать, аргументируя, свою точку зрения.
развивать креативного мышления;
развитие критического мышления;
развивать способности к сравнению, умозаключению, обобщению, анализу, логичности;
развивать умения выражать своё отношение к обсуждаемому вопросу,
выяснить и обсудить мнение и отношение собеседника к обсуждаемому вопросу;
развитие навыков групповой работы
способствовать развитию терпимого уважительного отношения к различным взглядам;
воспитывать умение партнерского общения и умения работать в группе.
Используемое оборудование: презентация PowerPoint, доска
Слайд 1
1. Организационный момент
T: Good morning students! I’m glad to see you. How are you? Ok. Let’s start our lesson, and I think it will be
very interesting and useful for you. I want you to be active, don’t be shy and try to speak only English. At the
end of our lesson you will be ready to write for and against essay at home.
Слайд 2
2. Речевая разминка
T: please, look at the board and tell me can you recognize these signs?
These are the icons of the Internet. Right you are! Can you name them? Very nice!
Microsoft Windows – computer operation system. Very popular.
Skype free program, which helps you to communicate through the internet. (800000 users)
Opera – a program, web browser for computers and mobile phones
Apple – an American corporation of producing computer programs, computers amd mobile phones.
Instagram free social program for mobile phones, helps to exchange photos, videos.
Whats app – a messenger for smartphones, allows to send messages, images, videos, audios. (from 2009, about
400000 users)
Twitter a free service of short public messages sending
Google – a corporation which helps to search the information in the internet
Vkontakte – the largest social networking service in Russia, helps to find people and exchange messages.(from
2006, 40 mln people use every day)
Internet explorer – a web browser of Microsoft Corporation from 1995
Odnoklassniki – a social site for searching classmates, friends etc.
Facebook –a social networking service, allows users to find and communicate with friends, share photos,
videos, and join different groups.
Which of them do you use?
Which is the most popular? 3
T: can you recognize these famous people?
PavelDurov a Russian computer programmer, the creator of vkontakte, he is very young, only 29, a
Steve Jobs – was an American inventor, the creator of the apple corporation, died in 2011
Bill Gates the creator of the Microsoft Corporation, known as the richest man of the world
Mark Zuckerberg – an American computer programmer, known as a creator of the social website Facebook.A
billionaire. 29 years old
3. Объяснение темы урока
Do you agree that nowadays we can’t imagine our life without computers, mobile phones and the Internet?
They almost became the part of our life. And today we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the
Internet. To my mind this topic is very actual.
Слайд 4
4. Введение новой лексики по теме «Интернет»
I want to give you a list of the new words, which we will use during our lesson. Let’s discuss them.
Website – интернет сайт
Browse the web – просматривать интернет
Network сеть
User пользователь
Social networking социальная сеть
Email – электронная почта
To download загрузить
Penetration распространение
To chat болтать
Addiction зависимость
To be addicted to smth бытьзависимымот
Operation system операционная система
Search engine – поисковая система Слайд 5
Match the words.
Слайд 6
Translate the words.
Слайд 7
What do these words mean? Data, www,@.
Чтение текста “@”
Слайд 8
5. Актуализация имеющихся знаний по теме «Интернет»
Let’s see the statistics chart on the board “The number of the users of the internet”. There are about 3 billion
users of the Internet all over the world. Almost the half o the world population use the Internet nowadays.
Asia is on the 1st place. Europe is on the 2nd place.
Next chart shows the penetration of the Internet. As we know the Internet is used all over the world, it is
used in all the continents and almost all the countries. On the 1st place is the North America, it means that in
Canada and the USA the penetration of the Internet is very quick. Why do you think? Because these
countries are the most developed.
What about Russia? What are your opinions?
As for Russia, Russia is on the 1st place in Europe by number of the Internet users. The number of users is
76.5 million people and this number is increasing every day. It is almost 54% of all the population of our
What can you tell me about our school? Your class? How many users are there? How many percent of
users? Maybe 50%? Is there anybody who doesn’t use the Internet? Ok thank you! Very nice!
6. Аудирование
Now you are going to listen to the text. You should choose the right answer.
Раздаюлисточкисзаданием. Look at the statements and read them. Let’s stars the listening.
Let’s check your answers. Very nice. Thank you!
7. Аргументы «за» и «против» Интернета
Why the Internet is so popular?Why do people use the Internet for?For example, you? Why do you use it?
Ok, let’s have a look… do you agree? It is very convenient, quick and easy.
What are the negative effectsof the Internet? Do you agree? What can we do to make the negative effects of
the internet less?
What about small children? What is your opinion? Should children use the internet?
8. Как не стать зависимым от Интернета?
We know that there are not only positive sides of using the Internet but also negative sides. One of them is
addiction. It is not a secret that many young people become addicted, they are psychologically addicted,
please answer my question “what is to be addicted to the Internet?
16 17
Now we are going to watch a short video about the Internet addiction. As we know there are many children
who cannot live without the Internet.
Are you addicted to the Internet? Do you know anybody like on the cartoon?Dangerous?Horrible?
What can we do in order not to be addicted? Tell me your methods of avoiding the Internet addiction.
Слайд 18
For example to set limits of time.
Ok thank you. Right you are.
Слайд 18
9. Mini –Project.
Let`s make the Internet ABC.
Слайд 20
10. Итоги урока и д/з
What ideas from the lesson do you find the most useful, interesting, or unusual?
Name some new words/phrases you have learnt at this lesson.
Слайд 21
Слайд 22(д/з)
Урок английского языка в 9 классе "Интернет: за и против"
Урок английского языка в 9 классе "Интернет: за и против"
Урок английского языка в 9 классе "Интернет: за и против"
Урок английского языка в 9 классе "Интернет: за и против"
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