Theme: "Travelling"
Aim: Revision on "London" and "Travelling" through the use of computer technology.
The objectives of the lesson:
• Increased vocabulary of subjects passed.
• Increased synthesis and grammatical material on the topic "Use of the definite article with names of buildings, streets, squares and names."
• The development of memory and attention.
• The development of oral communication skills.
• The development of listening skills.
• The development of search skill of reading.
• Education of patriotism and love for their country.
• development of respect for the culture of another people
Hardware: computer, interactive board, cards.
Lesson plan
1. Greeting
2. The explanation of the purposes of the lesson. Teacher: Our traveling to London is over. We have learned a lot of interesting things about London and its history. We have visited the most famous places in London. And now it’s time to come back home. Today we are going on a journey to Astana. And on our way home we should do some tasks. Are you ready?
3. Teacher: How can people travel?
Pupils: by plane; by ship; by train; by bus; by car…
Teacher: And what about you? Which method of traveling is the best for you?
Pupil 1: There is nothing like traveling by sea.
Pupil 2: I am fond of traveling by plane because it is very fast.
Pupil 3: I think there is nothing like traveling by train.
Pupil 4: I like to travel by car most of all.
4. Teacher: I think it’s time to prepare our luggage.
airport, train, pilot, platform, return ticket, driver, carriage, plane, railway station, road, bus stop, flight, traffic lights, sleeping car
Teacher: Look at the board. There are two suitcases and here you can see some words and word expressions. You should pack the 1st suitcase for traveling by bus and the 2nd one for traveling by train. Use these words, please.
Teacher: Let’s read the words belonging to the traveling by bus after Pupil 4. (driver, road, bus stop, traffic lights) Teacher: Let’s read the words belonging to the traveling by train after Pupil 5. (platform, return ticket, carriage, railway station, sleeping car) Teacher: There are some words left. Let’s read them. Now tell me how we are going to travel to Astana.
Pupils: By plane.
Teacher: You are right! Teacher: Now we are in London. Then we are going to Astana by plane. When we arrive in Astana we’ll go on a bus tour around our capital and then we’ll take a train to Taraz.
5. Teacher: Well our luggage has been packed. It’s time to go to the airport and buy tickets. But first we should learn when our flight to Astana is. Teacher: Let’s have a look at the timetable. There are a lot of flights to different cities. But we don’t know the time of our flight. Your task is to listen to the information, choose the right clock and put it into the right place.
Teacher: When does our plane departs?
Pupil 6: At half past six.
Teacher: And now try to read this timetable like a real announcer.
Pupil 7: Flight 242 to Madrid is at 9:15.
Flight 647 to Paris is at 2:09.
Flight 118 to Rome is at 4:50.
Pupil 8: Flight 191 to Astana is at 6:30.
Flight 377 to New York is at 10:15.
Flight 655 to Berlin is at 3:25.
6. Revision of grammatical material on the topic "Use of the definite article."
Teacher: We are on the plane. During our flight we are going to remember our visit to London.
Teacher: You can see the names of some London’s sightseeing. Your task is to write the definite article “The” where necessary.
Teacher: Your time’s up. Let’s check it if you are right.
Pupil 10, come up to the board and write the answer.
Teacher: Is he right? Who has got the same answers?
Teacher: Now you should match the two parts and say one sentence explaining your choice.
- Buckingham Palace -----------------Poets’ Corner
the White Tower -----------------Covent Garden
-St Paul’s Cathedral -----------------Admiral Nelson
the British Museum -----------------Elizabeth II
-Big Ben ------------------William the Conqueror
-Westminster Abbey ------------------Christopher Wren
the Royal Opera House -----------------Great Russel Street
- Trafalgar Square -------------------Benjamin Hall
Pupil 3: Queen Elizabeth II lives in Buckingham Palace.
Pupil 7: William the Conqueror built the White Tower when he became King of England.
Pupil 1: Sir Christopher Wren built St Paul’s Cathedral.
Pupil 5: The British Museum is in Great Russel Street.
Pupil 10: Westminster Abbey is famous for its Poets’ Corner.
Pupil 6: The monument to Admiral Nelson is in the middle of Trafalgar Square.
7. Teacher: London is a very old and beautiful city. We have taken a lot of pictures. Do you remember the most famous places of London?
Teacher: Pupil 4, you will be a teacher. You should choose any square and name what it is.
Pupil 2: Square № 12, please. – The British Museum.
Pupil 4: Yes, you are right.
Pupil 7: Square № 1, please. – Westminster Abbey.
Pupil 4: I’m afraid you are wrong. Who can help us?
Pupil 9: St Paul’s Cathedral….
8. Teacher: Now we are at the airport. We have arrived in Astana. You can see boxes with words in Kazakh and Russian. You task is to find Kazakh and Russian equivalents to these English words and put them in the right place.
Бас залы; Анықтамалық бюро; Main Lobby; Information; Зал ожидания; Справочное бюро;
Шығу; Kipy; Кеден; Қону; Exit; Entrance; Customs; Arrivals;
Выход; Вход; Таможня; Прибытие; Дәмхана; Жөнелту; Паспорт бақылауы;
Café; Departures; Passport control; Кафе; Отправление; Паспортный контроль;
Валютаны айырбастау; Кассалар; Foreign exchange;Tickets; Обмен валюты; Кассы;
9.Teacher: What are we going to do at the railway station?
Pupil 2: We are going to buy tickets.
Teacher: Yes, that’s right. I’m sure you have learned many useful word expressions both in English and Kazakh.
Pupil 4: Excuse me.
Pupil 5: Keшipiңiз.
Pupil 8: Иә?
Pupil 4: When is the train to Taraz, please?
Pupil 5: Taraz қаласына пойыз қашан жүредi?
Pupil 8: Сағат он төрт жарымда пойыз жүредi.
Pupil 5: Two thirty.
Pupil 4: Which platform?
Pupil 5: Қандай платформада?
Pupil 8: Жетiншiде.
Pupil 5: Platform seven.
Pupil 4: How much is the ticket?
Pupil 5: Бiлет неше теңге тұрады?
Pupil 8: Ciзге бiр жаққа мa?
Pupil 5: Single or return?
Pupil 4: A single, please.
Pupil 5: Иә, бiр жаққа.
Pupil 8: Сiзден төрт мың екі жүз теңге.
Pupil 5: That will be four thousand two hundred tenge.
Pupil 4: Here you are.
Pupil 5: Мiне алаңыз.
Pupil 8: Рақмет, сiздiң бiлетiңiз.
Pupil 5: Here is your ticket, please.
Pupil 4: Oh, thanks a lot! Рақмет!
10. Teacher: Have a look at the clock. We have some time to go on a bus tour around Astana. You will see a very beautiful city. Each of you has such a sheet of paper. There are seven short texts about the main sightseeing of Astana. At the bottom of your sheet of paper you can see the names of these sightseeing. You task is to read the text and match it with its name.
Read these short descriptions and match them with their names.
1 – It is a very beautiful building. It is the central mosque of Astana. It has got four minarets, each of them is 62 metres high. It is the biggest mosque in the Central Asian Region.
2 – You can visit here a 3D cinema, a bowling, cafes, a theatre and an aqua park. There is a large aquarium with real sea sharks. It opened in 2006.
3 – It is a unique outdoor museum. There are 14 regions and 2 cities - Astana and Almaty on the map. You can see here mountains, hills, steppes, forests and lakes.
4 – This tower is the main symbol of Astana and its visiting card. It is very popular with tourists. Here you can see our President’s handprint. This tower is 105 metres high.
5 – This Palace is the official residence of Nursultan Nazarbayev- the President of Kazakhstan. It is a very beautiful building with white columns. “Ak Orda” is its second name.
6 – This Palace was built by British architect Lord Norman Foster. It looks like a very big pyramid. The pyramid is 62m high.
7 – This building looks like a huge amphitheater. There are more than 10 ministries of Kazakhstan. It is the largest building in Astana. It is 1500 metres long.
a) the Peace Palace b) President Palace c) “Nur Astana” d) the Baiterek Tower
e) the House of Minisries. f) the “Atameken” g) the “Duman”
11. Teacher: Let’s make a short summary of what we have done and seen today. Complete these sentences.
Pupil 1: Luggage is all the things we take with us on a trip.
Pupil 2: A ticket is a document which allows us to travel.
Pupil 10: We usually buy tickets at the ticket office or at the booking office.
Pupil 3: Passengers are people who travel by train, by plane, by ship, by bus, by taxi.
Pupil 4: We have left London for Astana.
Pupil 5: We have traveled to Astana by plane.
Pupil 8: We can speak three languages: English, Kazakh and Russian.
Pupil 6: Astana is the capital of our country.
Pupil 7: Astana is the most beautiful city in the world.
Pupil 8: Astana is famous for the Baiterek Tower.
Pupil 9: Astana was twelve years old in 2010.
Pupil 10: Astana became the capital in 1998.
Pupil 1: Astana is the place where our President lives.
Pupil 2: Astana is the city where I would like to live.
13. Teacher: Thank you very much. I think our traveling has been fantastic. You have shown very good knowledge on this theme.
You are the best pupils! Our journey is over. It’s time to say “Good bye".
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