Урок по английскому языку по теме "I like shopping." (6 класс)
Оценка 4.9

Урок по английскому языку по теме "I like shopping." (6 класс)

Оценка 4.9
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английский язык
6 кл
Урок по английскому языку  по теме "I like shopping." (6 класс)
Данный урок обобщения знаний по теме «I like shopping».Во время введения и актуализации знаний акцент ставится на устную речь. Все этапы урока направлены на достижение поставленной цели урока: использование лексических единиц. Контроль усвоения знаний, умений и навыков учащихся осуществлялся на всех этапах урока: фонетическая отработка, речевая разминка, работа с текстом.
Урок по английскому языку в 6.doc

Урок по английскому языку в 6-м классе по теме "I like shopping."


1.     Активизировать в речи учащихся потребление лексики по теме «Покупки».

2.     Практиковать учащихся в аудировании, чтении и устной речи.


1.     Предметные картинки по теме «Продукты».

2.     Ситуативные картинки по теме «Магазин».

План урока:

1.     Организационный момент.

2.     Фонетическая зарядка.

3.     Речевая зарядка.

4.     Обучение аудированию.

5.     Обучение монологическим высказываниям.

6.     Обучение диалогическим высказываниям.

7.     Подведение итогов урока.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Беседа с дежурным. Сообщение даты.

2. Фонетическая зарядка. Отработка звука [u:].

[u:] Shoes and boots

Boots and shoes
Come and buy
The size you use.
Try them on
Before you choose
Shoes and boots
Boots and shoes.

3. Речевая зарядка.

Every day we go to the shop. What kind of shops are they? What for? Where you buy meat (butcher’s)

  • fish (fishmonger’s)
  • fruits(greengrocer’s)
  • milk(diary’s)
  • flour(grocer’s)

4. Обучение аудированию. Текст «Easier for me easier for you.»

Listen to the story about the Englishmen buy bread one day аnd answer the following questions:

1.     What was wrong with the loaf of bread?

2.     What was wrong with the money the man gave to the baker?

Easier for Me Easier for You

One day an Englishman looked into his cupboard and saw that he had no bread. So he decided to go to the baker´s shop to buy some bread.When he came to the shop, the baker asked, ˝Do you want one loaf or two loaves? White or brown bread?˝The man asked for a loaf of white bread. The baker took one from the shelf and gave it to him. The man took it, held it in his hand for a moment, thought a little and then said, ˝This loaf is not the right weight, it is less then it should be.˝

˝Oh, think nothing of it. It´s not so important,˝ said the baker. ˝It will be easier to carry, won´t it?˝

The man put the loaf of bread into his shopping bag and side nothing. He counted the money and gave it to the baker.When he was on his way to the door he heard the baker again.

˝Just a minute!˝ he side to the man. ˝You haven’t paid enough. That’s wrong. You have diven me less money than you should.˝

˝Oh, think nothing of it. It´s not so important,˝ said the man. ˝It will be easier to count, won´t it?˝

With these words the man went out and shut the door behind him.

5. Обучение монологическим высказываниям.

Nowdays everything is packed both in supermarket and in small shops.

  • a packed of tea
  • a jar of coffee
  • a can of coke
  • a bar of chocolate
  • a carton of juice
  • a loaf of bread
  • a box of sweets

In what type of packing do shoppers buy other food?


1. a pound of …

a. bread

2. a bottle of…

b. honey

3. a box of …

c. chocolate

4. a bar of…

d. cheese

5. a jar of…

e. lemonad

6. a loaf of bread

f. eggs

7. a dozen of

g. cereal

8. a bunch of…

h. grape

6. Обучение диалогическим высказываниям.

Pretend you are in the shop. What will you buy here?

– Hello! I would like to buy that bunch of grapes.
– OK. How much do you want?
– A kilo.
– Yes, please.
– How much does it cost?

– Two pounds.
– Can I have a packed of tea and a box of sweets, please?
– Yes, of course.
– How much is that?
– One pound thirty.
– Thank you.

7. Подведение итогов урока.

Урок по английскому языку в 6-м классе по теме "I like shopping

Урок по английскому языку в 6-м классе по теме "I like shopping

Обучение аудированию . Текст «Easier for me easier for you

Обучение аудированию . Текст «Easier for me easier for you

Match. 1. a pound of … a

Match. 1. a pound of … a
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