Оценка 4.8


Оценка 4.8
Ashurov Abdumutalibovich.docx



Ma’rufjon Ashurov Abdumutalibovich

Andijan State University

Lecturer at the Department of Music Education


[email protected]


Annotation: In the modern world, technological progress is very active, new technologies appear every day. Almost every modern person knows how to use and use a computer, cell phone and photo and video cameras. Almost every school has computer or computer lab rooms. Mankind today uses new technologies for its own benefit, including education.

What is interesting for modern people and young people? First of all, information and computer technology. It is difficult for children and adolescents to overestimate the potential of information technology as a means of artistic expression and learning, aesthetic development, and art education. Availability and diversity of all computer technologies (three-dimensional - 3D, animation, video, sound, imitation of traditional visual techniques, interactivity, hypertext) make creativity and self-realization for computer teachers and educators allows for an open learning and development environment for parenting.

Keywords: Modern world, technological development, computer, mobile phone, computer technology, visual technology, graphics, computer programs.


What is modern and fun for young people today? First of all, information and computer technology. It is difficult for children and adolescents to overestimate the potential of information technology as a means of artistic expression and learning, aesthetic development, and art education.

The availability and diversity of all computer technologies (three-dimensional, animation, video, audio, imitation of traditional visual techniques, interactivity, hypertext) allows the computer to create creativity and self-education for students and teachers allows for an open learning and development environment.

The use of computer programs allows for more effective development of all types of cognition and the use of all types of memory throughout the lesson: visual, auditory, motor, figurative, associative.

 However, it should be noted that the task of the computer is not only as an electronic board to write the thesis of the topic and the lesson with the necessary graphics, but also as a tool for interactive educational movement aimed at assimilation and definition of knowledge by students should be used, but the goal is the independence of the student's thinking and creativity.

Fulfillment of this requirement requires, first of all, that the teacher know at least the simplest computer programs. Of course, this requires constant preparation and self-preparation of the teacher.

There are many programs on your computer to work with music. They can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

Music players

Singing karaoke programs

Music constructors

Music encyclopedias

Educational programs

The programs used are divided into the following.

informational encyclopedias (classical music, popular music, chanson, jazz, musical instruments, theater, ballet, etc.)

thematic - educational and developmental (these programs introduce you to the content and musical features and artistic images of individual works of world-famous composers with the help of animation, three-dimensional graphics)

educational games - "Learn by drawing", "Clifford. Find music", "Music class", etc. (Aimed at learning music in a playful way)

music library - the program includes recordings of musical compositions, competitions by country, composers, genres;

phonograms - includes phonograms of the “backs” of songs learned by students.

For music lessons to be interesting and engaging for students, several positions need to be considered: interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary relationships, the logic of the learning process, the age characteristics of the students, the cultural level of the students, as well as the teacher’s o excellent knowledge of the subject and computer technology.

The question needs to be asked: what does the use of computer technology in music lessons give us?

1. For a music lesson, the computer expands the information base in preparation for the lesson, which is related not only to the world of music, but also to the world of art in general, which helps to master the curriculum more effectively.

2. Thanks to the use of computer programs, it has become possible to use forms of lessons on the theme of "Musical Peterhof", such as lessons-excursions, lessons-concerts, lessons-games, etc., even with the benefit of better mastering the material. the minute of training can also be held in an unusual way.

3. The use of “backing track” and “karaoke” significantly enriches and expands the repertoire of songs performed in class and school events, as well as allows the teacher to control the quality of performance by each student.

4. In addition to mastering the program of the course "Music", students acquire computer skills, especially in the conduct of integrated lessons in the computer class, which forces the teacher to constantly improve their knowledge and skills.

Practice has shown that the effective use of computer programs in music lessons in all primary and secondary grades, the choice of curricula taking into account the age-related interests of students, readiness to understand the material presented and the level of computer mastery possible. However, you can include separate elements of both programs in the lesson and conduct a lesson-presentation.

At what stage of the lesson can this be done? Someone! When reviewing past material, introducing a new topic, reinforcing material in class, conducting a minute of physical education, and so on.

However, the use of computer technology in the classroom cannot be considered as a cure for all problems. It is only a means of accomplishing the goals and tasks set before the teacher. The ability to solve a problem, to interest your readers in it, to find the necessary forms, methods, means to solve it - no computer can do it. The leading role in the learning process always remains with the teacher.

In the modern world, technological progress is very active, new technologies are emerging every day. Almost every modern person knows how to use and use a computer, cell phone and photo and video cameras. Almost every school has computer or computer lab rooms. Mankind today uses new technologies for its own benefit, including education.

What is interesting for modern people and young people? First of all, information and computer technology. It is difficult for children and adolescents to overestimate the potential of information technology as a means of artistic expression and learning, aesthetic development, and art education. Availability and diversity of all computer technologies (three-dimensional - 3D, animation, video, sound, imitation of traditional visual techniques, interactivity, hypertext) make creativity and self-realization for computer teachers and educators allows for an open learning and development environment for parenting. However, it should be noted that the main purpose of the computer is not only as an electronic board to write the text of the topic and lesson or to provide simple textual information with the necessary graphics, but also as an interactive tool for students to master and define knowledge. lim should be used as a means of movement to achieve the independence of the student's thinking and creativity. Fulfillment of this requirement requires, first of all, the teacher to know at least the simplest computer programs. Of course, this requires constant training and self-preparation of the teacher.

Many people think that computers can be used in "technical" subjects, such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, and so on. My opinion proves the opposite. The computer can be used very widely in any lesson, for example, in a music lesson. Every computer has many programs for working with music.

They can be divided into the following groups:

• Music players;

• programs for karaoke songs;

• Music constructors;

• Music encyclopedias;

• Curricula.

Improvisation programs, group music, music creation.

The first group of programs is familiar to any computer user - Windows Media Player, WinAmp, AIMP, Light Alloy and others. The possibilities of these programs are very wide: you can play music files and create a list of tunes, as well as save them in various formats (txt, doc, docx, pdf). If you want to get students' attention, direct their thinking in an abstract, imaginative way, take the opportunity - make the music brighter. To do this, open the visual image in Windows Media Player or WinAmp. All kinds of lines and graphics that are constantly changing, moving with the music, drawing whimsical images will open to your attention.

If you teach music, use apps like VocalJam or create your own song with KarMaker. These programs are based on the same principle - "minus" music is played and the lyrics are displayed on the screen.

Music encyclopedias can be a great help in teaching music. The “Famous Music Encyclopedia of Cyril and Method” is very interesting, containing information about almost all modern bands and performers, music albums. You will be able to follow the history of the development of a particular group, learn about the development of rock, jazz, pop music in Russia and abroad, listen to recordings or watch videos. Go to the Quiz section to test your knowledge, where you will be asked a variety of questions and musical pieces.

In music lessons, you can use a program like “Music Gems”. It includes general lectures on various genres of music, from the Baroque period to modern music, biographies of composers, the history of the creation of famous works, commentaries on them, audio and video fragments. There is also a glossary of different terms and musical instruments that make it easier to work in the classroom.

Students love to learn independently, looking for information in this program. It's simple and fun to use. You can use the Quiz section to test students' knowledge. In this section, students should not only identify the piece of music, but also show the composer and his portrait.

The Music Class program is also less interesting, where you can learn both music and solfeggio. This curriculum is great for elementary school students.

Which kid doesn't like games? Children are prepared to sit and work on the Tic-Tac-Toe and Musical Cubes musical games, where they identify instruments, timelines, ensembles, notes, and compose musical dictation from the cubes.

The "History of Musical Instruments" and "Electronic Piano" sections complement each other perfectly. In the first section, students learn about groups of musical instruments, their history, types, and in the other section, they work on one of the 10 musical instruments offered. This combination gives good results because children not only learn the instruments theoretically, but also practice them almost.

There are programs for writing musical text, editing it, for example, Final. This program can be used for creating melodies, arranging, and playing musical instruments.

Using a synthesizer and a computer in lessons is an interesting synthesis. Children are also interested in listening to the work performed by the teacher, trying to complete the work with different timbres, or simply playing in the timbre they like.

Thus, the use and application of computers and computer technology in music lessons is possible and necessary. Kids will enjoy attending classes, productivity and, most importantly, children’s interest in your classes will increase.

To make the topic "Music" interesting and engaging for students, it is necessary to take into account the interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary connections, the logic of the learning process, the age characteristics of students, the cultural level of students, using modern principles of pedagogical techniques and information technology .

The "Music" program of educational institutions aims to achieve many goals during the study of this course:

• formation of musical culture as an integral part of spiritual culture;

• development of musicality, musical ear, sound of music, musical culture, memory, empathy, figurative and associative thinking, creative imagination;

• music and music, its intonation-figurative nature, genre and stylistic diversity, peculiarities of musical language, musical folklore, local heritage and modern works of local and foreign composers, the influence of music on man, his other art relationship with species and life;

• acquisition of practical skills and abilities in various types of musical and creative activities: listening to music, singing (including music-oriented), making musical instruments, music-plastic movement, dramatization of performed works;

• emotional and value attitude to music, constant interest in the music and musical art of their own people and other peoples of the world, the need for independent communication with students' musical taste, high artistic music and musical self-education , developing a culture of listening and playing students.

What does the use of computer technology give us in music lessons?

In preparation for the lesson, it expands the database of information related not only to the world of music, but also to the world of art in general, which helps to master the curriculum more effectively.

Three-dimensional, animation, video, sound, imitation of traditional visual techniques, interactivity, hypertext of computer programs allow more effective development of all types of cognition and use all types of memory in the lesson: visual, auditory, motor, figurative, associative. This significantly increases the intensity of the lesson, especially during the presentation lessons, and also helps to expand the interdisciplinary links in the presentation of the lesson material. For example, when studying “Music of the Peoples of the World,” after listening to a piece of music, this country or region is on a map. With the help of the program "Musical Instruments of the Peoples of the World" students are told about the instruments used by the peoples of a particular country or region, the history of their creation, the materials they are created, the sound of these instruments is heard, their national tastes are discussed.

With the help of computer programs, it was possible to use such forms of lessons as "Exercise-excursion, lesson-concert, lesson-game, etc." on the theme "Musical Peterhof", and even a minute of physical training benefits the better mastering of the material can be carried out in an unusual way. Part of the "Magic Tube" program will be shown, Mozart's music will be played, the silhouette of a musician playing various musical instruments will appear on the screen, children will repeat his movements, imitate the described instruments and try not to break the rhythm and tempo of the music.

The use of backing track and karaoke allows to significantly enrich and expand the repertoire of songs performed in class and school activities, as well as allows the teacher to control the quality of performance by each student.

In addition to mastering the Music course syllabus, students acquire computer skills, especially when conducting integrated lessons in a computer classroom, which forces the teacher to continuously improve their knowledge and skills.

We need to address the issue of compiling curricula that can be used in music lessons, with the task of integrating information and communication technologies into the educational process.

Existing programs can be divided into the following groups:

• information - encyclopedias: classical music, popular music, chanson, jazz, musical instruments, theater, ballet, etc. The advantage of these programs is that a large part of the information provided, so the "Encyclopedia of Classical Music" includes 278 articles about composers from all over the world, 209 pieces of music. a description of the most popular works and their content, 44 musical instruments are displayed in the animation and their sound samples are given, 121 articles introduce the most famous performers around the world. The authors did not forget to tell about the ten main genres of music (opera, ballet, operetta, symphony, concert, sonata, piano music, chamber music, cantata and oratorios, songs and romances) with illustrations, videos and fragments of musical sound. If you want, you can use the dictionary where you can find all the necessary knowledge in 489 articles. You can take 12 virtual tours around the world and get acquainted with their musical culture. With 150 quiz questions, you can independently assess your level of musical knowledge;

• thematic - educational and developmental: MP Mussorgsky "Pictures in the exhibition", PI Tchaikovsky "The Sparrow", "Seasons", S. Saint-San "Animal Carnival" and others. With the help of these programs animation, three-dimensional graphics in an interesting way introduce us to the content and musical features and artistic images of individual works of world-famous composers;

- educational games - "Learn by drawing", "Clifford. Try music, for example", "Music class", etc. For example, "Music class" is a program that captures the knowledge provided in the federal music program. The Music Theory course helps students learn and understand the basic terms of musical literacy - note, melody, interval, melody, harmony, rhythm, and more. "Tic-tac-toe" The game allows the most attentive students to master the computer by correctly guessing musical instruments, notes, pauses. "Music Cubes" will help you collect melodies, while "Musical Dictation" will test your ear for music and memory. The program "History of musical instruments" will help you not only to determine what musical instruments are available, but also to hear their sound. "Computer piano" allows you to play any music on a computer keyboard with different instruments (harp, clarinet, speaker, drum, guitar, f piano, synthesizer, bells and timpani). With Cybersynthesizer, you can create your own compositions in the style of "Rock", "Techno", "Rock-n-roll", "Country" and "Latin";

• music library - recordings of musical works: competitions by countries, composers, genres;

• Phonograms of songs learned by students.

Even this small analysis shows how much information technology can open up for us in teaching.

Depending on the level of computer mastery of the teacher and the experience of using information technology, there are three levels (stages) of using information technology in music lessons:

• The first of these levels (computer skills at the user level) is suitable for a consistent study of elements of the musical tradition - the use of individual elements of the curriculum during the lesson;

• the second (knowledge and mastery of a wide range of programs) - to determine the synthesis of these elements and their further development - to create your own lesson-presentations;

• The third (ability to work in local networks) - the emergence of a tendency to synthesize in the true sense of the word outside the boundaries of music pedagogy, and the transformation of the latter into interdisciplinary - the conduct of integrated lessons in computer classrooms.

The same levels are used to assess students' age-appropriate use of computer programs in the classroom.

Practice has shown that the effective use of computer programs in music lessons in all primary and secondary grades, the choice of curricula taking into account the age-related interests of students, readiness to understand the material presented and the level of computer mastery possible.

Thus, a music library and phonograms are mainly suitable for 1st and 2nd graders; educational and game programs, using their individual elements.

Grades 3-4 students are well received by thematic-educational and developmental; educational and play programs; audio library and phonograms full, partial information. However, you can include individual elements of both programs in the lesson and make a presentation.

In the middle link, all program groups are already fully involved, and classes are conducted using both individual elements of the program and in the form of lesson-presentations and integrated lessons.

At what stage of the lesson can this be done? Someone! When reviewing past material, introducing a new topic, reinforcing material in class, spending a minute of physical education, and so on.

However, the use of computer technology in the classroom cannot be considered as a cure for all problems. It is only a means to an end. The ability to solve a problem, to engage your readers in it, to find the necessary forms, methods and means of solving it, is not possible by any computer. The leading role in the educational process always remains with the teacher. As Anatoly Gin puts it: "Each participant in the learning process decides for himself whether to keep pace with the future or to step back with his heels."



List of used literature:


1.    Alla Guslyakova. Information technology and linguistics of the XXI century. Linguistics-2016

2.    David Moshella. A guide to the digital future. Foreign journalism-2018

3.    Manfred Spitzer Anti-brain: digital technologies and the brain. Medicine-2012

4.    Yu.A. Bryukhanov. A team of authors. Basics of digital signal processing. Yaroslavl 2013



Internet resources used:











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Learn by drawing", "Clifford.

Learn by drawing", "Clifford.

Fulfillment of this requirement requires, first of all, the teacher to know at least the simplest computer programs

Fulfillment of this requirement requires, first of all, the teacher to know at least the simplest computer programs

Using a synthesizer and a computer in lessons is an interesting synthesis

Using a synthesizer and a computer in lessons is an interesting synthesis

In addition to mastering the Music course syllabus, students acquire computer skills, especially when conducting integrated lessons in a computer classroom, which forces the teacher…

In addition to mastering the Music course syllabus, students acquire computer skills, especially when conducting integrated lessons in a computer classroom, which forces the teacher…

The same levels are used to assess students' age-appropriate use of computer programs in the classroom

The same levels are used to assess students' age-appropriate use of computer programs in the classroom
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