Устное высказывание на тему "Choosing a career"
Оценка 4.8

Устное высказывание на тему "Choosing a career"

Оценка 4.8
английский язык
Устное высказывание на тему "Choosing a career"
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Choosing a career


    A famous saying of Confucius kənˈfjuːʃəs goes: «Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.»  That’s what thousands of recent school-leavers are struggling to do. But with thousands of careers to choose from how to pick one that will become your calling? Making a satisfying career choice is one of the most crucial decisions in a person's life.


    Choosing the right career path can determine our future. There are many influencers on a teenager’s career decision. Different things can spark a lifelong interest in a job and affect a young person’s decision making. First of all figure out where your career interests are. Skills, interests, personality, and values play an important role in a career choice. Listen to your heart. It will help you to find your calling a job that you’re good at, you’re comfortable with and enjoy doing.  As far as I know parents are the most important influencers on a young person’s career decision. Young people often follow in their parents’ footsteps to keep their family work traditions. Another idea is that peer pressure can sometimes limit young people’s career aspirations. What is more a great teacher can set a student on a lifelong love for a subject. Teachers might see talents that parents or students themselves might overlook.The media portrays different jobs under different lights; some are viewed as more glorious than others. But that does not mean it is the right fit for everyone.

   Before choosing a career we try to make sure that it's in hot demand and there is a wide range of available job opportunities to secure our future. We can't completely ignore the money factor as money can help our dreams come true. No one would choose a job that offers low pay, job insecurity, long working hours with pressure and harassment at the workplace.

    Very often young people feel frustrated as they can’t understand what they want. A good career test can give you some insights into yourself, show you options you may not have thought about on your own, and confirm things you already believe about yourself. If you have access to reliable assessments, they can help you through this process.


    Nowadays more and more young people do not enter a university after leaving school but take a gap year. The concept of a gap year started in the UK in the 1960s. Young people often set off on gap year programs after finishing secondary school and before starting university. Those individuals have an opportunity to travel to a foreign country, get a job where they can earn job experience, earn money to help them get through school, or volunteer both at home and/or abroad. While gap year programs are commonly pursued by students from a number of countries (particularly those in the British Commonwealth, such as Australia, New Zealand, and Canada), the gap year concept is also growing in popularity in the United States. And with the example William and Kate set for all students, it’s not hard to see why. After passing his A Levels, Prince William had a one year break before going to university. William took full advantage of his gap year opportunities and got involved in a number of international adventures, including preparing for survival exercises with the Welsh Guards in Belize |bɛˈliːz|. He  slept in a hammock, wearing jungle combats, and eating army rations |ˈraʃ(ə)n|, worked as a volunteer with Raleigh |ˈrɑːli|   International in Chile, helping build new walkways, worked on a dairy farm in the UK, and visited several countries in Africa, teaching English in local schools. I myself wish that I would have taken a year off to travel and get some work experience. I believe that it is a very beneficial option that many students should start taking advantage of.



    To tell you the truth, I don’t want to start a false path to my true destiny, that’s why I have to give some serious thoughts to choose a profession that suits my own interests & preferences, a job which allows me to realize my abilities & skills, my full potential. Nowadays there's diversity in career choices and each person has his own criteria about what makes a great career. It seems to me the future belongs to quick-thinking people who are resourceful, ambitious and can take the initiative. But we should be aware of possible responsibilities, wages, education requirements, work related hazards. As a matter of fact many of us are still on the fantasy level about the future jobs, for there is a great difference between the career aspirations and the real world of work. We neglect the fact that every job has a share of drudgery |ˈdrʌdʒəri| and boredom about it. Certain careers are prone to high levels of stress and depression. That’s why it is of the utmost importance крайне важно, чтобы  to think about all pros and cons so as not to regret your decision to follow this or that career afterwards.


     In my opinion, the final career choice should depend on what you are interested in, although our interests are as important as our abilities. I need a job, which provides pleasant working conditions, good promotion opportunities & immense job satisfaction.   

    I’d like to make a strong position in interpreting & translating. Why? It’s self-explanatory  |ˌsɛlfɪkˈsplanətri| I think. Firstly, career of the interpreter is evidently connected with learning foreign language, travelling abroad, visiting different cultural, historical places, meeting new interesting people, studying their way of life and approach, watch a life that is constantly on the go, so to say feel the heartbeat of human race. That’s the constant development of your personality, permanent enlargement of the knowledge and all the joys of communication, of course. Secondly, you can earn plenty of money being a prosperous man.

    Some people say in the century of high technology the profession of an interpreter & translator is dying. But I disagree. Translation is not a matter of substituting words in one language for words in another. It is a matter of understanding the thought expressed in one language and then explaining it using the resources of another language. In other words, what an interpreter does is change words into meaning, and then change meaning back into words of a different language.


Of course, the job will possess a challenge to me every day. You never know how your speech or act may end up, or what influence on other people it may have. You have to be broadly educated & also creative person, have a good taste & be well-mannered. Of course, one needs to study a lot to become a professional interpreter. But the game is worth the candles. I would like to become an interpreter, even though I know that it would take quite a lot of effort & dedication. Anyway, I’m sure everything is possible if I have a faith. Because if you think you can, you can, if you think you can’t you are right.


Choosing a career A famous saying of

Choosing a career A famous saying of

To tell you the truth, I don’t want to start a false path to my true destiny , that’s why

To tell you the truth, I don’t want to start a false path to my true destiny , that’s why
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