Валеологический компонент на уроках английского языка.
Упражнение на релаксацию и развитие психических процессов:
1. Clap your hands when you hear seasons: cold, winter, fine, spring, summer, dentist, autumn.
2. Raise your hands when you hear the word about the weather: rainy, foggy, favourite, hate, hot, summer, sunny, snowy.
Учащимся предлагается выполнить определенную команду, услышав нужное слово по заданной теме. Команды могут варьироваться:
Nod your head if I am right.
Shake your hands when …
Stamp your feet when…
3. Упражнение «Массаж».
Под считалку «Ten Little Indian Boys» массажируем пальцы на руках.
Под команду « Massage your ears» массажируем ушные раковины.5
Упражнения на профилактику осанки:
Stand up. Hands up, hands down, hands to the shoulders, roll.
Hands on hips, bend left, bend right.
Swim, fly, climb and dance.
A deep breath.
Hands up, shake, shake.
Hands down, shake, shake and sit down.
Вот примеры некоторых активных форм работы, с успехом используемых на уроках.
After a bath.
After a bath I try, try, try, to wipe myself till
I dry, dry, dry. I wipe my hands and fingers and toes and two wet legs
and a little shiny nose.
Just think how much less time
I'd take if I were a dog and could shake, shake, shake.
1. Have you ever seen the moo-moo come to tea have a look at me the moo-moo you will see Moo-moo! Attention! Moo - moo ! Begin ! Right arm ! (поднимаем и машем)
2. Повторяем первую часть и добавляем: Left arm
3. Right leg
4. Left leg
5. Nod your head
6. Turn around
7. Sit down
Ten little fingers
Ten little toes
Two little ears
And one little nose
Two little eyes
They shine so bright
One little mouth to say good night.
Teddy bear turn
Teddy bear touch the ground
Teddy bear nod you head
Close your eyes and go to bed.
Hands up, hands
Hands on hips, sit down
Bent left to the side
Bent left bent right
1, 2, 3 hop 1, 2, 3 stop!
Stand still
Its fun to this
Its fun to be that
To leap like lamp
To climb like a cat
To swim like a fish
To hop like a frog
To trot like a horse
To jump like a frog
One one one little dog run
Two two two cats see you
Three three three birds in the tree
Four four four frogs on the floor.
I like to read I like to play
I like to study every day
I like to jump I like to run
I like to play, it’s fun.
1. Hands up, hands down
Hands on hips, sit down
Bent left to the side
Bent left bent right
1, 2, 3 hop 1, 2, 3 stop!
Stand still
2. Stand up clap clap
Arms up clap clap
Step step arms down
Clap clap please sit down
3. Hands up clap clap clap
Hands down shake shake shake
Hands on hip jump jump jump
Hop hop hop stop stand still
Good sit down please
4. I can jump I can run
I can sing I can dance
I can swim I can’t fly
I can climb and say good bye.
7. Hands on the head
Hands on the hips
Hands on the table
Hands like this
Hands on the shoulders
Hands up and down
Hands behind the head
And sit down.
8. Hand up clap clap
Hands down clap clap
Hands on the head hop hop
Hands on the hips hop hop
9. Two little feet go tap tap tap
Two little hands go clap clap clap
Two little feet go jump jump jump
Two little hands go thump thump thump
10. One one one little dog run
Two two two cats see you
Three three three birds in the tree
Four four four frogs on the floor.
11. Can you hop like a rabbit
Can you jump like a frog
Can you walk like a duck
Can you run like a dog
Can you fly like a bird
Can you swim like a fish
Can you be like a good child
As still as you wish
15. Ten little fingers
Ten little toes
Two little ears
And one little nose
Two little eyes
They shine so bright
One little mouth to say good night.
16. Three little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell of and bumped his bed
Mom called the doctor and the doctor said
No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.
17. Stand up and look around
Shake your head and turn around
Stamp your feet upon the ground
Clap your hands and than sit down.
18. посмотрите птичка bird
Нам пример она дает
Чтобы небо ближе стало
Делай up и делай down
19. прибежала кошка cat
тоже хочет дать совет
чтоб как я вам гибкой стать
наклоняйтесь left and right
Hokey Cokey
(Chorus) Oh, hokey cokey cokey.
Oh, hokey cokey cokey.
Oh, hokey cokey cokey.
Knees bend, arms wave, ra, ra, ra!
You put your left leg in, your left leg out,
In out, in out and shake it all about.
You do the hokey cokey and turn around,
That’s what it’s all about. (Chorus)
You put your right leg in, …etc… (Chorus)
You put your left arm in, …etc … (Chorus)
You put your right arm in, …etc… (Chorus)
You put your whole self in, …etc… (Chorus)
Song 2 Heads, shoulders, knees and toes
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Song 3 Music man
I am the music man, I come from far away,
And I can play, what can you play? I play piano.
Pia-pia-piano, piano, piano
Pia-pia-piano, pia-piano.
I am the music man, I come from far away.
And I can play, what can you play? I can the big drum.
Boom-de-boom, boom-de-boom,
Pia-pia-piano, piano,piano.
Pia-pia-piano, pia-piano
I am the music man, I come from far away.
And I can play, what can you play? I play the trumpet.
Toot-te-toot, toot-te-toot.
Boom-de-boom, boom-de-boom,
Pia-pia-piano, piano, piano
Pia-pia-piano, pia-piano
Song 5 Put your finger on your head
Put your finger on your head, on your head.
Put your finger on your head, on your head.
Put your finger on your head.
Tell me, is it green or red?
Put your finger on your head, on your head.
Put your finger on your nose, on your nose.
Put your finger on your nose, on your nose.
Put your finger on your nose,
You can feel the cold wind blows
Put your finger on your nose, on your nose.
Put your finger on your cheek, on your cheek.
Put your finger on your cheek, on your cheek.
Put your finger on your cheek,
Leave it there about a week.
Put your finger on your cheek, on your cheek.
Put your finger on your ear, on your ear.
Put your finger on your ear, on your ear.
Put your finger on your ear,
Leave it there about a year.
Put your finger on your ear, on your ear.
Put your finger on your finger, on your finger.
Put your finger on your finger, on your finger.
Put your finger on your finger,
And your finger on your finger.
Put your finger on your finger, on your finger.
Физминутки на уроках английского языка
Up and Down
Up and down, up and down
Clap your hands and turn around.
Clap Your Hands
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Step, step, step your feet,
Step your feet together.
Touch, touch, touch yoyr cheeks,
Touch your cheeks together.
Touch, touch, touch your ears,
Touch your ears together.
Shake, shake, shake your hands,
Shake your hands together.
Smile, smile at your friends,
Let us smile together.
*** ***
I can
I can run, run, run
I can skip, skip, skip,
I can cook, cook, cook,
I can sweep, sweep, sweep.
Look and Point
Look at the ceiling,
Look at the door,
Look at the window,
Look at the floor.
Point to the window,
Point to the door,
Point to the window,
Point to the floor.
This is the Way
This is the way you wash your face,
Wash your face, wash your face.
This is the way you wash your face
All on Sunday morning.
This si the way you wash your hands,
Wash your hands, wash your hands.
This is the way you wash your hands
All on Monday morning.
This is the way you brush your teeth,
Brush your teeth, brush your teeth.
This is the way you brush your teeth
All on Tuesday morning.
This is the way you brush your hair,
Brush your hair, brush your hair.
This is the way you brush your hair
All on Wednesday morning.
This is the way you clean your shoes,
Clean your shoes, clean your shoes.
This is the way you clean your shoes
All on Thirsday morning.
This is the way you eat your food,
Eat your food, eat your food.
This is the way you eat your food
All on Friday morning.
This is the way you drink your tea,
Drink your tea, drink your tea.
This is the way you drink your tea
All on Saturday morning.
- расслабить мышцы лица и рук; затем затылка, шеи, плеч, рук, грудной клетки, живота и ног. При этом все тело погружается в покой. Дыхание спокойно. Дети не должны отвлекаться на посторонние мысли:
I am ready to rest.
I want to be quiet.
All my muscles are relaxed.
My breast muscles are relaxed
My body is resting.
Nothing can trouble me.
Чувство тяжести
Расслабление мышц субъективно воспринимается как чувство тяжести. Сначала его можно вызвать в одной руке, на следующих уроках - в другой, а затем в обеих одновременно. Со временем чувство тяжести может смениться приятным ощущением легкости, невесомости
2. My left arm is heavy.
My right leg is heavy.
All my muscles are relaxed and resting.
I am quiet. Etc.
Чувство тепла
Ощущение тепла обеспечивает лучший отдых, успокаивает нервную систему:
My right arm is warm.
My body is warm.
Nothing diverts my attention. Etc.
Заключительная часть
Выход из аутогенного погружения должен быть спокойным, постепенным.
I open my eyes.
I have a lot of energy. I am active and strong.
I can do any work easily.
My body is light.
Пример комплексной релаксации.
(Quiet music)
Sit comfortably. Close your eyes.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Let's pretend it's summer. You are lying on a sandy beach. The weather is fine. The light wind is blowing from the sea. The birds are singing. You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quiet. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. Nothing diverts your attention. You are relaxing. (Pause)
Your troubles float away.
You love your relatives, your school, your friends. They love you too. Learn to appreci¬ate every good thing. The Earth is full of wonders. You can do anything. You are sure of yourself, that you have much energy. You are in good spirits.
Open your eyes. How do you feel?
Зарядк и для снятия мышечного утомления с пальцев при письме.
These are mother's forks and knives ( пальцы обеих рук скрещены )
This is mother's table ( изображаем столик )
This is mother's looking glass ( изображаем зеркальце и прихорашивающуюся маму )
This is baby ' s cradle . (колыбелька для ребенка)
Five little gentlemen going for a walk. Five little gentlemen stop for a talk. Along came five ladies they stood all together and they began to dance.
(5 пальчиков – джентельмены, 5 пальчиков – леди, они встречаются и начинают танцевать).
Зарядка для глаз.
Look left, right. Look up, look down. Look around. Look at your nose. Look at that rose. Close your eyes. Open, wink and smile. Your eyes are happy again.
Упражнение «Комплименты».
Дети по очереди говорят друг другу добрые слова, стараясь акцентировать достоинства своих одноклассников.
1. Игра «Подарок».
Предлагается подарить своему однокласснику что-то нематериальное. «Я дарю тебе счастье (солнце, дружбу)».
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